Slut E
This is a standalone story. It’s part of the “Five” series. It’s the backstory behind Endah “Edith” Karike, a submissive to Mistress Acadia and a foil to David Elliott. This is the first installment of her story on how she became a slut.
Dedicated to Boxwood, who provided the inspiration for this tale.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, merchandise, companies, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All characters in sexual situations are 18 years or older.
Chapter One
Meeting Acadia
Endah Karike loved her corner office and a quiet cup of tea before the workday began. Her name came from her Indonesian mother — it means “beautiful girl.” Her amber almond shaped eyes, glossy black hair, and bronze color skin were also from her mom, along with her sense of intelligence and crushing work ethic. From her American dad, she got her long shaped legs and more pronounced curves than other Asian women. She was a hidden gem – – a voluptuous body disguised by mundane business appropriate outfits.
She was always the quiet one in class. The one with her hand raised with the correct answer, but never shouting and wanting to become the center of attention. She was studious, serious and focused, even as a small child. Even though she turned into a beautiful young woman, her intelligence and reserved demeanor led to a dearth of dates, and though she was book smart, she had little experience with sex and the real world.
Endah’s Anglicized name was Edith, the one she had used since high school and college, and the one her accounting clients knew her by. She was one of the founding partners of Karike & Holden, a business and tax accounting firm with a staff of twelve, with their office just over the Hudson River from New York City in Hoboken, New Jersey. She had recently added a new financial planning business and held an option on additional space in her office building to accommodate her expansion plans.
She was still in her 30’s and had gone from indentured servitude with a national accounting firm to starting and then building up her own firm. There had been an early marriage and a dividend, and now she was a professional with a focus on business, with a full schedule of client and team meetings and dinner presentations. Everyone looked up to her.
Except Acadia. Edith shivered in Acadia’s presence; Acadia was an older mesmerizingly beautiful woman and a business client. Acadia had seen inside Edith’s shell of competence and the insecurities and unhappiness that lay beneath. She saw Edith’s thirst for submission that lurked just below the veneer of contentment.
To Edith, Acadia was completily put together – happy and in control of her life. Edith felt that she had achieved the latter, with her elevated sense of precision and the smooth operation of her business and investments but was almost devoid of the former – she was rarely happy. Acadia changed that. Edith found that she would look forward to her business meetings with Acadia, to the point of performing some of the more mundane tasks that would normally be given to a manager or staff person, just so she could spend more time interacting with Acadia. All the office staff knew that when Acadia was in the house, everything had to be perfect. And it was.
Edith took a sip of her hot tea and thought back to that moment, almost a year ago to the day, when Acadia went from business client to trainer. The two women were sharing a coffee at a local roastery after a long, arduous corporate tax meeting when things took a surprise turn. They had known each other long enough to have some personal conversations, includinging snippets of what Acadia did in her spare time. Acadia previously told Edith about her interest in BDSM, and in particular the domination of women (though on rare occasions, a man). Although Edith had no idea what Acadia was talking about, her admission for the tall brunette motivated her to find out more about Acadia’s password.
Edith didn’t think much about sex but was intrigued by the elements of control and obedience that were at the core of a dominant/submissive relationship. Of course, being the meticulous researcher, she had already done extensive reading on BDSM. She thought herself educated on the topic and was hoping Acadia would be impressed. The discussion didn’t go in the direction she expected. Acadia gave her a stern look instead of one of approval. Acadia took a sip of her coffee and dispensed her opinion.
“You’re very good at talking about the game of submission in this sort of academic way, which follows the stories you like to read; limits, safe words,Theatrical dungeons, stone floors, chains, stylish leather wear, dramatic lighting, pain and release, a defined play time,” Acadia said, summarizing Edit’s observations in an almost clinical fashion. “It’s not far from the rest of your life, where you’re always planning and always on a schedule and usually achieving your goals. But you’re missing the point in both regards. Work isn’t an end in and of itself, and domination and submission isn’t just about giving and following directions. In both cases, getting the most out of it requires a mindset that you don’t have.”
