Rachel gagged as she struggled with the pace her husband’s cock was hitting the back of her throat. Stuffed under the covers in her marital bed at 5:30 a.m. to tend to the raging hard cock wasn’t her favorite way to start a morning. It was hot under those covers and she was starting to sweat.
She was sure millions of wives had been in this same predicament as their husbands held their heads using their mouth for pleasure. Sweat forming on the back of their neck as the relentless assault on their throat continued. Hoping it would be over soon. Slurping and sucking their hearts out trying to end the tiredome duty so they can come out from under the covers and enjoy a breath of cool air.
Rachel is fully aware that how she got in her current situation was altogether different from those millions of other wives. Because while she disliked this on Some levels she craved it in all of the deep dark corners of her mind. Not so much the act of sucking cock, or being face fucked asshe was currently, but the act of being controlled. She LOVES it. She NEEDS it. And since her Domme Kasey had given Rachel’s husband “free use” privileges of her mouth she was obligated to give him pleasure with her mouth anytime he chose.
His grip tightened in her hair and she heard a soft husky moan. His body tensed and she was “rewarded” for her effort with a load of his salty essence. Thankful it was over she swallowed the gooey substance.
Rachel is in her early 30s with two young children and a husband she loves dearly. The “perfect life” according to most outside observers. Depression after her second child had been tough on her and as a result on her husband as well.
Derek is a great guy. Nice, honest, hardworking with a wonderful personality. Just a good wholesome American guy. He met Rachel right after college and things progressed to marriage 18 months later.
It has been just over three months since Rachel confessed to Derek that she loved him with all of her heart but she had needs that weren’t being met. Derek was a good lover by vanilla standards but Rachel had darker needs. She craved being controlled and made to do things. Nasty, humiliating types of things.
To complicate things, as women’s emotions normally do, she didn’t want to let Derek try to control her. She didn’t want to soil or tarnish him by exposing him to her embarrassingly kinky desires. Nor did she want to ruin their wonderful vanilla relationship and marriage. She felt if he learned too much about her kinky side he might see her in a different light. Or worse yet decided she wasn’t a woman he wanted to be married to the rest of his life.
Rachel wanted to try and let Kasey, a friend of hers from college, take control. Kasey and Rachel had been unlikely friends as Kasey was a hot blonde sorority girl while Rachel was a more shy and private person not wanting the busy sorority girl lifestyle.
Derek knew very little about Kasey. She had come to themr wedding. He met her briefly and did admit she was a beautiful blonde bombshell. He knew that Kasey put in a good word for Rachel when she applied for her current job several years back. Apparently Kasey knew Rachel’s boss in some capacity. And he knew Rachel had lunch with Kasey a few times over the last year.
Rachel explained that Kasey was the trophy wife of a man in his 50s which had led to her becoming a bored housewife. She admitted that she and Kasey had been intimate a couple of times in college with Kasey always taking control of Rachel.
“It was no big deal. We were drunk college girls exploring. She always had a boyfriend and I dated guys too. But when she got tired of the sorority social life she would come get me and we would get drunk. After which she normally took control of me and we fooled around. Harmless fun. And until now, neither of us has ever told anyone about it.”
After several days of soul searching conversations Derek agreed to meet Kasey forlunch. Just the two of them so he could ask her questions to help calm any of his fears. The lunch went well. Probably because Kasey was so hot that Derek didn’t stand a chance of saying no. They agreed to some ground rules and exchanged numbers so they could text about anything going on with Rachel that the other person should know about.
A couple of key issues that neither Rachel nor Derek realized put Kasey in complete control. You see Derek still didn’t know much about his wife’s dark desires. She was too embarrassed to share so he didn’t push for details or examples. He just wanted his wife to be happy.
And Rachel didn’t know the ground rules that Kasey and Derek agreed upon. She was just so happy to be embarking on finding herself again. She had felt like she lost herself after having kids and wanted to get back to at least having one thing for just herself.
Rachel knew Kasey would push her limits but part of her craved that reality. Giving herself over to Kasey’s whims was a huge turn on. Tons of kinky things lurked in her mind. But she wanted to be “forced” to do them. Exhibitionism, being used as a sex toy, humiliation. Even becoming a complete slave to Kasey fueled some of her orgasms during masturbation. But could she really do the things that drive her to orgasms while masturbating?
