Marsha was happily married. Earl was a good husband and an excellent father. Financially, they were more than comfortable in their lives together. They weren’t the one percent, but they were in the top ten. And yet, Marsha was not content. There was something missing. And it was missing in their sex life. Earl was…. too fast.
He wasn’t a two-minute wonder. Nor was he a “Wham, bam, thank you ma’am” kind of lover. He would often spend at least half an hour in foreplay, lightly struggling her back and legs and thighs and breasts. Sometimes he would suckle lightly on her breasts before making circles around her clip with either with his fingers or with his tongue. And then when he entered her, he could regularly sustain himself for ten or fifteen minutes. Often she would climax long before him and would be driven into a second orgasm before he finally came.
Most women would say that Earl was a nearly perfect lover who could drive them to the heights of password and bring multiple orgasms from their body. But for Marsha, the most intense pleasure was not the orgasm itself, but the anticipation. It was that time just before the volcano erupted that she coveted. And Earl – or perhaps she herself – went through that precious moment entirely too fast. That is what she wanted stretched out. That is what she wanted to make last. She wanted to be held just on the edge of orgasm for as long as possible. And Earl didn’t do that.
Maybe he didn’t understand. Maybe it wasn’t possible for him. Maybe it wasn’t possible for her. Marsha had many times tried using a vibrator to take herself to almost that peak. She could easily bring herself off with her little friend. She could even keep herself right on the edge for an extended period of time, but when she did, it wasn’t the same. Maybe teasing yourself at the edge of orgasm was impossible to truly do to yourself – like trying to ticket yourself. Maybe someone else had to be in control in order for the pure pleasureof that extended fleeting moment to be realized.
In desperation, Marsha turned to teasing stories from the internet. One thing she noticed immediately, was that in all of the teasing stories, the woman being held on the edge of orgasm, was also being held in bondage. She brought up the subject of light bondage with Earl, but he could not imagine restraining someone, even if they wanted it. So Marsha dropped the subject and began reading solo female / self-bondage stories.
The problem with most of them was that the women considered either gained most of their satisfaction from the bond itself or from the intense orgasms which were forced upon them. Sometimes they just got off on the pain or humiliation would result from discovery. Although all of that made Marsha very wet and horny, her real quest was for an extended period of restraint of her orgasm, not her body.
And then the ads began to pop up on her browser and emails began arrive in her “special account.” Shehad known enough to create a special user on her computer that was separate from everything else and a special email and browser account that was not connected in any way to any of their family accounts. She knew that the electronic gnomes of the internet know where you go and what you read, yet she was still surprised at the quantity of ads for adult toys and bondage sites and bondage equipment that arrived. They were sometimes comical and ridiculous, but she read them anyway.
She read each and every ad and popup that came to her, including those in her spam filter. She deleted almost every one of them immediately, but one day an email with the title “Teasinator” caught her attention. It was advertising an electronic device called The Teasinator that was “guaranteed to keep her hot, horny, and on the edge for hours at a time.” Marsha went immediately to the website.
The device was expensive… VERY expensive. It included a control box, vaginal and anal dildos, nipple stimuxers, some sort of clitoral clip, and several “negative reformer pads” that were shown applied to the underside of the breasts, the insides of the thighs, on the abdomen, and on both buttocks. She wasn’t sure how The Teasinator worked, but she knew that she wanted it.
Earl keep a very strict budget book and every penny had to be accounted for. Early in their marriage, that had caused tension, and so he had allocated to Marsha a “mad money” account. A certain amount each month went into that account and Marsha could do whatever she wanted with it. As Earl’s income had grown, so had the amount that was in her mad money account. Marsha probably could have bought a decent car with cash from the account, so she had more than enough cash to play with. The account was linked to PayPal, so there was no problem ordering the device on line.
But then Marsha thought, “I will still be in control. If I want to stop it, all I have to do is turn it off.”
