Wandering in the Dark Ch. 02

Fever burning

He was perpetually unconscious after it happened. Days turned into weeks. His inner mind remained in turmoil as his body continued to fail with fever and infection.

Deep in His mind’s eye he could see her lying there, soaking wet and not breathing. He cringed involuntarily as his subconscious mind remembered how cold her body was to his touch. He could feel the roughness of the stone floor as he crawled to her, the pain of the wounded leg not yet fully realized. The desperation felt like a knife in his heart as he desperately tried to breathe air and life back into her body, all the while praying to the gods that she will live. He passed out from his own loss of blood while still fearing the worst.

His dreams turned swiftly to nightmares of losing her. His fevered brain filled with an overwhelming sense of despair and emptiness.

The doctors kept him well drugged in the time that followed. They made use of numerous sidatives and salves, trying to heal his leg. They feared that nothing would heal his aching heart, if he lived. The wounded leg became so badly infected that they feared possibility of amputation. No one wanted to be anywhere close when he awoke if that were the fate decreased by the gods.

Slave-nurses cared for him and kept constant vigil. He was surrounded by constantly watchful eyes and hands. They soothed his browser and held him as he cried out her name again and again in his darkest dreams of terror and loss.

Finally, the fever broke. He remained unconscious, but the raging turmoil caused by the infection seemed to lessen. His skin was still hot to the touch, but mercifully it was not the burning in the blood like before. Great sights of relief filled the slave nurses and doctors who had worked so hard to bring him back whole.

He was finally resting with the heavy shades still drawn against the light when she entered and found him. His mind felt her, somehow sensed that she was with him. She gently kissed his face and forehead and although he was still unconscious, his heart swelled inside him. Even in his dream state, he knew that she had survived.

He called out to her in his dream, “Lexi, Lexi, come to me!”

Incredibly he could feel her warm body as though she were really there, crawling into the bed with Him. Dream merged with reality as he wrapping his arms around her and whispered, “Mine”.

They slept together for endless hours. Lexi was fully and blissfully aware of every moment and the Master slowly became more and more aware as the next dawn arrived.

The slave nurses were surprised upon entering his rooms and finding them snuggled closely together. The younger nurse started to wake Lexi and send her back to her own bed but the older nurse stopped her and silently urged the younger woman to look at the sleeping figures. They were both deep in dreams but they were smiling in them now ratHer than screaming or sobbing. The nurses smiled in shared understanding and recognition of the devotion and adoration they were witnessing. Without a word, they began preparing the room, staking the fire and carefully opening the heavy draws.

He awoke and raised his hand to shield his eyes from the bright light streaming in. In the same moment he realizes that Lexi is sleeping soundly in the crook of his other arm. Gently he leaned over to kiss the back of her neck and said a small prayer of thanks to the gods.

The nurses were bustling about the large room, talking in low but very excited voices and urging him to try and stand. He heeded their pleasures and gingerly slipped his arm from under Lexi’s sleeping shoulders. His feet touched the floor and his naked form rose on unsteady legs. Several nurses were at his side in an instant, supporting His muscle frame. Together, they helped him over to a neary chair and dressed him in a luxurious robe.

He settled heavily into the chair, looking at one of the nurses, asking one question, “How long?”

“It has been weeks, Master.” She answered, “It has been many weeks.” She looked at him with a glaze of tears in her eyes, “We feared you would not return to us, Master.”

“How is she?” He inquired.

“She is well Master. She must have found her way in here during the night for she was Not here when we left you last evening. It was the first night you have been alone in all these many weeks and she somehow managed to find her way in.”

He smiled slightly, somehow knowing that would be the way of things.

“Help Me back to the bed and be gone; do not enter again until it is time to bring the midday meal”

“Yes Master, certainly.” They reply and worry to do his bidding.

