Linda arrived home that same evening and found a note taped to her front door. She smiled when she opened it and recognized the strong, fluid writing that was unmistakably Paul’s. It was a set of instructions, including being at his place in a little over an hour. Linda hustled into her apartment and quickly showed. By the time she fixed her hair and grabbed a quick meal, she had barely enough time to get over to her Master’s, so she throw on what she had been wearing earlier and hoped back into her car.
Linda drive like a maniac through the busy streets, and only managed to arrive out front of the large, three-car garage home with barely a minute to spare. No doubt, her little exercise early in the day would have gotten him pretty wound up, and she didn’t want to displease him by being late for whatever he had planned as she curried up to the front door.
Paul always had a way of making certain that everything they did together was intense. During the week, she was apower executive for a large firm with more authority and control than she ever thought a woman could have in a man’s world. Some night’s during the week, she was the one who was aggressive and in control of the men she allowed to share her bed. But every Saturday morning until late Sunday night, without error, she belonged to him. Some weekends he remained aloof and she wouldn’t hear from him. And she learned her Lesson well when she tried to be the aggressor and went to see him on a horny and restless Sunday afternoon. If he didn’t show interest, she was always able to find other things to keep herself occupied. And, sometimes, the solitude was good for her.
Linda didn’t hesitate and walked right through the front door, locking it after her. There was another note on the table just inside the door that simply read, “Basement”. Linda’s light blue eyes twinkled and she shivered as she felt her entire body tingling. There were two sets of stairs leading beneath Paul’s house. One set lead to his cellar. It was mainly a wine cellar with some storage areas. The other set, her destination lead to what Paul called his Basement. Dungeon was a more accurate term, Linda thought as she hurried towards the forbidden door. All the games they played together and all the places that Paul took her were just added bonuses. The dungeon was what had brought them together, their mutual love and need of everything that defined BDSM; it was her need to be dominated, his need to dominate, and their shared desire for pleasure-pain.
Linda’s heels clicked on the hardwood steps as she carefully descended into the large playroom. Paul was very pleased with the room, and Linda was very impressed. It seemed to include every toy and apparatus that she had ever seen or heard of, and many that she didn’t. There were chains and shades hanging in Various places from the rough, cinderblock styled walls, floor and ceiling, several tables of various shapes and uses, crosses, benches, and cabinets holding a sacred associations of whips and floggers, canes and paddles, clamps and claws. Every time she entered the room, she felt an overwhelming awe at the power of the room. It was dimly lit, not dark, but faith enough to cast eerie shadows about the dark walls and concrete floor. No music was ever played in the huge room; Paul preferred the natural echo of moans and groans and tortured flesh. The room was cool, but not cold, making it very comfortable for the work that was done there. Linda’s nipples hardened with the chill and the thought.
Paul approached her from across the room. He was wearing black, leather pants lined with metal studs up the outside seams, tucked into heavy, black boots. A studded, snap on codpiece cupped around his cock. He wore no shirt over his muscle chest, but had on a pair of leather suspenders with an “x” connecting them together on the front and back. A leather mask covered his face, showing only his dark eyes and open mouth, and both looked hungry as he got closer her. She gave him only a quick glance before lowering her eyes respectfully to the floor.
At over six feet tall and two hundred pounds, he was an imposing man, and dressed as he was he was terrifying even to Linda. But that was part of the whole excitement of what they shared. She didn’t know much about him; that was part of the rules. She knew that he was in his mid to late thirties, owned a very prosperous business, and came from a family of money. Beyond that, his personal life was taboo to her, except for the occasional piece of information she could pick from the things they did together or the places he took her. Not that she thought. The set up was ideal, and if it ever progressed to anything more, it would likely ruin what they had.
Paul stopped in front of her and looked her up and down. “Present,” he snapped. Linda immediately stood straight up, her legs slightly apart, with her hands clasped behind her back for his inspection. She tried not to smile in pure glee as the excitement of serving took over her. His gaze tore into her as his right hand crept under her skirt hem and touched her bare cunt. Her damp cunt turned wet at his touch sent shirts up her spine.
