After Clara had entered the house, Mike stood outside dumbfounded. He kept expecting her to come back out. It wasn’t until his hard-on subsided that he thought to follow her in. He nonchalantly walked naked across the yard and entered the house. He heard the shower running and excitedly headed for the bathroom, but the door was locked. “She’s evil!,” he thought, as it became clearer that she might be serious about not letting him cum. However, he was titillated by the devilishness of her game. It was exciting as well as maddening; besides, maybe she was just freshening up for round two.
After Clara had shown, she went upstairs to go to bed. Mike was already there and his cock began to swell as soon as she entered the room. She ignored it and climbed into bed as if to go to sleep. He rolled over, pressed himself against her hip, and began slowly struggling her breasts from outside the covers.
“You’re only making it harder on yourself you know,” shesaid.
“Tell me about it,” he replied as he pressed his courage against her.
She reached down and stroked him a couple of times and the pre-cum quickly sprang from his member. She used her index finger to spread it in a circle around the head and his body spasmed in pleasure. She quickly let go and told him to go to sleep.
Mike couldn’t believe she would actually leave him desperate for release like this, so he continued his ministries outside the covers, while his cock surged with anticipation. He gently stroked Clara’s cheek, earlyobes, and neck. He traced his hands along her abdomen, trailed the outline of her breasts, and delved lightly over her public mound. He did this for several minutes; adjusting his pace and pressure until it was clear Clara was ready for more. Then he snaked his hand under the covers and continued the same movements skin to skin, except now he could squeeze her breasts and nipples, and run his fingers deeper into the apex of her tighs. All the while his cock jutted forward, steady dripping, but receiving no reciprocal attention from Clara. As her breathing became more erratic, he figured it was now or never and he positioned himself to let his mouth take over the task at hand. He began where his fingers had – by tracing his tongue along her earlobes and gently kissing her neck. Her soft sights encouraged him and he continued further, slowly kissing, stroking, and nibbling his way down her torso. He paid special attention to the triangle of flesh on her torso beneath her breasts and above her public mound. Moving nimbly and teasingly; returning to one spot, before moving to another and generally taking great care to monitor her breathing and the tension of her body. When Clara instinctively reached out and held his aching hard-on, he climbed between her legs to focus More directly on bringing her to orgasm.
He licked, nibbled, and kissed the outer areas of her labia while deftly working his way inward,darting his tongue ever so slightly into the cleft of flesh. He used the thumb of his right hand to press against the lower portion of her vagina, placing steady pressure and releasing to coincide with her spasms. With his left hand he pinched her outer lips together and massed her clip beneath them. As Clara’s moans increased he took the bud of her clip into his mouth and lightly suctioned it between his lips. He sucked it slowly and Rhythmically, and snaked his tongue along her lips and underneath the clitoral hood.
Mike kept at it until Clara was on the verge of orgasm. Had he mounted her now he would have found the blissful relief he sought. Instead he clung to her womanhood until her orgasm subsided and only then moved to enter her; his cock more desperate than ever for release.
As Mike was poised to plumge into her, Clara said “Since that was such a good orgasm, I’ll give you five strokes to cum. But if you don’t, you’ll just have to wait.” Mike hastilyagreed and rammed his straining cock completely inside her. He pumped furiously, oblivious to the devil’s deal he had just struck, because within seconds Clara twisted away from him. “That was five,” she said. Mike was left kneeing between her legs, his engorged cock twitching and glistening. Clara said, “I told you you were just making it harder on yourself.” At that she rolled over with an air of finality and curled up to sleep.
Mike was in an ecstatic frenzy, but he knew there was nothing to be done. It took a long time for his erection to cool down enough for him to even contemplate sleep, but it was a restless night nonetheless. He awoke twice during the night with a raging hard-on that he pressed against Clara as she slept, and when they awoke his member was once again at full, rigid attention. Clara climbed out of bed and reached down to grapp his cock as she walked by. She pumped her fist upward just once and a full drop of cum immediately sprang out. She smiled and said, “Today is going to be so much fun.” She grabbed him by the public hair and pulled it until his torso was clear off the bed. “Shave this clean too,” she commanded!
Later, after making Clara breakfast to order, Mike stood naked before her. He had yet to put on any clothes that day. He was her naked slave no matter what and his hard-on was nearly perpetual. Now, however, His hands were tied behind his back. Clara said, “We’ll have to get this up and out of the way in order to inspect your balls. But you better have done a good job of it.” She knelt down before him and sucked his cock into her mouth. She closed her eyes and swirled her tongue around the head, feeling every bump and ridge with her tongue. Her pussy was already wet with anticipation, and she pressed her fingers on her throbbing clip to relieve it a little.
