As she lay there sleeping, he observed the look of pure satisfaction on her face. Today is to be the second day of her training. He sat there watching her sleep and contemplating what he should do to her today. He had a revelation, he would do nothing. He left the room and made himself breakfast. After he ate he decided to write her a note before he left for work. It read:
My dear slave,
You performed well beyond my expectation for a first day so I have decided to let you sleep in this morning. Now that you are up and you read this I know I have your attention. I want you to do the following today.
1.Go get a mani/pedi at the nail salon down the street.
2.Go to the hair salon at the end of the block and give them MY name, they will do the rest.
3.Got to the post office and mail the stack of mail on the table.
4.When this is done you can have the rest of the day as free time until 5PM
5.At5PM you come home and make sure you are clean and ready to present yourself to me when I get home.
You will not need any money I have already paid for it all. You may take the money on the table for yourself, but I want to know where every penny goes.
Be ready for tonight!
Your Master Forever
He left the note on his pillow for her to find as soon as she wakes up. He ever so quietly got ready for work and left.
She woke up around 9:30 with the sudden realization that she overslept and a rush of fear that Master will be upset. She jumped up and without looking back at the bad she ran out of the room. She ran around the house naked looking for Master and hoping he will forgive her lazy. She saw the dishes from breakfast and immediately washed, dried and put them away. She looked around the house for anything else out of place. She was desperately organizing and cleaning in hopes to impress Master and keep his mind off her oversleeping.
She finally went back to the bedroom and started to make the bed when she found the letter. Her nervouss immediately calmed down as she read it. At least Master can be surprised at the cleanliness of the house. She proceeded to clean up the bedroom and make the bed. After which she cleaned herself up for the day and cleaned the bathroom last. She got dressed and went off to follow Master’s instructions.
She arrived at the nail salon and immediately the woman at the desk recognized her and started speaking to an employee in Chinese. The employee took her by he hand and guided her to the back room. The woman presented her with a note. It read:
You are to completely obey the woman that gives you this note. Do Everything she told you to. If you do not, I will be immediately notified and you will not like it.
She looked at thelady who just looked at her and said “take clothes off now!”
A bit confused, she obeyed. She feared Master being upset with her. The woman pointed to a table and said “Lay down now!” She laid down and the lady yelled “NO! roll over on tummy now!” This woman was very forceful with her words. Rolling over onto her stomach she suddenly saw the restraints attached to the table. Before she could protest she felt both ankles being secured to the table and a hard slap on her ass. The lady then attached her wrists to the table.
“slave now lay there and be quiet!” and she left the room.
The room looked like a massage parlor room. There was all sorts of massagin implements around the room. There was no evidence that this was a nail salon. She looked around as best she could in the position she was in. She jumped with a start when she feel hands on her feet. She never saw or heard anyone come into the room. Then she heard “Hush, no move.” It was a man’s voice. Fear washed overHere. She could not see him. Then a sheet was placed over her body covering her head too. This blocked any chance she had to see who was in the room.
Hands showed up under the sheet by her face. Gently they lifted her covered head and held it up so that a donut pillow could be placed on the table and her face was set back down on it. This held her face up off the table. She felt a hand on her head and the sheet was removed. The man then strapped her head down so she could not lift it up.
He started to touch her softly at first and he gradually started to use pressure. “He is giving me a mass. Cool I must thank Master.” Was all she could think. Then after she was nicely relaxed the table moved. Her legs dropped down and left her in a bent over position. No knowing what to think she just lay there. “maybe this is a new mass technique” she thought.
“Alright now, you get ass massage. Remember be quiet.” As soon as he spoke these words she had no tome to react. He shoved his hard cock into her ass with no lubrication. He pumped his hard-on in and out for a few minutes. She tried so hard to keep quite but could no longer manage.
“AAAHhhhhhhhh!!!” She screamed.
