Slave Ella Ch. 10 – Jade's Denial

We awoke mid-morning, and I drew back the curtains to another sunny Dorset day.

“Good morning beautiful ladies,” I said, waking Ella and Jade with kisses.

“Good morning, Master,” Ella said with a big smile.

“Good morning, Daddy,” Jade said, stretching and yawning; “What time is it?”

“About ten-thirty,” I said.

“Shit, I have to be at work at the pub at midday.”

“Then you’d better jump into the shower first.” I had thought about asking Jade to stop working at the Kings Head, and paying her the money she would have earned; but that sounded a little too much like prostitution, and anyway it was a turn-on to think of her working behind the bar, in one of her many revealing outfits and with her ‘Daddy’s Little Girl’ dogtag, being letched over by the punters while I held the key to her pussy and perhaps her heart. Dave had tried it on with her once or twice, until I’d had a quiet word and warned him off. He’d probably get to fuck her many times in the future at sex parties and the like – but there was a time and place for everything, and workplace harrassment was a definite no-no. If she decided she wanted some improvement fucking with him in a back-room at the pub she was more than capable of letting him know herself, but until and unless that happened he was to treat her like any other employee – although come to think I about it I had no idea how he treated the rest of his employees. Besides, her being out of the house gave me plenty of time to think up new and incredibly kinky things to do with her when she got back. In the week and a half since the meal the Le Chat she had asked three time to spend the night in her flat, and of course I had agreed. She needed time, she said, to catch up with her flatmates and girlfriends, which was fair enough: I didn’t want to isolate her in any way – I I asked he to come to me of her own free will, not because of some Stockholm Syndrome shit. I asked he to keep her collar on, though, and she hadagreed.

While Jade showed and Ella relaxed in bed waiting her turn, I made four coffees, carried three up to my bedroom, and carried the fourth down the hall to the bedroom were Sara had slept. I knocked gently at the door, and then a second time before she said “Come in”. I pushed the door open and she was lying in bed on her side, her face towards the door. The bruise on her cheek had come up and was living shades of blue, green and purple.

“Ouch,” I said.

“I’ve had worse,” she replied.

“No man should ever hit you,” I said.

“Says the man who put twenty strokes across my tits last night.”

“Ah, but that was with your consent, and you could have stopped at any time, as Sally and Anita did.” I gave her the coffee and she took a sip.

“I didn’t know how you liked it, so that’s white one sugar,” I told her.

“Perfect,” she said.

“How are your tits this morning? Bit sore?”

She pulled down the duvet and showed me her breasts. They were still red with stroke marks, but they’d fade by the end of the day.

“I’ll just be a second,” I told her, walked down the hall to the bathroom, and returned with a pot of antiseptic cream. I opened it and scooped some on to my fingers, moved it towards her cheek.

“May I?” I asked, before I touched her.

“Of course,” she replied.

“This should soothe it a bit and help it heal up.” I said, as I gently massed it into her bruised and swollen cheese.

“Do you want some on your chest as well?” I asked mischievously when I’d finished.

“Sure, handsome,” she said. I scooped some more cream out of the pot, rubbed it into her sore tits, moving my fingers in circular motions around her areolas. Her nipples became hard.

“You keep on like that, you’re going to turn me on again,” she said. I switched breast and continued the circular motion around the other nipple.

“Do you want me keep on like that?” I asked her.

“God yes,” she said, looking me full in the eyes, “That feels amazing.”

I would have liked to carry on and see where events led, but I had to get dressed to drive Jade into town. After another minute of massaging her tits I screwed the top back onto the pot, and she pouted slightly as I removed my hand.

“Don’t stop,” she said.

“Things to do, people to see,” I told her. “But as your doctor I advise you that you may need another application later on.”

She laughed; “Yes doctor,” she said; “Maybe then I can tell you about this terrible ache I’ve got in my belly too.”

“Probably just hunger,” I smiled. “Talking of which, want some breakfast?”

“Ooh yes please, I’m starving. I can’t imagine what I was doing last night to make me so hungry!”

I laughed: “You stay there, have a shower when you’re ready. I’ll send Ella up with some toast, and while I’m driving Jade to work she can help you dress.” I looked at the pile of clothes on a chair, the same ones she had forgotten last night. “Are thosethe only clothes you have?”

“Yes: I had to leave in a hurry last night. I’ve never seen Tom like that before, he was going insane.”

