Something in the Snare

Itzel couldn’t believe her luck. By this time of year, her mother at her age would have been lucky to have caught a baby tapir. But for the third time, Itzel’s snare had been triggered. She couldn’t see what she’d caught yet, but it was something big. The tree that supported the snare was bent low by the weight.

She saw the rope. She saw a thick, meaty animal’s leg caught fast in the loop. The animal’s foot twitched, and she saw… toes?

She saw toes, five on each foot. She saw two muscle, hairless legs, a heavy, male human body and a sharp, rocky face with a curve of obsidian hair hanging down in the breeze. His tight, sun-darkened arms hung limp.

His stillness was eerie. He looked strong enough to wrestle a tree and limber enough to climb one, but from his parted lips to his closed eyes and open fingers, not a muscle on him was tense.

Maybe he belonged to the stone-men to the north; she had always heard they failed in the jungle heat. But then again, she had also heard they were short, and this man with at least a hand-width taller than her. He looked like a runner, but he could not be a desert messenger, because desert men were wrinkled; they never had soft, flush faces like his. Certainly, he wasn’t an imperial. Those never traveled alone, and even then, only when armed to the teeth. An imperial would have cut himself loose.

For a moment, Itzel Laughed at the thought that it might be the husband of one of her sister-huntresses, having blundered into her trap. But it wasn’t likely. During hunting season, the sisters only sent messages if something terrible had happened, and it would have been an insult to send a male to deliver such an important message. Besides, Itzel noticed an axolotl-skin cord tied around his ankle, a symbol of manhood wound only in the northwestern regions. This man could only be a stranger.

Itzel was twenty paces away when he stood. It was a relief; she had begun to worry he was dead.

He clesched his fists and sucked in a heavy breath, swelling his chest. Quick as a tree snake, he curled his body up and picked at the snare with his arms. He attacked the knot, then gripped the rope frantically, terrified he would fall, but then got over himself and went after the knot again. Itzel stopped and watched him struggle. Flex. Grunt. Pull. Mangle. Gasp. Fall limp. Try again.

Itzel laughed.

The man gave up. He hung as loose as a tassel, eyeing her with helpless fear.

“Look at this,” said Itzel, in the imperial dialect. “A strip of smoked meat, hung to dry just for me.”

His upside-down face brightened. “You… you know the common language?”

“Of course. Traders from the empire come this way every dry season.” Many of the tribe’s husbands had once been traders.

“Why… why did you set this trap for me? I mean you no harm, I swear it!”

“For you?” Itzel giggled and pushed on his hip, setting him spinning. “I didn’t set this snare to catch a man, silly. I wanted game. I wanted meat.” She stopped him with a gripping hand on his butt. She sank her fingers into his butt cheese, feeling the sinews. “In one sense, I got what I wanted.”

“What are you…” his voice got a little higher, a little tighter as her fingers kneaded his flesh. She could see the bulge growing under his loincloth. “What are you going to do to me?”

She struck a thoughtful pose and held it mockingly. “A beautiful man in my snare, unable to stop me from doing what I want with his body? I cannot imagine what I would do with that.” She slapped him on his shoulder, causing him to spin again. She stopped him with his back to her, grabbed his wrists and tied them together behind him. “Tell me your name, pretty boy.”

“Shmucánay. I’m named for the grandfather of the gods.”

“A grandfather? You?” She spun him to face her again and squeezed his thighs. The ripples in his flesh stayed firm under her hand. “Still hale after two generations!” She half-expected him to correct her and explain it to her as if she were just a simple barbarian, but he seemed to know that she was being sarcastic. So, on top of being pretty, he knew a joke when he heard one—a good start. “I am called Itzel,” she said.

After she tied a lasso around his neck, one that wouldn’t tighten and choke him, she knelt by the knot that held him suspended. She tried to let him down gently, but for such a limber-looking man, he was not light.

He thudded to the ground, neck and shoulders first. “Ouch!” he complained.

Itzel skipped up to him. “I didn’t mean to hurt you!” she said quickly. She squatted by his head, found the spot where he had skinned the top of his head on a stick. She spat on her hand and rubbed it gently into the scrape, cleaning away the dirt. His breath caught as he felt the sting, but he did not complain. He knew she was doing him good.

“Now,” she said, “stand up.” With careful effort, she stood him on his feet, took up the lasso and said, “follow me.”