She released his cock before he could get too close to orgasm and commanded him to spread his legs. The sight of him standing there naked and completely at her mercy was exhilarating. She teased some drops from his cock with her fingers and ordered him to lick them clean. Next she ran her fingers across his balls and told him that for every hair she found he would receive one slap on the balls. She lifted his cock up against his belly and held it there with the palm of her left hand. She then began licking his balls with long, slow deliberate strokes. His body shuddered as she finished each one and his cock was dripping onto her hand.
She said, “My tongue tells me you deserve 16 slaps.”
“Maybe your tongue counted wrong,” Mike quipped.
“That’s going to cost you one more,” Clara responded. With that she slapped him full in the nuts. Mike buckled, more from shock than from anything else, because she had not done it that hard.
“Well?” Clara queried.
“Well what?” Mike asked back.
“Not counting is going to cost you one more,” she said.
“But you didn’t tell me to count,” he protested.
“You just got another two. Would you like to add more or are you going to count.”
“One,” he said.
“Good slave,” Clara cooled as she slapped him again.
At first Clara slapped him somewhat lightly, but a few of them really connected and his voice cracked beginning with number 8. It downright shook through 14 and 17, and it was barely a whisper at 19. When she was done, he marveled to himself that he was still hard after such a beating.
Next Clara took a length of rope and looped it under his balls. She wrapped it twice around his public mound and used it to lead him to the bottom of the staircase just inside the front door. She proceeded to tie off the ends of the rope to the banner on either side of him, so that he was tied by the cock and balls facing the door, with his hands still bound behind him. As was her want, she held his cock in her palm and swirled the now almost endless stream that dripped from its head. His body convulsed with every stroke and his cocked looked like it was trying to escape the confines of his skin.
Clara then announced that she was going out to run an errand.
“You can’t leave me like this,” Mike implored. “What if someone comes to the door?”
“You right,” she said. With that she opened all the neary window shades, put a blindfold on him, stroked his cock to make him all the more frustratingly erect, and then departed. Before she left, to add to his anxiety, she said, “Oh, did I tell you the plumber is coming today. I hope he doesn’t get here before I get back.”
When Clara suggested that he be her slave for a day, he figured it would entail doing some housework in the nude, along with plenty of orders to suck Clara’s grogeous muff. Now, blindfolded and bound by the balls, with a shaken pubis, he wondered, with a mixture of appreciation and, indeed, fear, as to just what more she had in mind. It was as if she had transformed into some sort of perverse monster: a “Frankenpussy,” he joked to himself. He just prayed that she was kidding about the plumber.
When Clara returned she toyed with the idea of ringing the bell to scare Mike, but she didn’t want to waste any time. She untied the rope from the banner and used it to lead him upstairs. She lay him on the bed and tied his arms and legs spread-eagle to the four corners. She disrobed and was about to rub her pussy on Mike’s cock when the doorbell rang.
“Damn, of all days to be early,” she said, as she put on her robe.
“What do you mean?” he asked in a panic.
“You just wait here,” she answered, as if he had a choice.
Clara, wet and nude beneath her robe, went to the door and let the plumber inside. She realized by his expression that her sash was only loosely tied and that she was probably exposing a lot of skin. However, she was thrilled at being like she was. It was so unlike her.
“Hank, the water heater in the basement needs to be drained” she instructurted, “and when you’re done with that there’s a drip in the master bathroom. I’m going out shortly. Mike is upstairs, but he won’t even know you’re here.”
Clara returned to the bedroom upstairs; flushed with excitement that her plan was going so well. She straddled Mike’s face and tugged on his cock, bringing it instantly erect. She rocked energeticly on his tongue and quickly orgasmed. Then she mounted his torso and removed a set of earplugs from the pocket of her robe, which she proceeded to place in Mike’s ears. Next she retrieved a ball-gag that she purchased especially for this occasion. She drew it over Mike’s bewildered face and latched it behind his head. He was now deaf, blind, and mute.
She was just in time too, for she heard the cellar door opening as Hank came upstairs. Clara climbed into an alcohol in the closet that she had cleared earlier and peered out at Mike’s enormous erection jutting skyward.
