Slut Boy: Finally Submits

(This story is a shared fantasy for myself and my own Lady, hope you enjoy as much as we did)

Graham sat in the bath, he was running through the coming evenings activities in his head, a smile played across his lips as his cock hardened beneath the soapy water. He didn’t touch it, he didn’t dare, for tonight his cock was the property of His Lady and no one else.

Graham had been the online slut of His Lady for six months now, complying completely with her perverted demands. He had never met her but they had exchanged pictures. Graham loved the way she allowed him to express his sexuality without judgement and he had done some eye-watering things over the last few months. Things that would cause even the most broadminded person to raise an eyebrow.

He had finally persuaded her to meet him, She had agreed but attached conditions. He had to report to an address in Central London at 9pm tonight, a car would be sent. He had also received a package of things to wear. He hadn’t opened it yet as the anticipation was half the fun, it sat on the chair next to the bath calling to him, his eye returning to it again and again, the bows and ribbons giving the package a feminine tone he found strangely excited.

Maria his partner was away for the weekend and Graham was thrilled at the thought of being His Ladies property for the whole weekend. He loved Maria very much but they didn’t seem to have the time they used to. They were both following successful careers that were becoming increasingly demanding on there time, as a result Graham had taken to using porn sites occasionally and had stumbled across His Lady purely by accident.

That had been six months ago and he had fallen completely under her thrall. He blushed at the thought of some of the things she had made him do, he loved every minute of it as his own perversions were aloud there full head.

She had made him film himself wanking, then sent it to her for her pleasure, that had been the start of the slippery slope. He had forgotten her used panties to go to work in, filmed himself dressed in her underwear, fucked himself in the ass with the dildo she had sent him, the list went on.

He smiled again, the water making his skin prune, time to get ready he thought. He got out of the bath and towelled himself down, his cock bobbing in front of him as thoughts of His Lady ran through his mind.

He picked the box up and took it into his room and undid the bow, lifting the lid off to reveal… An exhaustively tailored French Maid’s outfit complete with piny and small cap. He lifted it out and admitted the stitching, he also noticed the small black butt plug nestling in the bottom of the box next to a white satin thong.

His cock was rock hard, the thought of travelling round London dressed as a French Maid was so arousing Graham felt faith, he rummaged around the box and turned up a set of silk hold ups and some high heels, the complete set. He ran the hold ups over his cock, the silk stimulating it to even greater hardness, control Graham, he daren’t come without permission from His Lady, the punishment would be severe.

He sat himself down in the chair that he had wanked himself off in for His Lady so many times, he tried to figure out the order he should put his clothes on in, woman had it a lot harder he decided. Stockings first that sounds right. The silky smooth stockings slide easily up his sealed legs (another of His Ladies conditions), he twenty the elastic tops into place and shivered at the thought of it all.

Next came the g string, again made of fine silk, he could barely get his cock to fit in its present state of excitement, still that would not change until His Lady gave him permission and that would be some time, best to get on with it .There was no more Underwear to put on but he suddenly remembered the butt plug, surely it would fall out after a while as he adjusted to its size, he remembered that was whatthe panties were for. He winced as he forced it into his tight hole revelling in the feeling of penetration, he would be unable to sit still, he knew that the cab ride would be interesting.

Once the plug was in place held in by the panties it was time to take the plumge and put the dress on. He could barely squeeze it up his legs and over his ass but eventually managed it, now all he had to do was do the zip up. He spent a good five minutes trying to stretch his hand round, but finally managed it with a sight of relief. The piny and little hat was, next finally completing the outfit.

He admitted himself in the mirror, quite the little slut aren’t we, he thought. A knock on the door snapped him from his reverie, the cab he thought and grabbing his heels he ran downstairs to open the door the plug moving all the time bringing a painful expression to his face. Too late he realized what he was wearing, he had no coat on and would have looked ridiculous to anyone who didn’t know what what a Slut Boy he was.

A young woman in her twentyties was standing on the porch dressed in a chauffeur’s uniform, complete with cap and short skirt that barely covered her stocking tops. He felt his cock twitch, the trip would be harder than he imagined.

He went to get in the back of the car.