“Well Ella can help you choose from the clothes we have here, and we can talk about the rest later.”

When I returned to the master bedroom Jade was out of the shower and was drying her hair and Ella had gone in. They had kept their collars on; they were Both soaking wet, but would soon dry. I took Jade by the hand and led her to the dressing room: she chose a floral summer skirt, cotton, and a white nylon short-sleeved top. She didn’t ask for underwear so I didn’t have to deny her any: her breasts strained against the white fabric of the blouse. I suggested white ankle-socks and heeled sandals. A perfect mix of practice for a long day standing behind the bar and sexual provocation. I had her bend over a dresser while I got a medium butt-plug, lubricated it, pulled her panties aside and worked it into her ass.

“That stays theretil tonight,” I said; “If you need to use the toilet text me for permission to remove it.”

“Yes, Daddy,” she said in her submissive little-girl voice.

I also spent some time fingering her pussy, shoving three fingers into her pussy and thumbing her clip. I kept going until her body gave itself away with tell-tale twitches and involuntary jerks of approaching orgasm, then I stopped.

“Please don’t stop, Daddy,” she gasped, “Please don’t.”

“Sshhhh,” I told her. “Good slaves only come when they’re given permission.”

Ella was out of the shower by now, using the blow-drier on her hair. I told her that when she was done she was to make some toast, butter it and take it to Sara.

“Yes, Master,” said Ella; “How should I address her?”

Good question: the previous night Sara had rarely been a submissive, but this was a new day.

“Call her Madame for now,” I said.

“Very good, Master. And if she wishes to use me?”

“You may comply or not,as you wish. But she’s not your dom – she has to ask you, not tell you.”

“Yes, Master. Shall I dress?”

“No, stay as you are for now. When she’s had the toast and showed show her the dressing room and let her pick out some clothes, whatever she likes that will fit. I’ll be back as soon as I’ve dropped off Jade. And if she asks you any questions, answer Truthfully.”

“Yes Master, of course.”

I quickly showed and dressed, then Jade and I walked out to the Bentley.

“Do you want me in the back, Daddy, or up front with you?”

“You can ride shotgun today,” I said. She climbed into the passenger seat, and I started the car.

“So,” I said as we barrellelled along the country lanes, “Are you enjoying your life with us?” I slid a hand across and ran it up her leg, under the dress to stroke her inner thigh.

“Oh yes, Daddy,” she said; “I’m having the time of my life. I’ve never had so much fun – or so much amazing sex.”

“I’m very glad,” I said. “You are an incredible and very welcome addition to our little menu. And you get on well with Ella?”

“I think I love her a little bit,” Jade said; “She’s beautiful, and kind, and the things you do to her and make her do are unbelievable. I hope I get to be just like her one day.”

“I’m sure you will,” I said.

When we were a few minutes out of town I pulled over into a lay-by and turned off the car’s engine.

“Why have we stopped, Daddy?” Jade asked.

“Today is the first day of your orgasm denial, remember?” I said. I could tell by the look on her face she was hoping I’d forgetten.

“Yes, Daddy,” she said, a little sullenly.

I reached over and swivelled her around, so that her back was half on the leather of the seat and half against the passenger door. I raised her legs, pushed her skirt up to her hips, and without any preamble leaned down and started to give her head, darting my tongue in and out of her hole like a cock, spreading her labia lipswith my middle fingers so I could better access her inner folds and clip.

“Oh Daddy!” she squealed. She tasted clean and fresh, and I always loved eating her out – she enjoyed it so much, as if every time was the first she had discovered this incredible source of pleasure. For a few minutes I licked and sucked and waggled the buttplug in her ass. She gasped and panted like a bitch in heat.

“Uh! Uh! Uh! Can I come please Daddy? Please let me come!”

“No,” I said, sitting up again as if nothing had happened and starting the car engine again. She gave a cry of frustrated desire, still panting hard – she must have been very close to climax.

“And no playing with yourself in the toilet at work, either,” I said; “If you do, I’ll know about it and put you in a chatity belt.” I didn’t tell her that I planned to put her in a chatity belt anyway.

“Yes, Daddy,” she said, sulking at being denied her orgasm.

“Discipline is all part of learning to be a good slave,” I told her. “You said you wanted to be like Ella: you saw how she endured her own orgasm denial for five days while being edged.”

“I really don’t know how she did it,” Jade said; “Are you – are you going to make me wait that long?” she asked me, biting her lip.

