Note All Characters are fictitious and comprise compositions of facets of persons and are not intended to represent any actual individual persons either living or dead.
The fan above the bed creaked and groaned ineffectively in the suffocating heat, barely cooling the legion of flies that crawled exhaustedly over it, the clock said three a.m which means I had been watching the fan for two solid hours as I desperately tried to get some sleep.
The images from the day kept scudding through my mind, the old walled city the Mosques with their Minarets, the myriad places for a sniper to hide up, and the old slave market, especially the old slave market which was why my jaw still ached from an expert upper cut from an irate trader.
Three hours at most before the call to morning prayers at the Mosque sang out across the city and I was still wide awake and suddenly being part of a major international singing star’s international arena tour had lost muchof its sparkle.
Oh I’m not a performer, I’m part of her security team, John Bond, “The name’s Bond, John Bond,” It’s Frank Hunt really, Francis if you want to be pedantic, from Wigan, and Hunt rhymes with ah, well you know, which is half the reason I changed my name.
Security, Roadie, Dogsbody, they only put up with me because I speak Arabic, well you had to at our school, I think there was only me and Jo in our playground who didn’t speak Arabic as a first language and he was Polish.
I couldn’t get the slave market out of my mind, young women shackled together by their ankles or shackled to a wall by their iron or leather collars, ready for any inspection as they waited to be sold, naked women in the shade of the arches of an ancient market hidden deep inside the walls of the old city where the religious police enforced a strict ‘No Foreigners,’ policy.
It was just pure coincidence that I found the market, I was doing an early morning Recce around the area wheree she was staying as her Hotel was shall we say, secluded, rather than five star, not one of the best, a hotel chosen to give ‘Donna’ some privacy, the downside was it was on the very edge of the Protectorate as we called it, the port area where they allowed music and alcohol under sort of American sixth fleet laws, by contrast to the old city where they used the old laws dated from about fifteen something which shall we say, had have been adapted to suit local culture.
A narrow gateway leading to the market place or souk guarded by a half sleep beared turbanned individual with a Kalashnikov attracted my attention but as I had the foresight to wear a Turban and robes with a red scarf to disguise my lack of a bear I was able to sneak quietly past.
The market operated for benefit of the locals, rather than the tourists and in the cool of the early morning, in the shade under the arches of the imposing market building to the south of the market square pale skinned naked slaves were offered for sale.
There were about twenty girls in all, my heart leaf, some looked English, some had light suntan except where they their panties and bras had protected them, perhaps they were holiday makers, captured and forced into slavery! My mind ran riot.
Obviously later in the day stalls would be set up to sell cheap Chinese Persian carpets and Taiwanese wood carvings, and select foreigners let in to be relieved of their cash, but the cool of the morning was for the locals and life went on as if it was the fifteenth century with food, essentials, livestock and slaves for sale.
I moved among the robed and turbanned men and the dark robed women haggling over prices in the open courtyard and made my way to the cool of arches where the slaves were shackles and a few men and fewer women admitted the merchandise.
My eyes adjusting to the gloom of the arches revealed a number of stalls that sold the slave’s essentials, straps, chains, dildos in wood and ivory, even what looked like a rampant rabbit carved from tea hidden away from prying eyes.
I looked at the merchandise, poor quality most of it, much of it already used, dog collars, chains, shackles leashes, just about everything except ball gags as far as I could see, I bought a collar and leash to kill time, I was ripped off, but my bartering was hampered by having a Lancashire accent, but it would be a good present for our kids dog when I got back home.
The slaves seemed unperturbed as they were leered at and prodded, although with their hands shackled to the wall above their heads and their ankles spread wide and also shackled to bolts secured to the walls they had little enough scope to protest, but they spent their time whispering to each other, in English mainly it seemed.
I made my way towards a group of four girls who were chained in a line, “Sorry,” a girl with a Manchester Accent was saying, “I don’t speak, oi gerrof! she protected as a woman’s hand sneakedfrom her tent like robe and prodded the girls hairless vagina, “I don’t speak Arab!”
The woman turned to the Arab with her, “How much?” she asked in Arabic, “Is she virgin?”
“They are erotic dance troupe, come as a set,” he said in Arabic.
“Oh,” she said, “Too bad,” and walked off.
I keep looking around and waited for a minder to give me the chance for a quick word with one of the girls, I examined a set of shadows, with infinite care, checked the wearing on the chains, admitted the workmanship, and set them down with the shake of my head.