Edith looked up from her hazelnut latte and her face was hot, not used to being criticalized so openly and so quickly. She had eschewed the usual boring business suit and had instead bought a new outfit specifically for that meeting – gunmetal gray silk blouse, two buttons open, hint of lace bra visible, slim expensive black skirt, tall heels and dark stockings, the fashionable but very subtle submissive look, a heavy silver wrist cuff to hint at the idea, her short dark hair carefully done. She was trying to collect her thoughts, to respond to Acadia’s unexpected discovere. Before Edith could formulate a cogent response Acadia continued, speaking just loud enough to be heard by Edith over the din in the noisy café.
“My interest is in the power of control, of taking people who think they are erotic and submissive out of their comfortable zone to actually find out for themselves a new depth of feeling about what brought them to need to do this. For most of your life you were a good girl, now you’re an educated wannabe submissive who has read all the classic books. You want to fit this in with your other roles, as a business professional and a self-sufficial woman with a personal trainer, a personal shopper, and a weekend schedule filled with emotionally unsatisfying social events. You see domination and submission as a potential way to achieve an extra sexual thrill but in a risk-free and controlled way. But that’s not what this is all about. It’s about taking risks and surrendering control. It’s the way to free your emotions instead of keeping them bottled up inside.”
Acadia had been at this juncture many times before – the tipping point from academic interest to taking the first real steps towards submission. She recognized that Edith was standing at such a crossroads and was ready to take the leap. Acadia was confident enough to act right then and there on her intuition. She reached over, and took Edith’s coffee cup away, and grasped Edith’s wrist firmly. Their eyes locked together, and there was a silent understanding that Acadia would take Edit down a different path. Edith understand her role was to listen, so she let Acadia continue without interruption.
Acadia leaned forward, still holding Edith’s wrist as she spoke. Edith noticed that some of the people around them were watching their conversation.
“What interests me is undoing that mindset, deconstructing you to get to the essence of what you need. It’s a simple plan, though; you will do as I say, with no negotiation, but you can walk away any time.” She bent Edith’s wrist and slide her hand down to squeeze Edith’s fingers together and dunk them into the hot coffee. Edith watched her do it but offered no resistance, grimacing at the pain caused by the steaming beverage. It was a simple act but one they Both understand with perfect clarity. It was Edit’s first act of submission.
Acadia was watching Edit’s eyes and saw Edit’s first small defeat with no emotion on her face. A fashionable, professional, well-dressed intelligent women did not put her freshly manicured nails into her own cup of coffee, no matter what the setting. It wasn’t a dramatic demand, but in a public setting it was just a small piece of physical control which Edith silently accepted, knowing that it would be embarrassing to acknowledge that she allowed it to happen. Edith’s eyes stayed forward, lookingat Acadia, though she knew the patrons at the adjoining tables were no doubt watching their ritual.
Acadia finished her first lesson with one last request, made with an even voice.
“Lick your fingers clean and then finish your latte.”
Edith’s eyes sought out Acadia’s, and the keen eyes she usually saw had transformed into a dead serious expression – one that broke no questions. Edith’s eyes broke contact, lowered to the table, dutifully licking her fingers and drinking the coffee, not tasting the hazelnut but her first taste of submission. Somehow Acadia had stripped away her defenses with a cutting remark and a small physical conception. Edith realized that no amount of book learning could tell her how she felt at that moment.
It was a feeling that started in the pit of her stomach and made her muscles tense and her head shudder.
She wanted to feel that again… and again.
Acadia was watching Edith’s eyes as she removed her hand, sucked the fingerrs clean, and then finished her coffee. Edith was unable to hide her fresh, raw emotion, and certainly not from Acadia’s trained eyes. Acadia saw the unrequited hunger and pounded on it.
“Give me your keys, we’ll take your car. Whatever you had planned for this afternoon has changed.”
Acadia sat back with an appraising smile, sipping her double espresso. Even though Edith had a number of appointments that afternoon, she relented, reaching down to pick up her purse, the clever find at the Kate Spade outlet store, and taking out her ring of keys with the BMW key tag.