“I don’t know, I haven’t decided yet. It depends on how good a girl you are.”

“I’ll be a good girl, Daddy, I promise, I’ll do everything you tell me,”

“Well, we’ll see.”

“Have a good day,” I said, kissing her hard on the lips, slipping my tongue briefly into her mouth; “Think filter thoughts – and remember, no rubbing yourself off.”

“No, Daddy. I’ll be good.” She swung open the passenger door, shook her ass at me as she climbed out, then closed the door and disappeared into the pub.

When I got back to the house there was nobody in the lounge; I padded upstairs, but nobody in Sara’s room or the master bedroom. Then as I came downstairs I heard muffled voices and giggling coming from the cellar. I slipped off my shoes to be as quiet as possible, and tiptoed down the stairs. pausing at the bottom.

At the far end of the room Ella was leaning against the cross with her back to me. She didn’t appear to be cuffed or tied to it; she was holding onto the uprights, and had her legs apart to follow the lines of its lower wooden legs. Standing behind her, also with her back to me, was Sara. She was dressed in shin-high cowboy boots, a denim skirt and check shirt tied in a knot at her belly. She had a lash in her right hand and was laying strokes across Ella’s back. She was doing it fairly hard, if inexpertly, and Ella yelped at every blow. Sara had her left hand inside her knickers and was clearly playing with her pussy as she whipped my slave. I stood there savouring the scene for a few minutes.

“When you’ve finished,” I said suddenly, “I thought we could walk out somewhere nice for lunch.”

Sara started and turned to me.

“I, er,” she said; “Ella was showing me around your house and we came down here…”

“So I can see,” I said.

“You said I could if I wanted to, Master,” Ella protected. I waved her objects away, talking instead to Sara. “Playing with my slave without permission? I think when we get back from lunch it is you who needs to be punished. But in the meantime, If you’re going to do it, do it properly.” I walked over and cuffed Ella’s wrists and ankles to the cross, gave her a few hard slapse on her ass, then sat down on one of the couches to watch.

“Carry on,” I said, “And Sara, if you’re going to finger yourself why not take your skirt off, make life easier for you?”

With a shrug Sara did just that, throwing the denim skirt over the spanking bench followed by the white knickers she had been wearing. Her naked ass and pussy looked even more wanton given that she was still wearing the cowboy boots and cowgirl shirt. She continued to lash Ella, all the way fromthe back of her shins, up her thighs, her buttocks, her back and the backs of her ams.

“Have you done this before?” I asked.

“No, but I saw it done in one of the videos on your site. You sent free logins before the party last night, remember?”

I did remember. “I’m impressed with the diligence of your research,” I told her dry. She flashed me a grin, then went back to her work.

When Ella’s skin was glowing pink from her ankles to her neck Sara paused. I walked over to Ella, ran my hands over her ass, and slipped two fingers into her soaking cunt.

“I think she likes it,” I said, holding up the fingers glistening with Ella’s cunt juices.

“Let me taste,” Sara said, and I walked over and put my fingers in her mouth. She sucked them clean, then said “Think I need some more of that,” went over, knelt behind Ella and started lapping at her pussy and the ring of her ass. She slipped a finger in, then more, and began to pump Ella’s cunt. I kissed Ella’s backand neck, reached around to cup and play with her tits. She gasped and shook and moaned.

“Unzip me and put me inside her,” I told Sara, and she did. My cock was like iron and aching to be used, and as soon as she undid my trousers and pulled them down slightly it sprang out. Sara rubbed it against Ella’s cunt lips.

“Is this what you want, slut?” she hisssed.

“Oh please, please Master, I need your cock inside me. Fill me with your wonderful cock” Ella moaned. I nodded to Sara, and she began to feed my length into Ella’s burning, soaking twat. As I thrust in and out, Sara crouched and licked at my member and Ella’s snatch, her right hand busy in her own nether regions. She sucked on my balls, taking one into her mouth, then the other.

I fucked Ella hard, standing up, my hands on her hips as I jerked my own body backwards and forwards, driving deep into her pussy with every stroke. It couldn’t last long; after only a few minutes I felt my balls tighten and with a few final slamming strokes jetted my cum deep into Ella’s pussy. I rested my head on her back as I recovered but Sara hadn’t finished; she still licked frantically at Ella’s quim and was using both hands alternately to stroke and spank Ella’s clip.

“Oh please Master may this slave come?” she asked. My cock was still inside her.