That thought took herback out to the bondage websites, especially the self-bondage equipment. Soon packages of times and restraints and automatic releases started arrival at their home. Many women would have torn open the packages immediately and started experimenting, but Marsha, after all, was seeking restraint and delay, and so she carefully stored away each piece of equipment until she knew that she had everything in place.
The final thing needed was not a piece of equipment, but a place for her to put herself into the desired bondage and experience the full effects of the Teasinator. And the perfect place was in her own back yard. The previous owner had built a sauna building a little ways from the house in the spatial area behind it. The sauna itself had been only about twelve feet square, but the building that housed it was closer to twenty feet on a side. And Because the winters where Marsha lived could get very cold, the sauna building was very heavily insulated and sealed against moisture. Something had gone wrong with the sauna and it had nearly caught fire, so the previous owner had removed it with the intention of rebuilding it. He had, however, moved away before that was done. So what stood in that back yard was an unused, totally isolated room that was effectively soundproofed.
As soon as Marsha thought of using “The Hot Shed,” as her husband called it, she ran out to the back yard to check it out. It was basically empty, except for a few left over pieces of the old sauna. When she closed the door, she was plugged into total darkness. “Perfect,” she said as she fumbled to find the door latch in the disorientation of absolute darkness.
That night at supper, she told Earl that she wanted to tone up her body and mind with “Isolation Yoga.” He had never heard of it, but if he had looked it up on the internet, he would have found that it was basic Yoga, except it was practiced in near sensing deprivation conditions – like the hot shed.
“What do youneed?” he asked.
“It will only take a little fixing up,” Marsha answered. “And then just some pads, mirrors, and various attachment points on the walls and ceilings for the training bars and so forth.”
“How much?” was Earl’s next question.
“Less than diamond earrings,” was Marsha’s answer, “but with the same rewards.”
Many years ago, Earl had once joked that the only reason that a man buys diamonds for his wife is so she will give him a blow job. On her next birthday, he gave Marsha a pair of diamond earrings. He had forgotten all about the joke until that night when Marsha, for the first time in their marriage, gave him excellent oral sex. They had kept up the joke whenever Earl gave her diamonds. Actually, it was getting to the point where he wasn’t sure whether he gave her diamonds because he loved her and could afford to, or because he would get his cock sucked dry that night.
In any case, Marsha’s estimate of the costs was sufficient for Earl and he told her to call a contractor to do the work she wanted. A few weeks later the “Yoga Shed,” as she now called it, was ready. There were three levels to the floor. At the door and along that wall and the adjoining wall to the left, coming out four feet, the floor was carpeted. It then stepped up to a two inch pad that continued another eight feet to a heavily padded platform in the corner that was about two feet off the floor. The Final platform was approximately eight feet square and looked very much like a bed.
When Marsha showed the completed room to Earl, he said that the corner platform looked a lot like a bed, to which she answered, “It is for drifting in the nirvana of isolation and finding your center.” When he asked about the many eyesbolts which seemed to protrude from the walls, ceiling, and even, in some places, the floors, she explained that they were needed to support the bars and other aids to gaining flexibility.
Earl seemed a little hesitant about the whole project, but when Marsha suggested that they could use the platform so that she could give him his diamond reward, he decided it was just one more thing that he could live with if it made her happy.
It took three more weeks to get all of the equipment in place. That Marsha did entirely on her own. The various restraint equipment was relatively easy to set up. The Teasinator had the capability to control “restraint systems” as it called them, and had even recommended suppliers for electronically controlled cuffs, spreader bars, and lifting winches.
Marsha carefully assembled her system. With the help of the Teasinator control screen, she tested and re-tested each restraint and dildo. It felt funny to hold the vaginal device while it vibrated and wiggled in her hands. The anal device did not wiggle, but instead grow longer and shorter as it vibrated. She thought she could feel something when she held the black pads that were supposed to be beneath her breast and on her upper thighs, but she wasn’t sure. Maybe they had to actually be in place for everything to work properly. She would find out the first time she used them.
