Sir Ch. 03

I stood in the corner of the classroom. My patience was fading. I had no idea how long I had been standing there; I only knew it was a long time. I waited to hear his voice.

I heard him move. I knew better than to turn and look at him; I’d already learned that it would make my situation a whole lot worse.

“Turn around. Come and stand in front of me.” I turned to see he was now sat on his desk, arms folded, looking rarely interested in my presence. I stood in front of him and looked into his eyes; a hint of defiance visible if he looked closely in mine. I’d come this far. There was no way I was going to give in to him now.

“Strip, and place your clothes nearby on my desk.” I gulped; he’d never asked this of me previously. I had never been entirely naked in his presence. I hesitated for just a second too long…


I struggled to remain standing as his palm made a shocking, singing contact with my cheek. Tears welled up in my eyes.

“I told youto strip.”

I quickly straightened and began to undo the buttons on my blouse. I removed my uniform quickly, folding each item nearby and placing it on his desk, next to where he was sitting. I stood in front of him again; this time completely naked.

“Bend over the desk.” He pointed at the desk behind me. Turning from him I followed his order quickly. I remained perfectly still as I awaited his next move. I heard him take something from a drawer in his desk. He walked around to stand in front of me. I fought my curiosity and kept my eyes glued to the floor.

I felt him tug on my left wrist, pulling on my arm. Stretching my arm, pulling until it hurt and my feet were barely touching the floor, he secured a thick, leather cuff around my wrist and attached it to the table leg. He repeated the process with my right wrist. He took his time to do this; never rushing. My arms soon began to ache.

Happy with the restraints on my wrists he went back to his desk and took someverything else from the drawer. He stood behind me now and secured further cuffs around my ankles, ensuring they were attached securely to the table, spreading my legs wide, exposing me to his gaze.

Then, a third time he returned to his desk. While he wasn’t looking I tested my bonds. I could not move. Not even an inch. My body was pulled tight and the cuffs were chained too close to the desk to allow even the tiniest of movements.

My heart beat faster as I realized that I was completely trapped and at his mercy. I remember the look I had seen in his eyes. Fear shot through me.

I realized he had moved back in front of me again. As if reading my thoughts he grasped my chin between his thumb and forefinger and raised my head so I had to look at him. He looked deep into my eyes. As usual they betrayed no emotion, remaining blank. He spoke in a terrifying whisper: “I made you a promise. I intend to keep it.”

He brought his fingers to my cheek. It was still burning from his earlier slap and I flinched involuntarily. He dragged his fingers across my skin, and then I felt them followed by something very long and thin. I looked down and saw what it was; a whip.

Knowing from the sharp intake of breath that I had seen it, he stood up and walked around to stand behind me. I shut my eyes and tried to breathe deeply. I waited for him to tell me how many strikes I would have to endure. He remained silent.

As I waited, I realized that he had planned this well. He had clearly come to the conclusion that in order to get his wish; in order to break my resolve, he would need to remove all the control that I had over what was happening. He restrained me so I did not feel that I was allowing him to continue by volunteerly remaining in my position. He did not give me a number to count so that I did not Know when the beating would end. Without counting, I would also have nothing to distract my mind. The pain in my stretched arms was additional torque. IHe knew now that he really would break me before I left the room today…


I heard the whip whistling through the air before it made contact with my naked flesh. Right in the centre of my ass I felt the narrow strip of leather tears into my skin. I felt the impact reverberate through my immobile body. I had no time to think or to even really feel the singing pain before he landed another blow. And then Another one mere seconds later. There was no rhythm, no careful selection of placing or measuring each strike. One after another he simply rained down more and more blows across my ass, my thighs and my back. The pain was overwhelming and confusing and I could no longer make sense of it. I had no idea where the next blow would land or how hard it would be.

Tears flowed constantly down my cheeks. I swallowed my own blood as I still desperately tried to hold in my cries of pain. I knew that it was no use. I knew he would keep going until he got his prize, but I stillcould not let myself give it to him. Although the agonising pain I would not give it willingly; he would have to force it from me.

The whip sometimes caught my arms, my neck, and the inside of my thighs. He was not really aiming. He simply drew his arm back and let it go, again and again. He seemed to be losing control; driven mad by his need to hurt me. My resolve was frustrating him…

He stopped.

I took the opportunity to try and catch my breath. His breath too was hard and fast.

I heard him put the whip down on his desk. He quickly unchained my ankles and wrists from the table. My body was limp in his arms as he flipped it over and laid me back on the desk. I gasped as I felt my tortured flesh pressed against the wood. I silently allowed him to reattach the cuffs to the desk. My back and ass were on fire. He ensured I was attached tightly to the desk, again stretched painfully. This time it means that my back was arched uncomfortable, making the hard wood press agonisingly into my ass and shoulders.

My mind was foggy, but I knew he was not finished with me. My new position told me that he was not even half done. I realized that it exposed my tits and pussy in a way he would not be able to resist. I sobbed as silently as I could manage.


I groaned as I felt the whip hit my stomach, partly from the pain and partly from the knowledge that he was almost there. How much longer could I seriously expect to hold out?

He concentrated on my stomach at first, occasionally giving my thighs the odd swat. I felt again that uncomfortable feeling that he could read my mind. He was well aware that I knew what he intended, and he was making me wait, not knowing when he might finally focus his attack on those most delicate, and most exposed parts of my body.

I was so close to giving in. Some of his blows drew grosss from my throat as I could no longer bite my lip. I almost chased on my own blood and spit. My face was awakewith my tears. My skin glowed with perspiration, and it was criss-crossed with bright red lines. I grew certain that we both knew when I would finally crack…


A louder groan now as he brought the whip down, skillfully struggling both nipples at once. For a few minutes now he focused his attention, hitting first one then the other, decorating my breasts with the telltale red lines. Every blow now was received with a groan of pain. It further confirmed to both of us that he was breathtakingly close to his goal.

His skill showed again as he edged closer to the moment that I was surprised to realize we both long for. He brought the whip down against the soft skin on the inside of my thighs, first the left, then the right. As he nearly my pussy I noticed for the first time that my juices were flowing from my cunt, running off the desk and onto the floor. One glistening pussy lip, then the other, received the merciless strokes of his whip. Still I felt my juices pouring from me. Through the pain, now practically unbearable, I felt warmth deep inside me. Another blow to each pussy lip proved the accuracy of his aim.


I screamed.

His devastating aim shot agony through my body as his whip finally licked at my clip.

The wave of burning, singing pain was followed quickly by an exploration of pleasure deep within me. My scream; long and loud, transformed from one of age to one of pleasure. My orgasm tore through the depths of my entire body.


Again he caught my clip. The pain and pleasure mingled confusedly. I could not think; I could only lie there and let the sensings wash over my helpless body. Every inch of me burned from the attentions of his cruel whip.

Then suddenly I felt something different. I moaned again as I felt his hot tongue licking my soft, wet and delicate flesh. He lapped at my tortured pussy. Every move communicated mind-blowing password, and yet it was gentle against my red and swollen skin. It felt incredible and yet it calmed me; restoring rhythm to my breathing and allowing me to relax slightly.

He continued to soothe my body as he unchained my wrists and ankles. He helped me to stand and hold me close to him, careful to be gentle and not to hurt my sensitive, burning skin. I felt his hands in my hair as he raised my head. He looked into my eyes as he had so many times before. But there was emotion there this time. I thought I could see tears in his eyes: there was certainly joy and pride in them. He kissed me hard.

I knew this would not be the last time I would return to his classroom to discover the blurry line between excisite pain and excisite pleasure.


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