Sinister Fun

Erin sat a small table at her favorite coffee shop, Above Bean, facing the door. She looked up from her laptop, watching the wind sift through the trees, blowing the yellow and brown leaves off the sidewalk. Her hand picked up the beige coffee cup in front of her and she lifted it to her lips, draining the last dregs as she opened up her email.

The door opened letting in a cool draft, Erin turned her head, grimacing and pulling her orange turtleneck tighter to her throat. Her lips lifted into a smile as she saw her best friend Derrick walking towards her. The brown haired boy raised a hand in greeting, pulling his green coat tighter to him from the chill.

“Hey.” He put his bag down on the chair next to her, looking around at the bustling coffee shop around them. “I’m going to get a latte, need a refill?” He gestured to the empty cup in front of her.

“Mmm, a chai tea would be great, thanks!” She beamed, her fingers clicking at the keys of her laptop.

She vaguely noticed him walk away, her eyes focused on the new mail icon on her computer. Her eyebrow lifting in surprise as she read the email.

“You’ve been invited to the hottest party of the year. Halloween Horror, hosted by Theta Phi, this Saturday, 9:00 pm. Wear a costume and forget the semester for a few hours, if you dare. Please sign attached waiver.”

“Here you go.” Derrick set the coffee down next to her, the sound of the cup slamming onto the table starting and causing her to gasp.

“Shesh!” She squealed.

“Sorry.” He smiled sheepishly. “What got your attention?”

“I just got an invitation.”

“To?” He asked, taking a sip of his coffee.

“Halloween Horror.”

“What?” Derrick choked, barely managing to keep from spewing his coffee over the table. He sidled his chair over to look at her screen. “Fuck! You always get lucky. I heard they are really limiting the number of people they invite this year. I guess there was some incident last year. Mustbe why they want you to sign a waiver.” He snorted, scooting his chair back.

“Really? Do you know what happened?” Her eyes widened, she took a sip of her tea, breathing in the smell of cloves and cinnamon.

“No, not really. I don’t really know what went on at that party. No one does really. Theta Phi is really strict about not talking about it.”

“Yea, but didn’t you pledge There?”

“I am pledging there. It’s a little late considering we are juniors now, but so far so good. They don’t invite us to the party though.” He pouted, Erin giggling at the face.

“You look so funny when you make that face.”

“Bitch!” He laughed, taking another sip.

“So where’s Lauren? I thought she would have come with you.”

“Lauren, yea. We kinda broke up.”

“What!? When did that happen?” Erin shut her computer, her eyes wide as she looked at him.

“Oh nothing major. She just wants to take a break.” He looked down at his coffee, swirling the cup around.

“I’m sorry Derrick.” Erin reached out, patting the back of his left hand.

“I’m sure we’ll be back together soon. But I don’t really want to talk about that now.”

“Ok then, want to help me come up with a costume then?”

“Sure, but first…” He pulled out a small flash from his pocket, pouring a general portion of brown liquid into his coffee. “Want some?” He held it up to her, glancing around to make sure no one was watching.

“What is it?”

“Just some whiskey. You look like you could use some warming up.”

“Thanks.” She told, pouring a few drops in. She took a sip, her nose wrinkling at the taste as it burned down her throat. A gentle warmth spread through her stomach. “That feels a little better actually.”

“What were you thinking? Maybe a sexy cheerleader?”

“I don’t know, that’s not really that scary. What about a zombie bride?” She giggled, taking another big sip. “Can I have some more of that?”

“You trying to get drunk already?” He smiled, handing her the flask.

“Maybe. It is Friday and I don’t have class, why not have some fun?” She poured a general portion in, stirring the cup around in her hand.

“True, big plans tonight?”

“I’m actually going to see Johnny soon.” She raised an eyebrow as Derrick snickered. “What’s so funny?”

“Why do you call him Johnny?”

“Because it bugs him.” She smiled.

“Well, have fun, I’ve got to get some studying done though. So let’s take a break from the chatter.” He grinned back.

“Fine, you go ahead. Actually, I should be going anyway.” She picked her cup up, draining the last of the tea, which was mostly whiskey at this point. She closed her eyes at the burn, a dizzying Feeling coming over her when she opened them back up.

“Ok, are you good to make it back?”

“Yea. I walked here anyway. See ya later.”

Erin stepped out of the warm confines of the coffee shop and out onto the sidewalk, the wind picked up her black hair and blew it into her eyes. She huffed, smoothing her hair back, jumping at the sound of her phone as it rang shrilly in her purse. She reached inside and grabbed it, hastily bringing it up to her ear.


