Spanked in Front of the Ladies Pt. 04

I felt some trepidation as I stepped out from the bathroom that afternoon to show myself to Samantha, Tim and Keri. I was wearing the French maid’s dress they’d gotten for me; exactly as Sam had promised, the skirt didn’t ensure coverage of my panties, which, to add a little further indignity, were hot pink. My newly sheven legs were encased in stockings with garters. Smacking my ass as she’d pegged me Earlier in the day, Sam had said that my butt would soon be the same color as my panties, so at least I’d been warned.

“You look fantastic, Kayla,” Sam said, using my new feminine name as I walked into Tim’s living room. “But you’re not fully dressed yet.” She held up the cock cage, a clear plastic tube with a little metal padlock on it. “Bend over the table, and take your panties down,” she ordered. I glanced over at Tim and Keri on the sofa; the same sofa where he’d given me pants-down spankings when I’d misbehaved the previous weekend. Those two were watching me with smilesatisfaction. Under the hierarchy Sam had sketched out, she was in charge; then Keri; then Tim. But it was pretty clear that even Tim’s downgraded status was way higher than mine.

I walked over to the table, tottering in the women’s shoes I’d been given; walking in heels was going to take some getting used to. Then I bent over. It was a position I’d gotten familiar with, having been tied over that same table a week ago when the girls had joined in spanking me. Embarrassing, but that was how things were nowadays. I’d spent this morning tied to an armchair, after all, with my ass sticking out for Sam’s sticking out for Sam’s sticking-on dildo and my mouth taking Tim’s cock. It seemed a little late to be claiming I wasn’t the type of guy you could just turn into a cross-dressed, cock-locked, cocksucking, take-it-up-the-ass sex slave.

My dominant trio didn’t even both tying me to the table now, as they slide my panties down and locked the fiendish plastic device into place. I guess they knew I was ina compliant state of mind. I’d been hoping to come before this penile lockdown, but that hadn’t been in the cards. Now, with my boss slipping to half-mast, Sam grabbed my cock and stuffed it into place. Someone gave me a friendly smack on the butt–I didn’t know if it was Keri or Tim–and then Sam said, “Stand up, Kayla.”

I stood before the three of them, my panties still at mid-thigh, my skirt folded above my wait, the cage feeling heavy around my cock. The doorbell buzzed. I started trying to get my clothes in place, but Sam stopped me with a little slap on the wrist. “You look perfect just like that,” she said. “Go answer the door. And address Mr. and Ms. Black only if spoken to–as Sir and Mistress.”

I gave her a glare, though my feeling of defiance wasn’t enough to make me talk back, let alone disobey. I sullenly turned and walked over to the door, walking as best I could in the heels with my panties and stockings in disarray and the lock making little slapses betweenmy thighs. I opened the door and did the best I could to hide myself behind it. There was a couple standing in the hallway, both dark-skinned. “Hello,” he said in a deep voice with what sounded like an English accent, talking past me. “It’s been a while, Samantha.” The couple barely glanced at me as they came inside.

“Too long, Albert,” said Sam. Then, looking at me by the door, she said, with a sharp tone, “Kayla, get your uniform in order!” My face flushed as I rushed to get my panties up and skirt down. The new guests were now looking over at me. “And as soon as you’re done,” Sam continued briskly, “ask Sir and Mistress Black what they want to drink.

I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to cursy or what. My blush feeling more intensity, I addressed the couple with a downward gaze. “Would Sir and Mistress like some drinks?”

They ordered gin and tonics, and I retired to the kitchen, glad to have a moment out of view. As I mixed the drinks, I heard Sir Black saying, “Nice to meet you, Tim, Keri. Sam’s told us a lot about you. And I understand the situation with Kayla. It’s so hard to get good help these days.”

I brought in the two drinks on a tray. Mistress Black gave me an imperious stare as she took hers. Sir Black gave me a slight nod and smile. Then Sam said she and Keri would have wine, and that Tim wanted a beer. So it was back to the kitchen for me.

When I came back out with the tray, tottering a little on my heels, Sir and Mistress Black were sitting on the sofa. Sam and Keri were in armschairs, and Tim had taken a folding chair. There was a black leather ottoman positioned near the sofa, with four wooden legs. As soon as I’d served the drinks, Sir Black said, “Young miss,” and for a moment I thought he was talking to Keri or Sam. Then I realized he was talking to me.

“Yes, Sir?”

“We understand there’ve been some discussion issues in this household,” he said, his voice relative and calm. “My old friend Samantha has askeded me to take a hand in resolving this.”

I stood there, shifting uneasily from one stockinged leg to another, holding the empty tray in front of me. What was I in for? I’d been spanked by my three friends. Now I was going to get more of the same from some stranger as well, with this man’s woman looking on?

There wasn’t much time to think about it. Tim stood from his folding chair, grabbed my upper arms in a way to which I’d become familiar, and walked me over to the sofa. “All yours, Sir,” he said, as he brought me towards Sir Black. I was gratified that Tim at least was supposed to call him Sir, too. Mistress Black pulled the tray out of my hand, as the men positioned me. Within a moment, I was lying across Sir Black’s lap, with my head near Mistress Black’s bare tigh, which was visible through a high slit in her long, African-printed skirt. I feel my own skirt get lifted, putting those pink panties in full view.

Sir Black pulled both my wrists to the small of my back, then held them firmly in place with just his left hand. If his hands were that strong, I thought, my butt was in trouble. Sure enough, he lifted his right hand and brought it down on my panty-clad ass with a resounding smack. Then there was another spank. And another. I winced with each smack, but was determined not to groan or say “ouch.”

