He takes you gently by the hand, walking swiftly to the bedroom. You half walk, half skip behind him as you try to keep up.
You smile, “He’s pleased with me!” rings through your mind. His glance back over his shoulder to you feeds the butterflies you feel, low in your stomach, as he shows a shy smile.
He pushes the bedroom door open, and steps through. You are moving to follow, when he pivots and pulls at the same time, propelling you forwards to stumble over the bed, where you fall flat on your face, bottom high in the air.
The wind knocked from you and dazed slightly, you do nothing to resist when a cold metal surface wraps around your left wrist and snaps shut with a sharp “click!”
Before you can understand what is going on, your right arm is pulled behind your back and with another metallic noise, the jaws of a second circlet on your wrist is closed.
You struggle and realize you’re hog tied by a set of rigid handcuffs, the rod between them holds your arms about 9 inches apart. Uncomfortable, but not painful.
“What am I going to do pet?”, he says from somewhere behind you.
“I’m both pleased and angry, you give me such pleasure Kitten.”
He sits on the bed beside you, running a fingerprintnail down the curve of your spine, scraping lightly.
You shiver.
“But it wasn’t ASKED for pet, you see?”
You shake your head and try to make an explanation, but the words won’t come. Your pulse starts to rise.
“Sir doesn’t want to punish you Kitten, but you broke a clear rule.”
He runs another fingerprintnail down your spine, scraping a little stronger this time. You feel your skin furrow at its passage towards the swell of your ass.
“Sir. I…was only wanting to please…”, you manage to whisper.
“Don’t speak right now Kitten, I’m trying to decide.”
You wince violently, he’s struck you across both buttocks, with more force than he usually employees.
You feel the heat instantly flush in your freshly hurt flesh, he does nothing to soothe it, letting the burn rise.
“No more from you right now sweetling”, he reaches down to the floor and picks some items up, you can’t quite see.
He reaches forwards and tilts your head to the side and pulls your jaw open.
Material is stuffed into your mouth, you catch a whiff of your own pussy and see just enough to understand that Sir has bunched up your knickers from last night’s play and forced into your mouth. He swiftly follows this up by wrapping a stocking round your head and tying it over your mouth, gagging you.
Sir runs his hand down the side if your head, adjusting the gag, making sure you can breathe easily through your nose. His hand brings your head back round to facing forward, stroking your cheek with the back of his fingers.
You close your eyes and tilt into his touch. You feel him move closer to you and he whispers close by your ear;
“I know this means no safe-word for you Kitten, but you trust Sir, don’t you?”
You nod, once, slowly.
“I can feel you’re uncertain Kitten. Sir understands uncertainty and how it makes you feel. Would you like a safety check item?”
You nod again, more confidently .
He reaches over to the dresser and picks up a few coins and then places them into your right hand.
“If you’re scared Kitten, drop the coins. I would understand, but be disappointed that you don’t trust me. I will stop. No matter what is happening, I will stop. Understand?”
You nod again. You move the coins around in your hand, they make a gentle clinking noise.
He moves around the bed, to the dresser, where his overnight bag is and brings it back to the foot of the bed, putting it down on the floor.
Still naked, he croouches down and locks eyes with you, his hands reaching down to open the bag.
His hands deftly pull some items from the bag and place them in the bed, in front of you, never moving hiseyes from his.
You glance at each item as it appears, your eyes growing wider as they are put past your face and placed carefully in a row;
The crop.
The short handled cat-o’-nine-tails.
A peculiar thin metal probe with a slightly bulbous tip.
A thick, clear dildo.
A black rubberised butt plug.
So many! What does this mean?
You feel your heartbeat rise like a frightened bird, bashing at the inside of your ribcage.
Will he use all of these? Will you have to choose? You start to flex your arms and hands with worry…
The coins! You’ve nearly forgotten to hold onto them! At the last moment you stop them from slipping. You give a sight of relief.
He stands, looking over your shoulder at Your hands.
You notice his cock is hard again, stiff and upright against his body.
He croouches again, looking into your eyes. His nakedness never seems to both him.
“Coins still in hand I see?”, he says, “I’m glad to see you have trust in me.”
“Now, these are my choices Kitten, I’m going be teaching you your place with some of these, maybe even all. Remember, the coins if you need me to stop Kitten, but I’ll know that we have reached the end & found your limits Kitten. Nod if you understand.”
You nod once, sharply, keeping your eyes on his.
“Then we’ll begin.”
He stands, picks up the paddle and walks out of your view.
A hand grabs you roughly by the ankle, pulling you backwards until your knees hit the floor. He pushes your body forward onto the mattress, highlighting the curve of your ass and upper thighs.
You feel the delicate touch, the leather strands of the cat being drawn up your calendar, the back of your knee and thigh before setting on your ass cheek.
A pause, then they continue to trail up your lower back and ribcage before flicking, once, at the muscle grouping on your shoulders.
The tiniest sting; you flinch.
The trailing begins, back down yOur body, delicate and slow. The leather forwards spin off the edge of your buttocks and are lifted away.
A rush of air. A weak low rustle.
Pain! Sudden shocking pain across your upper thighs and asscheeks. Little lines of fire, that sting long after the lash is lifted.
The same rushing sound and fresh lines of pain are born on the soft skin of your ass.
A third.
Welts start to rise on your skin.
A fourth.
You start to breathe heavily through your nose, he’s never gone as far as…
A fifth!
The lash licks fire onto you, you shudder and cry out behind your gag, as you anticipate more.
And then, nothing.
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