“Erin? It’s John.” She rolled her eyes, she had seen his name when she’d answered.

“Johnny!” She cracked, loving the sight on his end.

“When are you coming over?”

“Right now?” She stepped down the sidewalk, watching a straight leaf blowing away in front of her.

“Ok. See ya you in a little bit then.”

Erin slipped her phone back in her purse and headed down the sidewalk faster, quickly moving down the three blocks to John’s apartment building. “I wish I could live here.” She muttered to herself as she stepped into the lobby. buzzed his room number, waiting impatiently for the click.

“Come on up.” His voice warbled through the crackling intercom.

She headed into the lobby, singing in frustration at the out of order sign on the elevator and headed towards the stairs. As she reached for the handle the door flew open, a red faced demon jumping towards her. She squealed dropping her bag, her hands flung up in a defensive position.

“Sorry, I didn’t see you there.” A hand reached up, pulling off the red devil mask. “Hey Erin.”

“Blake!” She clutched her chest. “My heart is pounding right now, you asshole!”

“Heh, well I’m sure it’ll stay that way for a while. I’m heading out for the night. John sounded like he had a big night planned for you two.”

“Where are you going? I didn’t mean to kick you out.”

“Its ok, this is normal roommate stuff. Especially with John.” He smiled, walking away.

Erin wondered at that comment as she headed up the stairs, her heart still pounding from the scare. She hadn’t been around that often, certainly not enough for Blake to notice. She walked the four flights of stairs, heading down the hallway to John’s room, breathing heavily. She knocked, taking the time to straighten, pushing her black hair out of her eyes.

“Johnny!” She giggled as the door opened.

“Erin.” He told. “I’m really going to have to make you stop calling me that, aren’t I?”

“Mmm, can you?” She walked in, struggling a finger down his chest as she set her bag down.

“Is that a challenge?” He grew, stepping closer. His chest touching her breasts and she felt her heart quicken at how close they were.

“I hope so. I don’t want to make this too easy for you.” She stepped closer, her lips kissing his neck. She angled her lips up, her voice as quiet as a breath as she spoke into his ear. “Johnny”

He picked her up, heaving her up onto his shoulder. Erin giggled, kicking her legs and flailing her arms, as if she was really terrified.

“Mmm, put me down! Are you going to hurt me?”

“Of course baby.” He carried her past the couch and down a small hallway, kicking open the closed door of his bedroom and throwing her onto his bed.

He moved quickly to his closet, grabbing several strands of rope before coming back to stand above her. His eyes looked like they were smiling black in the dark of the room. Erin laid still looking up at him, her eyes staring into his, in awe of how strong he looked.

“Take off your shirt!” He grewled. She quickly compiled, now lying topless except for her pink bra.

“Good girl.” He stepped forward.

John rolled Erin onto her stomach, grabbing her wrists and pulling them behind her back. He quickly tied her wrists together, right behind her upper back before tying a tight strand just above her elbow, keeping her arms tight.

“Now we need something to keep that mouth of yours quiet.” He walked back to his closet, taking out something and walking back to her. She couldn’t see what he was holding. “Open up.” He said, a ball gag moving into Erin’s line of vision.

She opened her mouth and he slipped the ball gag between her lips. She could feel the hard plastic fill her mouth, pressing her tongue down. John moved his hands down her body, sliding his fingers along the sides of her stomach, stopping at the waist of her pants. With a quick pull he swept them down and over her feet. Her skimpy pink panties showing off her tight ass. He gave it a quick swat and she squealed around the ball gag, her ass shaking and her legs kicking.

“Well we can’t have that.”

John took another two strands of rope, pushing Erin into a kneeing position and tied her ankles together. He then tied two loops just above her knees to her shins, keeping her from moving out of the kneeing position. Her ass pointed in the air and she couldn’t move out of it no matter how much she swayed and wiggled.

“Now that’s how you should look all the time. Mmm, let’s have some fun.”

John stood up from the bed, and from the corner of her eyes Erin could see him unzip his fly. He walked to the head of the bed, sitting down and sliding Erin’s body up by her shoulders. Erin watched as he pulled his pants down, his seven inch cock bouncing up, hard and erect. He reached to the back of her neck and undid the ball gag, saliva dripped out of her mouth and down her lips as Erin breathed in relief.

“Now, what do you call me?”

“Johnny?” She teased.

“I thought so.” He surprised, smiling down at her. “I guess I’ll have to find another way to keep you quiet.”

