WBDP – Brianna Delivers Pt. 06

This continues the saga of Sam and Marcia’s visit after Brianna delivers Sam’s children. If you’ve read any other of the WBDP stories, this one is much the same with the added complication of a visit by Sam’s Mother. They are emotionally torn and wonder how much of their life should be revealed.


“My God, that’s your Mom,” Marcia said. “It appears you’ve lost Your slave for the duration of her visit, Sam.”

“What’s she doing here?” I asked. “I haven’t even spoken to Brianna about her coming down.”

“Chantelle and I were with you when you made your phone call,” Monique said. “We informed Mistress she would like to visit. She arranged it.”

“Apparently, I didn’t keep you busy enough when you were my slave?” I mumbled.

“Technically. I wasn’t your slave at the time,” Monique responded, smiling.

My Mom reached us and I gave her a big bear hug, then Marcia did. I hadn’t seen her since the Thanksgiving before Marcia’s slavery first started,about eighteen months now.

“Mom; I’d like to introduce you to Monique. She’s Brianna’s wife.” And head slave, I thought. I hoped we weren’t going to walk into a household of naked women. That might freak her out and I’d have a lot of ‘splaining’ to do.

“My goodness,” Mom said, “that makes you one of the four parents in this scenario, doesn’t it. I’m Pleased to meet you.”

“And I’m very pleased to make your acquaintance, Mrs. Evans,” Monique replied.

“We needn’t stand on formality. Please, call me Jane.”

“I thought your first name was Audrey,” Monique said, pointing to her sign which clearly said Audrey Evans.

“It is dear. But no one but the IRS calls me that. I’ve been Jane Since I was in grade school. Who wants to get saddled with a name like Audrey. Jane is my middle name and everyone calls me Jane.”

“Do you have any bags, Mom. I can grab it for you.”

“No, I got everything in this carry-on and this oversized pursuit.”

Gee! Did she know she could get away without clothing here? Did someone tell her we went naked while staying at the estate. I’m not sure I wanted to see my Mom naked. It might have been okay once, but she was over seventy years old.

“Let me take this for you then,” I said. “How long are you going to be here?” I helped myself to her carry-on.

“Trying to get rid of me already?” she joked.

“No, curious is all.”

“My return ticket is five days from now.”

“I’m so glad you could come join us, Mom,” Marcia said. “It’s a real joy to have you here. You’re going to love the twins. They’re the cutest babies you’ve ever seen.”

Mercifully, Marcia and Mom got along like she was her own mother. I’d never had to deal with my wife squabbling with my mother. If I ever got dividend, she’d probably keep Marcia and dump me.

“The limo is parked this way, Jane,” Monique said, pointing to the door we’d need to exit from.

“You didn’t need to get a limo for me,” Mom said. “I’m small and don’t take up much space.”

“It’s their normal car,” I said. “There are a lot of people on the estate and it fits more people when needed, plus Brianna frequently deals with celebrations. It helps to treat them like they’re special. In fact, we just dropped William Thornhill off at the airport.”

“The billionaire, Thornhill?” Mom asked.

“The very same.”

“My goodness. What was he doing here?”

Well, I couldn’t discuss everything he’d been doing here, like breeding slaves together with her son, or sharing his wife with Marcia and I. Stuff such as that might not fly too well with my mother.

Monique answered, “He was discussing a business opportunity with Brianna. She is looking to expand and we’re hoping he can provide Some capital.”

“What is it Brianna does again?” Mom asked.

“She makes jewelry, Mom,” Marcia replied. “She’d like to put a store on Rodeo Drive and expand her manufacturing capacity. Most of the less expensive pieces are made overseas, but she makes very high end special orders for the wealthy. They were making those at the guest house, but the business has expanded rapidly in the last year, and she can’t do it there any more.”

Like the torso pieces of Marcia’s nude body currently sitting in Jack Nicholson’s house. We got to the car and put Mom’s bag in the trunk and helped her into the limo.

“How come you didn’t give us a call and let us know you were coming?” I asked.

“Brianna told me it was a surprise. Very hush, hush. She bought my tickets and everything.”

“She paid for your tickets, huh?” Not surprising. She was quite generous “Who brought you to the airport?”

“Roberta brought me on her way to work. Had to wait around the airport for a few hours, but I Always have a book with me.” She patted her big purse.

“How long is the drive?” Mom asked.