“You’re up front with me Slut Boy”

Graham blushed, ashamed that this young woman should see him like this and be ordering him about like he was her slave as well. Never the less he compiled as he knew His Lady would get to hear about any disobedience on his part.

The driver got in the car, her skirt exposing stocking tops and a flash of pale thigh. She made no attempt to cover herself as they drove off. Graham could feel his cock demanding attention as it rubbed against the silky panties he was wearing, the plug thrilling his insides. The combined hardness and penetration was almost unbearable, he had never been so hard though and knew he would just have to grin and bear it.

“Are you hard? you cheese slut”

“Yes” answered Graham.

“You will show me a bit more respect Slut Boy or you can get out here”

“Yes My Lady, I am hard”

“I am not you’re lady you insolent slut, you can call me mistress”

“Yes Mistress I am hard”

“Better, now play with yourself, I want to see your cock.”

Graham tried to fish his cock out from under his skirt, he eventually achieved his aim, but not without first successeeding in pushing the butt plug further inside himself.

He stroked his shake, consciousness that he must not come, but desperate to put on a show for this girl. His eyes remained glued to her thighs and stocking tops. He groaned barely able to control his need for release.

“Calm down Slut Boy, you need to save that for your Lady, just keep it hard for me, that will do for now”

Relieved that he wasn’t going to come he tried to gauge where they were, just passing Wandsworth not far from the centre of town, nearlyThere. He stroked his cock, rubbing his thumb over his slit, causing a shudder of pleasure to course through him.

“Put it back in your panties Slut, were there”

God how am I supposed to get that in my panties, thought Graham. He tried to bend his engaged prick back into the tight fitting panties, pain seared through his cock at the misreatment it was receiving. He got out and straightened himself up, the girl pushed an envelope into his hands and slammed the door shut driving off at great speed.

Shit, he had been dumped in the middle of London with just an envelope, presumably contained his instructions, His Lady was making her Slut Boy work for his keep. He felt ridiculous, if anyone saw him he was likely to get beaten up at the least, raped even, looking the way he was dressed, anything could happen.

He tore the envelope open, it contained an address and a map, at least it wasnt to far. He set off struggleling in the heels, blushing with humiliation, cursing His Lady under his breath, the plug an ever present reminder of his situation. A car slowed as it passed, full of people laughing and pointing at him, he blushed but carried on.

He arrived at the address after ten thankfully uneventful minutes, his heart sank, it was a bar called “Poodle Doggy”. Graham hesitated outside, his heart pounding, his prick still jutting painfully. He had no idea what he was supposed to do but he was freezing, he knew he had to go inside.

He walked down the stairs to the smokey bar, all the talking stopped as all eyes turned to look at the fully grown man dressed as a French Maid. Oh My God, I am going to die, the shade flowed through him consuming him, everyone was pointing and staring, some were laughing, nudging there friends.

“Who ordered the tranny” some joker called out, breaking the silence as the bar slowly returned to its normal noise level. Graham’s heart was thumbing fit to burst, he felt like he might fail. To his shame he was still rock hard and couldn’t deny that the humiliation had thrilled him, His Lady knew him so well it scared him a little.

He felt a hand on his ass and whirled round fists bunched. A short brunette woman winked at him, she was dressed in a very professional looking suit, short skirt, white blouse and all. He immediately noticed her breasts pushing against the pin stripe material, he hoped against hope.

“Slut Boy?”

“My Lady?”

Graham felt such relief, combined with a feeling of sexual attraction for the woman who had dominated him so thoroughly, he had finally met her.

“Lets get you under cover before you are attacked shall we”

Thank god an end to the humiliation. She reached into her bag and pulled out a collar and lead. She cant be serious, the collar snapped shut round his neck.

“On your hands and knees Slut Boy”

Graham was on the verge of tears but compiled as he knew he must. He had entered into this arrangement of his own free will, hehad to accept the consequences, his heart was like a hammer, his will, which had been weakened over the last six months was at its lowest point, he compiled immediately

She led him out of the club on his hands and knees to gales of laughter from the assembled drinkers, only to aware that his ass was on full view framed by the panties and stockings, the base of the butt plug clearly visible. How low had he sunk he hated himself because he knew that he was loving every minute, the throbbing in his cock told him all he needed to know. His body had taken over from his head, he was no longer in control His Lady owned him fully now.