He was silent all the way back to camp. So silent that Itzel was certain he was plotting ways to kill her, escape or both. He would have been stupid to try, of course—her hearing was sharp enough to sense a bird on a windy day—but she did not put it past him to try; the gods had not made men for their intelligence.

When camp came into view, Shmucánay gave a loud sight of relief.

“What?” said Itzel. “You thought I wanted to eat you? Like a savage?”

“No, I thought your gods would.”

Itzel snorted. “Eating flesh to bring the rain and make the sun rise, that’s for priests and farmers and warriors. I’m none of those things.” She sat him on the ground and sat across from him on a log, looking down at him. She played with her hair, considering his tight, tasty-looking body and his calm but fearful expression. “I won’t sell you as a slave either. I don’t want the slaves to know we’re here. That I’m here. If they take an interest in the jungle, they might come back and try to put a collar on me next. I heard it’s a status symbol to have a pretty jungle girl for a slave.”

To her delight, he showed no surprise when she called herself pretty. It was true, after all. She and her band didn’t have gold earrings or gold hair die or jewel necklaces like the imperial ladies did, but she was full-fleshed and sharp-featured, and bathing in the rivers kept her scent muted—all things that she knew attracted men.

“No one is going to eat you,” she said again. “In fact, I’m going to do the opposite.” She picked up tapir-skin a bag of beans and dried peppers. She took one from the bag and put it to his mouth. “Open up.”

He obeyed, and she fed him the bean. Itzel ate one for herself while he chewed, and when he was done, she gave him another, and the suspicion in his eyes began to melt away. ‘Good,’ she thought.

“Are you a scout?” she asked with her mouth half-full. “You’re not from the jungle, clearly.”

“I’m a fisherman from the eastern shore,” he said. “I was sent here to…” He stopped.

Itzel could read him like fresh tracks. He was sent to secure some deal with someone important. That was the only reason shoremen ever come through the jungle. That means he was carrying money, and he must have thought she wanted to steal it. He was wrong—Itzel didn’t want dry beans or stone rings or whatever inane things those outsiders used for money—but he had no way of knowing that. So he twisted in the wind, trying to think of a belief lie that did not involve him carrying money.

She throw him a bone. “I’ll bet you’re carrying a message,” she said. “You’re one of the runners, aren’t you?”

“Yes,” he said. The tension lifted from him, and he surprised so hard he seemed to shrink to half his size for a moment. Itzel smiled. That poor man couldn’t lie to save his life.

“It must be hot on the wooden boats,” she said. “Miserable in the open air.”

“No,” he said, a little defclosely. “It’s really quite beautiful. When you look away from the shore, you can see the infinity of the sea. All the world where the gods didn’t put anything.”

“There must not be a lot of women out there,” Itzel tried.

“Actually, there are. Father keeps saying I’m wasting my time, I should pick one and propose to her parents.”

Itzel frowned. ‘At least he’s unmarried,’she thought. “It must be nice to have your feet on dirty, though. Those wooden rafts can’t be pleasant.”

“They’re more than rafts. But, I have to admit, earth is much nicer to the feet.”

Finally, he had given some territory. “I don’t think the gods wanted humans to go to sea. It seems like they only let it happen grudgingly.”

“It’s a hard life, no doubt. But It’s worth it for the fish.”

Itzel smiled. Shmucánay had been snared, bound, led around like a slave and waylaid at some lonely girl’s campfire, and still he was chipper. She spoke her mind: “I want to keep you.”


“I want you to be mine. As part of my camp. I want you to build us a tent and protect it and help me butcher and tan and cure the things I bring back from the jungle. I want a tough, pretty man like you to sleep with me.”

He turned pale—not with horror, only surprise. His arms twitched a little, as if he had forgotten he was bound. “You want to keep me as a sex slave.”

Hearing it in his voice, she almost did want that. In her mind’s eye, Itzel could easily imagine tying him to a tree every morning and coming back to spread him on the ground and ride him raw. She imagined him looking her in the eyes and saying, ‘I belong to you,’ as many times as she ordered him to.

‘Owning him would be fun,’ she admitted to herself. But it was not her way. “I don’t I want to keep you against your will. I want you to live with me, and I want you to want it. Here, you’d have all the fruits of the jungle, plenty of meat to eat, the favor of the old gods and a sexy huntress who wantsto ravish you as long as you can take it.”

He mashed his lips together. He looked at her with a face of inner panic, the face one makes when trying to balance on a log and failing. He wanted to say ‘yes.’

“What have you got to lose?” she tried.