“You’ve been a good girl for over thirty years now, it may take a while to chip away all those layers. You know all the rules, to dress carefully, buy nice things that suit your looks, take care of your grooming and Your health, move with modesty, eat politely, do your share, be quiet about your sexuality, and cooperate with others. As I find the edges of your old habits I’ll keep pushing them back, to getyou to new places. That’s the part I enjoy, having to read you in order to break you down.”
Acadia took Edith’s keys and stood up to slip on her own coat. As Edith got up, Acadia took her coat from her.
“It’s not all that cold, let me keep that for you.”
It was cold, in fact, an early winter day with a look of possible snow, and as they walked out Edith was shivering in only a thin silk blouse. Acadia waseped the key ring to find the car, walking ahead of Edith to the late model BMW black sedan with its lights flashing. Edith walked around to the passenger side, opening the door, but before she could slide in Acadia stood in her way and kept her standing and shivering in the open door. Acadia slipped the keys into her pocket and took Edith’s chin with one hand, tilting her head up. Her other hand went to the younger woman’s right breast, cupping and lifting it through the thin blouse. She was looking directly into Edith’s eyes from a few inches away.
“Good girlsare careful to wear a coat when it’s cold and would never let anyone touch their body in public like this. Or to be as excited about it as you seem to be. Take off this blouse and the bra, right here right now.”
They were in a seldom used part of a parking lot of a suburban shopping center, as a few snowflakes drifted down and cars came and went. Edit felt that now familiar tightening in her body and an irresistible urge to comply. She looked left and right, and after a moment’s hesitation, fumbled in the cold with the silk-covered buttons to open and un-tuck her blouse, and handed the gray silk to Acadia, then the cream lace bra. Edith was topless in skirt and heels, freezing with aching nipples in the biting cold in the bright sun. Acadia stood motionless, holding Edith’s blouse and bra, until Edith’s eyes dropped downward in a submissive pose. Acadia then stepped away.
“Get in the car and wait for me.”
Once in the car, Acadia reached over to fasten Edit’s seatbelt. “We’re going to be driving for about 20 minutes to my house, I want to see you touching your nipples the whole time, but not covering yourself. Start thinking about what you’re becoming.”
Acadia drive smoothly on the four-lane road, with the wipers brushing away the falling snow. Edith was shivering, half naked, and touching her nipples as Acadia glanced over. For the first time in as long as Edith could Remember, she wasn’t the one in control, a feeling she wasn’t familiar with. She looked nervously out the passenger side window as they passed cars in the lane to the right of them. Her body felt like it was tied in knots, but the tension only fed her newfound sexual desire.
Another first, Edith had never touched herself this way with an audience, not even in a bedroom. When they stopped for a red light, in front of the library on a busy city street, Acadia reached over to lift Edith’s chin, so that Edith was sitting straight up in the seat and turned her face towards thewindow. This was the part that Acadia enjoyed the most. Watching her submissive realize that their carefully constructed world was an elaborate illusion, and that their true self was being revealed without the benefit of guardrails.
The man in the next car, alone in his heavy winter coat, turned to look over and his face showed surprise. The light changed, but neither of the cars moved as he gawked at the topless woman. Acadia still had her hand under Edith’s chin, and Edith didn’t dare turn away from gaze of the startled man. The feelings of embarrassment and the complete loss of control were exhilarating to her. She felt wet between her legs.
Acadia’s car finally moved forward, and Acadia kept driving until the four-lane road turned into a winding two laner through an exclusive neighborhood that was far out of Edit’s reach. Acadia’s house was set back in the trees, a modern steel and glass structure, accented with stained cedar, with expanded decks and patios of pouredconcrete. She parked on the curved drive at the front door and turned to Edith with her gloved hand cupping her left breast. Edith’s light golden brown skin was in sharp contrast to the dark leather of Acadia’s glove. Edith shivered, not just because of the cold, but because she was being used so openly and without emotion.
Acadia held Edith’s shoulder and pulled her closer. “Remember, from here on stop trying to think ahead and just pay attention and react, you’ll learn new things about yourself.”
