Some Day I'll Learn

Sitting home in the darken room I hear the soft beep from my phone. It’s 9:15 at night and it can only be Him.

:: You are to get in your car and drive into the city. I want you to come to the hotel off exit 43. 7th floor room 704. 10:30.::

:: Yes Sir.::

As I respond I am already climbing in to the still to cold shower. I don’t have time to wait for the water to warm. Shaving every inch of myself I pause to think what you could be planning. My over active imagination runs away and I lose time quickly.

It’s 9:30 when I climb out of the shower. “If I am late He is going to kick my ass.” I mutter. It’s almost as if you can hear me because again the soft beep of my phone calls.

::Don’t be late. Oh No pants, No panties.::

I bite my lip. I decided on the gray and black dress I bought a few weeks ago- It may be over kill but at lease I’ll look good. Tossing it on and grabbing my over night back and heels I run for the door.

It’s still cold outside, winter is just barely beginning. The first snow fall of the season was just a few days ago- strangely enough it’s already melted away. The highway is clear as I rush towards the city lights. In the silence of the car I think about the last few days.

“You know what He’s going to do- you have been such a smart ass! Why would you talk back to Him?” I saw. “Haven’t you learned anything?” I chuckle. Nope. If anything has ever been said it’s that I am a handful. He knows though. He knows exactly how to make me act right.

We have a beautiful relationship; Sir and I. Even behind all the well deserved punishments I know He loves me.

I have to snap myself back to reality when I see the exit. I almost missed it. I smell. Still wondering. I think that’s what turns me on the most- wondering what He is going to do- or even better make me do. I’ve never met Him in a hotel before.

I park my car and carry my bag with me inside. Heading to the elevator I remember that I don’t havea key. I pause and walk to the front desk.

“Hello, Can I help you?” a petite lady stands behind the counter.

“Yes, I need a key for my room.” I whisper. “704.” I give her the number.

“Ah, Vanessa I presume?” I giggle and nod. Sir mentioned me. That does two things to me, first makes my heart melt- the fact that He said something to this insignificant desk clerk about me sends my heart into a fit. The second- I want to cum. He hardly uses my given name. So the few times I hear it- even from a third party- makes me wet. She hands me a key and I rush to the elevator.

The door slides open and I step in pushing the button for floor 7. Of course there is a gathering of people coming in after me- looks like a wedding party of some sort and it would be just my luck that the 4 year old boy with them pushes EVERY button on the panel.

As the cart rides to the next floor I look at my phone. 10:27. Here’s the debate- I can get off at the next floor and take the starsor risk being a few minutes late. I look at my feet. Damn these heels. I would be later if I ran. I can’t take them off either- that would mean I was unprepared when I arrived and that would be a bigger punishment than just being late. I saw and send an evil look to the 4 year old.

He sticks his tongue out at me. I knee down and whisper. “I hope your sister puts boogers in your dinner.” Just low enough for no one else to hear. He makes a disgusted face and his sister in the corner chuckles.

After what seems like and hour we reach the 7th floor. I am the only one stepping off. I look at the numbers on the guide. It’s at the other end of the hall.

There’s that soft beep from my phone.

::It’s now 10:34- *raises eyesbrows.*::

I don’t Both responding- I am at the door. I let myself in and drop into position before the door completely shuts behind me.

My eyes are low; head down. I’m on my knees with heels tucked under- but never resting on them. My hands are behind my head palms open one on top the other. I can hear you. I don’t know what you are doing at the moment- it’s not my concern though. Right now I know I am late.

You sit on the edge of the bed.

“Come Here.” you whisper. The tone is implied. I already know I’m in trouble. I don’t dare stand. I crawl to your feet and return to my previous position.

“Look at me.” You almost snap. I swallow hard as my eyes look up. I can see your face- and even in this moment of pure disappointment you are beautiful.

I don’t let the feeling of easy wash over me- I know I don’t deserve the look your eyes are giving. Thoughtful, loving, soft, caring. You’ve missed me as much as I’ve missed you. You can’t let that get in the way of what has happened though.

“You have 60 seconds to explain to me how I give you an hour and 30 minutes to make a 45 minute drive and you are still late.” Your lips make a solid line across your freshly shamen face.


“No Sir.” I mutter.

“I.. Can’t… Hear… You.” You take a deep breath. You are not angry with me- just disappointed.

“No Sir, I still have my tongue Sir.” I respond.

“You’ve never been so soft spoken- where are your smart-ass comments now?” You chuckle.

“I don’t have any Sir. I was late- no matter the reason- I was late and I am eternally sorry- Please Sir forgive me?” I glance back up to your eyes.

“So there is a reason?” You return.

