It was to be three weeks before I would receive a reply. I had all but given up on getting in by that point and had gone back to trying to find a job as an administrator as that was what my uni degree was in.
I was trawling through the job ads when my phone rang (I had to give my personal contact information as well as indicated how much notice I would need to give to my job, friends and family to explain my disappearance for 2 weeks as a part of the survey), it was Emma:
‘Hello, is this Daniela?’
‘Yes, speaking. May I ask who is calling?’
‘It’s Emma from Mz Lily’s School of Adult Education. I am pleased to be able to offer you a place in our upcoming course. If you accept, you will start in a fortnight.’
I was stunned. I was moving my mouth, but, nothing was coming out.
‘Hello, are you still there?’
‘Yes, sorry. That’s fantastic, I accept.’
And, just like that, I was in.
Two weeks later…
I had told all my friends and family that I was going to a job search training retreat for two weeks. We were to be out in the country so I didn’t know if I would have mobile phone reception or not, but, I would call if I could.
The school sent a driver to pick me up on the morning I was to begin and I was collected promptly at 7am as it was nearly 2 hours driving to get there. The driver was a tall blonde in a neighbor chauffer’s uniform. She didn’t say a word, just opened the door for me, shut it behind me and drive off.
The windows of the car were tinted so that people couldn’t see in but, I could see out. I had been given very specific instructions about how to dress for the occasion and had followed them to the letter. I was wearing a white blouse, mid-thigh length pleated skirt, knee length white socks and 3 inch black heels. I understand what they were doing here, it was my own version of a slutty school uniform.
I was completely shamen down below.
At this point, I should probably describe myself. I am about 165cm tall. I am slim but curvy at the hips. I have long legs, a tight arse and medium sized tits. I also have shoulder length almost black hair, dark brown eyes and, being of Portuguese descent, I have olive skin. I am told that I am very easy on the eye, but, I don’t see it myself.
The drive seemed to pass both quickly and take forever. I was tingling with anticipation.
The car pulled up at the front of a large estate. The grounds were immaculate and surrounded by high fences, nobody could see in. There were cameras on the gates and the grounds and I got the impression that nobody was singing in (or out for that matter).
I was shaking as I exited the car, the chauffer held the door for me again and then went to collect my suitcase from the boot. She then headed towards the front door and I fell in behind her.
We entered and the first thing I noticed was the stunning receptionist. She was about 175cm tall,flaming red hair, milky white complexion and piercing green eyes. She smiled at me as she came around the front of the desk and introduced herself as Emma.
She dismissed the Chauffer with instructions to put my suitcase in the dorm and took my hand and lead me towards a different door.
‘I hope you’ll enjoy yourself here’, she said as we walked, ‘I’m going to take you to the classroom now, you’re the last one to arrive.’ She went on to tell me that class would start shortly and warned me that we were to wait in orderly silence or be punished. She giggled as she said this and I got the distinct impression that she liked it when girls got punished.
‘Well, here we are’, she said and opened to door for me.
I walked in a stopped dead. My mouth dropped open. There, in front of me were 9 very beautiful young ladies in their early to mid twenties. All were dressed the same as I was and all bar one was sitting at attention in old style school desks arranged in two neighbor rows of five.
The one was a curvaceous brunette about the same height as me who was gagged with a big red ball gag and had her hands tied behind her in a box tie, causing her large breasts to strain magnificently against her white bloom.
I went to ask about the restrained brunette but, Emma stopped me, saying, ‘I told you, we will punish those who can’t wait silently, Natalie there spoke out of turn and so has been gagged and restrained, care to join her?’ She raised an eyebrow questioningly as she asked this.
I went to reply, but, thought better of it. I didn’t want to get a report as a trouble maker before we began, although I suspected it wouldn’t take much for me to end up just like Natalie and the thought made me very excited.
Real, I went and sat down at the empty desk. Front row centre, right in front of the teacher’s eyes. Emma smiled and left, locking the door with a loud click behind her.
I didn’t have to wait long, it would only have beenabout 5 or 10 minutes before we heard the click of approaching high heels on tiles down the corridor.
A short pause and then the lock unclicked, the door opened and in walked the most stunning Asian lady I had ever seen. She was surprisingly tall — I would guess about 180cm and her legs went all the way up. She had on a very professional looking striped blouse and pencil skirt with sheer stockings and very tall heels. In her hand, she carried a riding crop.
She walked to the front of the class and wrote ‘Slave Positions’ and ‘Ms Miko’ in big letters on the whiteboard at the front of the classroom and then turned to look at us for the first time.
She fixed each of us with a long star, seeming to pay particular attention to Natalie in her bondage.
‘Ok sluts, welcome to Mz Lily’s School of Adult Education. I am one of Your teachers. As you can see by the board, my name is Ms Miko. You may address me as Ms Miko, Mistress or Ma’am. I will be instructing you this morning in slave positions.
‘The purpose of slave positions is to show your submission to your Mistress or Owner.
‘You will learn a variety of positions whilst you are here and we will start by learning the basics this morning. I will need a volunteer.’
I meekly raised my hand and got a warm smile in return.
‘What is your name slut?’ Ms Miko asked.
‘Daniela’, was my timing reply.
‘Come out the front of the class.’ It was an order, not a request, even though the tone was friendly, the undertone was clear — obey!
Ms Miko addressed the class now, ‘I will get Daniela here to demonstrate position 1. Any time that you are told to assume position 1, you will immediately get into this position.
