Our arrival to our escape for the weekend was somewhat similar to my dream with the slight exception that I could see. Naturally, I had told my Dom about the dream and he simply smiled. “This weekend, I want to be able to see you. I want to see the look in your eyes as you submit to me, as you sit in the car with me, as you wake up. There is no doubt that you will be blindfolded at some point, probably as you are tied down to the bed and left alone…” I whimpered into the silence that he let linger for a moment before continuing, “But I don’t know how long I will want to keep my hands off of you.”
I smiled and felt myself physically relax. While the idea of being blindfolded for the entire car ride not knowing where I was titillated me, I had every intention of seeing My Love as much as I might could, if he would allow it.
When we arrived in our room it was better than I imagined. The room was exactly how it appeared in the pictures, save the wrong iron headboard (Which we had both noted would be quite useful to tie restrains to) was actually rather flimsy wood, but we quickly adapted. The thing that surpassed my wild imagination was the grounds of our little getaway. The grounds were magnificent. Outside of the French doors was our own terrace. The house was atop a hill, a steering incline leading from sea level to about 30 feet from our door. From our vantage point, we could see the confetti colored trees of the valley. It was breathtaking.
We walked on to our private patio after our hostess acquainted us with our home away from home. Much like my dream, I sunk back into My Love’s arm, the cool air kissing my skin, raising a flush in my cheeks as they absorbed the cooling Autumn winds. “I bet this place will be beautiful at sunset,” I whispered, afraid to speak too loudly for the fear of shattering the little globe we lived in, as if my entire world were surrounded by a thin layer of glass, and us just floating around in the waters within.
A rumbling “mmmmmm” echoed through my back and into my ribcage as he agreed. We looked out over the grounds and the world seemed to sight. We were away, able to be with one another without having to worry about the world. Much.
We quickly realized that dinner would be most welcome after the long drive. We returned to the room and I quickly changed out of the sweatpants I had thrown on for the ride, exchanging them for a black skirt made of a soft gauze. It was airy and comfortable with the failure that in all of its flowing goodness, the wind quickly became my enemy. We left our room and as the door closed a gush of wind whipped past, picking my skirt up to show my bare bottom in a way Ms. Monroe, being the queen of that particular look, would be proud of.
I gasped; he laughed. Then we head to the car, “I really hope you find a spot right in front of the restaurant,” I prayed, to some higher being and to My Love.
“Thats funny, I find myself thinking just theopposite.” We laughed and headed out for dinner.
As we drove through the winding roads to the neary town we began to discuss possibilities for plans for the rest of the week. “Tomorrow, we should find a vineyard and get some nice wine,” I suggested, knowing that would ticle his fancy.
He nodded almost absently, “I am thinking I may make you wear the egg out for a little while.” I stood in my seat a bit at the memories surrounding the little remote controlled pink egg that my Dom favored, as well as the excitement of the fun to come.
The egg. The first time I had forgotten it out was to my first BDSM theme party. I was the out-of-towner, visiting my love. I had been so busy getting myself ready that I had forgotten he told me of the plan that I would wear this egg inside me to the party and in his pocket, he would hold the remote control. I hesitantly inserted it, grumbling about it all the while.
It wasn’t until we were in a friend’s car on the way over thathe actually turned the little egg on. With 10 settings and no gauge as to which setting it was on aside from my reactions, my Dom told me that when it was off, I was to thank him. Our friend, however, was ignorant at the time.
Our arrival at the club was nervous wreaking. I was still struggling through my own discovery that it was possible to immerse myself in this side of my being. I was suddenly allowed to be a submissive little girl. I was allowed to give in to my desires and talk to people about them. It was no longer my dirty secret, but something that had brought me into a new world. My admitting my submission was allowing me to be me, without any inhibitions that I would set upon my own thoughts.
I entered the club in a whirlwind of language, my own native tongue conflicting with the predominant language. Luck was on my side, though, everyone was quite fluent in English and it was only when I was not to know something that the language was changed.
I was broughtto the various people My Love thought I should meet, one person in particular standing out from previous conversations. Goddess Lilith was her name. I had built her up to be a towering bombshell who would probably scare the wits out of even the strongest man. When I did meet her, though, I was shocked to find her to be a woman, not some sort of frightening being. She was about my height in her heels which brought her a few inches higher and a severe military hat atop her short, bright red hair. I was right about one thing, she was intimidating. Her presence was so strong that she almost radiated authority and just utter dominance. Her voice was on the quiet side, although it carried beautifully. Her tone was just low enough that you had to work to hear her, you had to devote all of your attention to her to catch each word. The more she spoke, though, the more I wanted to listen.
