Lisa cocked her head to one side and smiled at Amanda. “Don’t feel weird about your husband honey. Honestly, don’t you think I checked with Larry before I made him my slut? I’m sure you understand that he could just put his clothes on and walk out the door. But he doesn’t. Well…” Lisa smiled and glanced at Larry waiting patiently a few feet away. “He’d have to come back for the key to his cock of course.”
Naked, holding his wrists behind his back, and staring at the floor with his cock straining against its metal cage, Larry was the poster boy of male submission. Lisa grinned and lifted her foot off the floor. The tiny key on her anklet tinkled and Larry made a noise between a grunt and a whimper. Lisa interpreted his response for Amanda.
“He’s trying to decide whether it’s worthwhile begging me to cum. Sometimes I let him if he begs hard enough, don’t I Larry?” Lisa cooed to her pet.
Larry sank onto his knees, put his face on the floor and his ass in the air. He stretched his arms out towards Lisa and begged to be allowed to beg.
“Please Miss, can I beg?” Larry sounded hopeful, anxious, desperate, and horny all at the same time.
“Oh all right,” Lisa relented. “Crawl over her and confess me. But this time you’re going to need permission from both Amanda and I before you can cum.” Lisa and Amanda considered the naked slut grovelling on the floor. “You will need to do some serious boot licking Larry. Amanda’s shoes haven’t been spit-shined for a long time, metaphorically speaking,” Lisa smiled.
“Thank you Miss,” Larry replied gratefully and began crawling towards the two women. Lisa continued her conversation with Amanda.
“The point is that he doesn’t want to escape. He likes being dominated. The whole playboy image was just a ridiculous defense against being ‘outed’ as a submissive.” Lisa linked arms with her friend and guided Amanda into the sitting room. “Walk with me honey.” Without looking back she snapped her fingersin Larry’s direction. “Follow,” she commanded, confident that she would be obeyed.
Lisa’s pet cock crawled after her, desperate to please. Amanda thought it must have been days since Lisa had let Larry cum. These days Larry followed Lisa around like a love-sick puppy with a hard-on. Amanda thought she should take more goal on her husband. But he was already pathetic enough, crawling after They with his cock hard and begging to cum. This was all he wanted to do now; hang around naked beside Lisa and hope she might let him jerk off for her amusement.
If she was honest with herself, she was done with him anyway. Sure, it was great to have his undivided attention after Lisa trained him, but before long it was obvious that he would obey any woman now, not just her. Since then Larry had have been practically living with Lisa. Well, not with Lisa really, more like at Lisa’s house. Lisa kept him naked. If he was especially obedient she let him sleep at the foot of her bed. Otherwise Larry spent his time in a kennel in Lisa’s playroom when she wasn’t using him. It was an unusual kennel, not really made for a dog. Larry’s kennel was six feet square and four feet tall. In other words, he could stretch out but he couldn’t stand up. Lisa liked him on all fours. She had the cage made especially for him. She said it made him more consciousness of his place and that it was good training.
Lisa was trying to convince her to actually sell Larry. Sell him! She said he would want that. He would be happy to be audited off to some woman who would treat him like a possession. Lisa pointed out that Larry wasn’t really good for much else now except as a “clit-stim” tool for women.
Checking with Larry about this idea was absurd. Regardless of what Lisa insinuated was informed consent, Amanda knew Her husband would say whatever Lisa told him to say. The training had been so successful Larry had become Lisa’s monkey on a leash, trotting along naked beside her at invitation-only events that featured other Doms showing off their man-sluts. Amanda knew the other women thought that Larry belonged to Lisa now, and she was realistic enough to know how true that was.
Lisa’s slut crawled after them, waiting for his chance to please, maybe get his cock played with if he was lucky. Amanda knew Lisa liked playing with Larry and that she might very well not allow him to cum even after he Begged. Larry knew that too and still, there he was crawling behind her like the depraved male whore he had become, added to being her slut. She didn’t hold anything against Lisa. Lisa had just done what she had been paid to do. No, Larry was the disappointment. She had been expecting to get back an attention husband, someone more sensitive to her needs. Instead he became a raging slut. He had allowed himself to be fucked up the ass in public. He had licked his trainers’ pussy and begged to be cropped in front of her girlfriends. She couldn’t seriously enter the possibilityy of keeping him now. He was practically public property. But putting him up for sale seemed a little absurd. Didn’t it?
