Weekend Slaveboy

As Kevin was driving home from work on Thursday he got a text message from his Mistress reminding him that this weekend was going to be a celebration of his six month anniversary as her weekend slave. And that she planned to raise the stakes of what he would have to endure if he wished to continue serving her.

While continuing his drive home to his apartment, he thought back over all the things he had already endured in his efforts to please Mistress Ruth. The pain of the repeated spankings, paddlings, and whippings, the humiliation of having his body made hairless below the neck, the hours spent in bondage in various positions, and the relentless list of household chores that usually she managed to find fault with no matter how perfect he thought he had done. And then of course that tiny cock cage she had locked on him the very first weekend, forcing his six inch cock into it while she had the most evil smile on her face.

Fortunately as his imagination began to run wildas he tried to think of what else he would be made to endure for her he arrived back home. Parking the car he quickly exited it and went into his apartment and tried to focus his mind on anything except what he may be facing this weekend.

Even after climbing into bed, the memories of having his boi cunt, as she called it, violent repeatedly by her collection of strap-on dildos, the hours of pussy worship giving her numerous orgasms, and the requirement that he consume all the golden nectar she produced continued to flood his mind. He tossed and turned throughout the night before finally hearing his alarm clock’s incessant noise at 5 a.m. He quickly took his shower, checked to be sure there was no hair anywhere on his body that could get him in trouble, packed his weekend bag, and anxious off to work.

As he prepared for his 11 a.m. staff meeting, Mistress Ruth texted him a picture looking down at his boi cunt being fucked by one of her strap-ons. The memory of that event caused him to start feeling nervous as to what she might have in mind this weekend. But his traitorous cock tried to swell in its prison causing him to wince as it was constrained rather painfully. He didn’t realize his disappoint was obvious to anyone else, until the Human Resources director asked if anything was wrong. As he looked towards her he noticed a sexy smile on her face and that just further provoked his swelling cock.

Throughout the rest of his work day he worried that others might recognize his disappoint. He couldn’t wait for 5 p.m.so he could be out of there and be on his way to his Mistress. He thought the hour long drive would be a good chance to relax some.

Finally, quitting time had arrived and Kevin quickly picked up his office and headed out to the parking lot. Just as he reached his car, he found Laura the Human Resources Director and Claudia her secretary standing next to Claudia’s car which was parked next to his.

With those disconcerting smilesThey both wished him a great weekend and Laura added a remark about him being a different man by Monday. As he drove out of the parking lot he could not imagine what she meant by that remark and why Claudia laughed so hard when she made it. Needless to say his drive to his Mistress did not provide him the relaxation he had hoped for.

Upon his arrival at 6:30 p.m. he stood on her front doorstep and rang the bell and awaited her order to enter. Unexpectedly the door swung open, Mistress Ruth grabbed his bag and car keys out of his hand, and demanded that he strip right there! He was left aghast as she slammed the door in his face. Looking around he realized that he most probably would not be seen by anyone, but the step was in limited view of the road. Although the thought of disobeing going through his mind briefly, he realized she had the keys to his car, not to mention to the lock on his cock cage. So he succumbed to her demand and soon found himself standing there stark naked save for the cock cage. As he wondered what to do next, the door reopened and Mistress grabbed his clothes, again closing the door in his face! As he stood there he could hear vehicles driving by on the roadway so he stayed facing the door thinking at least nobody would see his face. After what seemed like hours, but was likely not more than fifteen minutes, Mistress Ruth opened the door again and said “This is how you will arrive at my door from now on. You shall not enter my house until you are naked! Now get your slave ass in here on your all fours like the owned chattel you are!”

Dropping to his hands and knees, Kevin quickly crawled into the house and waited for further instructions. Mistress Ruth reached down and roughly buckled a heavy leather collar with four big rings on it tightly around his neck. Without saying a word, she snapped a lean to the front center ring and yanked hard turning him around and headed towards the kitchen with him following along like a dog!

“Alright slave I expect my dinner served in one hour. The menu is on the counter. I will be relaxing with a glass of wine in the living room.”

