Sir and His "littleone" Ch. 04

Chapter 4 — Bad Dream and Coming to Reality

She turned in her seat so that she sat semi-facing Me with her knees together and with her lovely skirt up about halfway between her knees and crotch area. The tops of her firm supplement thighs glistened and glowed with her previously untapped splendor. I was so proud of her and My judgment of having chosen her.

She was quiet and her head rested against the top of the seat as her eyes went from closed to only partially open. Obliviously she needed to sleep.

“Have we destroyed you out today littleone? Is there a problem I need to know about sweetheart?”

“No Sir, well some Sir. No Sir there is no real problem, I’m just tired.”

“Tell me about it baby.”

“I’m responsible for this Sir. It is my fault but I could not help it. Please do not be angry with your poor slave Sir.”

“Oh? I’m not angry, tell Me about it.”

“It is just that with all of this happening, and happening so quickly, I was excited beyond words knowing that you could finally come get me. As a result, I could not get to sleep until about four this morning and then I only slept fitfully until they wok me up at seven. My nervous system and body have been running wide open since they told me yesterday at 4 PM. Then when you add in all that has translated with us since I got into the car, I am give out Sir.”

“I don’t doubt it littleone. Shut your eyes and sleep a peaceful and tranquil sleep baby. Your Master is protecting you. Take your shoes off and relax. When you wake up littleone put them back on. Now sleep.”

“Yes Sir, thank you.”

Her eyes shut and it wasn’t but just a few minutes before her breathing had gone to a regular rhythm and I knew she was sound sleep. I drove on taking My sub to her new home.

I really don’t know how long she had been sleep, but I could tell for the first little while, it was a very sound sleep. Then she started to wiggle some in the seat and at times was mumblingincoherent words. Once or twice, she seemed to shout the word “NO!” throwing her fist out as if she was trying to hit someone. I wasn’t sure if I should wake her or let her sleep. I decided to let her sleep and if she started doing anything that would hurt herself, I would wake her. Questions, I thought, about this bad dream could come later after she had rested. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Her mind was Under attack. Horrifying memories of physical and mental abuse from weak and characterless men she had known in the past were tormenting her. Hopelessness, desperation, terror, loneliness, and despair were equally flashing back in her mind forcing her to see all of it in her mind vividly and painfully. She didn’t want to see or think about these things. She wanted them to go away and let her dream of her new life. However, that was not to happen.

The memories of one night she and her then current lover, Tom, had been partying and drinking with some friends and acquaintances. It had gottenlate and she wanted to go back to their apartment but Tom was being an asshole, having a good time with his friend Charlie and did not want to leave. Tom had slapped her around the previous week for some inconsequential thing and they had not been on the best of terms since. She knew in her heart that she was going to leave him as soon as she could get the money together to do so, even though her mother told her to leave and leave Now.

The two assholes decided that they would leave with Karrie and continue to party at the apartment even though she had tried to discouraged that. She went to bed and shut the door as they put on music and started drinking again. Lying in the bed, she rolled and tossed, unable to go to sleep because of the loud music, wanting to sleep and thinking about how soon she could move out. After some time the men’s voices got quiet Even though the music was still playing and she felt this strange forbidding that not all was well. She heard them moving aroundand then in a few minutes footsteps headed towards the bedroom. They opened the door, slamming it against the wall as they burst in. Tom was the first on the bed, grabbing her hands and putting them together as he said, “Give me the damn rope!”

Charlie grabbed her legs and tossed the rope to Tom as he held her legs down. “Be still bitch,” Charlie said as she started to scream and thrusting her body. In the middle of a wild scream, Charlie stuffed a dirty washcloth in her mouth stifling her scream and then turning her over on her back. Her legs held down and her arms now behind her back Tom quickly tied her wrists together.

A feeling of dread came over her as she head Tom says, “this uppity whore is going to get what’s coming to her now! Charlie, get the cunt lube out of that drawer,” as he took a pair of scissors out and starting cutting the over sized t-shirt, she was wearing.

“Stay still cunt,” as he took the scissors to her panties cutting them and they forcibly pulling them out from under her.

Charlie said, half-laughing, “Well I don’t guess we can face fuck the worthless cunt now,” looking at the dirty washcloth in her mouth. “She’ll scream and try to bite our damn cocks off.”