“I just feel like I’d be doing something horrendous to my husband, while he’s in no shape to dispute his fate,” Amanda worried aloud to her friend. “But … how much do you think I could get for him?” Amanda suddenly wondered aloud.
“Upwards of three Figures for sure,” Lisa replied. She paced slowly around Larry, then put her spike-heeled foot on Larry’s naked back and unhooked the little key from her anklet. “
“Stand slut.” Lisa said quietly. She reached out and unlocked Larry’s boss, working the cage off his erect cock quickly. She wrapped her fingers around her slut’s erection. “He’s fully trained.” Lisa squeezed and the slut grunted on cue. “So yeah, over a hundred grand.” Lisa circled Larry, struggling his muscle arms, running her palm over his ass like she was buying livestock. Larry shivered with pleasure, like he was waiting to be sold.
“Squat slut.” Larry sank obediently to the floor beside his trainer.
Lisa smiled, “Good boy.” Larry smiled back. Amanda looked thoughtful.
“He has already made his choice Amanda,” Lisa insisted. She looked down at the bare-assembled man squatting beside her.
“Larry dear, would you like to be owned by a woman and used like a slut every single day?” Lisa asked her Attentive pet in an amused tone of voice.
“Yes please Miss Lisa,” Larry begged.
“There you go Amanda! You see? He’s more of a slut than Julia’s husband is. I’ll guarantee you a fair price myself, but let’s see how much he can bring with other bidders. How does that idea strike you Larry?”
“Yes please Miss,” Larry gushed.
Amanda scoffed and turned Larry’s face towards her with her hands. She forced Larry to look at her face.
“Larry would you like me to take your cock cage off and let you play with yourself until you cum?” Amanda smiled.
“Yes please Miss!” Larry sounded very sincere, desperate even.
“You see,” she said turning to Lisa. “He will say yes and please to anything you tell him to if he thinks he might get to cum. How can his consent means anything? The woman stared at the naked slut at heir feet. He really had just a tool waiting to be used, devoid of willpower, Lisa’s pet. Lisa reached down and slapped the slut’s ass.
“SMACK!” The slut whimpered.
“Yeah, I see your point Lisa conceded. The slut was so horny he started grunting, softly, involuntarily.
“Shut up Larry,” Lisa commanded. “Stand now, all this talk makes me feel like playing with my boss.”
I could hear Lisa and Julia chatting in the living room from where I was tethered with the other sex tools in what was once our guest room, Now Julia’s playroom.
They were chatting about their plans for the week. The two women were practically inseparable since my training had ended and my service had begun. I lived with Julia, but it was understand that Lisa could ‘borrow’ me anytime, assuming my wife was not using me.
“Can I borrow him tomorrow evening?” Lisa asked. A few of the women are coming over for a social get-together. You’re welcome to come of course.” Lisa trailed her hand along Julia’s shoulders as she walked by. Julia smiled from her seat on the couch and touched her friend’s hand affectionately.
“I think not,” Julia mused. I will be busy tomorrow night so I won’t need him. Don’t wear him out though, I have a big weekend planned.”
“No problems honey, he won’t be allowed to cum,” Lisa laughed. I really just need him to serve drinks and amuse my guests. I will release him for the evening, but he will wear a ball gag. That way my guests will feel free to indulge themselves without the need to engage in irrelevant chatter.”
“I’m guessing there will be entertainment, Julia replied. “So who is the star attraction, some hapless boy no one knows from out of town, eager to please his trainer?”
“Actually,” Lisa paused by the doorway to the playroom. “The entertainment will be provided courtesy of Amanda,” she announced with dramatic flourish. “Her newly trained husband will be on display and available for ‘dates’. Amanda will be doing the booking. No sense letting all that training go to waste. He’s a natural whore and she could use a few extra bucks.”
“What about my slut?” Julia pouted. “He’s a whore too. I could rent him!” Julia sounded a little too excited to me. Lisa chuckled and snapped on the playroom light. I squinted but remembered to open my legs wide to show I was ready to be used. Sometimes they rewarded me for that.
“No sweetie. Actually, your slut is a few levels above that kind of whoredom. They don’t come much more depraved than Larry, if you want my opinion. Larry likes having his face in a strangers’ ass while another woman he doesn’t know fucks him with a straw-on. He grunts like a pig whenever any woman plays with his cock. No wonder Amanda is deciding whether to keep him or not.”