“Strip,” he ordered as he took a step back, the tight leather creaking on his body. Linda didn’t hesitate as she started popping buttons and flung her shirt to the floor. “Slower.” She pouted, eager to continue, but did as he ordered. Looking into his eyes, she unhooked the front clasp of her bra and casually, almost teasingly pulled the cups away from her tits and shrugged the straps off of her shoulder. She toyed with the bra on one finger for a moment before letting the garment drop to the floor.
Linda waggled her thin eyesbrows at him as she hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her skirt and slowly eased it to the floor. Stepping out of it, she shucked her pumps off, gasping as she placed her bare feet on the cold floor. Goosebumps spread over her entire body, both from the chill and the crisp tension.
“Present,” Paul ordered again. Linda quickly assumed the position and tried to keep her eyes forward and lowered as her Master slowly walked around her, sometimes caresing, sometimes touching and poking at different parts of her exposed body. “Come.” Paul turned and started to walk away, catching Linda off guard. She hurried to catch up, walking behind and to his left, matching his speed.
Paul’s heavy boots thudded on the hard floor, a loud, echoing contrast to Linda’s silent padding. He stopped beneath a set of shades in the middle of the room and grabbed Linda’s arms. Without a word, she watched as he raised each arm and locked her wrists into place above her head. He gave the chains a couple of sharp jerks to test their strength and disappeared behind her. Linda had to forcibly restrain herself from turning and looking to see what he was doing, but she knew better, had been trained better.
She felta touch around her head before the blindfold was slipped into place. She squeaked and caught her breath. The one thing that frustrated and turned her on more than other was not being able to see what was about to happen to her.
“Chest out.” Linda thrust her chest forward without hesitation. She loved having her large tits mauled in all ways, from gentle cares to painful whippings. “Tell me what I’m going to do to you.” His deep voice seemed to come from all around her, and her head moved her from side to side, trying to catch the direction of the source. He seemed to be circuiting around her prone form.
“You’re going to use me however you want to use me, Master.” She felt her cunt tingle when she said the words aloud.
She gasped out loud when a crack filled the air followed by a sting and Paul slapped one of his hands off of her left breasts. Her nipples instantly hardened to their full size as her title jiggled and reddened with the force of his slap, but she only thrust her chest out harder. “Mmmmm, thank you, Master.”
Paul smiled into her blindfold and slapped her title again, watching happily as it giggled about on her chest and reddened even more. She groaned in pleasure. Paul had constantly tested her pain threshold in the past, but had been unable to find it. He had no desire to permanently scar her flesh, at least not yet, and that seemed likely the only way to find her threshold. Maybe he would find it someday, but for now they were both more than content with what they had.
“I have a new device today, pet” he said, his voice coming from behind her. She felt goose bumps shiver over her flesh. “I have been waiting all week to try it out. Do you want me to use it on you?”
“If it pleases you, Master,” she quivered, “I would like it very much.”
“Then I shall. But first, I need to get you ready. It has been a while since my toys have had any real use. I think they need to see some use today.”
“Yes, Master. I understand.” There was more glee than dread in her voice, but she fought desperately with her hearing, trying to discover from which direction her would attack first.
The answer came from behind her as she heard the whoosh of a whip cut through the air before snapping soundly off her ass. She shrieked in surprise and singing pain, tears instantly filling her covered eyes. A second and a third and a forth strike followed in rapid succession and she was thrust forward a few steps from the blows.
Linda was gasping for breath as her ass stung a bright red. It throbbed through her body and tingled in her pussy, making her juices flow. She couldn’t hear him over her own panting, but suddenly there was another strike as the whip contacted with her ass from the other direction. Four more rapid hits left her ass almost glowing with the heat. Linda shrieked again and groaned loudly when they finally stopped.
Paul had many years’ practice with the whip, and could extinguish a burning candle with his gentle and accurate touch. But he wasn’t gentle with Linda. Linda felt his hand cup across her cheeks, his cool skin ice cold on her burning ass, and she jumped with a squeak. He caressed it gently, making her moan, before drawing his hand back and striking her abused bottom with a heavy spank. She bit her lip to keep herself from crying, but her entire body was tingling hotly.
“Ready for more?” he asked, his voice further away, against one wall.