Kasey’s husband Thomas travelled for business frequently allowing Kasey the freedom to Find time to see Rachel. Kasey started things slow with Rachel to keep everyone involved at ease.
The first meeting Kasey got Rachel alone was one evening after work when Thomas was out of town on business. This means Derek was home taking care of the children.
The two women shared a bottle of wine allowing Kasey time to remind Rachel that her current boss, David, had dated Kasey in college. And Kasey still thought he was hot. Rachel explained he was going through a dividend and seemed “high strung” some days.
“Interesting.” Kasey thought aloud, “Perhaps I should take control of your clothes quicker than I was planning. I’m sure David would enjoy some eye candy around the office.” she giggled.
“Kasey! He is my direct boss. That is dangerous for me.” Rachel replied.
“Oh nonsense. You loved it in college when guys ogled you and made crude comments about that ass or your nipples pointing at them.”
“I did. I admit it. But my boss? That’s just….”
“Enough.” Kasey interrupted Rachel.
“This isn’t a debate. You NEED me and you will do well to remember that. Now crawl over here and eat my pussy like my college slut years ago.”
Rachel’s pussy dampened as she watched Kasey recline on the couch. Spreading her tan legs to reveal she wasn’t wearing any panties under her sundress. The 10 years since college evaporated as Rachel’s face approached the wet pussy in front of her.
It was obvious that Kasey got waxed on a regular basis as her skin was so soft and smooth against Rachel’s lips as she kissed her way down from the belly button. Rachel also noticed that Kasey must sun naked as there were no tan lines on her journey down to the moist treasure.
“Ahhhhh, now THIS is something I can get used to.” Kasey sent enjoying the pleasure Rachel’s tongue was providing her.
“You have to trust me Rach. With the general ground rules your hubby agreed to we are going to stoke your inner demonstrates like you have only dreamed of. And I know David well enough to not jeopardize your job.”
Rachel spent the next 45 minutes becoming reacquainted with Kasey’s sweet pussy. It always baffled her how Kasey always tasted fresh and sweet. Like she had just come out of the shower. Even after the two of them partied all night in college when Rachel ate her pussy it tasted so fresh and sweet.
Kasey enjoyed two orgasms over the 45 minutes that Rachel worshipped her. Thoughts of the fun she would have putting Rachel through her paces rolled through her mind.
“When you get home give Derek a blowjob. As a “thank you” for keeping the kids tonight. I will text him and let him know you will be giving him a BJ tonight as a thank you for him. This will serve two purposes. One is he won’t quiz you about what we did. The second is it will keep you from having an orgasm. As I told you earlier orgasm control or denial will be a huge part of my control over you. NO Orgasms without MY permission! PERIOD.” Kasey commanded as they walked to the door.
Derek quickly became accustomed to the “thank you” blow jobs his wife gave him every time she came home from seeing Kasey. He also noticed a few new blooms that were tighter than her older blooms. The buttons between her 38 C cups were pulled tight clearly showing her ample chest to the world.
He knew Kasey was going to control his wife’s attire so he didn’t say anything. He figured she was just provoking male attention to give some milk humiliation to his wife. Make her blush if she got cat calls from guys on the stret.
What he didn’t know about was the several new miniskirts his wife was hiding to keep him from getting upset with Kasey. The ingenious plan was for Rachel to wear a new miniskirt under her old longer skirts. Then she could put the old skirt in the trunk of her car when she swapped her flat shoes for one of her pair of 3 inch heels.
Kasey had bought Rachel 4 pairs of 3 inch heels to be Worn at work. There was a black pair along with white, red and tan. She was now forced to wear 3 inch heels when she wasn’t at home.
Rachel would never forget the first day of her new work dress code. Kasey had her wear a black miniskirt that was about halfway down her thigh. Usually her skirts touched the top of her knee so showing several inches of her thighs made her nervous. But also excited her exhibitionist side. And not being allowed stockings made it even hotter for her. Showing the world the flesh of her thighs added to the nervous adrenaline.
A simple white blouse andHer new black heels completed her outer ensemble. Kasey didn’t give any instructions on undergarments except a universal one of only wearing thongs going forward. “Your choices are a thong or nothing at all.” Kasey had chirped with a smile.