He was glad he had come to this house when heDid, for the chance to see Clara half naked. He wondered if she was intentionally flashing so much skin. He had been able to see the curve of each breast and the protrusions of her stiff nipples, so he knew she wasn’t wearing a bra. He listened to her instructions and then asked if he might have a glass of water. “Let me get it for you”, Clara said. She went to the cabinet and reached upward for the glass. Her robe raised proportionately, and he could see that she was completely naked, because the globes of her bottom came into view. He wanted to yank the robe open and fuck her on the kitchen floor, but assumed that, like so many housewives, she was simply getting off on teasing him. It gave him a terrific hard-on, which he absentmindedly massaged as he worked.
Mike was truly befuddled at being shaken, tied-up, and gagged. His mind was racing; his heart pounding; and his cock simply engaged. It felt harder than he could remember since he was a teenager. Clara had himso close to orgasm that his cock was twitching in anticipation. He felt her trace a cold finger across his shaken public shaft just above his cock. He could feel the pre-come dripping down the shake as she moved it from side to side. Then she stuck some kind of plug up his ass and climbed off the bed. Now he awaited her return.
Hank was thinking about what sort of panties Clara keep in her dresser as he Ascended the staircase. When he clicked on the bedroom light, he nearly dropped his tools. There lay Mike, spread-eagle naked, wearing a blindfold and gag, with an enormous erection on display. He stared and looked away and stared again as he crossed to the bathroom. What the fuck? He began his repair, but returned to the door to peer out at Mike. “This is just too weird,” he thought and returned to his labor.
It only took minutes to finish the repair and then he was ready to get the hell out of there. Why he didn’t leave immediately was beyond him. He went back through the bedroom and pointedly tried not to look at the naked guy strapped to the bed, but it was just too strange. As he looked he saw Mike’s groin was shaken bald. Now he found himself staring earnestly and, as he stared, he saw something else as well. Something was written on Mike’s pubis.
He moved closer but had to clan onto the edge of the bed to see. He gingerly leaned forward and saw the word “Slave” written in lipstick above Mike’s cock. He was completely perplexed now and as he moved to get off the bed he saw the cock twitch. Now he found himself staring at this guy’s cock. He couldn’t fathom when this day began, or on any day for that matter, that he’d be staring at some guy’s hard cock inches from his face, but here he was. He noticed that Mike’s balls were hairless, too.
From her vantage point in the closet Clara could see Mike’s cock swaying. She had just come and was ready for more. She pressed her fingers into the folds of her wetness and wiggled them side to side. When the light clicked on, she momentarily jumped – she knew Hank had entered the room. She became fearful he’d open the door and expose her. “What would he do with a naked woman fingering herself before him,” she mused. She watched, as he watched Mike, and it made her even wetter.
She heard Hank go to work and saw him come back to the bedroom. Her left hand fondled her breasts and tweaked her hard nipples, while her right hand found the swollen nub of her clip. Her juices flowed freely and her excitement was beyond description as Hank moved to read her message. It was then that she turned on the remote-control vibrating-egg she had slipped into Mike’s ass. When Mike’s cock jumped correspondently and nearly hit Hank’s chin, she just had to penetrate herself.
Mike’s Confusion only worsened in Clara’s absence. When she was riding his face, he thought she wanted to get off while there was a stranger in the house. Now it seemed like she was gone an eternity. He couldn’t see, hear, or speak, and he was in a desperate state of arousal. He felt the bed tremble as she moved about the room and his cock ached with anticipation when he felt her climb onto the bed. Sensing that she was so close to him and yet not touching him was sending him over the edge. He imagined that he could feel her hot breathing on his yearning cock. “God, I need to cum,” he thought. It was at that very moment that the vibrator in his ass clicked on. It was too much to take after being teased so mercilessly and to his dismay his throbbing cock exploded in a mighty orgasm. He spewed load upon load into the air and onto his belly. He expected Clara to until he immediately, but instead she got off the bed and left him alone again.
Clara couldn’t believe how beautifully her gamble had paid off. When Mike’s orgasm exploded she was already on her third. She waited for Hank to exit the house, then went and mounted Mike. She pumped furiouslyy on his cock with complete abandon, grinding her clip into his smooth skin and rubbing it wildly. Her breasts bounced and there were tears in her eyes from the sexual workout she was getting. They fucked once more that evening and Mike even suggested he would be open to more slave days. “That’s fine with me,” she beamed.
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