‘Failure to respond quickly will result in punishment. Punishment for not assuming a slave position is to be tied, spread-eagled and naked on the lawn out the back for an hour. This hour will come out of your free time, you will not waste my lesson time onYour punishments. While you are tied outside, you will be watched and humiliated by our staff for being a bad slut!
‘Do I make myself clear?’
Ten heads nodded in unison.
I was then instructed into position 1.
I was on my knees with them facing outwards at 45 degree angles. My hands were resting, face up, on my knees with my palms open and my head was bowed, staring at my navel.
Ms Miko looked over my position, made a couple of minor adjustments and then told the class that it was time for us all to practice.
She had one of the others until Natalie and then had us all stand in a semi-circle facing inwards and barked ‘Position 1!’
Everyone scrambled into position and Ms Miko went around the room, using her crop to correct positions and commenting as she walking.
We then had to stand up and the order was repeated. Over and over it was drilled into us and I got so into it that I stopped concentrated. I started to watch a slim blonde girl witha pretty face who was opposite me and missed my cue.
Uh oh.
Ms Miko noticed, I scrambled into position but, I was too late.
‘What do we have here?’ she asked, a sadistic smile plastered across her beautiful features.
‘I’m s-s-sorry M-Mistress’ I stammered through frightened lips.
‘I’ll see you after class for punishment.’
And with that, the lesson continued.
After we were proficient in position 1, we went on to position 2 (all fours, back straight, staring straight ahead, legs and arms shoulder width apart) and so on until it was time for lunch.
As everyone else filed out, I waited behind for Ms Miko.
She motioned me to the front of her desk and picked up a manila file with my name on it. She read something, nodded to herself and looked up at me.
‘It says here that you’re an exhibitionist. Did you do this deliberately I wonder?’
I started to answer ‘no’ but was silenced by a raised eyebrow.
‘It doesn’t matter anyway, the sun is hot and you will bake on that lawn, that will teach you. Strip, everything!’
I hurriedly compiled and handed each item of clothing to her neighborly folded as I took it off. I was then handed a bottle of sunscreen and told to apply it as best as I could and then Ms Miko would help with my back.
After I was covered, a hot pink collar with the word ‘SLUT’ in capital letters was placed around my neck, a chain lean attached and I was led to the back lawn.
Once there, I had cuffs attached to my wrists and ankles and then I was ordered onto my back and staked out spread-eagled.
Ms Miko then walked away, leaving me to warm up in the afternoon sun.
It was a warm day so it didn’t take long for me to start smoking and really feeling the heat.
Within what I guessed was about 10 minutes I was hot and uncomfortable.
Then I heard the back door open and close and heels clicking on the path out to me.
Emma appeared above me with a big smile on her face.
‘Just couldn’t stay out of trouble, could you Daniela?’
And with that, she sat down cross legged by my head, unwrapped her sandwich and started to eat.
A short time later, she was joined by 4 others, each with their own lunch. They sat around me, using my body as a table and ate their lunch, occasionally spilling something on my exposed body.
This was having an effect on me that was being noticed by the staff around me and they began commenting every so often on the fact that I seemed to be getting wet. There was a slender black woman by my wait who was idly fingering me from time to time which was not helping my self control. I even moaned a couple of times which drew knowing smiles from those around me.
As they each finished, they moved to my head and used my hair as a napkin.
They then moved back to their positions and began to focus their attentions on me a bit more. The two by my feet started to discuss whether or not I would beticklish. The two by my wait musted aloud that it was a bit naughty of me to be enjoying my punishment so and Emma was resting her feet on my face and making me lick them.
The two at my feet then began to ticle me. They took a foot each in one hand and ran their fingers lightly up and down the soul with the other hand.
They started slowly, gradually edging one finger up and down. I should mention that I am very ticklish and whilst I don’t enjoy tickling by itself, combined with bondage, it somehow makes me feel vulnerable and turned on.
My feet began to twitch and try to move away, but, bound as I was and with them holding onto my feet too, I wasn’t going anywhere. The one by my right foot, a pretty, young looking girl dressed like she was going shopping with her friends in a green tank top and tight, matching shorts laughed and said ‘she is ticklish’ and then started to really ticle me hard. The one by my left foot, a blonde in full fetish goddess attire with black latex dress and thigh high black boots laughed and did the same.
The two by my wait began to ticket my sides and under my armpits to match and I was thrashing and becoming them to stop.
Just when I thought I was going to completely lose control and wet myself, a bell rang from the main building and Ms Miko appeared with a tray of veggie sticks.
She stopped by my head and Emma moved her feet so that Ms Miko was looking down on me. ‘Almost done, slut, now it’s time to feed you. I didn’t bring any dip though, so we’ll have to improve.’ And with that, she stuck a carrot stick into my juicy pussy, moved it back and forth to get plenty onto it and then offered it to me to eat.
I started to clamp my mouth shut and move my head away. Emma grabbed my hair and pulled my head up, looking me sternly in the eyes and said ‘I can pinch your nose and force you or you can do this willingly. Your choice!’
Seeing that I was going to have to do this one way or another, Iopened my mouth and let them put in the carrot stick. I have no problem with tasting others, but, this was the first time I had ever tasted myself. It was less disgusting than I thought it would be and I resolved myself to just eat what they made me.
Veggie stick by veggie stick, I was fed the entire tray, each one dipped in my juices first and each one turning me on just a little more as it was Dipped in. Each time I got close to climaxing, the black woman at my wait would slap me hard on the clip and then I would have to wait until I calmed down before the next one was inserted.
When the tray was done, I was left, unsatisfied and staked out on the lawn until one of my classes came to free me and I got dressed again for the afternoon class.
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