With that she felt immediately pain across her back and the lady said “You no obey. You told to be quiet. I whip you now!” and she was whipped 4 more times all the while the man was still fucking her ass.
She was crying now. With tears streaming from her eyes and leaving a pool on the table, she tried to remain quiet. She focused on the thought that this is what Master wanted. She relaxed as best she could and stopped trying to fight the feeling and got into it. She started to move her hips a bit. At this point the man pulled out his cock and shot his cum all over her back. “You ass nice and tight. I open it up. Now you must wear this until Master says to remove.” She squealed as he shoved a plug into her ass.
She lay there and waited. It seemed like an eternity before sheShe was released from the table. She was led to another room and directed to sit in the Pedicure chair. Once there, she was masked and her arms restrained. Her feet were placed into the water for her feet to soak. She felt 2 more people at her hands start to give her a manicure. She relaxed now a bit but was still worried because she sat there naked and she had no clue how many people were in the room. After a bit she felt 2 more people at Her feet completing the pedicure. Things seemed so innocent now.
When all was done the mask was removed. When her eyes adjusted to the light she saw 4 other people tied down to pedicure chairs and there were all naked. They all had one other thing in common. All of them had matched locked collars around their neck, except her. Her collar was a simple dog collar that Master stole from the dog for her to wear. The others had all been through the same this she had. They were forced to watch as she was initiated into their group.
The door to the room opened and when she looked over she saw him, Master. She was so happy to see him. She started to speak and before the first syllable was out she felt a hard slap across her face. “You told be quiet!” The lady sternly spoke.
Master walked up to her and removed the dog collar. He spoke to her in a whisper “These other girls are mine. They all outrank you. You must obey them all. Now here is your permanent collar.” He showed her a collar that matched the rest of the girls. When she looked at it she noticed the number 5 on the lock. She then scanned the other girls and notice each one had a different number. 1,2,3 & 4 She immediately know that this was the order in which they ranked.
She was instantly saddened with the realization that she was not number one in his eyes. He had always made her feel like she was the most important thing to him. He told her he loves her and turned to the others and said “Treat her they was you would treat each other. I love you all. You all have your instructions for the day so I will be letting you go about your business. See you all at Dinner.” With that he left.
The 5 girls sat in the room and the employees all left with Master. Number 4 began to speak and was immediately shashed by number 2. “You are out of turn. You know number 1 always speaks first.”
Number 1 spoke “I am Master’s wife and legal
partner. I outrank all of you. If I do not like you I will see to it you are dismissed. Master considers me his equal when it comes to all of you. Do you understand, number 5?”
“Yes I do, but my name is”
“NO you do not have a name. You are now number 5! Master will never use your name again. You are merely a toy I allow him to play with. If you have any issues with any other girl you will address me first. I will handle any issues. If I cannot handle anything, I will present it to Master myself. You NEVER go over my head. All your answers should be Yes and No only followed by Sir for Master andMistress for me.
Number 5 responded with “ok, but I do not know how this happened. I did not sign of to have 4 women control me. I signed a contract with Master not you 4, I mean no offense I just do not understand.”
“You signed a contract to obey everything Master says. This is how it happened. Master has commanded you and you must now obey.” She pushed a button on her chair and the employees came back in and released all the girls. “I have work to do. You all have assignments. Go do them and we will meet back at Master’s house at 5:30 tonight.
Number 4 spoke next “Number 5 you must come with me now!”
They got dressed and left the nail salon. They walked across the street to the empty hair salon and number 5 was seated in a chair and number 4 Immediately strapped her to the chair. The chair was rolled over to a sink and tilted back for her hair to be washed. She was left in this position and number 4 lifted her skirt and went down and started to eat her pussy.She protested this as she was not comfortable with a female being down there.
Suddenly number 4 bit her clip and grabbed her legs with force. She came up for air and said “Master commanded me to do this and commanded you to obey. There is a camera in the corner and Master will know if either of us disobey. So just lay back and enjoy it you whore!”