I saw a single beautiful tall blonde girl looking lost and hopeless, her mind had wandered away for a smoke leaving her alone, chained to a hook high up out of her reach on the wall of the arch, a rusty chain a padlock and a wide leather neck band imprisoning her. I worked my way towards her, “Hi,” I said in little more than a whisper, “Look I can get you out if here,”
“Francais sil vous plait, je non parle pas l’Americaine,” she replied.
“Oi wise guy,” the next girl along hisssed, in a rare south east come cockney twang, “A word in your shell like.” she was short, could use a diet, big saggy tits and huge elephant ears on her cunt, a pretty ordinary Essex girl really except the yellow and red streaks in her black public hair, and she recognize me as a Brit.
I edged along, “Fuck off Ok this is a nice little earner,” she demanded.
“What?” I whispered.
“It ain’t what it looks like, it’s the only way working girls can work out here.” she insisted, “Look we don’t speak the lingo so we don’t understand the laws so they can’t punish us, see.”
“No,” I admitted.
“Look, there’s a death penalty for Adultery right?” she said.
“Right.” I agreed.
“So, we get a certificate from the religious lot saying we don’t understand the language or we failed their language exam and they can’t touch us.” she chuckled.
“But don’t you have to have a chaperone?” I asked.
“Not if you’re a slave, we can be bought and sold,” she explained, “And it’s a thousand pounds a night usually, I keep half, so fuck off there’s a dear.”
“But you’re naked, and chained up!” I protested.
“Don’t worry me, I like the attention,” she said, “Anyway its the law, all slaves have to be tethered or shackled and kept naked, it made it harder to escape.”
“What about men?” I asked.
“What? are you a shirtlifter?” she asked, “You filter bugger!”
Her mind came over, “What is please?” he said in English.
“He wants a man slave he’s a poorer!” the girl said, the mind looked blank, “Shirt lifter,” she explained and bent forward pointing to her bum.
“Look no.” I said and he hit me, I doubled up with pain.
“Fuck the Fuck,” he said, “No shirt lift here.”
“Yeah, fuck of gay boy!” she added.
“Fuck!” I thought, and with a dogged determination to uphold the honour of the English race I legged it as fast as my superb physique honed by hours watching daytime TV and drinking Stella Artois would allow, fast enough as it happened.
I slowed from a fast trot to a slow one and made my way from the market trying to work out whether my jaw was broken in two places or just the one, neither as it happened thank god and half a bottle of paracetamol later it was nearly bearable.
Work occurred most of the rest of the day, threatening photographers mainly, no way could we risk a picture of Donna with lopsided false tits being published, or with one of those bloody zits she kept getting because she wouldn’t leave off the fatty foods.
Basically Donna was a nightmare.
I didn’t think much about the market until later, much later, and then I couldn’t sleep, girls with leather collars kept drifting in and out of my mind, metal ankle bands, rusty chains clanking, rusty chains leaving rusty marks on alabaster pale skin, and my bloody jaw ached.
I thought of Donna chained naked like those slavegirls, maybe spread eagled against a wall, or a wagon wheel, maybe she would apologise for being such a bitch if I whipped her although how you could whip her ass and at the same time look into her eyes to see the pain was a sort of mental challenge.
A ball gag, that’s what was missing I decided, and then my thoughts turned to the French girl.
I tried hard to sleep and then my phone rang, I pulled the pillow over my head and tried to ignore it, it was no good.
“What?” I demanded.
“John,” he said, it was Adams, Donna’s manager calling, and he was calling me John like he wanted a favour, usually he called me “Hunt” or something similar.
“Fuck off Adams, I’m off duty until six thirty,” I said.
“They have arrested Donna!” he said, “And Carruthers has resigned.”
“Great, drink?” I queried.
“Adultery,” he said.
“Fuck, how?” I said as I rapidly woke up.
“God knows but you know we used this hotel we used because it is quiet,” he said,”It’s outside the protectorate.”
“Bollocks,” I said, “Shit, how come?”
“Carruthers fucked up,” he said, “We have a show in forty eight hours.”
“Adultery you say,” I snapped, “Donna faces being stoned to death and you’re worried about a fucking show?” I told, “Gee you’re all heart.”
“Don’t be an idiot,” he said, “It’s a technicality.”
“So what was the fuss about last week?” I asked, “That pair kissing in a restaurant? They are clamping down Adams, that’s why we had to stay within the perimeter of the protectorate.”
“So sort it!” he said, “With Carruthers gone it’s your responsibility.”