“It depends on traffic. Can be anywhere from 45 minutes to 3 hours,” I responded. “Provided there’s no accidents, thistime of day it should be about 60-90 minutes.”

“What part of town is it in?”

“North of LA. Near Holmby Hills, though I don’t think it’s within city limits of any town.”

Monique’s voice came over the speaker. “Are you hungry? Do you need to stop for a quick bite or can you wait until we get to the estate?”

“I’m good. I don’t eat much Anymore,” Mom replied.

I pushed the intercom button and informed Monique to go straight through.

“Has Brianna had a baby shower?” Mom asked. “I’d like to know what she needs for the babies.”

“Baby shows are traditionally for people who can’t afford the expense of new babies without financial assistance,” Marcia said. “Brianna’s nursery was the most well stocked one I’ve ever seen. We had to ask Monique what we should get because it didn’t seem they needed anything. Monique convinced Brianna not to buy cribs so we’d have something to get the kids. They’re in cradles now. We’ll spring for two cribs for when they’veoutgrown them.”

“Why don’t you let me buy one of the cribs?” Mom said.

“What! I already feel like a slacker,” I said. “So far, I haven’t had to contribute much to this process except sperm. If you take one of the cribs, I’ll feel useless. You’ve raised four kids. I’m sure you’ll think of something they’ve forgotten. No one there has ever had any children, to the best of my knowledge. Probably operating off baby books.”

“Maybe you’re right. Take me with you when you pick out the critics. I’ll look around after I know what they have already.”

“No problem.”

“Are you sure you’re okay with Sam having children with another woman?” Mom asked Marcia. “It seems like it would be kind of strange knowing his sperm was used in helping another woman conceive.”

“I’m sure,” Marcia replied. “We’ve become very close to Brianna and Monique. I couldn’t think of anyone better to have Sam’s children since I couldn’t. Believe me, the children couldn’t be in better hands.”

“How did you guys meet anyway? Is she someone you’ve known for a long time?”

These questions were so much easier to avoid or pass off when you weren’t dealing directly with the questioner.

“Not that long. We met at a function in Vegas when we were there last year,” I said. “I learned she made jewelry and I had her make something for Marcia. We remained in contact Afterwards and became close very quickly. We came out here in July to help her with a charity event which is when the subject of her having a child with us was broached. We both decided it would be a good idea. We’ve continued to get closer ever since. I can truly say there are very few people we’ve ever been closer to than Brianna and Monique. They are truly wonderful people, Mom.”

“I’m sure I’ll love them as much as you both do, son.” Well, maybe not as much as we did.

“We’re going to move out here,” Marcia said. “I’ve got a job interview tomorrow with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. Since Brianna no longer needs the guest house for her jewelry enterprise, we’re going to convert it back to a house and Sam and I will live there. Brianna has hired Sam to manage the retirement fund she has for her employees. She said the fund lost some of it’s value the last few months and Sam has continued to make money. She really wants us to be here, to be a part of the children’s lives and she’s trying to do all she can to make it possible. Brianna wants the kids to have a father who participates in their upbringing, not just two mothers. We’re looking forward to it.”

“I’m glad, Marcia. I can’t wait to meet her.”

“Won’t be long now; we’re getting close,” I said.

She started looking out the windows at the houses we were passing and noticed they were mostly larger than what we were accustomed to. Some were truly large and grandiose.

“My goodness. These are some very nice homes,” Mom said.

“Yes, they are and darned expensive too. We looked into buying a home before deciding to convert the guest house and a one bedroom townhome of less than a 1000 feet was $565,000. A house our size in this area code averaged about $2.5 Million and we’re only expecting to sell ours for around $300,000. To find something in that price range we would have to live in another county north of here about 90 miles away. One of the reasons Brianna offered the guest house. It would have taken about the same length of time to drive here as it took to fly. Traffic is wicked.”

I had enough time to ask how the rest of my family was doing before we pulled through the gates of Brianna’s estate. Mom was impressed with the place. Who wouldn’t be. It was wonderful. I hoped I wouldn’t have to explain a lot of nudity to Mom but apparently, Brianna had planned for this too. Everyone waiting to greet us was wearing clothes. One more potential crisis passed into the rearview mirror. They even had the twins out of the nursery to greet us.