“Dah-rling, it is so wonderful to finally meet you!” She into, her voice holding an accent that sent chills through my body; a mix of Count Dracula meets a mythic nymph. It was clear that this was her chosen atmosphere and she was in her element. She turned to My Love and said something I didn’t quite understand. I looked at my love, curiosity clear on my face as well as a slight concern. He chose this moment to start the egg.
I jumped slightly, feeling the buzzing begin, emitting from the egg in my pussy. I shivered again and Goddess Lilith grinned a half grin, “What’s the matter?”
My Love, grinning, said to me, “Tell her, Kitten.”
I had barely gotten to say much and Goddess Lilith turned to me, a smile on her face. I could almost feel her inspecting me. “Well,” I started, “I have a vibrating egg in me. And he has the remote.” My voice was shy and I tried to Say it in as neutral of a tone as I could manage. Even I could hear the stammer in my words.
“Where is the egg?” Goddess Lilith asked, clearly knowing but offering a question to My Love. Do you want herto answer and possibly be uncomfortable or should I leave the poor thing alone?
My Love looked to me, “Tell her where the egg is, baby.”
I took a deep breath and nodded, “The egg is in my pussy, and he keeps changing the speed.”
After I said that, the mood changed. In Goddess Lilith’s eyes I could see a real curiosity grow like a child admiring another child’s toy. “How is that,” she asked both of us, “I was thinking of getting one to use on my sub but wanted to hear from someone to see what it was like.”
My Dom then moved from my side to hers pulling out the remote. It was about halfway through the cycle. He rapidly pressed the button until it was off, then looked at me expected. I could feel the blood welling in my cheeses, “Thank you.” I muttered, trying not to look anyone in the eye. I could see a slight hint of amusement on Goddess Lilith’s face.
“I have instructed her to thank me when the buzzing stops so I know when it is over. It has 10 settings,Each one a different intensity and pattern. Some are solid buzzing, some are pulsating, then they vary in speed and intensity,” he explained. I stood there silently, a few people wandering over to talk and socialize. It feel as if the entire room was watching me and waiting to see what would happen next, although I knew that it was not the case.
“That is really nice, ” she admired to my Dom.
“Would You like to try it?” My Love asked her, proffering the pink remote to this woman who I had only just met a few moments earlier. She turned to me and asked, “Would that be OK with you?” Since our initial moment of being introduced some of the intimidating aura had turned into a friendly power. I was not afraid of her being in control of this thing, although I was nowhere near ready to be left alone with her.
I nodded my head and she accepted the remote, a smile on her face, “Excellent.” She looked at it and then at me. “Can you describe to me the feelings as they happen?”
I was so nervous that I could not think of a way. I paused and in a slight panic, looked to my Dom who gave little to no reply. “I don’t really know how to explain it… I mean, its hard to tell at first and it changes so quick that I don’t know if you moved on or if its the same-“
“How about this,” Lilith gently interrupted in a honey coated voice. “Your hand will be the scale of the intensity. When it is at its strongest, your hand should be by your head. When it is at a medium point, by your chest and at a low or off, don at your side, and any degree in between, this way you can move your hand as it changes.” I nodded my head and she continued, “Now, for the pulsing. I want you to bend your knees in time with it, so you sort of bounce the rhythm of the pulse, do you understand?” Again I nodded. “Wonderful! Now, shall we begin?”
“Only after she closes her eyes.” Those words petrified me. I was standing in a tiny skirt, a corset that pushed my breasts up quite beautIfully, but left me fairly exposed in a place I had never been. At this point panic filled my entire body and I began to shiver. It was as if all of the warmth in the room was suddenly gone. My Love noticed, and took a step closer and gently stroked my cheek, “I am going to be right here the entire time, I will not leave your side. You may do the cycle once holding my hand, but then I am going to let go, but both times you have to keep your eyes closed, okay?”
“Okay,” I whispered back, gripping his hand in my right hand and closing my eyes. A heartbeat after my eyes shut, the buzzing began. Although I was freezing and shaking, I could feel myself breaking out in a sweat. When I was halfway through the 10 different variations I became very aware of people speaking, and quite aware that none of them seemed to be speaking English.
I held on to My Love’s hand as if it were my lifeline, attempting to follow the changing of the buzzing deep within my pussy. It sent shocks of pleasuresure through my body, which was only enhanced by the fact that I had at least four people watching me now, hearing another couple speaking with Lilith in hushed tones.
Soon, the first round was over and My Love touched my shoulder, “Now, what do you say?” he asked me and I started.
“Thank you!” I blurted, maybe a little louder than I expected. Lilith laughed fondly.