“No way Hose!” I said, “Me dogsbody, get dogsbody wages, you want main man you fucking well pay one!”
“Oh very grown up,” he said, “Blackmail, I suppose you realize if there is no concert there’s no way we are going to be paid?”
“Now hang on!” I protested.
“Nothing personal,” he said, “But the bottom line is if the show doesn’t go on then noneof us get paid.”
“Great,” I said, “My shift starts at half six, ‘night.” I explained and I switched the phone off.
I figured a few hours in a stinging cell would sort the bitch out, you know she’s the sort of bitch that gets bitches a bad name, all fucking sweetness and light with the fans and the whammo, “Who let those disgusting cretins in?” she would demand, as soon as they were gone.
She had it all so easy, daddy was a big name in the business, so she did her obligatory degree in sociology, at some fifth rate University and next thing she’s the latest big star, aided and abetted by Auto-tune as she couldn’t hit a true note if her fucking life depended on it.
False tits with false erect nipples and hot pants so tight they separated her cunt lips and outlined her ass hole, and two million quid of Daddy’s money bought her first number one hit, “Cringe to me Money” we called it, god it was rough, then she tried covering other people’s stuff, gee to be honest Iwould pay not to go and see her, but hey what do I know?
Personally I think the local police just hated her music as much as I did and just wanted the concert cancelled, but anyway by half past that morning there I was sitting with Police Inspector Mantouk with his assistant Hassan in Mr Mantouk’s office watching some CCTV footage on Mantouk’s computer screen, together with Adams and Lucy Braithwaite, Adam’s P.A.
It was worse than I thought, Adultery, gee they seemed to have had an orgy in this cheap hotel which quite bizarrely had full CCTV coverage but no working sanitation, or aircon but CCTV everywhere including the bogs even in the bedrooms,, and Donna and her friend certainly seemed to be having a good time, right until the religious Police turned up.
A set up if ever there was one.
“Six Million,” Inspector Mantouk offered, he reminded me of the doorman at the Majestic Hotel, Bolton, the uniform was a dead ringer, “Pounds.”
“Bail?” I said, “So we getas far as the airport and you bank Six Million Pounds?”
“Mr Bond, we are dealing with gentlemen here!” Mantouk insisted, “We would never do such a thing.”
The hated in their eyes said it all, they had been rumbled, “Anyway where exactly did you get footage of her actually fucking?”
“Here!” his beared and over enthusiastic sidekick explained, and he flicked through the power point presentation to show her on her back legs spread wide with someone, Miss Braithwaite probably, giving her oral.
Certainly Lucy looked very sheepish for a moment.
“That is not Adultery,” I insisted, “That is two sisters showing affection!”
“Ah, no, Donna says it was a roadie,” Adams said awkwardly, “Donna simply doesn’t have lesbian tendencies.”
“What?” I demanded.
“It would destroy her record sales in the Mid West!” Lucy whispered.
“Double them in Brighton,” I said, “Jesus fucking Christ!”
The police looked confused, Jesus Christ was blasphemy, butwith the fucking in the middle they were confused.
“So which section of which law did she break?” I asked, they told me, “Is the text of the law available on line?” I asked.
“Why of course!” they agreed.
“Oh well, I’ll read up on it,” I said, “Bye for now,” and I just walked out.
There was an internet cafe down the street so I went in and paid through the nose and fired up the oldest computer this side of Bletchley Park, it had Windows 95 stickers on but it worked and pretty soon I had chapter and verse, of the law, no I don’t read Arab but Google translated it.
“For fucks sake!” I swore, it was dated 1547.
Adultery, it said, “The Male shall be buried unto the waist in a pit of stones and the female unto the neck,” it banged on, “Shall throw stones until there is no life or if the person is unjustly accused then Allah shall set them free.” Ok not that good a translation but it sort of got the gist.
I read on, “No woman shall be punished that is an imbecile and incapable of understanding the law.” it said, “Such women shall be chained and shall be naked and shall give pleasure and shall not be married but shall be divided and sold at auction and shall be the slave for the purchaser.”
I flicked to Wikipedia, flicked, yeah, It stalled so I had to pay another arm and leg to rent a second computer the other side of the aisle, but it sort of confirmed what I thought.
Adams was less than delighted when I returned, “Where the fuck have you been?” he asked, and before I could reply he added, “Donna’s going ballistic!” he snapped, “Where the fuck have you been?”
“Research,” I said, “You know they still have a slave market?” I asked.
