I had been bad. I had been very bad. I hadn’t trusted him, I thought that I knew better than he. What fool I can be. The weight of my trespasses was nearly crushing me, I needed to be punished. He was displeased, and with good reason. He warned me if it happened again, there would be consequences, but I couldn’t bear the guilt of it already having happened. I was ignored, denied the affection I crave so dearly, and it ate me up inside. Only through unconcious habit did he hold me at night while we slept.
“I’ll be back some time before dark.” He said, and he took the dog to go bird hunting, leaving me alone for an undetermined amount of time. To sit and wait, like a dog for its master. I of course was expected to do more than sit, if I did only that, my punishment would surely continue.
I had cleaned the house, worked on projects, tried to busy myself as I must for myself, but also because it pleases him to see me be productive. I am worth more than just a slut, even if Iam that too. Even though I tried to busy myself and distract my mind, the guilt still wore away at me. Something needed to be done.
When his truck pulled up, I was ready. I knelt on the floor, waiting with his belt lain out in front of me, hands folded meekly in my lap, my head down. He walked up to me and his dirty, heavy work boots came into my sight. I slowly looked up, fearing his gaze. Pricker burs stuck to his well-worn black overalls, the sleeps of his red flannel were rolled up, showing his strong, capable forearms crossed over his barrel chest. I looked into his eyes and tired to wordlessly plead with him. He raised an eyebrow at the belt.
He was waiting. If I wanted it, I’d have to beg.
“Please. Please, I need this, I deserve this.”
He looked away and grunted to clear his throat. “Yeah, you do, don’t you? But you don’t deserve it if you’re going to enjoy it.”
“I won’t, I swear I won’t, please punishment me.”
“Get up.”
He snatched up thebelt and steered me by the back of my neck into the bedroom, where he pushed me toward the bed.
“Take your clothes off, elbows on the mattress.”
I did as I was told and bent over, practically at a 45 degree angle. He kicked my legs further apart, and my breathing started to quickly.
“I don’t want to do this, I don’t like doing this. You’ve made me though, you ask for it, remember that.”
He placed his hand on my ass and squeezed, pulling the chef to the side as if to get a nice view of the “before” image. His touch excited me, but I tried my best not to get aroused. I was not to enjoy this.
CRACK Without warning, he laid the first blow. I had forgotten how much that hurts, and it seems to hurt even more in the light of day. I could tell he was just warming up. He mean it when he said he didn’t want to do it, he worries about how much my small frame can handle. He always has my best interests in mind, I don’t know how I can ever doubt him.
And, and again, some sharp, some solid, all seemingly with more force than the one before. I gasped and struggled to keep from crying out too much. I could handle it, and I needed to.
Just as suddenly as he started, he stopped.
“What’s this?” He slide his hand along my pussy and stuck in it my face, to rub my nose in what I’d done. I could see the sheen of my wetness, the smell of it mixed with the smell of gun powder and metal on his hands.
“You swore, you little liar, you swore you wouldn’t enjoy this. How can I punish you if just get off on it? Is thereanythingyou don’t get off on, slut?”
“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to, I didn’t realize!”
With that he kicked my legs further apart and landed one solid, singing blow directly on my wet cunt. I couldn’t help but yelp with the pain of it.
“Didn’t like that as much, did you? Look at this, now I’m going to oil my belt to keep your slide from ruining the leather.”
My ass, my tights and my pussy were on fire. They throbbed as blood rushed to where it had fled from, I could feel the welts swell. He ran his hand over my ass to admire his handywork, it feel like brain under his soothing touch. I must have pushed against his hand, because he spanked me before pulling away.
“Easy girl. Now you stay just where you are.”
He sat on the foot of the bed, and undid his boots, as if it were the end of any work day. He stood, undid the fasteners on his overalls and smoked me playfully with one of straps, the metal end piece stung like hell and I jumped at its contact.
“Good thing we used a belt and not these, eh?” I looked at him with fear in my eyes, but didn’t say anything. “Christ girl, relax! Let’s see a smile.” He grabbed me by the chin and I smiled and pushed my face against his hand. “Atta girl,” He brushed the hair out of my face and looked me in the eyes. “You’ll be good now, you understand? I don’t want to have to do this again.”
I nodded vigourously, “I’ll be good, I promise!”
He stood in front of me and let his bibs fall as he unbuttoned his shirt. I couldn’t help but smile as I took in his incredible naked form, every inch of him nothing but masculinity. I eagerly bit my lip and looked up at him with a grin after my eyes locked onto his bobbing erection.
“How about you show me just how good you’ll be.”
I quickly crawled over the bed to where he was standing and bent down to get a good angle, my poor red striped ass high in the air. I began to appreciately lick at his smooth, rigid cock. I took it in my mouth and saved it for a moment, the wonderful way it felt in my mouth and the salty sweet taste of his precum that oozed as I squeezed at the base. I took it all as deep as I could and began to work up and down, licking and sucking, until drool ran down my chin. He pulled my hair back and held it firmly in his hand, I could feel him watching me as I did one of the things I love the most. I grabbed his ass and began to scoot back, pulling him with me so he could knee more comfortable on the bed, never once taking him from my mouth. Using my grip on his ass I pushed him towards me, so I could swallow him even deeper, sliding my hand down and between his legs to play with his balls, absolutely slick with my spit. I made sure to take my time, listening to his cues and reveling in his moans, chancing a glance up to see the look of pleasure on his face when I wasn’t too focused on my work.
“Yeah baby, just jerk it off.”
I love hearing those words. I started to jerk him off, all the while licking at his shake and head, looking up at him and smiling, waiting for it. A good girl deserves a treatment.
“Just like that, keep going.”
I positioned myself in front of him, ready.
“Here it comes, baby.”
And I swallow him whole, bobbing up and down with the pulse and spurt of his orgasm, holding his balls while they tighten up against his body, forcing all they have out, my other hand stroking his shake as I take care to swallow every drop.
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