“That’s her loss,” snicker Tom. “I guess we’ll just have to take her other two holes.” Her eyes were wide and pure fear was showing in her face. Panicking, trying to speak while twisting her body, dread filled her mind.

Tom slapped her face hard saying, “Be still and do what we say you worthless whore. Charlie, help me turn this bitch over.”

Then they got up on the bed on their knees, after taking their pants off, and held their cocks with one hand while fondling her tits. Twisting her nipples with their index fingers and thumbs sent shock wave after shock wave of pain shooting through her body. Fear having a complete hold on her mind now had the competition of pain racking her body. With her eyes wide open, she watched seeing their erections growing knowing that there was no salvation for her from the rape of her cunt and virgin asshole.

Tom leaned down and rubbed his average size pencil cock against her title. Charlie seeing what Tom was doing did the same as they laughed, anticipating what they were going to do to her.

Tom, with his thick average length cock said, “Well time to get this show on the road,” as he took the lube and let it run down on her pussy, laughing. “Low class bitch didn’t want to give me any pussy this week or a damn blow job. I guess this will teach her to be so uppity.”

Taking Karrie’s legs, he pushed them up, almost equal to her shoulders, and jammed his cock forcibly and fully into her pussy forcing her to try to gasp for air through the gag in her mouth. He stroked her pussy a number of times with his cock, moaning and smiling, and then told Charlie, “your turn.”

“Good, I’ve wanted to fuck this bitch for months now,” Charlie said climbing up on the bed, taking hold of her legs and then laying them on his shoulders, jamming his cock into her pussy. “Oh yeah, this is some good stuff Tom,” thrusting in and almost out of her pussy.

Taking the only option she could think of, she started kicking up and down on Charlie’s shoulders making him and Tom mad as hell, but causing him to come out of her cunt.

Tom reached down as Charlie slid off of the bed and turned her over, telling her to pull her knees up under herself and keep them there or that they would tie her legs in that position.

Starring pure hate at Charlie, she knew that her only chance of escape was not to have her legs tied, so she did not fight what he told her. She felt two fingers jamming into her pussy as the lube was poured at the top part of her ass crack, running down to her anus. Then she felt one finger involved her anus, with no preparation, and then another finger, making her virgin asshole feel as if it would surely exploit.

Tom put some lube on his cock and then put the head of his cock at her back door and pushed slightly. “Here it comes bitch,” as he forcibly jammed fully into her anus causing her to scream into her gag as her head hit the headboard from the force of his thrust.

Another stroke and another scream as she felt split wide open. Not able to gasp air through her mouth, she thought that she was going to pass out.

“Damn, her ass is tight, I’m about to cum. Your turn while I cool down. If her damn worthless cunt was that tight, she’d be a hell of a fuck.”

“Hell Tom, I thought it was good pussy,” Charlie said as he lubed his cock.

She was crying and sobbing trying to gasp for air, the pain tearing through her body, as Charlie put his cock to her anus and pushed himself fully, in one thrust, into her, shooting miserable pain Through her body.

Being mad scared and petrified, she could not relax her sphincter muscle, causing the pain to be extreme.

“Damn, you are right, this is really good ass-pussy. I’m about to cum,” he said as he pulled out of her.

Tom, laughing, said, “Well, I guess there is nothing to do but to double fuck her and fill both of those holes with cum at the same time.”

Tom reached down, grabbed her by her beautiful blonde hair, and pulled her up and laid down on the bed bringing her on top of him, straddling him facing him, and sat her down on his cock, filling her pussy with his average size cock.

“Bend down bitch so Charlie can get to you asshole.”

She bent down, shaking her head, begging with her eyes for him not to do this, but he simply laughed at her as Charlie climbed up behind her, laying his cock at her brown hole and pushed in, once again.

Even though she was gripped with fear her body started to abandon her. A fullness overcame her and she groaned with pain and pleasure. The heads of their cocks were spreading her, filling her, stroking her cunt and ass. She began to unwillingly convulse as their pace quickly. They began to alternate their thrusts as her abdomen clenched and tightened with the swelling of their cocks as they neared their orgasms. She thought that she was going to explode as her eyes rolled back, passing out just as they pumped their cum into her.