She did just that and cried the whole time. Just as she was about to cum number 4 shoved he fist into her cunt really hard and held it in there as deep as she could. She was so shocked at this she screamed and had one of the fiercest orgasms she ever felt. As soon as she blew, number 4 quickly yanked her fist out and a second wave came over her. Number 4 then proceeded to wash her hair and move her over for a haircut.
When the haircut was done she was turned to a mirror and she saw the strange design her hair was in. He felt the back of her neck and noticed a section that had been shaken. “Why did you shake the back like this?”
“To make room for the tattoo.” Number 4 then turned around and lifted her hair to show off her neck. There on her neck were the words ‘Property of Master! sn 6 5 4’. “You will be getting one and your number will be 5. Mine has 3 different numbers because Master had dismissed others for various reasons and I am moving up the chain. My goal is to be number 2.”
“I do not want a tattoo. I never said I would agree to a tattoo.”
“You did not have to agree, You signed a contract that says you will obey Master. This is what he commands. You have a choice, 1 give Master what he wants and stay with him a long time or 2 disobey and be savagely punished and dismissed from his service forever. Now I have to open the shop for business now. You must leave and go about Your duties.”
She left the hair salon and went to the post office. She had to see a clerk about getting the postage paid for because Master did not place stamps on the mail. She waited in line and when it was her turn she walked up to the clerk. She placed the mail on the counter and said “I need postage for these items, please!”
The clerked took the mail and looked it over he then told her to wait there for just a moment. He went over to a man standing in the back and showed him one of the envelopes. The man opened it and read it. Afterward he walked up to the counter and told her she needed to come with him. He told her to go over to the door across the room and wait there. She did and a few minutes later the door opened. He invited her in and closed the door behind her.
“so slave number 5, are you ready for the rest of your life?”
“I do not understand. What do you mean? I just wanted to mail these letters.”
“read this one” he said and handed her the letter he opened. It read:
Bob, my dear brother,
There bearer of this letter is slave number 5 she needs to have proper ID. Can you please handle this for me today?You may use her if you wish and if she puts up a fight, just punish her and call me.
Your help is much appreciated. I hope she suit you the ways she suits me.
PS. Try a blowjob she is awesome!
PSS. if she is confused show her this letter. “My dear slave number 5, OBEY my Brother!”
“Yes sir! What is it you wish.”
He unzipped his pants and said “Blow me, slut! I want to know what my brother likes so much about a blowjob from you.”
She dropped to her knees and started to suck his cock to get it nice and hard. As it got hard she was getting excited about how easy she felt it would be for he was not very large. She vigorously pumped her head so he could feel himself fucking her face with working for it.
He was really enjoying it when he decided to grab her head am shove his cock down her throat. He held it there for a few seconds. This is where she started to get scared. She did not know him well enough for him to so this but she was faced with the dilemma of obeying Master. he released her and let her breathe. She tried to speak and he grabbed her and did it again.
“Do not speak, there is no speaking while giving a blowjob!” he held her head down nice and hard and she suddenly felt him swelling up more. She was shocked. He had held back his hard-on. She could feel his cock getting harder longer and thicker and she could not move. He held her tight. She tried to pull away but he shoved harder. The he released and let her come up for air. She has a chance to see his cock. It was much larger than before and she worried it would not fit back in her mouth.
“Sir!” as she said this he slapped her across the face and said.
“What part of No Talking did you not understand. You cannot talk while giving a blowjob.” At this point he grabbed her hair hard and shoved her down on his cock and forced his massive member down her throat. He did this over and over again until her was ready to pop. Then he pulled out and came all over her face. “There now you may speak, you dirty whore!” She remained silent.
“OK now it is time for your tattoo. Sit here and lift your hair.” She did and Bob gave her the tattoo that marked his borther’s possession.
“How much postage do I owe you? Sir!” She could not bring herself to speak of what just happened.