He slipped beneath the covers and slide his naked body next to hers, kissing her neck and shoulders as he moved his hand up under her silken gown to cares her mound with his fingertips. She stirred and moaned at his touch, coming awake slowly to find her Master lying beside her. He breathed gently in her ear as he rolled onto His back, “Come here my Lexi. Spread your legs and cover me with your body. My own is not moving well yet with this leg, but other things seem to be just fine.”

He laughed softly as she compiled with his command. She lifted off her silken negligee, letting him take a long and lustful look at her body. She kept her eyes on his as she reached down to take his swollen member in her hand and guided it into her waiting warmth.

Slowly and gently they moved as one: guiding, cooing, laughing and giggling as they made love for the next several hours. They climaxed together over and over and over again. They’d collapse onto the bed, sweating and panting. And then they’d lie sleepily together in each others arms until he stirred again or she playedfully sucked his cock to hardness once more.

Time passed and eventually servants brought in the mid-day meal. Lexi and hebarely broke stride as Lexi had yet another orgasm just as the older nurse set down the trays of food.

The older nurse smiled to herself as she curried out of the room. She thanked the gods for the healing powders they gave to Lexi and the Master as they recovered. She stifled a laugh, reminding herself that she was one of only a few who knows that the powders have a delightful side effect: once the body is healed, the powders heighten sexual appetite and response. No one knows exactly how long this effect lasts; this couple appeared to be testing it to the limit again and again and again.


Lexi thought to herself and beamed. He is alive! He is awake! Her heart was still leaping; it had not stopped since the moment he awakened her with his lips on her skin. Her body was even more responsive to his touch, as though each delicate brush of his fingers on her skin was an electric shock. His firmer cares affected her like fire, searning her utterly.

Unaware of the side effect of the curatives given her these past few weeks, her mind reeled at her increased affect for him. She convinced herself that it sprang from her relief and joy at his returning health, not to mention his restored virility. Her skin felt flushed and hot with the fire of almost continuous climaxes. Her orgasms had been strung together like so many fire pearls around her slender throat.

Kneeling beside him on the huge bed, she took his thick and turgid shake in her long slender fingers. She stroked it gently and gazed at it lovingly and with longing. She smiled at his face and her heart leaves seeing his eyes focused on her. She shivered as she saw the familiar expression of lust fixed in his smile.

Keeping her eyes locked on his, she lowered herself slowly and extended her tongue to touch the tip of his cock. She lapped the very tip of her tongue slowly over the slit in the fat head. Her eyes closed and she moaned softly as she tasted the precious drops of precum. She licked her lips in anticipation of the savory delights to come.

Smiling, she opened her lips and took the head of his cock inside her mouth. She slowly swirled her tongue around the head, revealing in the hardness and the heat of him. Inch by inch, she lowered herself, taking him into her mouth and then into her throat. She eventually swallowed all of his length and moaned as his curly pubic hair ticckled her nose and chin. She fought the reflexive need to gag as she pressed harder; she swallowed his thick head past the tight ring of muscle in her throat.

His hands tangled in her hair, pressing urgently on the back of her head as his hips lifted up higher. She gripped his hips as he fucked her throat. His growls and grunts were like sweet music to her ears. She could feel the hot wetness grow and fill her cunt; his pleasure always acted as a perfect aphrodisiac to her mind and body. He pressed in harder, deeper and faster. Then, witHout warning, he stopped and held his cock in place. His resonant voice instructed her to hold him deeply and to extend her tongue so that she could lick his heavy balls. All the while, his cock pulsed slowly and deeply inside her throat. Her moans vibrated his shake and she could feel his cock head swell to incredible proportions. Her long fingernails dug into his hips for leverage and she looked up at him with lustful devotion in her eyes.