When she left the room, he quickly rose, grabbed the menu and started currying around the kitchen to get her dinner served on time. It seemed like an impossible task, but he knew that failure on his part would be extremely painful, so he increased his efforts all in the hope of pleasing his demanding Mistress.

With just one minute to spare he became his Mistress to the dining room holding her chair for her as she was seated, then quickly served the meal. Since she said nothing about him joining her for dinner, he knelt next to her and waited for instructions. She quietly sampled everything on the plate, then smiled down at him and even gave him a few words of praise for his efforts. But just as he was basking in her graciousness, she barked at him that her wine glass needed to be refilled and what the hell was he doing? As he scurried back in with the bottle to refill her glass, she informed him that he had committed a grave error and would suffer a suitable punishment later. He just knew his poor ass was going to pay the price for this failure.

As she finished her meal, Mistress Ruth rose and ordered him to clean up the entire kitchen and report to her in the living room when he was finished. And she cautioned him not to take too long, but also to be sure he cleaned everything properly and put it in its correct place. Although she smiled as she gave him his orders, his trepidation began to rise as he knew that smile all too well, and it usually was not a good sign for him!

While he was busy doing his kitchen chores, Mistress Ruth changed into something more “comfortable” as she would say, a black corset attached to black stockings and spiked heels. The corset just covered her grogeous breasts and by leaving her divine womanhood bare, she just knew that the slave would be so surprised by her choiceof attire that he would be taken off his game so to speak. By the time he finished and reported to her in the living room, she was relaxing in her favorite chair idly struggling her cliporis and rubbing her now wet lips. As her slave entered on his hand and knees and crawled towards her, he realized how she was dressed and what she was doing. As she had hoped, he was totally unprepared for the vision that greeted him and he stopped crawling and just stared in disbelief!

“What’s the matter boy, have you never seen a woman taking care of her own needs before” teased his Mistress. “After all your cock is useless locked in that lovely cage!”

With a cruel laugh, she rose and snapped a lean to his collar again and announced, “Come along to my bedroom slave boy. You are going to tend to my needy pussy with your tongue like you have been trained. Of course, first you will have to suffer the discipline you earned for foolishly not keeping my wine glass filled.” And with that she yanked on his lean and quickly headed towards her bedroom almost pulling the slave along with her brisk pace.

When she had him positioned at the end of her bed, she beckoned him to stand with his hands behind his back. She quickly attached heavy leather cuffs to his wrists and ankles then demanded he bend over the end railing. As he did so his feeling of fear started to rise again as this is never a good sign when she cuffs him and orders him to bend over. But before he had a lot of time to worry, she grabbed his wrists and cuffed them to the corner bedposts, leaving him bent over with his ass raised and his face in a pillow, a position he well feared. Then he felt her grabbing his ankles and cuffing them to the bottom of the bedposts as well. This certainly left his ass fully exposed as well as his balls hanging down below his caged cock.

“Are you worried slave? You looked scared!!” chined Mistress Ruth. “Well maybe you should be, as I have decided that your punishment will be 50strokes of my razor strip on your ass. And to enhance your suffering I am going to thoroughly oil your ass and tights so the pain is increased for my pleasure.”

Oh god thought her slave, I have never taken that many with the razor strip and surely not on oiled skin. Why was she being so severe with him? It was just an oversight to not refill her wine glass. His appreciation was rising to new heights as he worried about the beating he was facing.

Then he felt the oil being poured on his cheeses and her hands starting to massage it in thoroughly. All the while she chided him about how much this was going to hurt, “There now your ass is all oiled up, but here let me get those thighs as well, I might want to beat those too. Oh and look at those hanging balls, I better oil them too just in case my strop hits them, accidentally of course!” she said with that sinister laugh he had come to know all too well.

“Prepare yourself slut! Here it comes!”

