Slave Diary Ch. 01: Humiliation

Note: This is a true story written from my perspective of a play session that was undertaken with my Master, and another couple; Sir and Evie. Please enjoy!

I sat at the feet of my Master, my head resting on one knee as a hand lazily stroked my hair. I felt a deep sense of contentment at the evening so far, serving Master and our guests as a host and as the lowly slave I was. I was unsure if They were aware of my feelings when they had been chatting, socialising, whilst I was confined to the kitchen cooking their meal. The sense of pleasure at being excluded in this made me burn with a desire I could not describe. I belonged here, as a service. As a slave.

Watching on, Sir had secured cuffs around Evie’s wrists and ankles, tightening them as much as possible to prevent her from slipping them over her hands. Master pressed down on my head as he stood to help secure her to the spanking bench positioned in the centre of the room. I continued to watch on with interestingst, unsure of the direction the evening may go in. A slight tinge of jealousy that I wasn’t the one being secured, ready for a spanking or a caning. Now secure on the benchmark, Evie tried to pull back, feeling the resistance of the cuffs she realized her situation and nervously tried to settle in to the position that held her, arse up, for all to see.

Master had returned to me, looking up at him, I smiled. I loved and trusted this man with all of my heart, I would do anything for him.

“Go and get the hooks.” He smiled back at me but his tone was firm, I knew what he wanted. Squirming and whimpering quietly, I stood and took a set of nose hooks from the drawer. The sight of them made my heart pump a little faster, my breathing quicken a touch. Kneeling once more in front of my Master to offer them to him, I steadied my breath. Master knew the reaction he wanted from me and he dangled the hooks in front of my face, tempting and teasing me with them. My nostrils quivered in anticipation of the sensing. Cupping my chin in one hand, he placed the hooks into my nostrils with the other.

I moaned. The pain of the cold hooks in my nostrils causing pleasure and mixing in a delicious concoction.

I had secured my ponytail at just the right height and Master tied the hooks off around my own hair. No matter where or how I moved, my nose would be forced up into the snout of the pig slave I was. I knew that Sir would eventually look over from his own pleasure, he would see me and my face flushed at the thought. What would he think of me? Such a lowly thing, barely even a human. Pushing me under the table, Master stared into my eyes. His were full of care and love but carried a sadistic streak, enjoying the humiliation he was inflicting upon me.

“You will stay here. This area,” he gestured outside of the table, “is for humans only.” I moaned again, I had already begun the climb towards a mental orgasm, it would merely be a matter of time.

Sir hadNow began to spank Evie, she counted dutifully as the sharp slapses rang out through the room. “One, thank you Sir. Two thank you Sir.” And so on. Master stood by the table, his hand tousling or stroking my hair every now and again as we watched, our voyeuristic tendencies coming to life. When Master moved away, I placed my head against the table top above me, pulling on the strings that connected to my nose hook, causing my own pain and pleasure. The sensing flooding my senses as I continued to observe. My arousal was high and Evie’s arse cheats were starting to redden slightly from the barrage of impact toys that were being used on her. Shamelessly, I didn’t care if Master or Sir saw me right now. It would only deep my arousal for them to observe what a pig slut I was, getting off on pulling on my own nostrils with increasing force as I watched the scene unfolding before me.

After collecting an item from the drawers, Master returned to me. He held the dental gag in his hands.I could not prevent whimpers escaping my vocal chords as he knelt down to me. He didn’t need to ask me to open my mouth, I obeyed without order and the gag was quickly buckled around my head. A few ratchets opened my mouth wide causing my tongue to dart around, feeling the edges of the gag on my teeth, my lips. I while again.

“If you keep making noise, they’ll hear you and will look to see what’s happening.” Master pointed out that which I did not want to happen. I had felt minimum shadow from the nose hooks but the gag had increased my humiliation to a level out of my control. Pushing me back under the table, I hid myself back, keeping my head down in an attempt to hide my shameful face that was being painfully warped.

Drool started to gather and I could not help but watch as it dripped from my mouth onto my thighs and the floor. I did not even have this most basic human control. Looking up to prevent the dribbling, Master was showing Sir some floating techniques and he moverved gracefully as the flogger kissed Evie’s beautifully rounded arse. The slapses of the leather thongs music to my ears. Sir’s eyes flickered to me. Instantly, the humiliation exploded within me and I curled back into myself under the table, hiding from view as best I could. My animal instinct told me that he could not see me if I couldn’t see him. Probably not true.