We got out ofthe car and I said, “Everyone, this is my Mom, Jane Evans. Mom, this is Brianna, Adele, who manages the manufacturing side of the business. She’s a skilled metalsmith and gemologist. This is Chantelle, who helps with cooking, Zoe, the lawyer for Brianna’s business.” I pointed to the baby being held by Adele. “This little one is John, and Zoe is holding Sarah.”

Mom was hugged by Brianna, then all the others kind of crowded in to greet her.

“All these people came here to meet me? They didn’t have to do that.”

“They didn’t come here, Mom; they live here,” I informed her.

“All of them?”

“And another nine,” Brianna said. “They’re all my employees and friends.”

Mom looked a little surprised at this pronouncement. She wasn’t familiar with any other situation where a bunch of employees lived with their employer. Something else I might have to explain away. As I hadn’t expected Mom to show up here, I never gave consideration to how I would explain this whenshe did. I thought I had more time to formulate some answers for the inevitable questions before she arrived. I had to be light on my feet now. Chantelle saved us all a little.

“I am sure Madame Evans is hungry. No one gets fed on planes anymore. The cook and I prepared a lovely dinner for our guest. Please come to the dining room and eat. After, we can get her situation in her room if she needs to rest or she can visit the nursery. The food is hot now. Please come.”

We all went to the dining room where the table was elegantly set. Monique whispered to me the others had eaten before and it would only be us dining now. I nodded. Chantelle and the cook had prepared a pork roast with white gravy, seasoned small potatoes, corn prepared as her mother made it with Caribbean spices and some milk peppers, an asian salad, fresh bread and for dessert, warmed bananas with a cinnamon and caramel glaze over ice cream. Once again, a feast fit for a king. The babies were in their carriersand when Sarah started fussing for some food, Monique helped Brianna undo a maternity bra and feed her. It was usually easier to manage the twins when they got hungry if you were naked, just let them latch onto the nearest nipple. Wearing clothes was going to slow things down.

“This food is delicious. How did you learn to cook so well, Chantelle?” Mom asked.

“My maman was Cordon Bleu trained in France and worked for many hotels in the Caribbean. She was creative and started melding many local flavors into the food. She taught all her daughters to cook, so I learned from her. I tried to embrace her creativity, so I now try to bring some of the local influences into some of what I cook now. Some oriental and hispanic influences from around LA.”

“I noticed lots of different influences which you’ve managed to blend so the unique flavors don’t clash. You’re very good.”

“Merci, Jane. My mother would be proud to hear I do so well.”

“Where do you hail from?”

“Guadeloupe, in the Caribbean.”

“It was one of the French islands?”

“It was a part of France.”

“Mom is an accomplished traveler. She’s been to all the countries of Europe, many Asian, some South American and African and recently accomplished her goal of visiting all the continents on a cruise to Antarctica,” I said.

Soon, she was regaling the table with tales of her travels, putting off some of the inevitable questions which might otherwise arise and I still wasn’t prepared to address. She had finished eating now and asked to hold Sarah while John was being fed. Adele brought her to Mom and she was looking down, making faces at the baby and speaking funny noises to her. Sarah was gurgling happily.

“These are adorable children, Brianna. Simply beautiful.”

“Thank you. Your son contributed to their beauty. He’s quite handsome. I was surprised you are so small and he’s so tall. I expected an Amazon type.”

“Isn’t it a little miracle he came out of me,” she said, patting my shoulder. “His father was almost a foot taller than me and Sam was the tallest of my three boys, taller than his father.”

“May I asked what killed your husband?” Brianna asked.

“He was a long time smoker. Lung cancer killed him.”

“It’s unfortunate.”

“Do any of the people here smoke?” Mom asked.

“No. For the most part, we all try to live healthy lifestyles. A good diet, no smoking, no excessive drinking nor drugs.”

“That will be a good influence on the children.”

“I certainly hope so.”

“I couldn’t help but notice how beautiful you all are, even though you’re all different.”

“Thank you.”

“Chantelle, would you like help with the dishes,” I asked. “Let us help.” I put my hand on Marcia, offering her services as well.

Chantelle said yes and we started clearing the table and bringing dishes to the kitchen.

“We need to tell her,” I said to Marcia. “She’s no dummy. She’s going to start puttingThings together and asking questions until she figures out what’s going on around here. I see it. We can’t keep this secret from her.”

“Do you mean to tell her about us?”