Rachel’s mind was becoming more comfortable with being sexy again. Not just a mother of two but also a person. A sexual being and it was ok to feel good about herself if men found her attractive.
On this Friday she was feeling naughty and decided to wear a matching set with a white lace bra and thong. She had never defeated the white lace bra out of the house before today because her large sensitive nipples would show through the lace causing her to be embarrassed.
She figured it would give the guys at work a jolt seeing her in heels, short skirt and tight blouse with her nipples more than likely showing. Hopefully just the right amount of embarrassing to excite her. But more importantly she was having lunch with Kasey and wanted to please her by playing along with the “give David something to look at” campaign. It had been weeks since her last orgasm and she hoped to please Kasey enough to earn an orgasm.
Rachel worked in a small satellite office for a large company. The office was mostly men. But the guys were nice and rarely bothered her with sexual banter although she knew a couple of them wanted her. She could never get a read on her boss. David was reserved and normally too busy to pay much attention to Rachel.
Midmorning Rachel got a text from Kasey, “Feeling slutty? Legs and tits all exposed for the guys to stare and lust over?”
“Yes Kasey. Very slutty and exposed.”
“Good. That’s how I want My slut to feel. Now take a walk around the office. Make sure to walk by David’s office. Let me Know if he takes a look.”
Rachel’s stomach churned as she thought about the impending trip around the office. Being called, “My slut” along with the command to “take a walk”, showing Kasey’s clearcontrol over her, did have her feeling erotic and naughty.
Heading to the bathroom would mean walking past David’s office twice. She made eye contact with David as she passed his door. Luckily he was on his phone so there was no need to speak to him. Around the corner she passed one of the guys from the warehouse who stared at her boobs without even trying to hide that he was looking.
Her already erect nipples grow harder as he whispered, “Wow” as they passed in the narrow hallway. Once in the bathroom her breathing was heavy from the excitement. Feeling very submissive and wanting to share her feeling with Kasey she snapped a selfie in the mirror to show how erect and visible her nipples were.
“OMG! Only a slut would get turned on prancing around her office letting the men see her goodies. Now edge your pussy before you return to work. I will see you at lunch.”
The command was welcomed if Rachel were honest with herself. She wanted to touch herself and beingtold to do so in a bathroom stall at work made it even hotter.
She stepped into a stall and immediately slipped a hand under her miniskirt. “One advantage to wearing a miniskirt” she thought as she slipped her to glide over her clip. Sexual electricity shot through her body as her fingers worked their magic. Moments later the pleasure gave way to frustration as she was forced to stop short of an orgasm.
Her hot thoughts turned on a dime as well, “Serves you right. Giving control of your sex life to another person. You deserve to be denied and punished.”
The walk back past Daivd’s office was uneventful as the door was closed. Probably because the warehouse guy was in there for a meeting.
When Rachel arrived at lunch she found Kasey in the back of the restaurant which she Assumed was on purpose when she noticed Kasey giggling as she got to the table. “Wow, I think everyone in here watched those babies bounce back here. I mean who could miss them with those torpedoes poking through that blouse.” she taunted in a whispered tone.
“I can’t help it. This lace bra allows them to move and my nipples are so sensitive they get like granite if I walk any distance.”
“Really? Very nice info indeed. Order 6 more bras just like that one. Multiple colors. Text me a screen shot of the order before you go to bed tonight. I will pay for them and you will wear them.” her last sentence made her chuckle.
“Ugh, Kas…” Rachel quickly swallowed her thought. Knowing it was better to agree than to complain. Especially if she wanted an orgasm anytime soon. “Yes Kasey. I appreciate you buying them for me.” she finished with a polite smile and opened her menu.
“Smart girl. Let me be clear. Going forward if you Complain too much about my ideas I may choose to show you how things can always be worse. In this case, for instance, I could make Friday a no bra day for you. Those C cups bouncing around with no support would be a sight to behold. Wouldn’t you agree?”
Rachel shuddered at the thought of going anywhere in public without a bra and especially didn’t like the idea of going to work without one.
“Yes Kasey. I will try to be more appreciated of your ideas for me.”
“That’s the spirit.” Kasey beamed as the waitress showed up to get their order.
As they ate Kasey asked, “So what made you wear that lace bra today?”