“So?” he snapped, “Wonderful, she gets arrested, you go sightseeing!”
“Naked slaves, in the old city,” I explained, “You get the idea?”
“Frankly Frank, I don’t have a clue.” he surprised.
“It’s the same jurisdiction as the Hotel,” I explained, “Yet there are whoresthere, slaves you name it.”
“So?” he groaned.
“They are all foreigners,” I said, “The local law says anyone incapable of understanding the Law cannot be punished for breaking the law, kind of handy for brother keepers, so the slave market does a roaring trade, on the quiet, selling foreign girls to rich visitor for a night or a week at a time for a few thousand dollars”
“Super,” Adams agreed, “We buy an unknown slave and stick her on stage in place of Donna.”
“Donna doesn’t speak Arabic does she?” I said, “So the law doesn’t apply.”
“Wonderful,” Adams agreed, “Do you really want to get shot?”
“Oh I don’t think so,” I agreed, “You just leave it to me,” I said, “Just get me a chance to get her signature.”
I went down town, made some enquiries and found an Imman qualified to do the examination in Arabic to get Donna a certificate, of course I was careful to speak only English and I made out I wanted her to pass so she could make bail, and slippedhim a few dollars, with a promise of more for the right result, and he was quite delighted to accompany me to the police station.
Donna was not at all happy, “Fucking get me out of here!” she screamed as soon as I walked into the interview room.
She looked a mess, her false tits were gone and she was dressed in black floor length prison robes and when she throw the hood back her hair was a mess and she had bloody zits again.
“What are you messing about at, get me out of here!” she snapped, “And who the fuck’s that wannabe Gandalf?”
“Look,” I lied, “You need to pass a test to prove you know enough Arabic to understand the charges against you.”
“I don’t know any fucking Arabic you fucking moron!” she screamed, “Pay them off for Chrissake, get Daddy to call someone!”
“Will you take the test?” I asked.
“Fuck off!” she said, “Watch my lips moron, I don’t speak fucking Arab, Ok?”.
“Mr Bond,” the Imman said with a horrible smile showing a beautif set of yellow tobacco stained teeth, “I think I can categorically state your friend has no grap of my language what so ever!” and with a flourish he produced a piece of purchasing and scrapled his mark across it.
“You’re kidding right?” I snarled.
“No, we agreed,” he said before producing an ink pad and sealing the signature with the imprint of his ring, “As far as Arabic is concerned she is illiterate.”
“No way are you getting paid,” I warned him.
“You agreed!” he snapped in Arabic, the guard suddenly stood up and snicked the safety catch off his Kalashnikov.
“Ok!” I agreed, and I handed him the cash and took the certificate, “Thanks,” I said in Arabic which throw him.
“I guess I need to see your bosses,” I explained to the guard, “Take her back.”
“Bond!” she snapped.
“Bye,” I replied and I folded the parchment and went back to find Adams and Lucy.
“So,” Adams asked.
“It’s in hand,” I told him.
I set up an intervieww with the Inspector Mantouk for half past four, he wasn’t that thrilled but by now there were about a hundred and fifty photographers blocking the pavement outside Police HQ.
“Yes,” he said as Adams, Lucy and I were shown in to his office, “What is so important?”
“We wish to negotiate,” Adams said, “I am the tour manager and.”
“And you haven’t got a case mate,” I said as I produced the purchase.
He took it, “I kept copies,” I said, “On You-Tube,” I added.
“So?” he asked.
“She can’t be done for Adultery can she?” I asked, “Well?”
He looked across to his assistant, Hassan, who shrugged his shoulders, “So Mr Adams she is your slave is she?”
“Near as damnit the way you wrote the contract,” I suggested.
“Then she is free to go,” Mantouk leered, “I assume you have shadowles?”
“Oh yes,” I assured him as I produced a dog collar and leash I had bought earlier.
“Then Mr Hassan, Have the so called slave brought to reception.” Inspector Mantouk, sneered, and he looked me straight in the eye and said, “This will be interesting Mr Bond, good luck!”
We went down to the reception desk which curved around the bright modern neon lit reception area, more five star hotel than police headquarters, the poisoned modern face of a state that still routinely cut off it’s citizens hands for theft, Mantouk opened the security door for us while he and Hassan remained on the office side of the desk while and Adams and I sat on the hard blue vinyl seats on the public side as Lucy paced up and down nervously with a case containing spare clothes and several of Donna’s trademark costumes.
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