Crack!! Crack!! Crack!!CRACK!! The first four strokes bit into him like a hot poker iron, leaving him wondering how he would endure the rest of the strokes. Although he wanted to scream, he knew from previous training that she expected him to take his punishment in silence. Again he felt four more strokes, then a pause, and another four strokes. The pain was becoming unbearable, and he started to fear losing control and not remaining silent.

“I am impressed so far slave. Twelve strokes and you haven’t broken down like a little boy yet. Your ass is very red already though, so I will give you the next four on the back of your thighs so your ass gets a little rest. See how thoughtful I can be!” he heard her cache laughter as the strokes were laid onto his thighs which exploded in pain. He started to doubt his resolve to not scream out in pain, but then she switched back to his ass. The next 12 strokes came as before, in sets of four with a pause in between. He wondered why the pause, but was grateful,Until he heard noises that sounded like sloshing sounds. But then the next twelve strokes were laid on even harder than before leaving him gasping and close to breaking down.

“Only ten more strokes to endure, slave! Lucky for you as I am really wet now which will make it easier for you to orally please me when I finish your punishment.” into his Mistress.

It was as the next four strokes were delivered on his ass followed by four across his thighs that the slave realized the noises he heard were of his Mistress fingerprinting herself while she beat the daylights out of him! How humiliating to use his punishment as a sexual pleasure for herself!

“There boy, only four more strokes to endure. But these are going to be real special! I hope they hurt like hell!

And then she swung the sprint again, only This time bringing it vertically upward between his legs so that the end of it hit his balls. The scream he tried to let out seemed to get caught in his throat as the painoverwhelmed him. But the second painful stroke was too much and he finally screamed in ago, much to Mistress Ruth’s delight. And that delight caused her to quickly deliver two more smokes of the nasty strop to his balls, again bringing forth some lovely cries of age.

While he sobbed into the pillow under his face, she climbed up on the bed and slide herself down towards his face. Attaching the leash to the back of His collar she pulled his head up from the pillow and slide her dripping wet pussy directly under him.

“Now slave you had best eat me to three orgasms! I am so damn horny from beating you like that, that I will be coming hard all over your face!” And so saying, Mistress Ruth dropped the leash so his face fell right into her pussy. When he hesitated for a few seconds, she used the razor Strip to strike him on the back and demanded he get busy.

Within a couple of minutes she felt the first orgasm surge through her body. Grabbing the leash she pulled him intoher pussy even harder and demanded that he not stop. And again it only took a couple of minutes before she felt the second glorious surge of sexual satisfaction throughout her body, leaving her gasping for breath.

Smartly though the slave continued his oral ministers for another ten minutes as he feared she was likely still holding that razor strip and had no desire to feel that strike him again. As she neared her third orgasm he again felt her pull very hard on the lean all but crushing his face into her womanhood. Finally he feel her thighs close hard against his head as she thrashed her way through that third hard orgasm.

Finally satisfied, Mistress Ruth rose for the bed and released her slave boy from his bound position. “Now lay down on the floor next to the bed. I am going to connect your ankle cuffs together and then Your wrists together behind your back.” Leaving him in this bound position she sauntered off into the bathroom where the slave could hear her getting ready for bed.

Upon returning to the bedroom, Mistress Ruth stepped on the slave using him like a footstool to get into bed. “Now don’t go anywhere you little slut! I expect you to be right there in the morning when I wake! Now sleep well because tomorrow is going to a full day of slavery for you. Rest assured you will be experiencing things that I have never done to you before. Sweet dreams!”

Then she rolled over to drift off to slumber land leaving the slave on the floor with his mind racing as to what else lay in store for him tomorrow. How she loved the mental anguish games she played with slaves.

Part 2

Although he heard his Mistress sleeping soundly throughout the night, the slave wasn’t so lucky; it seemed the position he was bound in would only allow him to sleep for a few hours before he would awaken again. Just as he was dozing off again at 8 a.m. he felt his Mistress swing her legs over the edge of the bed pushing him onto his side. With a sinister grin she reached down and unfasted the connecting chains and ordered him to get on his knees. After two failed attempts he was finally able to get in required position.