He reached between her legs and easily slipped three fingers deep into her slippery cunt. Once again he began to fuck her throat in earnest. He kept the same rhythm in her mouth and cunt; his grosses and moans grow louder and louder. He twisted his fingers gently as first and then with and almost brutal ferocity as his body stiffened. He pressed his hips up higher still, driving his cock painfully deeply inside Lexi’s throat. His groans let her know that he was feeling pain in his leg from this exercise, but he clearly did not care. His need for her was so fierce; he cried out with an animal howl. She felt him swell in her mouth and then tasted his hot seed filling her throat. She screamed onto his cock as her orgasm washed over her. His fingers continued brutally ramming in and out of her pulsating pussy, pounding and twisting, making her orgasms seem endless.

When at last her energy was completely spent, she draped her body over his. She was careful not to disturb his still painful leg. Her arms wrapped around him as though clinging to him for dear life. She kissed his jaw and cheese, resting her lips close to his ear. Her joy was so complete, she could not remember ever in her life being so blissful.

Of course the nature of perfect bliss, at least when bestowed on humans, tempts doubt and fear of its loss. In her encroaching dream state, her mind looked back on the events in the water trap room and how she had enraged her darling master. She tremble remembering his furious cries of “BRING HER TO ME!!!”He had bellowed such that she could hear them through the thick stone walls. Fear and near-panic gripped her heart and her relaxed body slowly stiffened on top of his. As the thick toxic bubble of guilt rose through her joy, she chased back a soft sob.

He lifted her chin and was surprised to see her heartbroken expression and the heavy tears streaming down her cheeks. He kissed her tears and whispered, “What is this, my pet? Why should you feel sorrow after our joyful reunion?”

His voice was so full of love and tenderness, it was too much. She broke into full choking sobs. Her tears soaked hotly onto his shoulder.

With great effort, she composed herself and pulled back to look into his eyes; her crystal blue ones wide and filled with tears. “Master?” She whispered, “Can you ever forgive me for my stupidity? Can you ever forgive me for my willful curiosity? Can you forgive me when my foolishness almost resulted in your death?”

Her voice lowered to an almost inaudible whisper, “I am so…so very sorry.” Once again she collapsed on his body, gripping him tightly and praying for his forgiveness.

“I know I have probably lost you and that you have been taking goal on me these past few days – glorious days that I will cherish as long as I live. I am ready to repent and accept whatever punishment you deem necessary, my darling Master. I am willing to do anything you command so that I might earn your trust and favor again”

She held her breath, almost without realizing that she was doing it. With trembling hands and quaking body, she waited for his response.

He held her close to him, feeling her sadness and remorse along with the salty wetness of her tears as they fell against his skin.

He whispered, “Shhh, little one. Shhhhh.”

“Yes, you are a willful and inquisitive little slave and you will be punished for causing so much trouble. Make no mistake about that, Lexi, none whatsoever. My leg is healing quickly and I am neary at the point where you will find me ready to bring you to the punishment chamber once again.”

He paused, letting her take in his meaning.

“Your punishment may not be as severe as it perhaps should be; for if it were anyone but you, we would not be having this discussion at all. I would have left you in the water trap and the beast would have made short work of your remainings by now. Even had another slave survived the trap and escaped the beast, she would have been given to the rest of the slaves as a non person, for their use or banished completely after being whipped and beaten to near death. You, my witch, have cast a spell on me and often have me wondering who is captive to whom in this dance of ours.”

He rolled to the side and her body slipped off of his. She lay on the bed face down, still softly sobbing and shaking as he gingerly maneuvered his aching leg so his body was poised over hers. His warm, naked flesh touched hers as he lay atop her. His cock grow again, feeling somehow longer and thicker than ever before. He rested it between her ass cheats as he buried his face into her shoulder and neck and nibbled at the tender skin there.

She gasped slightly as she felt the head of his cock pressing against her anus. Though he has taken her there many times in the past he had not done so since the incident. For some reason, his member seems bigger than ever before and the thought of him entering her ass now made her tremble as though it were the first time all over again. Slowly he entered her ass, gently working the huge cock head past the tight little sphincter. She moaned and cried out as he stretched and filled her. He started a slow but steady rhythm of hip movement, each thrust going a little deeper than the last. Finally, he fully impaled her little body on his cock.