As they climbed off of her and the bed, Tom reached down, took the dirty washcloth from her mouth, and untied her hands. They both left that night, Tom taking his things with him; in the morning, her violent body felt humiliated and abused as she got into the hot tub, contemplating what she should, and could, do next. ~~~~~~~

I was scared and concerned. She had gotten to the point she was screaming and throwing her hands. I pulled the car off of the road, shut it off and got out, and went around to her side, opening the door.

“Girl, girl, wake up littleone.” I said as I gently Shook her. Her eyes popped open and she turned and starred at Me.

Then her arms came up and wrapped around My neck, holding Me tight, whispering, “I’m sorry Sir.”

“I don’t know what it was littleone, but it will never happen again. With Me you are safe, protected, respected, and loved. Calm down baby.”

“Yes Sir,” she said as her hands dropped, pulling Me to her mouth and extending her tongue deep into My mouth, with her arms once again around My neck, holding Me with a “death-like-grip.”

She kissed Me for a While and then just held Me, calming down, and I let her stay that way until she was comfortable to let Me go.

When she did I opened the center console and got a large plastic bag from it. “Lay the seat back littleone and open your legs wide.”

Obediently, she did so without question. I told her, “Relax slave I’m going to take all of this out of you.”

“Sir that is not necessary. They were not the cause of my bad dream and I don’t want to disappoint you in anyway. I’m scared that you will not be pleased and want to dismiss me. I need you Sir, and I honestly love you.”

“Thank you for your offer littleone. I have changed My mind. You take them out and put them in this bag.

“Yes Sir,” she said in a little girl voice. That told Me that she had gone into the “good little girl” state of mind and was no longer in the slut personality. Ah, then My decision to take the dildos out of her was a good one because as the “good little girl” her mind would bury whatever that bad dream was for Now.

As she took the last dildo out, the one in her pussy, I shut the door, returned to the driver’s position, and once again started us on our way home.

She had put the seat back in an upright position and was smiling. Then she surprised Me.

“Sir, look what I found,” she said continuing to smile, holding up the silettos.

“Do you like them littleone? What do you think of them?”

“They are beautiful Sir. Are they good little girl shoes?”

“Well not really. They are shoes for a fully developed woman.”

“Oh,” she said sadly. “I like them. Are they my size Sir?”

“Yes they are littleone. Do you want to try them on your nice feet?”

“Yes Sir. Please may I Sir?’

“You know that when you ask for a favor, and it is granted, you need to show Sir some type of appreciation littleone. I don’t know littleone; you probably don’t know how to walk in them.”

“Please Sir, they look so nice and feel how smooth this leather is! If they fit I promise to try to learn to walk like a ‘fully developed woman,’ Sir.”

“If I let you wear them littleone, are you going to stay as My good little girl until I tell you different?”

“Yes Sir, you know I am always obedient. Please Sir; I want to put them on.”

“Ok littleone. Put them on and then tell Me about how you feel with them on.”

“Yes Sir,” she said and then started giggling as they easily slipped onto her feet. She held her feet straight out and admitted them and then slide down in the seat, pulling her knees back almost to her bosom, sticking her new silettos up on the dash.

Here was My littleone, acting as a child with her feet up on the dash. Oh My God I thought.

“See how they are Sir? They look great don’t they Sir? Just like a real woman should look,” she said smiling from ear to ear. The next thing I knew she was wiggling her silettos, by moving her ankles, up and down on the dash.

“Yes littleone, they do look great and they do look like a real grown up woman would look. Are you happy littleone?”

“Oh yes Sir. I am really happy.”

“Well, if you are going to play ‘grown-up’ then open that case and put some lipstick on. If you are going to play, we might as well let you wear lipstick.”

“Thank you Sir.”

“Pull that visa down and use the mirror to see how to put it on until you learn how to littleone.”

“Yes Sir. I am so glad you are my Sir.”

With that she put her feet down, slide back up in the seat, and pulled the visa down, opening the mirror and then sliding forward a little so she could see well. I was glad we were on a smooth road.

When she finished and put the makeup case back down she turned and smiled with that kind of “I’m happy and content smile.”

“Ok littleone. You asked for a favor and it was granted. Now you must show your Sir some appreciation.”