“Yes, Master,” she purred. “Give me everything you want to give me. My body belongs to you, for your amusement alone.”
Paul wrapped his hand around his favorite flogger and stalked back towards his pet. It was a cat-o-nine that had been specially made for his hand size and strength. The best part was that every few inches of the twenty-inch strands had a knot tied in it. This added a bit of punch the regular sting.
Linda grunted as the flogger came down across her left tit and caused her pull back involuntarily. Paul smiled. He enjoyed catching her off guard. She was a very distributed slave in his hands, but it was always reassuring that he could still make her loose her focus, even if only a little. The day he stopped being able to, was the day that their games would end.
The flogger came down again across her other breast, causing the heavy title to jiggle and brighten. Linda was more prepared with time, and took it the strike without backing away. Paul loved the way the flogger felt as made contact with her title, the solid vibration it sent back through the toy. Linda loved the contact with the soft, snapping leather on her bare skin. She loved how it tingled through her skin for hours after.
“Mmmm,” she moaned through gritted teeth. “Thank you, Master. May I have more?”
“No begging unless I tell you to,” he snapped and flogged her stomach in several, quick whips. Linda howled but stood her ground.
“Yes, Master. I’m sorry, Master.”
“If you’re going to be demanding, I may have to not show you my new toy.”
“No, Master. I’m so sorry. I will be good. I promise. Use me however you see fit, Master. I belong only to you.” The sting of his flogger was the only answer he gave as he whipped her tits again and again. Each strike sent an echo throughout the large room, quickly followed by Linda’s squeaks and groans.
“Mmmm, yes, Master. Use me as much as you want. Yess.” Her cunt was on fire and burning even more with each strike. It soon became impossible to tell which was hotter, her abused tits or her burning cunt.
The sensings became too much as she throw her head. “Oh, Master, I’m going to cum. Please, Master, say I can cum. Mmmm.” She nearly screamed when the flogging abruptly stopped and her head was pulled back even more. She could feel Paul’s hand yanking her hair back, the new pain dousing her orgasm before it could fully be.
“Not yet,” Paul whispered, his hot breath tickling Linda’s lips.
Linda was lefthanging, her ass, stomach and tits tingling from the whippings, and her cunt leaking juices. She squinted when the blindfold was finally removed and Paul stood in front of her. He had removed the codpiece from his pants, and his nine-inch cock bobbed lewdly in the air at nearly full hardness. It had obviously been freshly shavled. Like Linda, he preferred baldness in certain areas. There was some neatly trimmed, thick black hair at the base, but his balls and shake were completely hairless. Linda licked her lips, her eyes glued to his waving cock.
“What are you looking at?” Paul asked as he stopped in front of her.
“Your cock, Master,” she pursued. “I looks so good. I want to please it for you.”
Paul reached out and grabbed her face roughly with his hand and forced her to look into his eyes. She winced, but stood firm. His face was only inches from hers, and his dark eyes burned with malice and mischief. If she had no desire to be where she was at that moment, she would have been afraid for her life.
“Wouldn’t you rather see what new toy I have for us?”
“I would rather please your cock, Master,” she whimpered. “But I will do whatever you wish me to.” Paul unhooked her shadowles and started to walk away.
“Follow,” he commanded. Linda lowered her head and meekly followed. He stopped in front of a pommel horse-like table with adjustable legs for various lengths. It had to handles on top of it that could also be adjusted for different widths. Linda always wondered how much other activity went on down here when she wasn’t present. She wasn’t jealous of other women, or the idea of sharing her weekend Master, but she was jealous of being left out of so much fun.
“Down” he said. Linda knew what was expected of her. Paul Found it hard sometimes to resist her. She was an incredible looking woman with a body that he often lusted for all week long. He watched as she gave his hard cock a quick glance before bending at the waist and lowering herself into position. Her tits swung and jiggled before squishing into the poisoned wood, and her ass was thrust straight out. It was hard not to simply stand behind her and thrust her cock into her waiting cunt. But control was what he had always been about. And he had other women for when he didn’t want control.