“Keep up Slut Boy, there’s a good doggy”

Graham was only to aware of his prediction, his knees were killing him, his hands were dirty, he could feel the cold night air whistling round his ass and balls as they pushed leisurely out of the tiny g string. He hoped she wasn’t taking him far, no one had walked past yet but it was only a matter oftime.

“Oh what a cute doggy”

Grahams ears priced up, Oh No, they had been spotted, he stared at the floor unable to lift his head, he could only see His Ladies expensive high heels. Another pair of ladies shoes joined those wound by His Ladies.

“Fay, so good to see you, this is my new doggy, he’s called slut boy. I am glad you like him. He needs Some training but he’s a quick learner”

“Doggy why don’t you lick Fay’s shoes for her”

Graham knew he had no choice, but his hesitation earned him a whack across the backside, forcing the plug painfully farther up inside his already stretched ass.

His tongue snaked out to lick the black leather, he could smell the woman’s scent as his forehead brushed against the fine material of her stockings. Graham could barely control himself and started nuzzling the woman’s ankles desperate to go higher hoping for a glimpse of her stocking tops.

“Get down you naughty doggy”

His Ladies voice was like a scourge, he immediately cowered on the floor.

“Told you he needed more training, anyway hell get plenty of that tonight, nice to see you again Fay”.

“Ill see you soon sweetie, maybe you can lend him to me when you’ve trained him?”

“Sorry hun this ones all mine, maybe Ill lend you my next one”

And with that she yanked on Slut Boys chain and carried on walking.

The unlikely pair eventually arrived, without further incident at a smart looking building consisting of loft conversations on a reclaimed brown field site. His Lady led her Slut Boy into the lobby of the smart building, she acknowledged the concierge, who didn’t bat an eyelid at the ridiculous site of the man crawling on his knees dressed as a French maid.

They entered the lift, “You may stand up know Slut Boy, let me have a look at you”. Graham rose to his feet, his joints aching, muscles screaming at their misreatment, thankful to be allowed to stand again, he looked His Lady in the eye as she smiledat him.

She stroked his thighs with her hand rising to cup his swollen balls and erect cock, all the time never breaking eye contact, he groaned as she massed his dick, he needed to come desperately, a fact that she was only to aware of.

“Oh Slut Boy need to come does he, I thought you’d like the driver, did she tease you poor baby?”

“She didn’t touch it My Lady, but she made me wank myself off for her”

“She exceeded her instructions, she will be punished. You belong to me and me only Slut Boy”

The lift arrived at the top floor and opened onto a plusly decorated hallway, they approached a door that had been left ajar and entered. Graham took in his new surroundings, the loft was amazing, huge and very modern the open plan living space had been cleared, all the furniture being moved to one side.

“Get back on your knees Doggy”

His Lady was behind him now gripping the butt plug, twisting it painfully in his ass, making him moan with need and pain, he felt so cheap, nothing more than a toy to be played with whenever she wanted. There was no denying the hardness of his cock, he could feel the blood pumping within it, the thought of release, however far away it was, spurred him on, the sooner she got what they wanted the sooner he would be allowed to come.

“Now tell your lady what a good doggy fuck toy you are and well start playing”

“My Lady, I am your pet, your possession, your fuck toy, to do with as you see fit, I am here to serve you, your pleasure is my aim”

Graham blushed at the ease with which he had slipped into his role, his submission to the this woman complete now, his will overcome, he awaited his instructions.

“Good doggy, I want to play with your ass a bit before you serve your Lady. So bend over this chair like a good doggy and show me your dirty little bottom”

Graham looked around, from his vantage point on the floor he could see a large leather sofa, beautifully upholstered it looked like a valuable antique. He crawled towards it and climbed up onto the lovely piece of furniture. He hoped his lady though of him as an object, a possession to be used for her pleasure, much the same as the sofa.

Lying over the arm of the chair, his ass presented for His Lady. The little brown ring plugged as it was with the butt plug, was beautifully framed by the stockings and tiny g string panties, he felt so vulnerable as he exposed his most private parts for all to see.