“My father,” he said. “He gave me life. He first thrust me into my mother’s womb. Then he gave me skills, the skills I can’t live without. I owe it to him to support him in his age. To marry and give him grandchildren, and to teach his grandsons as he taught me.”

‘Damn.’ Itzel wanted that loyalty for herself. “You’re a straight arrow,” she said. “Just too straight to turn your back like that. I can’t bend you.” She frowned. “Fine. I will let you go.” She looked at his groin and saw that his loincloth went out more than it went down. “But before I untie you, you have to do something for me.”

Itzel watched his face. To her delight, he perked up. He liked the idea. He didn’t want her to know that he liked it, but of course, he couldn’t hide it.

Itzel grinned a big, hungry jaguar smile. “Stand up,” she ordered.

He hobbled to his feet. His bare legs bulged as he strained to keep his balance.

Itzel took up his lean, and with a spring in her step, I led him to the river. Not just any spot on the river, but a deep, slow bend where the sand ever-so-slowly faded into deep, rich, cool water. She put her foot in the wet, and the silent embedded it. The sand grains scrubbed her food clean as thanks just for taking the time to step in them. She laid aside her clothes.

Washing him was almost the best part. He flinched away from her at first, then relaxed under her touch and even began to lean into her. She kneaded his rear, his pecs, his robust shoulders, and he allowed her to push and pull him into any shape she wished, to rub him until she know every mote of his body. Almost every mote, anyway. She left his loincloth on. ‘When you have chocolatl, drink it slowly,’ as her aunt always said.

He was clean long before she finished washing him, but eventually she grew bored with using her hands. With a palm on his forehead, she sat him down. She plopped his rear into the water, enjoying his wince as the river chilled him. Her hand stayed on his forehead, on his fine, soaked hair, and he looked up at her expectedly.

“It’s time to see how skilled you are,” she said, “It’s time for you to please me.”

“Am I competing with a husband?” He said it with mixed fear and thrill.

“I have no husband,” she said, “but I am not inexperienced.” When she came of age, her cousins ​​had lent their husbands to her so she could know the pleasures of her body. “How many women have had you?”

“You will be…” He swallowed. “You are the first.”

“I don’t believe that.”

He said nothing. He stared at her with pure, helpless honesty.

“I’ll judge that myself,” she said, and she shifted her hand to the crown of his head and pulled him slowly in.

For amoment, he did nothing. His mouth was pressed against her sex. His breath ran over her swollen, ready skin.

“Don’t make a woman wait,” she said. “Go on.”

His eyes glanced up at her, eyesbrows quirked up in an appeal for help.

“Kiss me,” she ordered. “Not on my sex.” She told. “You’ve ruined the mood, so start over. Kiss me at my thighs and seal your lips, Then pull. Pretend you’re kissing a girl’s mouth.”

He bent down to her thighs to start again. When his lips touched her skin, he kissed her sweetly, and she felt his confidence unshrivel.

Itzel let out a closed-lipped sight. “Yes.”

She gave him time for another slow kiss.

“Now move higher,” she instructed, “and keep kissing. Don’t stop kissing me.”

He straightened his back and kissed the outer lips of her sex. The sound became soft, wetter.

“Use your tongue,” she said. “Lick me like I’m tree sap.”

His tongue came out, and he did exactly as she said. She could almost feel him tremble under the effort of trying to do it exactly right. His strokes were too short, too stiff. His tongue did not feel the way a man’s tongue should. She tried something else. “Stop,” she said.

He pulled back and looked up at her, lips parted, eyes wide.

“Lick me like you love me.”

This time, he did not shrink. He licked her slowly, softly, letting her safe the warmth. His mouth was pleasantly moist. That was good. If he had been too dry, Itzel, with the pressure building in her loins, would not have had the patience to stop and make him drink.

She stopped giving him orders. Her eyes eased shut. For a while, she did nothing but gave out an airy, high-pitched sight with every stroke of his tongue. Then her hunger became urgent.

“Higher,” she whispered. “Slower.” She reached down to her cliporis, feeling it sizzle under her touch. “Kiss me right here, without your teeth.”

His mouth wandered away from her sex and traced a circle back, his personalflourish, and his lips met around her cliporis and made the seal. He pulled, and Itzel felt as if she were yanked outside of herself. She must have made a noise, because he sucked again, a little harder, and pulled her over the edge.