The table was set perfectly for Linda. As she bent in half, most of her chest rested on the table surface. She spread her arms out from her body and grabbed the handles that were at the very edge of her reach. With a lot of effort, she was able to tilt her head back and look forward as Paul moved in front of her, a cane in hand. He moved forward so that his cock bobbed before her mouth. She flicked out with her tongue, but it was still just out of reach and she groaned sadly.
“What’s the matter? Do you want my cock, pet?”
“Oh, yes, Master.”
“What do you want to do with it, pet?”
“I want to take it in my mouth, Master. I want to take it down mythroat and work it over with all the pleasures my mouth can give until it cums so I can swallow it all.”
“No,” he said and walked behind her. Linda whimpered. She shivered when she felt the tip of the cane rub across her inner leg. It brushed up and down her thigh before lightly touching her pussy lips. She almost came at the touch as he super sensitive cunt begged for release. “Count.”
“One,” she choked as the cane was brought down against her already abused ass cheeses. The strike was much harder and created an instant welt much bigger than the whip had. Tears flooded her eyes, but her ass wiggled. “Two,” she grunted, all of her muscles flexing to keep her body still. “Three. Four. Five. Six.” Her voice became louder as the pain intensified with the Increasedly harder blows. “Seven. Eight. Nine. Ahhh, Ten.”
Linda grimaced and let go of the handles. Her hands hurt, the knuckles having turned white from the grip. Breathing hard, she pushed herself unSteadily to her feet before assuming the ordered position. Her nipples were rock hard, and her entire body seemed about to explode with sensing.
“Follow.” Paul leaned the cane against the table and led her towards one of the several harnesses that were suspended from the ceiling. With Paul’s help, they strapped her into it. The position she was locked in always reminded Paul of a skydiver free falling. She was hanging face down and spread-eagle. Her arms were locked away from her body, and her legs spread legs were bent at the knee and hooked away.
Paul slapped idly at his huge tits as they hung and swwayed freely from her body. He moved to her head and grabbed her hair to steady her slightly swinging form. Without warning, he thrust his cock in her open mouth. She choked and nearly gagged as he forced it down her throat until nearly his entire length was inside of her mouth. She moaned and he pounded his cock into her mouth for several thrusts before pulling back.
“It is time for the unveiling,” he said proudly before disappearing into an unlit corner. He returned seconds later rolling something covered with a sheet. Linda stared at it in awe as he slowly pulled the sheet away.
It appeared to be some sort of mechanism secured in a steel box on wheels. But it was what was on top of the box that made Linda’s eyes bulge. There was a dildo that she would guess perfectly simulated Paul’s cock in every dimension. It was attached to an arm hooked to a hydroulic lever. Paul ran the extension cord to the closest wall socket and turned a dial on the box.
“I spent a lot of time and effort on the design of this,” he said as Linda watched the fake cock slowly pump back and forth on the arm. He slowly turned the dial and the pumping increased in speed from a slow, to a moderate, to an inhuman pace. Her cunt was oozing. Paul flipped a small switch and the entire arm and cock hummed as it vibrated in addition to the pumping.
He allowed her a fewmoments to take in the wonderful device before shutting it off and wheeling it into position between her legs. He lined up and slowly extended it, forcing it into her tight cunt. She moaned in pure delight as it entered her body. Paul pushed it in deeper until nearly its entire length was forced inside of her. He made a few adjustments before slowly turning it on. He watched happily as it slowly pumped deep inside of her and out so that only a couple of inches remained within. Satisfied, he slowly increased the speed. Before long, Linda’s moaning was mingling with the gentle whoosh of the hydroulics as the fake cock fucked her in powerful strides. Paul watched as Linda’s entire body twitched and trembled with the pleasure of the automatic fucking. Her eyes were tightly closed and a soft mewing was escaping her lips. He flipped the switched and the vibrations started.
“Master, I’m going to, ahhh, Master, can I- Ahhhh! Cum.” Linda babbled incoherently, trying to beg for permissionto have release, but it was no use. The hard fucking, and suddenly, powerful vibrations were too much as her orgasm began immediately. Paul only smiled as she screamed and babbled as her orgasm washed through her. He didn’t mind that she came without his spoken permission, and was pleased with find his machine worked so well. He increased the speed slowly until it was at full and stepped back.
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