Then the doorbell buzzed. “That must be dinner,” Sam said. “Take care of it, Tim.”

I squirmed in futile resistance as Tim opened the door partway. Glancing over, I had the impression that the delivery person could see something, at least my legs and probably my butt, as the door’s position waver during the transaction. Tim seemed to know whoever it was. “Thanks a lot, Chrissy. Keep the change,” he said. There was some further exchange I Couldn’t make out, followed by female laughter in the hallway. Then Tim finally shut the door.

Sir Black’s hand resumed its meeting with my upturned butt. I glanced up at Mistress Black with wide, embarrassed eyes, and she looked down at me with a slight smile. As I looked back down, she pushed her thigh towards me, lifting my forehead a bit, and started running her fingers through my hair. “You spoil the girl,” Sir Black said to Mistress, pointedly. “We’ll discuss that later.”

The spanking didn’t last very long, but the smacks were hard. I got more than a dozen, and After a while couldn’t help but groan. At least, I could feel grateful my panties didn’t come down. And I was excited, as had happened every time I’d gotten spanked, though this time my cock wasn’t between the spanker’s thighs, but rather was straining against its cage.

“The ottoman’s ready,” Sam announced. I looked over and saw that Tim had looped silk scarves around the piece of furniture’s legs. The bastard had been busy while I was getting paid. Next thing I knew, Sir Black was pushing me forward onto the ottoman, and then Tim was strapping the scarves around my arms and legs, securing me withMy hands and knees on the floor. Before he’d finished tying my legs, Sam and Keri pulled my panties off, exposing my bare butt and locked cock. I heard one of Keri’s giggles.

Keri walked somewhere outside my field of view, and then, as I peeked over my shoulder, I saw her come back holding the hairbrush and wooden spoon. She handed the brush to Mistress Black, who stood behind me along with Keri, and the two of them now took turns bringing their implements down on my sore butt cheats. While this got some of my attention, I was also engrossed with what was happening in front of me. Sir Black and Sam stood facing each other, just a few feet away from my face. As I looked on, she dropped to her knees, opened his belt and unzipped his pants, which promptly fell below his knees. Then as he lowered his briefs, Sam dropped to her knees, and soon was taking his formidable black cock in her mouth.

I wasn’t sure who was in charge at this point, but it sure wasn’t me. The spanks keptcoming, and I know my face and ass were both red, jealousy now adding to my humiliation. The spanking then stopped, and Keri and Mistress Black sat down on the couch. I looked over at them and noticed Mistress Black had her hand moving under Keri’s short skirt. Then I felt my butt cheats getting spread and realized that Tim had decided it was his turn back there. As his cock entered me, I looked forward Again, just as Sam pulled away from Sir Black’s cock. After a parting lick, she looked up at him and raised her chin in my direction; some kind of go-ahead.

Sir Black turned towards me, pulled my head up by the hair and put his cock in my mouth. I felt Tim come inside my ass, but my attention was mostly on the huge cock in my mouth. Honestly, I worshipped that thing as if it were a primitive god. Keri’s moans on the couch were background music. Then a moment after Tim pulled out, Sir Black did so as well. Still holding me by the hair, he creamed all over my face. I licked his cum on my lips as if it were a delicious dessert. I looked up at Sam, who smiled down at me. “Well done, Kayla,” she said.

There was a long moment of silence in the room. Then Keri, sounding a bit out of breath, said, “Let’s eat before we have to reheat all that stuff.”

After Tim and Keri untied me, I got my skirt and panties back in order as best I could, then went to the kitchen to work on the food. My first thought was that I should eat by myself in the kitchen, as I was the help, but Sam patted a chair next to her for me to sit at the dining table. I appreciated that gesture, though I sure couldn’t feel like an equal under the circumstances, including still having the little maid’s outfit on and my cock locked underneath.

At dinner, I listened to a wide-ranging conversation that had little to do with the day’s events. They speak for a while about the relative merits of certain California and South African wines, then about using art collections as a hedge against inFlation. Tim asked about Sir Black’s work; it turned out he ran a technology foundation out of London and was irritated at how Brexit had impacted his business. They’d be getting back to their hotel later tonight, as they had a flight in the morning. I kept mostly quiet, unsure whether Sam’s instructions still applied, that I should speak to Sir and Mistress only if spoken to.

Eventually, Sir said to me, “Pass the potatoes,” and when I passed him the plate and said, “Yes, Sir Black,” he smiled and replied, “You may call me Albert.” Mistress Black, whose first name I’d never even gotten, then weighed in with, “Maybe call him Sir Albert, as he’s expecting to be laughed someday.” Her husband, if that’s what he was, gave her a sidelong glance, and pleasantly said, “I’ll Still be dealing with you later.” She smiled and looked down at her plate.

Maybe Sir Black would be placing Mistress across his lap back at their hotel tonight, I thought to myself. If so, I regretted not being invited to watch. An actual woman getting spanked was one of the few things that hadn’t happened the past couple of weekends. The thought turned me on, and my cock pressed uncomfortable against the cage. I shifted in my chair, tugging my skirt down to keep my panties mostly out of sight.

Keri looked at me with amusement. “Kevin’s poor cock’s been locked up all this time!” she said loudly, breaking into one of her giggles. “When it’s going to be allowed out?”

“Don’t worry, it’ll get out,” said Sam, in a casual tone. She sipped her wine slowly. “Just not tonight,” she continued. “My boyfriend will need a night sleeping in it now and then to ensure his best behavior. Sometimes a hairbrush just isn’t enough.”

I looked down at my plate and groaned. Keri giggled again, and soon they all joined in laughing at my prediction.


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