The Domme let go of Edith and went ahead, leaving Edith to watch, as Acadia unlocked the front door and went in, closing it behind her. Edith didn’t know what to do so she stood there, waiting for Acadia. The submissive looked around, relieved that the neighbors lived too far away to see her, though on that cold Afternoon, with snowflakes fluttering all around her, she realized she was getting very, very cold. Right when Edited to knock on the door, it opened, and Acadiacame out, wearing a wool cardigan over her clothes.
“It’s cold out there. For heaven’s sake get in,” she said to a surprised Edith. Edith stepped carefully towards the entrance, trying not to slip in her heels on the newly fallen snow.
The warm air made Edith’s nipples ache after subjecting them to twenty minutes of pinching, followed by extreme cold. She felt uncomfortable and antsy, yet it was a feeling she craved. Acadia was right. She was conditioned to do the right thing, but the right thing was mind numbing. Edith wanted to feel, and good or bad, she was experiencing the rawest of emotions – – fear and lust.
Edith looked down, noticing the grand entranceway with the intricate tile work on the stone floor and then up at the high ceilings with a central chandelier and transom windows all around reflecting a reddish hue from the setting sun. It was a lovely home that she would ordinarily be assessing with her keen accountant’s eye, but all that was a blur as her thoughts went to Acadia, and what was going to happen. It was the fear of the unknown, and Acadia created that mood to perfection.
As Edith was blankly staring above, Acadia grasped her wrist. Acadia led Edith down a hallway with a gallery of family photos on one wall. Halfway down the hallway Acadia stopped and made Edith face the blank wall opposite the photo gallery.
“Put your hands on the wall, and Stay there for a moment,” Acadia ordered.
Edith was left with her arms out to both sides, standing alone wearing the business skirt and heels from before, but naked from the wait up, still shivering. She wondered where Acadia had gone.
Acadia disappeared into a room, and then came back with a change of clothes. She was wearing a charcoal sweater and skirt, with tall dark boots, but it was a very fashionable upscale suburban look, not a black leather Domme costume.
“You need to learn your first position, for inspection. The books always talk about kneeing, or being in some stress position, but the reality is that floors are hard on the knees, and you need to be able to do this anywhere I ask, even if we are out somewhere, and it needs to be comfortable for a long time.”
Acadia’s hand went to Edith’s shoulder, then slide down her back and around to her side. It was warm on Edith’s bare skin.
“This way you aren’t going anywhere, and I have good access to your body. The first thing you give up in submission is privacy and control.” Acadia’s hand went around to cup Edith’s breast roughly, then down to her belly to feel its embarrassing curve, and up to her lips to open them and explore the sub’s teeth.
“Spread your legs wider.”
Edith moved my legs apart a bit, as far as she could in her narrow pencil skirt.
“The second thing you need to learn is to dress to allow me this access, nothing that you wear should be a problem for anyone I allow to touch you.” Acadia brought her other hand around into Edith’s field of vision, holding a large shiny pair of sewing shears.
“From now on, all your skirts and dresses will have full A line skirts, so your legs can move freely and be seen better.” With the scissors, Acadia began at the hem and cut the skirt upwards so that it flared open and pushed Edith’s legs wider. Edith was thinking about her favorite new skirt, the one she had searched for and spent more on than she intended, to have just the right look, and now it was ruined. Her nipples were hard and attentive. Edith had never been talked to or acted upon like that, yet she accepted Acadia’s directives without question or hesitation.
Acadia took off Edith’s ruined skirt and then cut through the two sides of Edith’s now sopping wet lace panties, so they dropped away. In just a minute, Edith was spread naked as she stood in stockings and heels, with her expensive former clothing puddled on the floor at her feet. Acadia inspected her body with both hands now, touching and probing everywheree as she stood behind Edith, who felt her hands up her legs, touching her labia, parting the lips and running two fingers along the slit, spreading her ass, hefting her breasts, touching her belly and armpits and the back of her neck. Edith felt owned and used. She started to get used to the idea that she no longer had any personal space and that her mind and body belonged to Acadia.
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