Slave Ch. 02

**This is chapter 2 (obviously) and it would help greatly to go back and read chapter 1 before going on here. Remember to drink in moderation, tip your waitress, and try to remember to vote!**

“She’s got what?” I asked calmly. Kris’s face revealed that my voice had sunk to that deep calm that gives the appearance of collected sanity, but is usually sounded right before someone gets knocked out.

“Here’s the list. Tests got back today,” Kris said with fear in her eyes as she extended the paper in a slightly trembling hand.

“There’s a fucking list!” I yelled. Kris shrunk back. I could feel my left eye start to twitch as I read down the chart of VD’s on the page. It read like a high school health book; a who’s who of STD’s. “She’s got every single one of these?” I said, the calmness returning to me. It was my fault…her description consisting of redheaded slut should have been a tip off. “Always thinking with my dick,” I mumbled.

“On the upside,” Kris said meekly. I shot her a look with my twitching eye.


“The doctor said these were probably all recent, she doesn’t have any symbols, and they only showed up in the urine test,” Kris said. I nodded.

“What’s all the shouting about?” a familiar voice said behind me. My shouldors instantly squared and I stood about an inch taller.

“Oh shit,” Kris said. “No blood, Bran,” she added and headed out the door. I turned slowly in the room where we played card two nights before to face Jaime.

“You dumb bitch,” is all I could manage to get out. Jaime’s face turned into a mask of practical sorrow and she throw herself against me, her 115 pounds not even budgeting my 230.

“Oh God, I’m so sorry, I didn’t even think, Everything happened so fast and they told me so much about you, I was so horny, we were drunk…we should have used a condom or something,” she blubbered.

“WE? WE should have used a condom! From the looks of this,” I shouted, rattling the paperin my shaking hand, “you’ve been spread more times than Parkay! Holy shit! I don’t even know what two of these are and one is listed as ‘incurable/untransmittable’! Do you have any self control at all or do you jump on any swinging dick that comes around no matter where it’s been stuck! Fuck!”

“You wanted it, too,” she said meekly after a second. She stepped away from me with her back turned. I felt my fist clnch and my arm cock back as my left foot slide back on the carpet. I could feel the muscles aching for release, I could envision my fist landing squarely in the back of her skull, the force of the hit breaking my hand and fingers, but killing her almost instantly. I tasted the pain of my hand, but it faded in a flash.

That was the closest I ever came to hitting a woman.

“Oh, I fucking own you, bitch,” I said deeply through gritted teeth. She turned slightly, looking at me with terrified questions burned across her face. “That’s right. I’m going to the hospital and I’m going to get tested. If I test positive for anything, and I mean anything…I don’t care if it’s the common fucking cold…you belong to me for the rest of the summer.”

“What do you mean belong to?” she said, a single tear rolling down her cheek.

“I mean you belong to me. You will do everything I say to do when I say it. If you do not, you will be punished in a manner that I see fit. You will refer to me as ‘Sir’ and your name will be taken and you will be called ‘Slave’ for the duration of the summer. Do I make myself clear?”

Jaime nodded meekly. I stormed out. Kris was sitting on the steps, soaking in the sun.

“That went better than I figured it would. I was expecting you to come out with a garbage bag or two and an apology about the blood thing,” Kris said. I stopped in mid-step on the way to my car and turned to her.

“Did you know she had all that?”

“I figured, but I wasn’t sure until I made her get tested after you fucked her stupid.” I felt my eye twitch again and I got in my car.

The trip to the hospital was short. I explained what I was there for and who the suspected point of origin was for any suspected disease and they had me wait. They explained that it would take the rest of the day for the lab to analyze the specimen and they’d call to have me come in the next day for the results. A cup of piss and 24 hours later revealed that she had given my Chlamydia, the common cold of STD’s. I woke her up at 10am.

“Slave, get your shit together, we’re going to the pharmacy,” I said, throwing her door open. Her sleepy eyes drifted open slowly and looked at me over the top of her teddy bear. I’d have thought it was cute if I hadn’t been so pissed off. She nodded.

After she was shown and dressed we drove to the pharmacy. She gave them her list and I gave them the results from the hospital authorizing them to dish out a cure to me. 150 dollars later we were on the road.

“Slave, you will take all ofthose meds as the doctor prescribed.”

“Yes, Sir,” she said quietly. The ride back to the apartment was without incident, her eyes never left her lap.