I simply nod. “There was a child in the elevator who pushed all the buttons on the panel.” I explain the reason I did not get off the elevator and take the stairs. “I made a decision- and no matter which choice I had made I would have been late- I though it better to be late and ready then to be late and unkempt Sir.” I sniffle under my solid exterior. I am falling apart inside. I never wanted to disappoint you; I searched so long to find you. I never want tobe imperfect.

“You should have messaged me the moment you walked into the hotel. I would have told you not to get a key- because you don’t need one. I would have told you to take the stairs and forego the heels because I think they make you look like a cheap whore anyway.” You stand with a shake of your head.

“Stand.” You mutter with your back towards me.

I stand and turn to face you; arms at my side.

You spin around and look at me. “Before I go any further I do have to say- you look beautiful tonight; had you made it here on time tonight would have been something special. Since how you my lovely slut can not follow simple directions of GET HERE ON TIME, tonight’s original plans have been cancelled.” you pull off the tie you were Wearing. I don’t know what you had planned but- I can see you are hurt more then anything.

“Sir- It’s only 10:45 may we continue with the evenings planned activities and you may punish me when we return.” I spit out faster then anything I have ever said in my life.

You reach for your bag and pull out a ball gag. “No- we may not.” Before I can say anything else I am gagged and blindfolded.

You reach for the zipper on my dress and start to undo it. “Pull your arms out.” you whisper in my ear. “I don’t want this dress to be ruined. It looks amazing on you.” You fold the dress in half and lay it on the dresser.

I am wearing stockings, no panties as you ordered. The bra you just bought me a few weeks ago and your favorite perfume.

“Take those ugly cheap who heels off.” I hear the door open and I can feel that you’ve left the room. I pull off my heels in an instant and place them on the floor beside me.

The door opens again. You run your fingers across my Shoulder blades. Reaching down and unclasping my bra I hear you mutter. “What a shame, wasted.” You toss the bra away. All of a sudden I feel something cold running down my back. Ice. That’s what you did- you got ice.

You push mystockings down to my ankles and I step out of them. “So you can follow orders.” you mutter. I hear you click your tongue.

“Spread wide.” You whisper. I step my right foot out about 2 feet and bend my knees a little. I swallow hard. I don’t know what you are doing and that makes me more nervous than anything. I almost want to beg for the punishment to start- but I know if I say anything or rush your process I wont like it in the end.

You reach between my legs and run a finger over your pussy. It is yours- You took it our first meeting. I could never deny that it is yours.

“Hummmm..” You mutter disappointed again. I feel a hard smack on my clip. “You missed a spot- You tramp you can’t even shake right.” I almost buckle under the pressure. I thought I got it all. You slip a finger inside me and wiggle it a little. I know better then to think you are playing with me. This is a test. I hold my Stance. You take an ice cube and push it inside of me. On the inside I am screaming. The cold is shocking to my very hot, wet mound. I twitch a bit; but I you don’t notice.

“Kneel onto the bed and bend over- You know how.” I turn and climb onto the bed. Bending over so my back is arched and my ass is out. You take an ice cube and with out warming or warning push it up my ass. The cold there is more shocking then any where else you could place it. I hear you set the ice bucket down and fill it with water. After some swishing around you return.

“Do you understand why you are being punished?” You lean close to my ear.

“Yes Sir- I disobeyed and disappointed you Sir. I beg of your forgiveness.” I mutter through the ball gag. I don’t know why you always make me talk when I am wearing this- you can’t understand me anyway. I would say something but for fear of getting smoked I don’t ever question your method.

You reach over and lift a part of the blind fold. Looking into one of my eyes you smile softly.

“Of course I forgive you Princess- butI have to punish you or you will never learn.” You lean in and kiss my forehead as you cover my eye once more.

I hear a zipper, but it’s to long to be your pants. I almost want to tense up but if I have learned anything it’s not to be nervous about what is coming. If I tend up- it will hurt more. I know what is coming. I misbehaved and now I must pay.

I hear the swishing of the ice water again. I still don’t know what you are doing. I sight. I think waiting for the punishment to start is punishment in it’s self. I only wish I could go back to the day when I told you that spanking me isn’t going to teach me anything. Actually I think my exact words were:

“If you think I am going to learn a damn thing from being spanked with a paddle you are sadly mistaken Mister. Don’t believe me? Call my mother and ask her how many wooden spoons she busted over my ass and how I still don’t listen to her.” I regretted say that as soon as it came out. You did find something that kept me in line. Clamps. I shutter at the thought even now.

“Did you just shudder?” You call over from a corner of the room.

“Yes Sir.” I bite my lip almost to the point that I cry.

“What are you thinking about?” I hear a chuckle in your voice. It’s almost as if this has become a game for you.

“Clamps Sir.” I answer honestly because I know you would know if I lied.