“What do you owe me? Let’s see, what do I want? I know , I want you to come to me once a week and blow me just like this! Yes that is what you owe me for the postage! One blowjob a week. I will inform my brother of our arrangement”
“but I did not agree to this, Sir” He slapped her across the face again.
Grabbing her by the throat and gripping hard he spoke calmly “You do not have to agree, You signed a contract to obey my brother. He will command you to do it. I will enjoy every visit from you. Now on your way you have chores to do.” He then released her.
“Chores? But they are all done nowexcept to be home by 5 and clean up for Master.”
“Stupid girl, it is 4:45 right now and you have 15 minutes to get back before you are in trouble and it is a 30 minute drive from here. I will not be defending your tardiness with my brother. It is your responsibility to manage your time. Now leave, Cunt!”
With this she ran out and raced to Master’s house. She was 10 minutes late. Knowing Master should not be home until 6 and the other girls are due at 5:30, she has 20 minutes to clean up and be ready.
She walked through the front door and Master was standing there with a belt , waiting for her to arrive. He was naked and had a raging hard-on. “You are late, You must be punished! Assume the position, NOW!”
She stripped off her clothes and bent over and grabbed her ankles. Master saw the plug in her ass and said “I see you had a massage today. How was it?” and he swung the belt across he ass and waited for an answer.
“enjoyable, Sir!” She was afraid to admitshe did not like it. She wanted him to be proud of her.
“LIAR!” He hit her again. “You are to never lie again.”
“Sorry Sir! I did not like it. It hurt really bad and it is humiliating to have to wear this plug!”
(WHACK) he hit her again. “I did not ask you about the plug. The plug is just proof to me that you obeyed me.” He grabbed the plug and removed it. ” I see you are nicely stretched out.
“Yes Sir!’ He then shoved his cock into her gaping asshole and fucked her as hard as he could. She lost her balance after the 4th time he shoved his cock in and she fell to the floor. He swung the belt and it hit her across the tits.
“You get up and assume the position you clumsy slut.” She got up and bent back over this time she placed her hands on the floor for support while Master fucked her in the ass for a few more minutes. He then pulled out and said “I like the haircut. Did you enjoy getting your pussy eat by number 4?”
“Yes sir!” he hit her again withThe belt. “You are lying! I told you not to lie.”
“I am not comfortable with other women, Sir!” She spoke the truth.
“You will learn to like anything I tell you to!” He hit her again and said “This time it was 2 for lying. Everytime you lie I will add one more. Do you understand?”
“Yes Sir!” She was starting to understand just how serious Master was with his control.
“Let me see your ID!” She lifted her hair and showed him. “Nice. I like it. What is my brother’s fee?
“He wants to fuck my face once a week. I do not agree, Sir!”
“You do not have to agree, this is his fee. So one of your weekly chores is to go to him every Monday at 10AM and obey his every command until you MUST leave at 2PM. This includes EVERY command he may give. You may speak to the other girls about him and they will give you an idea of what he expects. I command you to do this.”
“Yes Sir! I will obey you!”
“Good. This pleases me. But now you have more punishment to come. YOU were late! I expect promptness. I am to NEVER be left waiting. You are in the doghouse now my dear cock sucker.”
He led her to the bedroom where he had placed a dog Kennel. “Get in!” She did. He then locked the door and told her he would see her in the morning. He turned off the light and left.
She looked around inside the kennel and found a small bag of dry dog food, a can of wet dog food, a can opener, a food bowl and a bowl of water. There was a note taped to the inside of the kennel. It said:
My dear pet bitch,
Enjoy your dinner. I will see you in the morning.
Do not make any noise, there is a baby monitor in the room and I will hear everything.
Any mess you make you will clean up with Your tongue.
You have just completed day 2 of your training.
I love you, my pet,
Ps: I will be fucking my other slaves tonight. You will not be allowed to join us until you learn to be punctual.
Day 3 coming soon!
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