“I don’t know. I suppose it would depend on how well she accepts it when we tell her about Brianna and her submissives.”

“I’m worried, Sam. Your mother loves and respects me. I’m afraid of what she might think of me if we tell her.”

“I know. I worry what she’ll think of me. I’m the good boy; the one with the fewest issues. What’s her opinion of me after she knows I paddle your ass?”

“We can’t tell her if we don’t believe she can’t accept it.”

“I understand, I do. But once she knows about Brianna, she’ll have a lot more questions about her and how we know her. At some point, it has to come out. It probably wouldn’t if we stayed in Florida, but if we move here, I don’t see how we can keep it secret forever.”

“At the very least, we can’t let her know we’ve had different sexual partners. I don’t think she’d ever understand it.”

“I suppose you’re right,” I said, “but if more children show up looking like me when she visits, that might go by the wayside as well.”

“We sure managed to complicate our lives,” Marcia said.

“On the other hand, it’s sure made our life happier and more exciting. We love each other more than ever before. I wouldn’t have believed it possible.”

“So you’re suggesting we kind of ease into it by talking about Brianna, and if the response is not too negative, tell her about us.”

“That’s about it.”

“I hope we’re not making a huge mistake.”

“Me too.” I kissed her. “Me too.”

We went in and got some more dishes. Mom still entertained with her journey stories. We quietly cleared everything up. Chantelle took care of the leftover food and Marcia and I loaded the dishwasher. When we finished, we went back to the dining room.

“Mom, even though it’s still fairly early here, it’s two hours later central time. Do you want us to show you your room now, with a stop at the nursery? Go out to the pool for awhile? What’s your pleasure?”

“I’m actually not too tired. Take me by the nursery, show me my room and then I’d like to go by the pool for an hour or so.”

“Okay. We can do that.”

Her luckgage had been brought to her room by Monique when we arrived. She had the room next to ours. I don’t know who we disposed, but I was hopeful the slave found a good place to bunk down and a good person to bunk with. It allowed us to go straight to the nursery where both babies were having their diamonds changed. We helped with the changing and Mom was holding John now as she’d already held Sarah.

“This is little Johnny,” Mom said. “What a little cutie you are. Yes you are. Just like your daddy when he was little. Those chubby little cheats, this fine blonde hair. And you’re such a good baby, just like he was. Hardly cries at all. No you don’t.” John was reaching for her glasses,Not quite able to exert the fine motor control he needed to grab them. He was happily gurgling back at her.

“He’s definitely a boy,” I said. “He happily latches on to anything resembling a breast.”

“Come on, little one,” Mom cooed. “It’s time to go to sleep.” She set him in his cradle and set it to rocking.

Mom looked around the nursery, noting what was there, and hopefully what wasn’t. I showed her the mini-fridge where the milk was stored, the hot water heater and what they were using for bottles.

“You put it around your neck like this,” I said, putting it on in demonstration, “and you can feed them like it was a breast. Makes all of the women feel like they’re breast feeding them, and their food source is always in the same place, the big bag on your chest with the nipple on it.”

“Isn’t that different. I could feed them like this couldn’t I?”

“Yes you could. A different person stays in here every night with the twins. Keeps Brianna from getting too tired keeping up with two of them. They’ve got pumped breast milk or a mixture of formula and breast if she doesn’t have enough milk for both.”

“Do you think I might stay with them one night while I’m here?”

I looked at Brianna and she said, “Of course, Jane. If it’s something you want to do, no one would have a problem with it.”

“I look forward to it. Good night little angels.” She bent down to kiss each of them. “Okay. Where’s my room?”

I led her down the hallway past the nursery. “This next one is Brianna’s room.”

She looked in and saw the huge bed in there. “My goodness, that bed is big. It looks like it could sleep five if you didn’t mind getting a little snug.” Actually it held six fairly comfortable if snugly. I know from personal experience.

“Yes, it’s called an Alaskan King. Bigger than a California King in both length and width.”

We went to the next room. “This is the primary guest room. It’s the one Marcia and I are sleeping in forthe moment.” She looked in and around, noting the queen size bed, the private bath.

“Very nice room,” she said.

“It meets our needs,” I said. When we actually use it, I thought.

We went to the next room down.

“This would be your room,” I said. “It shares a bathroom with the adjoining bedroom. Just lock the door on your side when you want a little privacy, else someone might disturb your shower.”


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