“Bran, for what it’s worth, I’m really sorry,” she said, almost in tears, as we pulled into the parking lot. Her voice was without strength and she started to sob after she said it, her hands cradling her face. It took a lot of strength to keep being a hardass and pull this off, but if I had let it fail then, it wouldn’t have worked for the rest of the summer.

“Listen here, Slave, you could have fucking killed me with some of the shit you have brewing in your cunt. Do you understand that?” I said, turning in my seat after shutting the engine off. She nodded, tears starting to fall like rain down her cheeses.

“What are you going to do, Slave?” I asked after letting her think for a few seconds.

“I’m going to go inside,” she said with quivering lips as she tried to choke back the tears, “and I’m going to take mymeds, Sir.”

“You’re also going to shake that pussy as punishment. Your longest med took 30 days of pills to work. You will let your bush grow back for 6 days and then shake it until those pills are gone. The last day of pills, you’re going to shake it again and then you’re to let it grow but keep it trim.”

“Yes, Sir,” she said meekly

“Get your ass inside the house,” I said. She got out of the car and started walking with her bag of medicine in-hand.

“Slave,” I said louder than normal. She stopped. “Shake that ass when you walk. You have a nice, tight, heart-shaped ass and I want to see it sway.” Slave’s head turned around and a slight smile crossed her lips—the first for the week—and her ass sweeped sexually with each step until it disappeared inside the front door.

I got inside the house and looked at the directions on the packet I was given. It was a new one-shot cure instead of the normal 10 days of pills. I would be good to go after my system flushed itself in 3 days.

“What the fuck is that ‘Slave’ stuff all about?” Alex said, not pausing the Playstation to talk with me. I got a glass out of the cupboard, filled it with water and mixed in my powder.

“That’s her name for the rest of the summer. She is no longer Jaime Konor, she is simply ‘Slave.’ You guys should call her that, too. If she flips you any shit about it, let me Know.”

“How about if we call her ‘Slut’? ‘Slave’ should be all yours if that’s the fucked up game you want to play.”

“That’s cool. Slut it is then,” I said and sat down. I drained the glass of medicine and tried like hell to not gag. “I better go check on her, I’ve been pretty hard on her the last couple days…harder than I probably should have been.” Alex nodded and the speakers erupted with the squealing tires and gunshots of his game.

I opened her door without knocking. She was naked, looking at herself in the mirror. Her small B-cup breast stand proudly on her chest, her puffy nipples standing at attention in the air-conditioned coolness of her room. Her hands were softly touching her bush and her eyes lingered there, a hint of sadness crossing her face.

“I’ve never shacked it before, Sir,” she said. “I won’t hesitate to shake it for you, but it makes me sad to see it go.”

“Slave, you will shake it after you shower. Have you taken your medicines?”

“Yes, Sir, well, all but the powder stuff like what they gave you,” she said, adding the latter quickly.

“So that’s a no, then, is that right, Slave?”

“Yes, Sir, I was wrong.”

“So you lied to me, Slave?”

“Yes, but!” she said quickly. “Yes, Sir,” she said meekly after a second’s pause.

“Take it now, shower, and I will think of something for your punishment for lying. Oh, and just so you don’t get mouthy with everyone else, we’ve taken away your name. Everyone will call you ‘Slut’ for the rest of the summer; your privilege of having a name has been taken.”

“Isn’t thatpunishment enough, Sir?” she asked, tears starting to well up in her sapphire eyes.

“I’ll consider it. Never question me again, Slave,” I said. She hung her head, her copper locks falling around her shoulders as she marched, naked, to the bathroom. The door shut and the shower started. I headed back out to the living room and I found Alex talking with Jim.

“Oh my God! You got her to shut up! It’s a fuckin’ miracle!” Jim said, laughing. Alex had evinedly filled him in on what was going on. “So are you going to take Slut out today or do we have to put up with her sulking around here?”

“I think she needs a job. If she’s got nothing better to do than fuck and pout, it’s time she started earning money. I think she’ll do that for the rest of the day,” I said.

“Sounds good to me,” Jim said. “Kris is letting her stay here for free, which pretty much means I don’t have any money no matter how hard I work.”

“Good, so she’ll get a job and you’ll get half your rent paid and maybe some food bought.”

“Deal!” Jim said. Alex got up and got us the last three beers and we drank them slowly, waiting for Slave to come out of the shower so I could tell her the news.