“To be honest it was several things. The most important was to please you and show I am your submissive and if you want me to give David something to look at then I will do my best.”
“It has been awhile since your last orgasm, hasn’t it?” Kasey smiled.
Rachel stared down into her salad. “Yes Kasey.”
“And you were hoping by taking initiative that I might allow you to enjoy the pleasure of an orgasm?”
“Y..ye.. yes Kasey. Pl…please. Th…this is all so new and while Derek most certainly enjoys the “Thank you” blow jobs I think he may be starting to miss… you know… intercourse.” Rachel whispered.
“Oh sweetheart.” Kasey mocked with a sarcastic tone of concern. “You should give your man what he wants. If you can’t do it without an orgasm then you have two choices. Be punished for having an unauthorized orgasm. OR be a slut and give him anal. Hell, he may love you even more if you start taking it up the ass.” she chuckled enjoying Rachel’s prediction.
“I…I …was… jus… just hoping you would let Derek and I have a somewhat normal sex life.”
“I’ll tell you what. I will allow you to have as many orgasms as you want tonight with Derek. After you blow him and swallow his load for the “thank you” bj since we are having lunch together. I mean a horny wife like you should be able to get her husband up for a second round, right?” Kasey giggled.
“Yes Kasey. Thank you!” Rachel gushed.
“Wait a minute. You haven’t heard the catch. I need you to do something to earn this privilegeI am giving you.”
“Oh god” Rachel thought as her stomach churned.
“You need to know I fucked David last night. And again this morning if the truth be told.It’s probably why he didn’t notice your outfit today being so wound out.But he was really interested in me having a female submissive to control and use to my heart’s content.”
Rachel’s inhale of breath was audible. “YOU DIDN’T”
“Relax. I haven’t told him who my female sub is yet. He is such a cool guy. He’s so non judgemental about sex. Like whatever gets me off is cool with him. And his cock is a NICE size. It’s thick. So thick I want to watch you gag on it.”
Rachel’s head was spinning. Her mind raced… “This is crazy. Just like carefree Kasey to not be concerned with the consequences of making me do shit like this. I’m married and she wants to watch me gag on my boss’ cock. Wait, did Derek agree to her making me service other guys? Would Derek be into that? Having a wif that is a slut? Maybe that makes me a better slut for him. Or make him feel ok treating me like a slut during sex.”
Kasey’s voice snapped Rachel out of her spiraling thoughts. “So my plan is simple. You will go in his office and he can facetime me so I can watch.”
“You can’t be serious.” Rachel replied in shock while noticing the moodness between her legs. Her kinky denied pussy was pulsing at the same rate her head was pounding.
“Think about it. Doing it in his office means he has more to lose than you do. He is your boss so they would fire him in a heartbeat. And me watching on facetime means no video of it for either of you two to worry about.”
Rachel sat quietly trying to control her emotions. Especially those damn kinky ones urging her to be the submissive slut she craved to be.
Kasey continued her explanation, “It’s harmless bdsm fun. It’s a slave being told to service a guy. Who the guy is doesn’t matter and who the slave is doesn’t matter. Soit’s not like cheating on your spouse. It’s performing a sex act for the entertainment of your Mistress.”
Kasey stood up to leave and leaned over to whisper in Rachel’s ear, “I fucked him after he came out of the shower this morning so text me afterwards and let me know if you can taste my juices on him.”
Then she stood tall and patted Rachel’s should as she walked off saying, “Don’t be late getting back to work.”
Shortly after Rachel got back to work David stopped in her doorway. “I have a report from corporate that I have a few questions about. Can you come to my office at 2:30 to go over it with me?”
“Sure. No problem.” Rachel replied in a professional tone hoping she didn’t sound nervous.
Moments later a text popped up on Rachel’s phone. “I hear my facetime entertainment is set for 2:30. Go to the bathroom and edge now. Send me a pic of your wet pussy when you finish.”
“Yes Kasey” was the quick reply as Rachel got up to obey.
As Rachel passed David’s office he gave her a big grin and she suddenly felt how hard her nipples were as they rubbed the lace confining them. Once in the stall the edging didn’t take long. Rachel was mortified at how wet her pussy looked in the picture she sent. The two fingers holding her folds apart were soaked in her juices.
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