“Thank you, my dear, that was beautiful.” I heard quiet noises of agreement come from a few people and sheepishly smiled. “Now, for the second one I believe you agreed to stand alone,” she reminded me, a bit of that original persona that I had met, some of the softness melting away.
I forced myself to be brave and let go of my Dom’s hand, putting my hands at my side.
The buzzing began again, my breath coming faster and faster as the time progressed. Again, the speaking around me started as things were explained to other passers-by. I stood lost in the sensing and concentrated on my task. Everything sounded drowned, all of the voices coming through to my mind as if we were all in the bottom of a pool. I knew people were talking, but it sounded distorted and far away.
Being so lost in the moment, concentrated on the blackness behind my eyes and the buzzing inside of my body, I did not hear Goddess Lilith’s voice stop. For that matter, I also did not hear her move next to me when suddenly I felt a warm hand on my shoulder. A very distinctly feminine hand, her nails long and hard against my cool skin. I jumped and gasped and heard a few appreciated moans from people watching as I responded to this alien touch, not for a moment missing a beat, continuing to do my assignment, depicting the buzzing in my pussy with my entire body.
That hand was soon after removed and soon the second cycle came to an end. As My Love spoke to me, I could hear the smile in his voice, “You may open your eyes now, Kitten.” When I did, it was to a room that was much brighter than I had rreported, even the candle lit ambiance looking like a dozen fluorescent lights.
My Love once again moved next to me and wrapped his arms around me. I pressed my face against his shoulder and made myself catch my breath, a grin spreading across my face.
When I looked up to Goddess Lilith, she had a warm smile on her face. Still in My Love’s arms she handed us the remote, “Thank you for allowing me the chance to do that. Your concentration is wonderful and every reaction you made was just beautiful! You,” she turned to my Dom, “Are a lucky, lucky man!”
He laughed a deep belly laugh, squeezing me against him, “Oh, I know,” he assured her, and looked down into my eyes, “I know.”
Startled from my day dream, I realized the car was moving backwards and glanced around. We were parking. We shared a smile at the memory of using the egg. I reached over and stroked the side of his neck with my fingertips, “Thank you for loving me and being so wonderful to me.”
He paused in his parking job, the street empty anyway and leaned over to kiss me, “Mmmm no need to thank me, it comes naturally when you are involved.”
We exited the car and luckyly the wind had died down so the walk around the bloc was uneventful, a fortune that My Love was not all that happy about.
Our dinner was splendid. We shared some great wine and by the time we were ready to leave I was slightly tipsy after the two glasses of wine I had drank. So I held on to My Love and we laughed and headed out to the car again. As we walked the empty streets he observed, “I love seeing my collar out on you when we are outside. All during the dinner I was just so filled with pride, I kept looking at you and thinking, ‘Wow. She is mine. She wants to be mine. I am so lucky.’ You just radiate beauty and sweetness and I love that about you.” He smiled, winding his arm around my waist, “And I love knowing that even when we are all sophisticated and out to dinner with fancy wine that at anytime I wanted, I could have you, that you belong to me and that I can do all of the dirty things I want to you.”
I laughed and he opened the passenger door for me. Once he was sitting and had started the car he playedfully asked, “Where to now, madam?”
I giggled, “I say we go to a store. I need a toothbrush and we can get something to drink for back in the room.” He nodded and we took off towards the supermarket.
Once inside, we did our usual habit- buying more things than we really needed. Soon our little basket was filled with cheese to go with the wine we had, fruit, bread, some scented candles and of course, a toothbrush.
The check out was slow, but we were so blissful that we didn’t even notice. After we checked out and were heading out some store employee walked by. I barely noticed him until he said, “Nice collar.”
I feel my heart beat against my skin and felt my head reel. My love held my elbow and guided me from the store after I mumbled a thank youof some sort.When we reached the air outside I asked, “Do you think he know?”
“I don’t know. He might have.” My Dom said, a smile smelled across his face, “I have a feeling he did, though. If he just thought it was a fashion accessory he would have called it a necklace or a chaser. Besides, he said it in a way, you know?”
I laughed and nodded, “So I’m Not crazy?”
He shook his head and we entered the car, “Not at all, but you know what you are?” he asked me as I settled into my seat, his eyes fixed on me. “You are beautiful. You are intelligent. You are funny. You are going to be my wife. You are my submissive. You are mine, and have all of my love forever, Kitten.”
I could almost feel the tears well in my eyes as he said that and then kissed me. I could have melted right then and there. After he kissed me, he started the car and we headed back to our home away from home.
“So,” I began as we pulled out of the parking lot, “since I am all of those things, does that means I get to pick what music we listen to tonight as we go to sleep?” I asked playfully and we both laughed.
“Yes, you can have anything you want, my Kitten.”
To Be Continued…..
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