She took it well. I drove her around and she picked up applications for the few things she was actually qualified for. She filled them out that day and the next day was spent dropping them off. I didn’t see her for another two days. My medicine should have worked by then and I was horny as fuck, but I couldn’t stick Slave, so I had to come up with a plan B.

Plan B, as it turned out, was the next door neighbor.

“Slave!” I half-shouted as I came in the apartment Saturday afternoon. She came out of her room, dressed only in flannel pants.

“Yes, Sir?” she said, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. I took in her pale skin and found myself licking my lips.

“Slave, I want to fuck, but you won’t be clean for another couple of weeks,” I said.

“Well, go out and fuck,Sir,” she said, the last word rolling off her tongue like venom. “You’ve made it clear that all I am to you is a fuck toy.” I nodded in response.

“I want to fuck Mel, and you’re going to get her for me,” I said flatly.

“You want me to go over to my friend’s apartment, my next door neighbor, and tell her that you want to fuck her, Sir?”

“Yup. That’s about the size of it,” I said and sat down, staring at her body.

“Yes, Sir,” she said dejectedly and headed back for her room.

“Where are you going?” I asked calmly.

“I was going to put clothes on…Oh. You want me to go like this,” she said flatly. I nodded. Slave went out the front door, topless, into the mid-day sun. I knew the neighbors down the way were home, most of them washing their cars, and all of them could see her if they only looked.

I sat down and watched a movie for a bit, I couldn’t remember what it was called, some cheesey 80’s Sci-Fi flick, but it was laughably horrible. She was gone for damn near 2 hours when I was about to go over and see if she was even still there. The door opened and Slave had Melody in tow.

Mel was wearing baggy jeans and a t-shirt, what I was learning was her typical day-off attire. It didn’t show too much of her figure, which if I was lucky I’d catch when she stretched. She used to be a swimmer in college and still tried to stay in decent shape. Having a couple of kids since then swelled her hips, adding to the sexiness of the raven haired creativity. The very top tie of a blue string bikini was visible at her neck, just under the short pony tail she was wearing that day.

Slave sat down on the couch on my left and Mel sat on my right.

“So let me get this straight,” Melody said, scratching her head. “She’s your sex slave for the rest of the summer and you’ve got everyone else talked into calling her ‘Slut’? Not only that, but since you’re cured of whatever she gave you and horny, you want to fuck me because you can’t fuck her?”

“Yeah, that’s about right,” I said. “Why, can you think of anyone sexier than you? Damn, I’ve been at college, and I don’t know many 20 years olds that are in better shape than you are and have a body like that. I mean seriously, what are your measurements, 36-26-36?”

“Pretty close…hey, that’s none of your business. Why would I want you to put your limp little cock in me anyway? I am married, you know,” she said defiantly.

“Yeah, I haven’t seen your husband around,” I said, looking outside. “Nope, still not here,” I said mockingly. “Slave, get our guest and me a beer,” I said. She got up from the couch.

“I can think of almost 12 reasons for us to hook up,” I said quietly as Slave went into the next room for the beer.

“Almost 12?”

“One, it’d be good punishment for Slave. Two, it’d be a hell of a lot of fun…I mean, do you have fun playing with yourself? I know I would,” I said, whispering into her ear, flicking her earlierobe gently with my tongue. “And 3, you really look like you need a good lay. How long has it been since your husband split off with that other younger pussy? One month, Two?”

“Almost three now, the bastard,” she told heavily and started to slump in the couch next to me. Her nipples started to tent under the fabric of her t-shirt and her thighs started to rub together. “What are the other almost 9 reasons?” she asked, turning to look at me in the face.

I guided her hand to the rapidly hardening meat in my pants. Her hand stroked it slowly through the course material as Slave came back with the bottles of beer.

“So you’re gonna fuck him then?” Slave said, handing us each a bottle. I ran mine across both of the pebbles on her tits and she moaned. Her finger nails raked slowly along the fabric, sending delicious ripples through to my cock.

“Yeah, I think I want to,” Mel said, her hand moving to my zipper.

“Hey, not yet,” I said, pulling her hand to the side. She looked up at me, hereyes begging, her lips pouting. “Slave, go ahead and have a beer. We’ll be back soon, and I want you cleaned up for the day, okay?”