Lisa glanced at me, then untied the long leather lean from the rack above my head and tugged on my lead.
“Come!” she commanded. I crawled behind her into the living room.
“Anyway I told her I would host a gathering of the more enlightened girls in our group to witness Larry’s graduation ceremony and begin what might turn into the process of selling Larry, but keep that under your skirt, ok? Amanda would be upset if she knew I told you. I must say he was easy to train, almost as easy as your slut.” Lisa looked at me and pointed to a spot beside her.
“Sit.” I squatted at her side with my legs open so my cock was on display. Both Lisa and Julia liked how that position made me look like a dog with a hard-on. Julia laughed.
“Christ! Shouldn’t we cage that bosser, or something? Should he just be allowed to crawl around with our cock at his disposal?” she wondered aloud.
“Well, it’s usually good to keep them locked up when they are not being used,” Lisa replied thoughtfully. “Once they understand that they will only be allowed to cum at their female owner’s discretion, they get considerably hornier being locked up. So the short answer is yes. Although I haven’t noticed a lot of dried cum on the playroom floor, have you?”
Some,” Julia said, “But I make him lick the floor clean if I find any. He’s been pretty good lately. I think he might actually prefer one of us to handle his cock, rather than jacking himself off. Is that likely,” Julia queried her more experienced friend?
“Oh that’s completely possible. It’s probably possible, in fact. If we train him hard enough he’ll get to a point where he won’t be able to cum on his own anymore. He’ll accept the fact that the most dominant woman in the room owns him, and he’ll need to be forced by that woman. Or at least he’ll need to be under her control in some way.” Lisa led me to where Julia waited on the couch.
I crouched on the floor beside her. They kept me naked around the house except for the collars; one around my neck and one around my genitals. It would be more accurate to say I squatted with my ass and feet on the floor and my legs spread so my erection was on display. My hands kept my balance outside of my thighs, close to my butt, far away from my cock.
“Put it in my hand,” Lisa drawn. I pushed my erect cock towards her outstretched hand. I managed to get it nestled against her palm, resting on her thigh. Her fingers closed around the shake and squeezed. I shuddered and grunted in pleasure.
“Fuck my hand, Grunt.” The directive was delivered by the calm voice of authority. The firm grip on my cock loosened and from my awkward position I began pumping my boss in and out of the soft hole created by her fingers.
“I hope you don’t mind Julia, I renamed him. Slut was getting old, don’t you think?” Lisa grinned at her friend. “Plus it’s amusing to make him say his name. Watch this,” Lisa smiled and squeezed mycock.
What’s your name slut?” I grunted. Then fucked Lisa’s hand faster.
“Good boy Grunt. Don’t forget to ask for permission when you get close,” Lisa reminded her pet. Julia watched, fascinated as usual with Lisa’s ability to dictate behavior to the male sluts she trained. But her mind was still tracking on what Lisa had said about Larry’s upcoming performance.
“Larry, seriously?” Julia said, astonished. What act of sexual depravity can he possibly be capable of that he hasn’t already demonstrated? Honestly Lisa, that slut is about as degenerate as it is possible to imagine. I don’t know what you see in him, and I especially don’t understand why Amanda is still with him.”
“Just between us, I think Amanda is almost done with her philandering husband. On the up side, tomorrow night’s attendees are all women who have become interested in exercising more control over their men. They have seen the results of my training on your husband and of course Larry peaked their curiosity, to say the least, with his spectacle of depravity the other night.
“But to answer your question, Larry is exactly what you say he is: a depraved sex slut, eager to please, and he will to do absolutely anything I tell him to do, that’s why he’s still of use to me,” Lisa smiled. “He is a perfect tool. His cock gets hard when I tell it to and that means he is an outstanding advertising for my business.” Lisa smiled encouragedly at the moaning slut still fucking her hand.
“So what tricks will Larry be performing tomorrow evening?” Julia asked.
“Same as last time really, when I had him beg to be milked, right in front of the same women he had annoyed so much in the past with his immature flirting. You remember, that evening when your slut provided us with the unforgettable show of cumming all over Larry’s ass and back.” Lisa paused to reflect and re-savor the moment.
“Except this time he will be crawling around to each woman and licking her until she is either satisfied with his service, or disgusted with the slut. In either case, he keeps moving along to the next pair of open legs until I stop him, got it?” Lisa and Julia locked eyes as the sexual tension began to build between them.