For dozen heartbeats, she drifted, blinded by bliss. Then she looked down, and his big, honest eyes gazed up at her for approval that he knew was coming. “Yes,” she said at last. “Do it just like that.” She worked her fingers into the scruff of his neck. “Stand up.”

He kept up with her as she pulled him to the sandy riverside, and with a turn of her wrist, she laid him down on his strumach. He struggled onto his back, but Itzel seized his shoulders before he could try to stand. “You’re not going anywhere,” she said. “You didn’t really think you could outrun a huntress with your hands bound, did you?”

“I just wanted to get my face out of the dirt,” he said sheepishly.

“That’s good.” Itzel lay next to him, snaked her hands around his body and squeezed him. “Because I’m not done with you, not even close.” She filled her lungs in one long breath, then let it out, feeling her limbs loosen. She nuzzled up to his neck and licked him, tasting clean mountain river water and the beginnings of sweat. A masculine taste. With a hand on his chest, she could feel his heart clamoring under his ribs.

Her hand meandered down his body, over cascades of muscle and glistening skin. Her fingertips touched clothes. An erection rose into her palm, and she fondled the shake through its thin cover.

From the tips of his toes all the way to the muscles in his neck, he tightened. His lips parted to reveal gritted teeth. She found his sensitive spot, the underside of the bulbous head, and held a lonely finger there. She shifted the pressure, so slightly that he could barely feel it. But he could feel it, she knew he could. “Are you close to bursting?” she asked him. “You’d better not. I want to ride you first. I want to feel this hard,oozing rod inside of me.” She got up onto her knees and leaned over him, looking straight down into his eyes. “You don’t want to disappoint me now, do you?”

He laughed nervously. “That talk isn’t helping.” A few more moments, and panic crept into his eyes. “Please stop!”

Itzel let go, and for one moment, she thought she had pushed him too far. But only a little spot of juice stained his loincloth and nothing more. “That’s enough playing around,” she said. “I’m ready for you again.” She got to her feet. “Rest is over, pretty boy. Back on your feet!”

He sat up, looked around and considered how to stand up on the slushy sand. Carefully, he leaned over his stromach and swiveled his right leg, his big toe tracing an arc in the wet grains. Bending away from her, he turned his legs into a squat, and Itzel could have sworn he was showing her his tight rear on purpose. She felt the impulse fondle it, to spank it, to fashion a wooden cock and stuff it into him, but she restrainted herself; she needed to feel him inside her, and the need was getting more urgent with every heartbeat.

He turned to face her, a question on his lips. She answered with a hand on his chest, shoving him back, onto the smooth, curved bark of an old tree. She put a hand on his thigh, slip it down to his knee and without warning yanked it towards her, buckling his legs and dumping him on his rear.

“Oof!” he looked up at her accusingly. “I could have just crawled here.”

“You like to crawl, do you? I will have to remember that.” She descended astraddle his legs, earned them apart and found the cord of his loincloth. Her fingers picked at the knot, and in moments, the tiny, flimsy clothes fell away. His wet, red cock stood up for her, a fruit ripe and wanting to be picked. She rolled the head between her fingers. “Tell me, Shmucánay, have you ever masturbated?”

“What? I don’t see…” he looked around, as if now, after everything, he suddenly wanted to escape. “What kindof question is that?”

“Oh, is that too private?”

“A man’s cock is his own-“

“Nothing you have is private from me, not now. I have you naked and tied, I’ve used your tongue for sex, and I’ve washed every part of you with my bare fingers. So tell me.”

“I did.” He flushed. “I did, when I was young. But I haven’t done it in years.”

‘Right answer!’ She grinned. “I can tell you’re telling the truth. And I also know exactly what men are capable of. I’m going to hold you to it.” She leaned in until their noses were almost touching. “You are almost finished, pretty boy. Give me your seed, and I’ll give you your freedom.”

He took a deep breath, and halfway through, it turned into a gasp. He knew exactly what awaited him.

She positioned herself over him, gripped his shoulders and fell on him all at once. He gave a shout that sounded like, “Wha!” He bent, and his head knocked against her chin, but she did not slow down for him.

She could not have stopped herself from moaning even if she had wanted to. Instead, she made it louder. She howled and waited into his ear, and the song sent him into a paroxysm of stress and pleasure.

Itzel bucked harder. She had never been this fierce with a man, but now there was no stopping her. She squeezed his hot, flexing shoulders. She pawed at his jaw, gripped his face and forced a big, sloppy kiss on him. He kissed her back.


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