The flogging continued, I kept my head down except when Master came to stroke my head reassuringly, I was doing the right thing, I was being. I was a good girl. Moaning and whimpering at my brush, I was utterly helpless to prevent my situation and it felt good. On a return to me, Master pulled me from underneath the table, he sat on the seat next to me and held out a glass of water that he had been drinking from. I understand His demand and presented my hand, giving it to him in order to serve him as I always should. He knew that I enjoyed having a purpose. That it would keep me occupied as we continued to enjoythe scene that continued with vigor. I kept my head down, hoping that Sir wouldn’t look at me and also hoping that he might. The uncertainty wrapped around my chest and seemed to squeeze me tight. What would happen if he did see me like this? Would he be disgusted? Aroused? Perhaps he would find it silly and would laugh. That would be the worst. I did not know whether I felt more pleasure or fear. Through this, more drool had accumulated and was now dripping steady from my mouth onto my legs.

I had struggled to keep up with the scene in front of us as Sir and Master had flogged Evie with a multiitude of techniques, Sir had also provided her with a pecker gag that she had refused to take into her mouth. I was unsure if she had taken it or not in the end but was intrigued. She was clearly aroused and enjoying herself.

Eventually, Sir unclipped her from the bench, I was afraid, dipping in and out of subspace as my mind tried to commit too much information into my memory. Sir now sat on the opposite side of me and, no longer being used as a drinks holder, I sidled back under the table, away from his potential gaze.

“Are you still hiding?” I felt as though a chuckle tinged his voice as he spoke to me and I while in answer. Evie now sat outwards on the foot of the benchmark, her large breasts now hanging free were obscured by Sir’s legs. I was torn. “Don’t you want to see her breasts?” Sir’s voice was clear as he spoke to me once more and again, I whimpered in answer. Crawling from the table I kept my head down. Once close enough to him, I lifted my head, hiding my gaping mouth behind that which had obscured my view. I could now see the beautiful globes with dark, pert nipples that lay before me. They were a picture of perfection, I wanted to nibble and bite them, Cause pain and suffering that would not be my own.

A hand gently touched my head and I shuddered. There had been little physical contact between us previously and the sensing was increasedtenfold by my current state of humiliation. Backing away, I scampered back under the table. Once again keeping my head down, face close to the floor. I cared little for the amount of drool I was now producing, keeping my head low seemed like the only option for me now. Evie came close and sat between Sir’s legs, having a gentle cuddle as part of necessary aftercare from the painful scene that had been enacted before us. I did not care if she saw me as I was but still kept my eyes low and away from this intimate moment.

Master, on the other side of me was my rock and I looked to him for the reassurance I needed, I could tell from the look on his face that he was enjoying my humiliation but he kept me steady. This man had seen every part of me, both physical and mental, I could endure a lot in front of him. He now held out the wrist and ankle cuffs to me. My breath hitched as I knew what was coming next. I offered my wrists for him to cuff, as he tightened them dread and a sense ofpanic began to fill me. I knew that he would put me on display, show my humiliation for the pleasure of others. The ankle cuffs came next yet despite my desire to stay hidden away, I was excited. Deep down I wanted this.

Drawing me up, Master took me to the benchmark. I was made to sit facing outwards, towards Sir and Evie. Master’s body protected me from being seen but merely prolonged the anticipation and fear I felt inside me. I was beginning to panic. Touching my eyes, I showed a symbol to my Master. The request for a blindfold. I had need not bothered as he was already reaching into the drawers, pulling out my comforter, he lifted it to me.

“I think it would be a bit much to ask you to endure this without a blindfold on.” He knew what I needed, he always did. Untying the nose hook, he held the strings up for me to hold whilst he positioned the blindfold underneath. Now blind to the world I felt free of everyday constraints, of my concerns and worries. I was able to focuson the connections that my bondage gave me as Master re-tied the hook in place. Tighter than before, I moaned at the sensing.

As he moved to begin cuffing me to the benchmark, I turned my head away, holding one hand to my mouth to cover my gaping maw. Facing away from where I knew Sir and Evie sat, cuddling, watching and waiting. Whilst I was not worried so much about Evie seeing me like this, my desire for Sir to both see and not see my state in this moment unnerved my core. I felt weak but I would not break easily. One by one, my cuffs were secured to the benchmark. I knew it was only a matter of time before the hand I hid behind would be wronged away from my face and would force me to face my fears. The moment came, in a rush of panic I throw my head down towards my legs, tears threatening to spill over underneath my blindfold. I was hot, wet, terrified. This would not last, I knew that I would be broken sooner or later.

