Silent Submission Ch. 02

Yanking my nipples with your fingers, my body crashes forward, and our lips meet. My eyes clamp shut in the pain and pleasure of it all, and a soft moan passes from my mouth to yours- my first sound. Once more, I wrestle with that wave as your fingers molest my sensitive nubs, and you whisper into my mouth,

“Do not fight, my Lilith.”

A moan of gratitude, and then my body convulses, threatening to break our embrace, as the orgasm rips through me. You do not allow it- you hold fast to both my nipples and my mouth, the pain and pleasure sending me over the edge until tears run down my cheeks and I am almost faint, at your feet. You release my mouth, but not my breasts, and you wait- wait for the waves to subside, for the shaking to stop, and for my breathing to continue some Semblance of rhythm. When I have calmed, I once more look up at you, and you smile, releasing my breasts and taking my hands in yours.

“That was splendid.”

I have pleased you once more. With almost no movement, you gesture for me to stand in front of you. I obey, rising to my feet to await your next inspiration. You lean forward and kiss the valley between my breasts, your hands cursing over my hips and belly, pleasure in the smoothness of my skin. Again, with near-imperceptible movement, you command me, turning me so that my backside is facing you, and pushing me a step away. And then I feel you no More. I remain, horribly self-conscious, as the awareness that you are scrutinizing me gnaws at my brain, and yet, I don’t dare move.

An eternity passes, the hair on the back of my neck rising as a fear of your scrutiny enters my mind. I hear nothing save the minutes ticking by on the clock; I have lost count of them. Finally, I hear something… the creak of your chair, though I know not if you’ve risen, or simply shifted in it. Again, silence, nothingness, and I strain my eyes to the periphery of my vision, hoping for some sign of what is to come. My ears strain for the sound of your breathing, your movement, anything. And still nothing.

Electric shocks course through my body as I suddenly feel your touch… your fingertips sliding over my hips once more, dragging your nails gently over my smooth white skin. Swirling in circles, they travel over my round parts… hips, ass, and tops of my thighs. Goosebumps follows your fingers, spreading out as rings in a pond, your fingers the soft stone causing such reaction. You are so silent I don’t even hear you breathe, a vacuum of sound deafening me. Without the awareness that you are so close, you suddenly whisper in my ear that I am beautiful, and then take my left hand in your left, my right in your right, and then slide your hands up over my arms to my shoulder. You reverse the course of your hands, sliding once More down my arms, to my wrists, gripping them gently, and once again, with almost no force, you will my limbs into compliance. I find my arms rising slowly, out to the side, and then overmy head. You stop my arms when my hands touch above my head, and then your hands are gone, you are gone. I wait, posed like this, for your return, the thought of moving, fleeting, in my mind. It seems that I wait for yet another eternity, before I feel your breath, once more, in my ear, shocking me out of my silence, a gasp escaping my lips.

You have said nothing, merely breathed, and the goose bumps have coursed, once more, over my skin. I feel your fingers flitting about my wrists, and then a soft fabric slide about them, round and round… silk against my flesh. Lost in the sensing of the silk against my wrists, it does not occur to me that they are being bound… I only notice once you draw tight the fabric, and tie a secure knot. My arms are now bound above my head, having been raised in such a way that lowering them is made difficult by your binding. And then your hands are, once more, gone. A moment later, you slide into my peripheral vision, slowly slipping in front ofme, so that we are face to face. You look into my eyes, and catch my gaze, securing my eyes on you. And then you move.


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