***Warning. This story contains scenes of Scat and watersports. If you don’t like that kind of stuff then please stop now. BUT maybe, just maybe you might like it anyway.***
Sister Anna checked finished her morning prayer, and placed her bible and rosary into the silver case that sat upon her desk. The morning was still early, but she had a busy day ahead of her. Sister Anna walked slowly through the church house hallways, making sure to inspect every room. The alter boys had arrived early in the morning, as she had requested. Hey had begun working immediately, and Sister Anna had to admit that she was impressed with their work. They had cleaned almost every room in less than two hours.
Sister Anna smiled happily as she checked the bathroom. She was aching to take a nice hot bath at the end of the day, and had made sure to instruct the boys to take extra time and care in cleaning the tub. Sister Anna was disappointed when she saw the work that had been done. Therewas cleanser residue in the bottom of the tub, and also along the sides. Someone had been careless, and would have to answer for it.
Sister Anna finished her inspection, and found her two workers in the laundry room. She was surprised at what they were doing, but they were surprised even more. As she quietly opened the door to the room, she caught sight of her hard workers, hard at work with each of their noses pressed into a pair of her dirty panties. She stood silently and watched as each of them inhaled deeply the fading scent of her pussy. She almost laughed as she observed them lick, and suck on the crotch pads, swooning at the taste.
“When you two get done with your…break. I want you to meet me in the bathroom.” she said suddenly. Both boys jumped with a start, their faces flushing red in embarrassment.
Sister Anna left them fumbling with their embarrassment, and headed back to the bathroom. She stood waiting at the door, and after a few minutes, was joined by the two red faced boys.
“First of all, this bath tub is not as clean as I asked for. I would still need to spend almost 20 minutes rinsing it out before I could use it.”
“Second of all, neither of you were given permission to touch my undergarments, let alone smell them or taste them.”
Both of the boys looked sheepishly at the ground. They were both juniors in high school, and had been working on the weekend for Sister Anna for almost a year. They were both excellent alter boys, and were good examples for the younger boys. They had both recently turned eighteen and their hormones had gotten the better of them. Sister Anna was in her mid thirties, and attractive by any standard.
“Well, are there any excuses?” Sister Anna asked, tapping her foot on the tile floor.
“No Sister.” They both replied sullenly.
Sister Anna looked them over, her anger slowly dying. She always found it hard to stay angry with the boys, no matter what they did.
“Well, noUse crying over spilled milk. But make no mistake you will be punished. You both are placed on restriction until next weekend.” she told them.
Both boys gave a slight grimace. They knew what restriction means, and were not very happy about it. Sister Anna noticed their reactions, and smiled. Both Matt and Ken always found difficulty with restrictions, and it was a far better punishment than anything else that she could come up with.
“All of this is besides the point. My morning prayers are done, so you two have more work to do. I’ve been waiting all of this time, while the two of you were enjoying your break. Take your positions.”
Both boys quickly scrambled into the bathroom, and knelt down on the floor, facing one another. Sister Anna pulled up her long skirt, and gathered it around her wait.
“I’m glad that I didn’t wear any panties this morning. I am simply ready to burst.
Sister Anna stepped between the two boys, and waited for them to move into position. The boys moved like a well-oiled machine, their upper bodies pressing forward, and heads tilting back as they pressed to her flesh. Both boys found their place. Ken with his mouth fastened to Sister Anna’s wet slit, and Matt with his face pressed between her ass cheeks, and his mouth pressed to her pumped asshole.
“Mmm.that’s very good boys.” she told them. She let her skirt drop over their heads, covering them in darkness.
Sister Anna shined as she relaxed her muscles, the familiar warmth spreading through her. She gave a slight push, and could feel a small spurt of pee trickle from her cunt. As always, Kens tongue was quick to pick up the taste, and he spread her lips open with his tongue. She pushed again and a gush of pee shot from her hole. Ken quickly began sucking it down greedily. When the flow did not continue, Ken began to lick the inside of her cunt hungrily. Meanwhile, Matt began to probe Sister Anna’s ass, his tongue slowly pushing into her. Sister Annarotated her hips as she was probed from both sides.
The pressure became unbearable, and Sister Anna began to squeeze her muscles. Ken was again awarded with another gush of hot pee. This gush kept coming, and Ken swallowed the hot juice with practiced ease. Matt could feel Sister Anna’s muscles clnch, and rocked his tongue in and out of her ass, making her passage slick and juicy. After a few thrusts, his tongue began to press against something on every thrust. His tongue divided in with less depth each thrust, until he feel the tip of her poop sticking out of her hole. Matt know what to expect, and began to suck, drawing the poop from her ass.
Sister Anna pushed harder, and Matt felt the long tube of poop slide into his mouth. He opened his throat with practiced ease, and let the long pole slide over his tongue, and down his throat. Sister Anna continued to push until the thick tube pinched off. She could feel Matt’s head move, as his throat muscles pulled the tube of poopdown his throat, swallowing it whole. Kens mouth was busy licking her cunt clean, as her flow had died off before her ass had emptied. Sister Anna relaxed and let the two boys finish their duties, their respective tongues drilling into her, and swabbing her holes clean.
When the boys were done, Sister Anna again gathered her skirts, and stepped from between them. The boys licked their lips, and stood up, their hard cocks making very noticeable tents in their pants. Sister Anna stepped between them, and ran a hand over each one of their imprisoned cocks. Both boys groaned as she began to stroke their ections. They each Shook, and within a few strokes, had shot loads of cum into their shorts.
“Good. Now, drop those pants.” Sister Anna ordered them.
The boys dropped their pants as Sister Anna left the room. When she came back, she was carrying a handful of metal straps. The boys knew the full meaning of the straps. Sister knelt in front of each boy, and wrapped themetal straps around the boy’s cocks. The straps locked in place with a small lock, and soon, each boy’s cock was trapped in a metal device. The device was snug, and fixed tightly behind their balls. It would make it impossible to achieve an erection, and very painful to try. When Sister Anna was satisfied that the boys were secure she stood up, and dusted her skirt.
“Alright boys. I need this tub cleaned properly. Hurry up before I have to save myself again.” She said as she left the room.
The boys began to clean the tub in earnest. If they were forced to service her again, they would be in severe pain.
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