A tug on my ponytail caused me to moan, in arousal andpain. I refused to move. The pain came again but this time it was a constant, Master was pulling steadily on my hair which in turn was pulling at my nose hooks. Pain seized in what felt like an endless battle against humiliation, the sound now coming from me was guttural. A primary cry that indicated the desire to release the last of my dignity and humanity but I could not. Not without a fight. I gave in to the pain but flung my head in the opposite direction of Sir and Evie. I was slowly being beaten down, I had nowhere to run and my options for hiding were becoming thin. Gripping my hair and my chin, Master forced my head around, turning me towards where I knew Sir’s dark eyes were boring into me.

Orgasm ripped through me, my legs began to shudder and my stomach tightened as the tension I had felt was released, my face flushed more than before as blood pumped through my body, my heart pounding in my ears. Sir would be watching me, he would be able to see my piggy nose and forcedwide mouth. Master held me tight, I knew he would be enjoying the scene and it aroused me more to know this. He loved to humiliate and degrade me, he loved to see my shame and the release it gave me. I came down from my orgasm, still trying to pull away from Master, to fight the feelings I had deep down in me, to fight my humiliation. I tugged at my bonds, trying to release myself yet aware that if I pulled too much I could break something pretty to me. I cried out, a mixture of frustration, pleasure and pain. Master’s voice cut through my internalising.

“Can you see enough there?” I heard a sound of agreement from Sir, he could see. I came again, the second wave as intense and prolonged as the first. I began to worry, Master hadn’t said I could come, would I be punished? As if he could hear my Thoughts his voice came in my ear, “You can come, I want you to come.” I did as he ordered, shaking from the orgasm and the exertion. Yet I still fight him. Releasing my head he movedAround me, allowing me some respite as I turned away from Sir and Evie once again. I could hear myself still vocalising loudly but it seemed surreal. I tried to catch my breath as I heard a discussion begin, snippets of, “aww, she thinks she can get away,” and “We could very easily move around her, she’d never know, she can’t see.” Sir’s voice now catch my attention.

“I think she’d know, with my bad knees she’d hear me coming.” Whilst I was still full of shame, I couldn’t help but laugh. I knew that I would be able to sense a presence to my right side if someone moved around me. My blindfold had also begun to slip and I had a slider of vision to see the feet of someone coming for me.

This is now what happened, Sir’s feet came into view, a visual that would stay with me for weeks to come. Another cry came from me as I throw my head back down, no longer being held steady I was able to try and hide once more. Master’s hand caught me and lifted my head up. The inevitable was upon me, Sir would see everything. Once again, tears threatened. Mixed in with another edging orgasm from the humiliation and embarrassment I was overwhelmed. I heard Master and Sir talking above me, Master’s voice was the one that caused me to whimper and whine again.

“Could you hold her head for me please?” Master now stood to my left and I felt Sir on my right, Master’s hand released me and was immediately replaced with another. I knew it was Sir and it felt different, Master had held my hair tightly, pulling slightly to keep me steady, Sir was gentler and brushed hair away from my face with his free hand. Knowing that he was so close to me, so involved in this moment along with my Master had me edging closer. As he pulled my head back I came again, I had no idea where he was looking but it felt as though he was leaning my head back to get a better look at my face, my mouth, my nostrils. Master’s finger now gently touched my tongue and as I moaned around it I knew I would not las much longer. With nowhere to hide and everything on show, surely I would break. Through my orgasm, Master’s finger moved through my mouth, over my tongue, teeth and inner chefs. I began to shake violently from a mixture of the arousal and extreme humiliation.

I thought I could take no more when a second finger entered my mouth, I knew instantly that it was not Master. The touch was different, the finger a different shape and size. My mind broke. I had been bound, put on show for my Master and our guests and now I had been dominated by another man. My resolve shattered and my body went limp as I could no longer fight against it. Lulling in a dream-like space, I enjoyed the sensings. I hoped that I had pleased my Master, my main desire was to always please and serve him. The love I felt for him was all encompassing a warmth that radiated from deep within me. I also hoped that Sir and Evie had enjoyed Master’s little show, yet the fear of rejection from them had dissipated. It was too late to deny my pleasure and with Sir’s involvement in my degradation, I felt acceptance.

Now broken, humiliated, full of shame and pleasure, I was gently released from my bondage. Master’s voice was all I could hear as he held me close to his chest, cradling me gently.

“Good girl, I’m proud of you.”


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