He grabbed her neck gently but firm, guiding her lips down to his cock. She opened her lips, taking him in. She swirled her tongue along the head of his cock, tasting the slit before sucking more of him in. Her tongue licking up and down his shake as she slide her lips down his skin, stopping when he was halfway in. She slobbered over his cock, her tongue sliding up and down over every inch. Slowly, she started to suck him in more, her face moving down his length until her lips touched his balls, her nose buried in the trimmed bush of his pubic hair. She let her throat do the workNow, she chased and gagged as her throat contracted around his shake, saliva running out of her mouth and coating his shake to his balls with a slobber.

“Fuck!” He moaned out.

Erin loved the sound and moved off his cock, gasping for air as she lifted off his cock with an almost audible pop. A strand of saliva connecting his cock to her lips. She swallowed a few breaths before taking him back in again. She moved her lips up and down his shake now, faster and faster. Taking him all in and moving off in quick succession, her tongue never leaving his shake. She gasped and moaned as she sucked and swallowed him, her saliva coating his cock completely.

“Ugh! I’m going to cum already!” His voice raspy and hard as he spoke.

John leaned back again the wall, his eyes closed, his hand holding Erin’s hair as his cock pulsed in her mouth. He groaned in pleasure as he came, thick ropes shooting into Erin’s mouth. She choked and sputtered as they shot down her throat, she swallowed, gulping quickly to drink it all down.

“Fuck yes!” John exhaled, pulling his spend cock out of Erin’s mouth.

“Mmm!’ Erin moaned in response, licking her tongue along her cum covered lips. “That was a good appetizer but I’m not full yet.”

“I bet you aren’t.” John chuckled, smiling down at her, the smile growing to a look of panic and his eyes grow wide as he looked at the clock next to his bed. “Fuck! I just remembered I have a project I’m supposed to work on. Can we continue this some other time?”

“What?” Erin asked. “You have a project? It’s Friday!”

“I know, it’s a…uh group project. They wanted to meet today.”

“Ok…and you have to leave now?”

“Well…you have to leave. I have to get ready.”

“Sure.” Erin felt her cheeses flushing red. “Just until me and I’ll leave.”

John quickly untied the ropes from her arms and wrists, Erin rubbing the blood flow back to her hands. As he untied her legs she stretched her legs out, moaning softly from the little pin pricks of pain that shot through her. She dressed quickly, not looking at John.

“So, do you want to meet up tomorrow night?”

“You mean Halloween? No I’ve got plans.”

“Really? And what would that be?”

“A party.”

“Sure. Look, I know you are just pissed that I have to cancel this early. Drop the hurt little girl act and just meet me here tomorrow.”

Erin gave him a long look, her eyes narrowing in anger. “Listen to me. I am busy tomorrow, so I will not be coming over. Have fun with your project.”

Erin stormed out of the bedroom, gathering up her bag as she headed out the door. She hustled down the stairs and soon felt the cool air blowing around her black hair again. She stared at the sidewalk, huffing and walking briskly. She couldn’t help but think that John was lying to her. Hadn’t Blake said John wanted the apartment for the night? She glanced up, seeing a familiar girl walking towards.

“Hey Lauren.” She eyedthe blond haired girl, noticing how her cheeks flushed when she says Erin.

“Hey. Um, how are you?”

“Good, I saw Derrick earlier.”

“Oh? Tell him I said hi I guess. I’ve got to go.”

Erin watched her walk pass, her eyebrow lifting, watching as Lauren walked into the apartment building. She shook her head, letting it go. Derrick was better off without Lauren, though she did wonder when Lauren had moved apartments. She turned and headed down the street, walking the six blocks to her own apartment. Once she was inside she slumped onto the couch, pulling out her phone. “No new messages, nothing from John. Asshole.” She muttered to herself.

She witnessed, pulling out her computer and firing up the e-mail about the party. She clicked on the waiver, surprised to see how long it was, she squited at the words unsure of their meaning. It was like a contract, or terms of service agreements and she just didn’t have the patience to wade through al the jargon. Erin grabbed her phone and sent a quick text to Derrick.

“Hey, do you have any time to help me decipher this waiver?” She saw the three dots that he was writing back appear.

“Sure, where are you?”

“I’m at my apartment but we can meet somewhere else.”

“Nah I’ll be there in five.”


Erin had just gotten her computer up and running by the time she heard a light knock on the door. She opened it, finding Derrick’s smiling face.

“You got her quick! Were you just waiting outside?”