“Yes Sir, I will. What does My Sir desire?”

“I want you to get up on your knees, facing Me, in the seat and open your blouse and show Me your cute ‘little good girl’ tits and those little buds of nipples you have. You are to hold that position until I tell you to ‘come’ and then you will lean over here, put your arms around my neck, and kiss my cheek without interfering with My driving. After you do that, I will instruct you what to do next.”

“Oh yes Sir, gladly.”

She got up quickly and did as instructed. I left her there exposed for other cars to see, or at least for the fear of that in her mind. As it was, there were no other cars passing us and the cars on the other side of the four lane could not see her clearly anyway. In a few minutes I then told her to “come” and she did. It was wonderful.

Just a little later I indicated for her to let go of My neck and she leaned back, still up right and on her knees, in the other seat.

“Littleone, when you are being the ‘good-little-girl’ you are to call Me ‘Papi.’ It has the same meaning and authority as Master, Sir, or Sweetheart that you use when you are my grown-up slut. Do you understand?”

“Yes Papi, I do. Papi sounds so loving and protecting to me. I like it.”

“Good, I am glad. Now I want you to lean over her and start to learn how to give you Papi pleasure by sucking and playing with My tits. Have you sucked a man’s nipples before?”

“No Papi, I’m just an innocent good little girl. Will it makes you happy if I learn Papi?

“Yes baby it will. If you learn really well, your Papi will be a happy Man. If being over the gearshift begins to hurt you, then change positions or something. We areNot far from home now baby.”

Seeing her pert pearl shaped “little girl tits” coming towards Me was wonderful and as they disappeared, her sweet good little girl mouth surrounded My nipple. God is good.

My new slave, now in the “good little girl,” state of mind lay back in the seat, comfortable, happy, and with a mischievous little girl smile on her face. She had felt her Papi’s pleasure and had heard his deep, subdued moans as she had pleasured his tits and nipples. She wondered to herself, not daring to ask Him, how she had learned to do that so well, so quickly, and why it had made that place between her legs so wet. With her pert little girl breasts exposed, she was sure that he had felt her nipples get rock hard and could see them now. He had not instructed her to close, or button her blouse, so, not wanting to have Him upset and possibly punish her, she had left it open.

She looked at her nylon covered legs, so smooth and silky, and those “fancy” silettos on her felt so surprisingly natural on her. She was lucky that He was letting her play “grown-up.” Her hands ran over the top of her legs, loving the silky feel of the nylons, squirmed in the seat, and felt another strange victory in her little girl pussy. It felt so good and she hoped it would never stop even though she could not remember ever feeling it before now.

Feeling My gaze, she looked up at Me and said, “Yes Papi?”

“Give Me both personalities, Now!”

“Yes Sir,” she said promptly with her eyes now wide open.

“I have made My decision and I want you to fully understand this decision. From now on when I want you to be the total, unlimited, non-restricted, pain loving fully obedient slut and whore, who loves, and wants to suck cock and be fucked in all three of your holes, I will use the name ‘karrita’.” When I use that name, all good little girl thoughts will leave your mind and you will behave and act as karrita. When I want you to be the good little girl, I willrefer to you as littleone or baby. For example, if I tell you in the morning to be karrita, you will be, and stay that way until I tell you different. As of this minute, I will always try not to use your real the name as that represents your past, and your future now is only as karrita, littleone or baby. Do you have any questions?”

“Does that mean, Sir, that my past is no longer exists, that I only have a future with you to remember?

“Yes it does.”

My thought was that if I eliminated her given name out of existence, then maybe I could control, or at least reduce or restrict her from having any more of those bad dreams. I knew that I was going to have to keep the slave karrita part of her occupied with responsibility, service to Me and for My pleasure, pain as needed, either as discipline or for My pleasure, and making sure that all of her holes are ‘well used.’ The slave little one part of her needs to be trained to show off her limited, but existing, untapped class and refinement. Her society skills are to be expanded it to the fullest. This part of My slave will become classy and refinement, making Me proud to have her as ‘arm candy’ while making everyone admire, and come to respect, her public behavior, demeanor, department, and refinement.

“Is that possible Sir? I want it to be,” she said as a small tear appeared in her eye.


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