His head was pushed into the cushion of the sofa, his nose filled with the smell of expensive leather, he could sense His Lady behind him admiring what she saw. The thought of His Lady admiring her pet excited Graham he hoped His Lady liked what he was being allowed to show her.

“What a good little doggy pet you are, I had no idea you could be so well behaved”

The plug was being removed very slowly, the pain exhaust, as the larger middle section was pulled through his tight ring. Finally it plopped out, the relief was instant as he could feel his pumped brown entrance return to its normal size. But the respite was short lived as he felt His Lady ticle her finger nail across his asshole, he shiver his delight, his cock was pressing painfully into the sofa, he couldn’t believe the pleasure this treatment was causing him.

He could feel her behind him teasing him mercilessly, her fingers feeling his ass cheats, tickling him, making him want more. he needed her to penetrate him, wanted the feeling of being filled completely, his mind screamed at him, what the fuck are you doing its your ass, but his body was in control now and it needed to be misreated, fucked and used like a cheese toy, to be played with and put away for later.

“Is there anything you want doggy?”

He could hear the mocking tone in her voice, she knew what he wanted but wanted to hear him say it.

“Please My Lady, I want you to fuck me in the ass, I am desperate for you to misstreat me, I am your fuck toy, please my lady I am desperate to come and be fucked.”

“What a dirty little doggy you are, maybe I will fuck your pretty ass”

“But first I want you to use that pathetic cock on me, you cheap tart, think you can do that? I doubt I will even notice it but you may as well try you pathetic slut”

Graham was stunned at this outburst, he loved his cock, it was his favourite body part, that someone would insult its size hurt him beyond belief. The hardness between his legs did not however abate at this verbal onslaught, if anything it made him even stiffer.

He was pulled roughly from the sofa, and thrown on the floor, he quickly resumed his doggy position, head hung once more with the shame of his position. His Lady positioned herself on her back between his arms, hitching up her short skirt to expose a perfectly shaken cunt, the juice of her arousal clearly visible on her lips.

“You know where to put it doggy”

Graham shuffled forward and positioned his pulsing cock at the entrance to his Ladies cunt, feeling her wetness on the throbbing head. He was also aware of the but plug nudging his ass as his Lady tried to insert it in him again.

The significance of this was not lost on him, to penetrate and at the same time be penetrated completed in his mind the darkest fantasy in his possession. He was a toy nothing more, just there for other people perverted thoughts and deeds. His mind reeled with the arousal caused by his situation.

His Lady fucked him, ass and cock, the action pushing his cock into his Ladies hot slit, it seemed to suck his hard cock up inside her. He smiled as she groaned her approval, he could feel his Lady picking up the pace as he ploughed into her, urging him on, she was slapping his ass with each stroke now causing the heat in him to rise like a volcano nearing eruption.

He new he wouldn’t last long, but he dare not come without permission he could barely speak.

“Please My Lady may doggy pet be allowed to come?”

“Certainly not you cheese slut, first you must make your lady come then she will consider your request”

Graham could feel the arousal of the woman between his legs, she was moaning loudly with each thrust and couldn’t be far off coming, but he was worried that this continued fucking would tip him over the edge before she came. He knew he would have to be careful or the punishment would be severe.

Finally an orgasm crashed through his Lady, she groaned aloud as her body shuddered with the power of the orgasm. Graham stopped fucking her . Time seemed to stand still as she recovered, Graham saw her nod to him.

“Good doggy you have made your Lady come, you’re half way there. Now be a good doggy fuck toy and get that pathetic cock round here, we want to see you wank yourself off”.

Graham crawled round to face his mistress aware that his stretched ass was clearly on view .He sat up and grasped his cock feeling the pulsing shake, knowing that his come wasn’t far away.

“Now doggy I want you to wank off for me, you will use a scale of one to ten to indicate how near you are to coming. You will shout out the number each time your arousal increase, once you reach nine You will ask permission to stop wanking. Permission will be granted if you have been a good doggy. You will then wait until your arousal has decreased to a lower level, before starting again. If you come without permission I will personally ensure you are ruined, at any time you may be instructed to perform other tasks as well. Understand doggy?”


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