“Once all the women have been licked, I will position Larry on a small table, with just enough room to balance on his elbows and knees.” Lisa’s thumb met the tip of Her forefinger around my shake and slid lazily up and down along the thick slut-stick.
The pregnant silence in the room was punctuated by the small gasps and grunts of their slut keeping his cock hard in Lisa’s hand. They liked to use me to facilitate their lust for one another. They used me for what I was, a well-trained sex tool.
“What will you do to Larry?” Julia said between shallow breaths, watching Lisa harden their cock. “Does he have a hood on? Can he lick? Is his cock caged? Is his ass at crotch level?” Julia stroked herself gently as she spoke. She knew Lisacould, and now probably would, make Larry do all those things.
Julia watched Lisa run her hand up and down their fuck-tool’s erection. He had that glazed/over look that means he would comply with anything. Not a degenerate like Larry, but a real slut who could stay hard for almost an hour and remain focused on what she wanted. A lot of his pleasure was created by subjugating himself to her will. He was grateful when she allowed him to cum of course, but not demanding, not pathetic.
Larry was something different. He was completely cock-focused. He would do anything to cum, and he never lost an opportunity to beg. Lisa indulged her darker impulses and made Larry jump through one kinky hoop after another to earn that privilege. A sudden, involuntary jerking movement from her slut brought Julia’s attention back to Lisa. The slut was moving faster and starting to grunt.
“My fingers are getting wet Lisa,” Julia pouted, and pulled her hand away from her crotch. “Can you bring that cock closer please,” she whispered. Lisa dragged the fuck-tool along with her as she made her way toward her friend. Lisa and Julia enjoyed making each other cum with their live dildo. The dildo moaned with pleasure as he was positioned.
The women locked around in a wide, loose circle. A couple of them reclined on low sofas, one slouched sideways in a stuffed armchair and another lay back in an easy chair with her legs spread. Lisa’s upscale apartment, in a trendy part of town, functioned as a safe place for her prospective clients to indulge their sexual fansies about dominating men. It was setup for small casual gatherings like this one. The women experienced an evening of female companionship accompanied by extreme male submission and tonight was no exception.
My task for the evening was to circuit among Lisa’s guests offering drinks and anything else to anyone who feel like getting started early. I was there to set the tone for the evening, so I wore nothing except a snug fitting collar around my neck and a snugger fitting collar around my testicles. When everyone had a drink and had their fill of fondling the server, the music slowed and the lights dimmed. The murmur of conversation ebbed as Lisa strutted into the room with Larry on the end of a short leash.
Larry was hooded to emphasize his role as an object. This was all about his use as a cock slave, not About him as a person. He could see what was happening but his mouth hole was zippered shut for now. Lisa would let his tongue out when she wanted it. His lean was attached to a D-ring on a thick leather collar. He was completely nude, unless the metal cage around his cock counted as attire.
Lisa paraded Larry around the room slowly, enjoying the attention her latest trainee was receiving. Lisa stopped in front of an older woman sprayed on an armchair with her legs wide apart, waiting.
“You may address all the women here as ‘Miss’, understanding Larry?” Lisainstructed her trembling slut, and unzipped his face hole.
“Yes Miss,” Larry responded shakily. He looked and sounded like a man who had been kept in chatity for awhile. His balls bulged outside the cock cage.
“On your knees man-whore, you can begin by becoming to lick this lovely woman,” Lisa ordered. “Once she is finished with you, you may crawl to the next guest and beg again, clear?”
“Yes, thank you Miss,” Larry replied and sank to his hands and knees in front of his first customer. The middle-aged dark haired mom hiked her shirt up to show Larry she had come prepared by leaving her underwear at home. Larry leaned into the woman’s cunt and licked at the long glistening slit waiting to be satisfied.
“SMACK!” Lisa’s crop echoed off Larry’s raised ass. flinched but kept licking. He knew Lisa might not take the cage off if he stopped.
“Faster Slut! There are four more pussies waiting to be licked, if you are lucky and these women are not too disgusted by your groveling, I might allow you to be displayed later!” Lisa admonished her tardy slut. “But if even one of them objects, you will not be allowed to cum.”
Larry whimpered a little and continued to slurp and swallow at the soaked hole between the heavy-set brunette’s legs. With a final shudder, the woman squeezed Larry’s head between her thighs and muffled his groaning as she convulsed in ecstasy.
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