I’m driving, well, speeding really, down a lonely country road. There are no other cars around, so I start to go a little faster. It’s a beautiful day and my windows are down and the radio is up loud. So it takes me a minute to realize that the car coming up behind me has turned on its flashing blue and red lights. I feel a knot form in my stomach and I grip the steering wheel tighter as I slow my car down. The flashing lights get closer, and I start to pull my car to the side of the road.
When I stop the car, I look up in my rear view mirror, and see the door of the police car open. Out steps a tall man in uniform, complete with mirrored sunglasses and a riot baton. I start to breathe faster, and my palms feel slick on the steering wheel. I’m incredibly nervous. I can’t afford another speeding ticket.
As the officer reaching my window, I press the button to roll it down.
“Do you know why I pulled you over?” he asks, looking down at me from behind his sunglasses.
“Umm, no sir?” I reply, nervousness making me a horrible liar. There’s what feels like an infinite silence while he just looks at me.
“I don’t believe you. I think you know perfectly well you were going 75 in a 55 mile zone.”
I look up at him and my next lie dies on my lips. “Yes sir,” I say shakily.
I see just the hint of a smile on his lips before he takes a step back and says, “Step out of the car, please.”
My hands trembling, I unfasten my seat belt. And slowly open the car door and swing my legs around to the ground, revealing my outfit to him. I’m wearing a short swingy skirt that catches in the breeze as I stand up. My nipples are visible beneath my pale pink tank top. He takes a step towards me and looks down, removing his sunglasses to look me in the eye.
“You shouldn’t lie,” he says. As I look up at him, my breath comes faster and shallower and my hands clnch.
“I’m sorry,” is all I can think to say.
He looks at me another moment, and then say, “Walk to the front of the car, and put your hands on the hood.”
He waits for me, as I’m frozen for a minute, and then I haltingly make my way to the front of the car, leaning down to place both hands on the hood. I can feel the heat radiating from him as he steps behind me. He’s so close, I’d only have to lean back a little to touch him, and I have the crazy desire to do so. As the image slides through my head, I feel his hands come down on my shoulders, and I inhale sharply. I feel his breath in my ear, as he leans in and say, “You’re dressed like a slut. Do you know what men will think when they see you?”
I can say nothing in response, only moan slightly through clinched lips as a drags his hands lower, along the side of my breasts, over my waist, to my hips. He grips my hips tightly and say, “Answer me.”
“Yes, I mean no, I mean…..what?” I can’t even remember what he asked, the word slut still ringing in my ears. Is that why I wore this? Is that what I want people to think? My brain is screaming, No, what the fuck are you doing? Why are you letting him talk to you this way? But another part of me, deeper and darker, is dieing to know what will happen next.
“Do you know men will think you’re a slut when they see you dressed in tight tops and short skirts?” he asked again. “Is that what you want?”
“I don’t Know,” I breathe.
“I think you do like it,” he whispers into my ear. His hands slide back up to my breasts and his fingers slide around my nipples, now rock hard and straining against the thin fabric of my shirt. I gasp and then moan and the only word I can think of is, “Yes.”
He pinches my nipples between his strong fingers and my head falls back onto his shoulder, as I let out another breathy moan. His fingers squeeze harder for a second, before releasing me and moving down my stomach, down my thighs, to the edge of my skirt. His hands circle my thighs and slide up over my skirt to my ass.
“What do you have on under here?”
“Underwear?” I say hesitatingly.
“Be descriptive.”
“Umm, they’re a white thong with pale blue trim.”
“Are you telling the truth?”
“I’m going to check.”
“Yes,” I can barely form the word as I feel him return his hands to the edge of the front of my skirt and start to raise it. He moves it up slowly, exposing me to the air and sunlight. When he has the skirt bunched at my wait, he looks down over my shoulder and I can feel him smile.
“Good girl,” he says, “Always tell me the truth.”
“Yes…” he trails off expectedly.
“Yes, Sir,” I reply.
“Come with me,” he says as he takes my hand and moves us around to the other side of the car, allowing us a tiny illusion of privacy. He takes my face in his hands and pushes his thumb into my mouth. I moan around it as he slides it in and out, my tongue licking along it.
“This is what I could do to you, ” he says, “What I will do to you. In your mouth…”
He leans closer, “In your pussy.”
Closer, “In your ass.”
All I can do is let out a ragged breath and let me head fall onto his hand.
“You just have to ask me,” he says.
“Ask you?”
“Yes, you have to tell me what you want.”
“I don’t know if I can,” I say looking down.
“Look at me.” And he waits.
I raise my eyes to his.
“You can go. Right now. Or you can ask me for what you want. I’ll wait.” He slips his hand from my face and take a few steps away.