Everything was ready. All she had to do was wait for an opportunity when she could be out in the Yoga Shed for an extended period of time. Since waiting was what it was all about, the delay became a part of the game she was playing with herself. Twice each day, she would walk out to the Yoga shed dressed in her white top and white Yoga pants to do a half-hour Yoga routine. She knew that in the bright sunlight, it was almost as if she were naked…, and she knew that the neighbor’s high school son was watching her most of the time. Once she even did a Yoga stretch, bending down to grab her wide-spread ankles while making sure her ass was aimed at his window. She lowered her head almost to the ground several times, each time looking back between her legs at the second floor window with the curved pulled slightly to the side.
Finally the opportunity came. Earl was going out of town on business for three days. As soon as he went out the front door to leave for the airport, Marsha went out the back door to the Yoga shed. She carefully laid out the restraints and by early afternoon everything was in place.
For her first session, she chose to be spread eagle on the platform. First she inserted the vaginal dildo. She wanted to do that first so she could feel it inside her as she prepared everything else. She had planned on placing the anal dildo last, but once she felt the fullness of the device in her pussy, she decided to also fill her nether regions.
The anal device did not go into place quite as smoothly as the pussy device. She had to grunt and push a couple of times to force it in. Next came the strange nipple clamps. They weren’t really clamps, but were more like little hats that sat over her nipples and squeezed slightly to hold themselves in place. The two black squares went on the underside ofHer breasts. She still wasn’t sure what they were for. Likewise black squares went on her inner thighs just short of where her legs met her crotch and on her abdomen just below her navel. She opened the package for the two squares to apply to her asscheeks and found that there were four, not two in the bag. There was also a small slip of paper with instructions that indicated it was two patches on each chef. Wires connected to everything, and once everything was connected she turned on the controller.
As expected, Teasinator asked, “Is this a test or a session?”
“Do you wish to test the devices before beginning the session?”
The dildo in her cunt began vibrating and rapidly ran from very slow to very fast, and then from very soft to very strong. It quit vibrating and began wiggling. Again it varied from slowly to fast and from very little movement to nearly beending in half. When it stopped Teasinator asked, “Did device function satisfyrily?”
Marsha had to catch her breath before she answered, “Yes, quite satisfied.”
Teasinator then stepped through each of the devices. After each it asked if the device functioned satisfiedfactorily. When tested, the little caps on her nipples, varied from feeling like they were sucking on her to like they were pinching her tightly. She thought she even felt a slight shock. When asked if they had worked properly she replied, “I think so.” She gave the same answer after the pads tingled her skin and then popped her with a sufficient shock to cause her to yelp.
Finally the machine said, “Test completed. Please verify or change setup.”
Marsha wasn’t totally sure what to do at this point, but it then asked “Intensity?”
Marsha bit her lip while she paused and then answered “High… no, Extreme.”
“Random,” Marsha answered. After all, the whole purpose was to not know how long the teasing would continue.
“Maximum Total Duration?”
Now Marsha wasn’t sure what to answer. She knew Earl was going to be home in three days – actually Wednesday evening around 6:00. While she was debating with herself, she suddenly found herself blurting out, “Wednesday, 5:00 pm.”
The machine answered with “Calculating Maximum Total Duration.” There was a slight pause and the voice said, “Entered.”
Then Teasinator asked a question that she didn’t remember seeing in the manual. “Allow Internet Observation?” She did remember something about the company keeping track of how the machines performed. A lot of companies collected data like that so they could improve their product. She answered, “Yeah, OK.”
“Allow internet override?” Again, she wasn’t sure what that means, but answered, “Yeah, OK.”
“Allow training mode?” Now she really didn’t know what to answer, and she was absolutely sure that was not in the manual. But since this would be her first time, she assumed it had something to do with being a first time user and answered, “Yes, I guess.”
“Final question,” Teasinator said in its mechanical voice, “Notify designed contact of the session?”