“Now boy I have a very full bladder this morning, you know that hot nasty pungent piss that I have been storing all night. So open your mouth because I want to piss and I don’t feel like walking all the way into the bathroom!” As he tilted his head back and opened his mouth to receive the foul tasting piss he was going to have to consume, he heard Mistress giggling at his prediction, “Don’t you dare miss a drop bitch!” And then she slide her divine pussy over his mouth and slowly drained her bladder stopping several times so her slave could swallow.

“Good slave, you drank all of it! How did it taste? You can speak!”

“It was very strong Mistress as you said it would be. The morning pee is the hardest to consume. But thank you for the privilege of allowing me to drink it all down.”

“Well slaveboy I think you are becoming quite well trained!” Mistress Ruth informed him. “Now don’t forget that this is your six month anniversary and today I am going to subject you to more humiliation and discipline than ever before. By the time you leave tomorrow, you will be a different man”

Then she laid back on the bed, spread her legs wide and demanded that he clean her pussy and make her cum. Even as he performed his assigned task he was wondering why she made the same remark about him being a different man similar to the one Claudia made in the parking lot.

After what seemed like an eternity, Mistress Ruth finally exploded in orgasm, leaving her slave’s face wet with her juices. “You seemed some distracted slave, is something more important occupying your mind than pleasure me with your tongue this morning?”

“I am sorry but I am just a little tired as I didn’t sleep all that well last night, Mistress.”

“Excuses, excuses. Don’t let it happen again, or the session you got with my razor strip last night will seem like child’s play! Now go fix my breakfast and be quick about it, you have a lot of chores to complete today”

And the slave crawled from the room before rising to his feet and currying to the kitchen. Within 15 minutes he had everything ready and served her as she sat down at the table, wearing nothing but a see through robe. Although he tried not to stare as always his cock tried to swell in its prison adding to his disappoint.

As Mistress Ruth finished her breakfast with slave boy kneeing next to her chair silently, she looked down at him and started giving him the list of things he had to accomplish today. “First you need to clean the entire house. Pay special attention to all three bathrooms, I want then so clean you could eat out of the toilets! Then clean all the bedrooms and the living room needs to be tidied up as well as the dining room. Then lastly you can scrub the kitchen thoroughly. Any questions?” barked his supreme Mistress.

“No Mistress but that is a lot of work for one day. I will do my best to complete it by dinnertime” was the meek reply of the little slave.

“By the way, you need to be finished no later than 2 p.m. I have other more important tasks for you after that time,” she retired as she walked away laughing and leaving him quivering with fear as he knew he would never be able to Complete everything by that time.

Realizing there was no time to waste, slave began the cleaning demanded by Mistress Ruth. He thought he was making reasonable progress when she walked into the kitchen and informed him that she just knew he was unable to comply with her demands and that she thought a little motivation was necessary. Ordering him to bend over the kitchen table Mistress Ruth quickly delivered a dozen strokes of the cane across both chefs, resulting in him howling at the pain.

“If I were you, little slave, I would work faster or what you will have to endure laterwill be enough to break you into a scared little boy! Now get back to work,” she ordered as she left the room. Sobbing from the severe pain from the caning, he did his best to work faster and faster.

While the slave moved on to cleaning the kitchen properly, Mistress decided that a nice hot shower would feel good and of course that means that her bathroom would need to be cleaned again. The thought made her chuckle as she stepped out yelling, “slave get your sorry ass in here, I need your services!”

As he quickly dropped to his knees as he entered the bathroom, he was dismayed to see her clothes on the floor and a wet shower that would have to be cleaned again! But then his vision settled upon his Mistress, standing there fully naked and dripping wet. “Well get a towel and dry me off!” screamed his supreme Mistress.

Scurrying across the floor on his hands and knees like a lowly dog, the slave grabbed a towel and began the task of drying her grogeous body. Of course his traitorous price tried once again to swell in its prison bringing peals of hearty laughter from Mistress Ruth. By the time he finished he was in considerable pain.


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