Soon, however, His gentle thrusts turned hard. He raised his body up each time, nearly withdrawing completely from her ass. After hovering there with onlythe tip of his cock inside her anus, he plunged back in harder and deeper each time. His brutal and violent thrusts slammed her body into the bed, almost suffocating her in the bedding and pillows. In spite of the pain, she could feel her cunt getting increasingly slick. The lack of air coming through the pillow excited her. She cried out again in surprise when his fingers encircled her throat and began to choke her.

Faster and faster he thrust into her ass. His fingers were tight around her neck, cutting off her air. He could feel her muscles clnch around his cock, milking it and drawing yet another load of his seed out of him and into her. He groaned and grew as he exploded, filling her ass with hot, sering ropes of his cum.

Her own orgasm made her shake and shudder; her muscles clnched and she struggled for air. She saved the feeling of his hot seed marking her insides. Slowly he released his grip from her neck and she was able to breathe again, gulping in air and cought with ragged lungs.

They clung to one another and settled into the bed once again and drifted easily off to sleep in each other’s arms.

Three days later, she awoke to find that he was not in the bed with her. She felt disoriented and confused since this was the first time they had been apart for more than a few minutes since she crawled into his bed late that night.

The slave nurse came in to take her to the bath and proceeded to wash her. Her old, yet nimble fingers made their way into every part of Lexi’s flesh, actually bringing her extremely close to orgasm a number of times. The slave nurse was meticulously through, washing not just the exterior of her body but cleaning the depths of her cunt and ass as well. When finished, the nurse dried her off completely and sat her on a chair.

The nurse stood behind Lexi, gently braiding her dark hair and humming softly. Lexi relaxed into the feeling of being so pampered and was generally unaware of her surroundings until the slave nurse slipped a set of leather restraints around her ankles and wrists and locked them in place. Lexi reacted with a start and a small cry, realizing now that all this preparation was to get her ready for her punishment.

Clover clamps were attached to her nipples and a weight was attached to the chain that ran between them. At the same time a blindfold was placed over her eyes and her wrist restraints were locked Together behind her back. Five inch siletto heels were placed on her feet and she was made to stand and walk forward on wobbly legs. She knew she had reached the punishment chamber when the heels clicked against the hard stone floor beneath her.

Someone led her across the enormous room and made her stand with her legs apart. Lexi could feel something being placed against her cleanly shavled pussy lips. A ribid dildo, attached to an elongated pole coming up from the floor was pushed slightly into her cunt. The slave nurse, with a wicked smile, tugged down on the chain between the nipple clamps. Lexi automatically shifted her body downward, trying to lessen the tightening of the clamps. Of course this only drove the dildo deeper inside her cunt. Another tug resulted in more of the fake cock being pushed into her and all the powders and creams the nurse used on her during the bath now revealed themselves in an aching need in her pussy, a need to be fucked as hard and deep as possible.

She was gasping and confused. Her nipples and her clip ached and throbbed. She was considering crying out for her Master when she felt the first taste of the flogger on her ass. She screamed and felt the gargantuan dildo push up inside her, almost lifting her off the floor. Lash after last with the flogger made her body twitch and jump. The cruel toy was buried in her now as the weighed chain swayed and tugged on her painfully stretched nipples.

She screamed and begged for forgiveness. She sobbed for the love of her Master. She pled for his permission to orgasm. She begged him to show her mercy or at least to speak to her; she needed his voice now like she needed the air she breathed.

No such permission was forthcoming as the flogger continued to work around her body. The flogger repeatedly kissed every inch of her body. Her ass, her back, her breasts, her long legs and her cunt all took the toll of her punishment. The pain was unbearable as was her need. The punishment grew more and more severe. Her cries echoed and rang, bouncing off the stone walls.

Still, the Master did not speak.


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