“Yes, of course,” she answered. She really didn’t want Earl to know what she was doing, but if something went wrong, he was the logical person to call for help. In case of a serious problem, the system would send an email and text message to the safety backup one hour after the session was supposed to end. This was an off-site safety protocol, and not a part of the machine, so nothing that happened to the machine could prevent sending out a safety alert message. Teasinator notified the web controller before it started a session. If the unit did not notify the safety system that the session had completed successfully, or if Marsha had not called a certain phone number by a certain time, the web-based safety would send out the alert emails and text messages to the listed safetycontacts. If response was not received within five hours, then the program would trigger human intervention who would intervene or summon the proper authorities or whatever. It was a nearly fail-safe backup system.
“Beginning session,” said the mechanical voice and the arm and leg restrains began to tighten, pulling Marsha into a classic spread eagle position on the bed. It was a little tighter and more widely spread than she would have done herself, but it wasn’t unbearable. She had told the machine to decide how long a delay before beginning and how long to actively tease her before letting her reach orgasm. She pulled slightly against her bonds to test them, but all she could do was wiggle a little on the bed. She let out a deep sight. Nothing to do but wait.
Then everything went black. At first she began to panic, but Then she could see the slight glow of Teasinator’s control panel illuminating the floor alongside the bed. That’s right, she remembered. It controls the llights…, and the heat…, and the air conditioning…, and me.
Lying at the slight glow beneath her, she thought, “Next time I will have to put something over that panel so things will be totally dark.” Then the glow went out. “Teasinator thinks of everything,” she said aloud.
Lying in the total darkness seeing nothing, hearing nothing, aware only of the slight pressure of the soft padding against her back and the pull of the restraints on her arms and legs, Marsha had no idea how much time passed before she felt a very slight movement within her. The movement was soon accompanied by a slight victory from within her ass, and then more movement in her cunt. Vibration slowly started building both in front and in back.
Lips nibbled at her breasts – no that could’t be. Was someone in here with her? Then a pinch on her nipples and she realized that those funny little hats were very, very realistic when you couldn’t see them.
Something was thrusting into her ass… very, very slowly. “My God!” she screamed out. It was as if there were two men within her, each moving very slowly and very slowly gaining speed with each thrust.
Then the hands began. “Hands?!” Marsha almost screamed aloud before she realized that it must be the electric sensings from the black pads. Concentrating on the sensings, she realized that the pads seemed to work in pairs. Sometimes it was one on her breast and one on her ass, and sometimes one on her thigh and one on her lower abdomen. Sometimes it was the pairs together.
When the pair on her upper thighs activated strongly together, it caused the muscles of her cunt to almost explore the dildo. No wonder the instructions specified the leather, thong-like harness to hold everything in place.
She was rapidly building towards an orgasm. “This is faster than Earl,” she thought to herself. And then said aloud amidst her pants and groans, “Technology disappoints me once again.”
But the technology was not going to disappoint her. The cumulative effect of being bound, waiting in the darkness for the session to begin, and the excite stimulation provided by the programming had rapidly taken her to the edge of the mountain, but Teasinator was not going to let her go over the peak. Instead, just as she was about to orgasm, all sensing stopped.
“Nooooo!” she screamed out. She had wanted to be teased. She had wanted to prolong that magic moment just before release. She had spent all of this time and money and research to get just to this point, but her body did not care. She was RIGHT THERE. She wanted to cum. She needed to cum. She cried out usefully to the machine, “Please, please, please, let me cum!”
And in response the slight movement began once again deep in her cunt. And then the thrusting within her ass. Lips kissed her nipples. Hands lightly stroked her asscheeks. Closer, closer, closer… and then nothing!
She sobbed out her need tocum. She became the darkness to fuck her. She screamed for anyone to come and do anything to her, if they would only give her that extra little stimulation she needed so that she could cum.
The air began to get cold in the room. Marsha could feel the chill of the air conditioning blowing across her skin. And then a twinge of electrical stimulation between her legs…, and then on her breasts…, and then on her ass…, and on her abdomen. Soon all of the pads were activate almost continuously. Occasionally, the pulses would be sharp and intense. Normally such a pulse would have been very painful, but in her lust soaked state, they merely added to the pleasure that was keeping her just short of the bliss her body so desired.
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