“I didn’t bring any, I was hoping this wouldn’t be a punishment evening.” You easy my mind a little. I’m unsure of why.

“I understand Sir. Thank you Sir.” I saw. No clamps? This is going to be easy.

Or so I think.

Time seems to creep by slowly. I don’t know if it’s because I am waiting for a punishment or if it’s because I can’t see the clock. You haven’t said a word in a while. I do keep hearing the ice bucket swish around. I’m really curious to know what you plan to do with it.

I feel your warm hand on the small of my back. Then something cold lays across my ass. A wash clothes? Maybe a towel. I don’t know but it’s fucking cold. I shut my eyes hard and wait for my ass to adjust.

I don’t have long though because the next thing I feel is a hard snap of a flogger across the towel.

I scream. I bite down on the ball gag and my mind goes blank. I almost lose my breath.

“Sir Tha…” I whisper. Before I can say anything else there is another sharp sting.

“Don’t speak.” You snap back.

I feel 4 more cracks and a tear rolls down my cheek. I hear you set the whip down and the towel is removed.

As I try to suppress my sobs and catch my breath I can hear you shuffling around in your bag. A few moments later I know what you have gotten.

I feel the round paddle press hard against my still freezing and very sore bottom.

“Stand.” You command. I obey with out hesitating. The fact that I am crying is visible now. I steady my breath as I hear the swing of the paddle coming and I forget everything. I tend up and the paddle meets with a hard smack.

That hurt more then anything ever. I almost fall over but you catch me in your loving arms.

“I’ve got you Baby.” You whisper softly in my ear. I collapse into you and breathe deep. You remove the gag and the blindfold and look into my eyes.

“Don’t EVER be late again.” you say in that same tone you used when I walked into the door.

“No Sir.” I can’t say anything else my mind is still blank.

You hold me softly in your arms and wipe my tears away. This is the first time I’ve ever cried in front of you. I burn my face into your chest.

“Babygirl what’s wrong?” You whisper softly.

“My ass hurts.” I sniffle and you laugh.

“Well don’t make me beat you and your ass wont hurt anymore.”

“Well DUH!” I look up and snap back. My lips pinched tight together.

“What?” you whisper.

“I mean umm Yes Sir…No Sir.. I love you.” I say with a cheesy smile.

“I love you too; now let’s take a look at the welts that’s going to leave.” You turn me over in your lap. I can see in the large mirror on the wall that I won’t be sitting down for a few days. You reach over and grab my overnight bag.

“Where’s your lotion baby?” you whisper. I pull it out of the small pocket and you rub it lovingly over my swollen backside.

“I’m sorry Babygirl.” you kiss my shoulder.

“No, I’m sorry.” I whisper. You look at me head tilted. “I ruined what ever amazing plans you had for tonight.” I look away sad.

“Yes, of course this is not the way I wanted tonight to go but, with you I should always have a plan B..and C.” You smile.

I glance at the clock. It’s only 11:15. I reposition my self and look up at you.

“Yes?” You raise your eyesbrows.

“May I Sir?” I look innocently down to your belt buckle. You don’t speak. You just lay back with your hands folded behind your head.

I unbuckle your belt and pull down the zipper. You cock is already hard. You may hate to do it- but even puzzleng me turns you on.

I lean in close just to kiss the tip. I was going to tease just a little but you know me by now. You push my head down and slide into the back of my throat. I let my tongue slip out and lick the underside of your balls. You shutter with excitement. I feel you leaning forward your hand finds my clip.

“Even after a wet towel whipping you are soaked?” I don’t know if you are shocked or amazed.

“What can I say Sir- your cock turns me on.”

“Hmm My little slut.. what ever am I going to do with you?” Again a kiss on the forehead.

“Bound me, beat me, fuck me, love me, keep me forever?” I lean down and lick your shaft.

You reach over and pop your pussy. “I’ll think about it.” you laugh as you slide two of your fingers deep. “Cum Now.”

I don’t know when sleeping came into effect. I think we both just passed out. I wake up it’s nearly 9 am and I’m not sure how long you booked the room for. I take my overnight back and head into the shower. On my way over I happen to see inside your bag. There’s a long box unwrapped and sitting open. I glance back at you- still sleeping. I know I shouldn’t be looking in your bag. I lean down to get a closer look at the box. There’s a small slip of paper on the inside of the lid. All I can see is one line.

“I want to keep you.”

Glance back at you. “I love you Sir.” I whisper as I head to the shower. While washing my hair you come in and pull back the curtain.

“REALLY?” you have the same stern look on your face. “Looking in my belongings with out permission?” You tap your fingers on the wall.

“Did you really think you could get out of bed with out waking me?” A smile runs across your face and I know I’m in trouble..

I’m always in trouble…

At least with Sir.. Someday I’ll learn….


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