“Ha no, but I wasn’t far away. I was just walking back from the coffee shop. I told you I had to do some studying.” Derrick walked over to the couch, sitting down next to the computer. “So, have you read through this wavever at all yet?”

“Not really, it’s pretty long, and there is a lot of fine print. It seems a little too involved for just a silly party. Ugh, maybe I should just sign it and not worry about it.”

“I don’t know. What if you are signing away a kidney or something?” Derrick asked, his lip turning up into a smile. He picked up the laptop, scanning the document on the screen.

“It does say here that there might be drinking, raucous behavior and sexual depravity.” He read. “Is that really the legal way to say it?”

“I saw that. I mean honestly, I wouldn’t be going to this if it didn’t have all those things.”

“Fuck, now I Really wish I could go.”

“You are really going to miss out, especially now that I need a rebound. Mmm, I bet I can meet a guy there who will really want to rail me.” Derrick raised an eyebrow at her.

“I’m sure you will. But what do you mean rebound?”

“I’m done with John. He basically throw me out of his apartment earlier. And after I had just blown him.”


“Yes.” Erin bit her lip, wondering if she should tell him about seeing Lauren.

“So, did you really want me to read all of this?” He gestured to the computer.

“No, now that I’m thinking about it I’m justgoing to sign it. Whats the worst that’s going to happen?”

“Sure.” He handed her the computer.

“Did you decide what you are going to wear?”

“Yea, I think I’m going to go as a zombie bride. Normal enough, but not like all the slutty cheerleaders and nurses that most girls go as right?”

“Yea, though you might not want to put on too much make up.” He laughed.

“Oh I won’t wear much.” She scooted closer to him until her breast touched his shoulder.

“Well, I guess you’ve got all this settled then.” He moved over a few inches, keeping up a distance. “I might get going, I probably won’t be able to stop by before the party tomorrow. I’ve got something to take care of.”

“Ok.” She told. “Are you sure you don’t I’m feeling pretty lonely right now. I might be talked into doing anything.” She smiled.

“Exactly why I should leave.” He laughed. “Though I’m sure we’ll have some fun soon, I just want to make sure it’s your decision and you aren’t just reacting to all that happened with John.”

“Yea yea, you always have to be the good guy don’t you?”

“Not at all. But I’m also dealing with my own problems.” He stood up from the couch. “I’ll see you later, ok?”

“Sure. Have a good night.” Erin stood up, moving closer to him and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

“Bye.” Derrick walked out the door, Erin watched him go, her eyes glued to his muscle ass as he walked away.

Erin walked to the couch and sat down, singing in boredom.

“Erin?” Erin swiveled to the sound of the voice behind her.

“Chelsea? I thought you were gone for the weekend?” She stared in shock at her roommate.

“I’m packing right now, I think I’ll leave later tonight though. Was that Derrick?”

“Yea, he just came over to help me with something. Did I tell you I’m going to the Theta Phi Halloween Party tomorrow night?”

“Oh?” Chelsea hesitated. “Do you think that’s a good idea?”

“What do you mean?” Erin, sat up a little bit straighter, eyeing her roommate.

“Well you remember Kendra right? My last roommate?”

“Yea, why?”

“She went last year. She didn’t really tell me what happened there exactly, but she mentioned that there was a lot of sex going on at the party.”


“So, you really want to go to something like that?” Erin could hear the judgment in her voice, and she struggled not to roll her eyes.

“It sounds like fun!”

“Erin.” Chelsea showed, moving to sit next to her. “I guess we are just different.” She smiled.

“Of course. Thats what makes us such good rooms!”

“Just be careful, ok?”

“I will.”

“Enough of that. Want to watch something?”

“Sure, but only if it’s horror. I’m in the holiday mood.”

“Ok, Halloween? That seems appropriate.”

They both sat on the couch, propping their feet up on the coffee table. Erin found the movie, turning it on and they both sat absorbed. Erin glanced over halfway through, finding Chelsea associate with her eyes closed and she giggled, grabbing the blanket that hung over the back of the couch and dragged it over the sleeping girl. Erin felt her own eyes closing, and she glimpsed the blank star of Michael Meyers before falling asleep.

Erin opened her eyes up blearily, her neck felt stiff as she sat up on the couch, glancing over at the empty blanket. Chelsea must have left while she had slept. The television was off and soft white light creeped into the room from the window. She blinked and yawned as she stretched her arms out in front of her, moving into a sitting position and staring bleary eyed at the floor. She grabbed her phone, turning it on and gasping.


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