“Yes, slave, come on my cock,” I said, biting the nape of her neck and her shoulders quite hard as I twisted and pinched her nipples. That sent her over the edge, and she quivered and shook to orgasm.

“That just leaves me,” Sara said. Her hand was back rubbing at her clip. I took her hand, moved it away from her pussy.

“You’re a very naughty girl, and you can wait til after lunch.” I said; “Get dressed.”

Sara put her skirt back on – I told Her to leave the kickers, and dressed Ella in a simple outfit; knee-high black leather boots, a mid-thigh plain black leather skirt, and a simple white blouse. She didn’t get to wear bra or kneelers either. As an afterthought I fetched a wide-brimmed straw hat and gave it to Ella to wear;

“It’s sunny outside,” I said; “Don’t want you getting burned.”

“Thank you Master,” she said, and put it on. It completed her outfit surprisedly well.

There was a pub called The Brace of Pheasants in a village a few miles away which did very good food. It took us forty minutes to walk it, which gave me lots of time to talk to Sara.

“You’ve got an amazing house,” she said; “You didn’t get all that from making porn videos, surely?” I told her about my career in the City, and about how I still traded in a small way on my own account.

“But the porn videos bring in a decent amount too. Ella, tell Sara how much you earn a month from your share of sales.”

Ella did so: “No shit, really?” asked Sara.

“And what about you,” I asked, “Do you work?”

“Not any more. I used to be a book-keeper but I got made redundant and I’ve been on benefits ever since. I’mReally sick of not having any money.” There was a weak pinging noise, and she took out her phone.

“That’s Tom again,” she said: “Look.” She showed me a long list of txts from him, and emails, and many missed calls.

“What are you going to do?” I asked; “Do you want to go back to him?”

She started to cry; all of a sudden, but it had obviously been building for a long time. Ella put a sisterly arm around her and we stopped walking for a few minutes.

“No, I can’t take it any more. I can’t go back to a shitty boyfriend and a shitty sex life and not having any shitting money,” she said. Suddenly she grasped me by the arm;

“Please take me, make me your slave. I’ll do anything you tell me, you can use me any way you want, just don’t make me go back.”

“Being a slave – being my slave – isn’t an escape,” I told her; “Ella and Jade have given me control because they are natural submissives. They’re not running away from something, they’re running to their truenatures.”

“But submissives can be made too, can’t they? Please, take me, train me. I promise I’ll do everything you ask,” she started crying again. “Please!”

“Let’s talk about this over lunch,” I said; “No need to make any decisions right now.”

We carried on walking while Sara told us about her relationship with Tom. It had been good at first when they’d met eight years previously, but over time he had got more and more controlling; taking control of her bank account, stopping her seeing friends and family, verbally abusing her.

“Well I’m a control freak,” I protested; “In case you hadn’t noticed.”

“But it’s different with you; you take control women want to give you, Tom forced me. And you’d never verbally abuse a woman who didn’t want it, would you?” She had a point: I loved calling women whores and sluts, and worse, but only when I knew they secretly liked it, never out of hatred. Tom hadn’t minded her fucking other men, as long as he decided who and when (again, just like me, I thought) and got to watch. She had been the woman at the bukkake party bent over the table, being fucked in the ass and pussy by any passing man. Tom had loved that, and she was also the woman who had been tag-teamed by stragglers into the early hours while he watched her taking it in every hole from man after man; but when they got home he’d put her in the bath and pissed all over her to degrade her even further.

“Well if you become my slave that’s going to happen again,” I told her; “Not the pissing part, but you were there last night, you know the score: my slaves fuck who I say when and how I say. You sure you don’t just want to be my slave to live in a nice house in the country, make some money shooting videos?”

She thought for a few moments: “That’s part of it, sure. You have a fantastic lifestyle, what woman in her right mind wouldn’t want some of that? And in life everyone gets fucked one way or another – might as well do it in lovely surroundings.”

“I’ll think about it,” I said, as we arrived at the Brace.

We changed subject and chatted about more general topics as we had a long, leiurely lunch, sat in the pub’s beautiful garden in the afternoon sunshine. I told Ella she could eat what she wanted and even have some alcohol if she wanted, and she went for a chicken caesar salad and a vodka tonic. Sara had spaghetti Vongole and a glass of white wine, and I had a cheddar cheese ploughman’s and a Fevertree tonic water with ice and a strip of cucumber.


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