“Yes, Sir,” she said softly and went to the fridge for her drink. I pulled Melody up off the couch and we went outside.

“You got me all hot and bothered and now we’re leaving? What the fuck?” she said, almost angry. I laughed a little as we piled into my car.

“Yeah. Like I said, we’re gonna punish the slut,” I said, still chuckling.

“But I’m ready, now,” she said, putting heavy emphasis on the last sylable by stroking my cock through my jeans. I leaned back in the seat and lifted my ass as we pulled out of the parking spot.

“By all means,” I said. She had my zipper down and my cock out in record time. Her nose was buried in my pubes before my ass touched the clothes of the seat. She worked my meat with everything she had, sucking it down her throat and massaging my stiff prick with her throat and tongue. Her hand went to my balls and she started rolling them around her fingers.

“Holy shit,” was all I could muster as I pulled out on the main road. “What the hell did she says to you to get you this hot?”

“She…told…me…about…your…first…night…oh my God…back…Oh fuck…I can’t wait…to…have…this…buried…inside my….hot…wet….cunt,” Mel said, her words punctuated by swallowing my head and swirling Around it with her tongue. I felt her saliva dripping down my shaft and the car was filled with the sounds of her lips popping around my meat. Her tongue hit my piss slot every time and then rimmed the crown of my mushroom head just before her lips broke contact. It took everything I had to concentrate on driving.

Her assault on my prick continued for almost 15 minutes and then she just stopped. She throw herself into Her seat and pealed her shirt off her, leaving only the blue bikini bra. She looked fantastic. Swimming outside had left her tight, tanned, and toned; just theway I like my pieces of ass. The strings of the bikini bottoms came up over the tops of her jeans, the ties at her hips just barely peaking out over the denim. Her hand went to my saliva coated shake and she lightly played with her erect nipples through the thin blue fabric of her top.

Quite a few cars on the by-pass were slowing down to see exactly what we were doing, some of them nodding their approval, some of They shaking their heads and driving away angle. Either way, I was getting a hand job that was almost as good as the road head this hot little dish had just given me.

“So where are we going?” she asked with a little quiver in her voice from her arm working my rod.

“Dr. Feelgood’s,” I said. Her eyes lit up at the mention of the largest sex shop in the area. “I told you, we’re going to punish Slave. We have some stuff to pick up for her and I think we should get back as soon as possible.

“Mmmm,” she purred. “Sounds good to me. God, I just can’t believe this hunk of meat you’re carrying. I never would have guessed it to look at you. Most guys your size are either hung like fuckin’ donkeys or they’re tiny as hell from all the steroids they took.”

“I sure as hell didn’t take any steroids,” I said. Her hand started working over my balls again, rolling them, massaging them, going back to my shake, working it, and then she went back down to my sack and started again.

“I feel that,” she said. “I can’t wait to feel these shooting their load all over my tits.”

My cock throbbed in response.

“You like that thought, don’t you. You want to spray a load of your fuck juice all over these tits, don’t you,” she said unquestioningly. “You want to do it right now?” she asked, lifting her left tit out of its blue confinement. My dick twitched in her hand. “Ooh, you do, don’t you. How about this one, too?” she asked, demurely and lifted her other title out. Her nipples were small and brown, but they were long; just built for sucking.My dick started almost bouncing in her hand.

“You want me to walk into the store with your cum on my tits, don’t you,” she said, licking her lips. I was having a hell of a time trying to keep the car on the road. I damn near missed the exit. Thank God I only had a few blocks left.

“Fuck yes!” I hissed, trying not to blow my load. “You’re a filter little cum slut, aren’t you. You want me to cum on your tits right here, right now, don’t you,” I said.

“Ooooooh,” was all she could manage, her chest heaving as she abused her nipples, twisting and pulling on them as she furiously jerked my meat.

“You don’t want me to pop now, do you. You want me to wait so it’s fresh walking into the store. You want me to cum all over you and have fresh white jizz dripping from your fucking tits as we walk in,” I said, pulling into the parking lot.

“Fuck yes! Oh fuck! I want to feel your hot sticky cum dripping down my chest!”

“Take your top off and get the fuck out,” I demanded. Her top came off and the door opened in one swift motion. My meat slapped against my belly and bounced into the steering wheel before I could get out. She slide over the top of the car and knelt by my door. The door flew open, my cock returned to her hand and she slide her mouth all the way down to the root, coating it in spit for more lube.


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