My heart is beating as fast as my mind is racing. I should just get in the car and drive away, pretend like this never happened. He’s letting me leave, don’t be stupid, go! You don’t know him, or what he’ll really do. But he’s giving me the opportunity to leave, I war with myself. He could have already done anything and he hasn’t. I stood rooted with indecision, and then realize that my indecision is a decision. I’m not going anywhere.
“I-” Istart, “I want-“
He waits.
“I want whatever will make you happiest, ” my cheeses blush bright when I say the words.
“While I appreciate that, this time I want you to pick, ” he smiles at me.
This time?!?! my brain screams. Will there be another? I take a deep breath. I can do this. What do I want? I shouldn’t be so disconnected from this, but all I can do is feel the tingling of my skin and rush of air through my lungs. I take another breath.
“I want you in my p-pussy,” I stumble over the word.
“Good girl,” he says as he quickly closes the distance between us and kisses me, hard and hot and wet. I moan into his mouth and I can feel the hardness of his body against mine. His hands slide down my sides and lift my skirt again. His fingers slip under my thong and he can feel the wetness and heat there.
“Very good, you’re wet for me.”
“Yes,” I swallow, “Sir.”
His fingers rub me gently, circling my clip, then suddenly he plunges two fingersrs deep inside me. I shrink and grab his shoulders to keep from falling. His fingers feel so big and commanding inside me, I can’t even imagine what his cock will be like. He removes his hand and then grabs my skirt and thong together and pulls them to the ground. I’m standing outside in the sun, my pussy on display for anyone driving by to see. Luckily, there haven’t been any other cars. He spins me around and places my hands back on the car, bending me so that my ass is sticking out towards him.
“Spread you legs apart,” he commands.
“Yes, Sir,” as I move my legs about two feet apart.
“Farther.” I comply, sliding my heels along the ground, feeling myself open as I move my legs further apart.
“Tell me again what you want.” I hesitate and feel a hard singing swat on my ass.
“Answer me.”
I swallow my scream and, trembling, say, “I want you in my pussy, Sir.” It’s a little easier this time.
“That’s my good little slut,” he says. I feel his hand on my ass, gently this time, and then I hear the sound of him unbuckling his belt. I hear the swoosh of it through his belt loops as he pulls it off. I look back at him, seeing it in his hand.
“Maybe next time,” he says, and throws it to the ground. I watch as he unbuttons and unzips his pants. As he pulls out his cock, I can’t help but stare. I want him so badly, that I have to look away. I feel his hands on my ass and then his fingers are rubbing my pussy again. The gentle friction of his fingers makes me arch my back and push back towards him. His fingers pinch my clip, and I gasp at the shock it sends through my body. I moan as he moves his hand away. Without a word, he steps close behind me, and plugs his hard cock into my wet waiting pussy. I scream and my knees start to buckle, but his strong arms hold me up. He moves so deep and fast in me. I can feel him slamming into me and the tremors move through my whole body. He leans close to my ear, “Don’t cum until I say so.”
“Y-yes, yes Sir,” I say between gasps and cries. I can hardly believe it when he starts to fuck me even harder, forcing his way deeper inside me. Over and over, our bodies swaying together.
“Please,” I whisper.
“Please what, slut.”
“May I please cum, Sir,” I’m practically crying as I say it.
“Wait,” is all he replies. I’m trying so hard to please him, so hard not to cum, that I get louder and louder as he continues to pound into me.
“Wait,” he says again. Then I feel his hand reach around me, and move to my clip. As he pinches it between his finger and thumb, he says, “Now. Now cum for me, my good little slut.”
And I do, screaming and shaking and covering his hand and cock with my wet slippery juices. I feel his body tend and hear him cry out as I feel him cum in my pussy. He continues to fuck me in and out, slowing down gradually, as we both drift back to reality.
As I return to my senses, I look back at him. He stands me up and take mein his arms, holding me tightly, struggling my hair. He kisses the top of my head and says, “You were a very good girl. You were my very good slut.”
“Thank you, Sir,” I say into his chest. He releases me and picks up my skirt from the ground, holding it out for me to step into. I step in, and he slides it back up to my wait.
“Get your phone,” he says. As I walk around the car, I can feel our combined cum start to run down my thigh. Leaning into the car to get it, I meet his eyes through the window. He’s smiling at me. I walk back to him and hold it out. He takes my phone and puts in his number.
“You will call me at exactly 10 o’clock tonight. Don’t be late.”
“No, Sir, I mean, yes, Sir, I mean-” I giggle, “I’ll call.”
We stand, gazing at each other for another moment.
“Go,” he says, “And try staying under the speed limit this time.”
I look back at him as I approach my car door.
“I’ll try, but I can’t promise,” I say with a giggle as I climb in my car and drive away.
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