Secret Smiles and Three Little Words Pt. 45

Chapter 62

Alex scanned the room nervously. There was a subtle blur of voices as people millioned about. Some in random conversation, some admiring and discussing her work. Maole stood with a group of men as they looked at one of her pieces. It seemed they were each wanting it, but there was just the one.

Madelyn and Charles were near another piece, it was marked ‘sold’ already, but they continued to look at it. As Alex thought about it, it had been marked ‘sold’ before the showing officially started.

“That woman had better not have bought that piece,” Alex grew as she watched. “If she did, she will get a good look at a kitten in need of a spanking!” Alex smiled at her bravado as she stood there alone. She knew she would never had said that if Madelyn was in earshot.

Turning she found Mike and Lena, wandering in and out among the rich and stately. They looked uncomfortable, which didn’t surprise her. Like her, they didn’t really belong in thats group of people.

“Looks like another successful night,” came a voice from behind her. Alex’s smile grew as she looked over her shoulder as Elizabeth hooked her arm into Alex’s.

“It appears so,” Alex agreed. “I’m so happy you are here!” Alex said taking the raven haired goddess into her arms and hugging her.

“I’m so happy to have received an invitation!” Elizabeth said with a gentle kiss to Alex’s cheese. “I was afraid Gavin wouldn’t have allowed it, especially after my disruption of your engagement party…and the New Year’s Eve fiasco!”

“I don’t want us to be enemies,” Alex told her. “I owe you so much…and I want to be able to repay you!”

“There is nothing to repay, my beautiful Alexandria,” Elizabeth smiled as she brushed her fingers down Alex’s cheek. “We helped each other.”

“Are you happy with the way things worked out?” Alex asked her. Elizabeth gave a noncommittal shrug.

“Things are what they are,” Elizabeth surprised. She found Gavin walking around with Nora. Her small hand in his as they moved through the crowd.

“There is something I never thought I would see,” Elizabeth told her as she moved closer to Alex.

“What’s that?” Alex asked her following her eyes to see Gavin and Nora.

“Gavin with a child,” Elizabeth smiled ruefully. “In the entire time I was with him, I never even saw him look at a child let alone show a fatherly touch.”

“He is an excellent father figure,” Alex told her.

“I doubt that there isn’t anything Gavin couldn’t exceed at,” Elizabeth surprised.

“I agree,” Alex nodded. “I detect a bit of regret in your voice.”

“Regret?” Elizabeth whispered. “Yeah, I have a few. But in the end, things always happen for a reason.”

Alex looked at Elizabeth for a few moments, then realized Elizabeth was done with that conversation by the way she witnessed deeply then began to scan the room, turning her eyes from Gavin and Nora.

“Is Royce here with you?” Alex asked her looking about.

“He is,” Elizabeth frowned, her voice filled with disappointment. She nodded to a corner where it seemed all the politicians had congregated.

“Ouch,” Alex smiled. “Tell me how you really feel.” Alex laughed pointing out the disdain.

“It is, what it is,” Elizabeth shrugged. “We are using each other for our own purposes, so there are no innocents in Our relationship. He needs a wife to play the part, and I need him to get me to the White House.”

“So your plan is still in place?” Alex said with a shake of her head.

“It is,” Elizabeth assured her.

“You know, my dad always said, ‘Have a plan…then have a backup plan, then, just to be safe, have a backup plan, to the backup plan’,” Alex laughed as she recalled the words he had spoken so many times.

“Check, check and double check,” Elizabeth smiled secretly. “Trust me…this girl knows how to play the game. I’m an expert at it! Royce may understand me, his father definitely understandsates me, but in the end, they will regret it.” She looked to Alex with a fire in her eyes.

“They think, just because they are men, they play the game better,” Elizabeth smiled. “No one, no one, plays the game better than me. I have my ducks in a row! Sure, I play the pretty little piece of eye candy. Sure, I act like I don’t understand…but make no mistake. I understand, and if I don’t? That’s what I want them to think.”

Alex stared at her for a minute. Watching her jaw tighten as she said this. Her voice brimming in both confidence and anger. Alex nodded when Elizabeth finally turned her head to her after a few moments.

“Somehow I don’t doubt that one bit!” Alex laughed.

“I am sorry about your sister,” Elizabeth said softly after some time of just standing there being quiet, letting the anger see out and disappear from the goddess.

“Thank you,” Alex choked out, she didn’t know Elizabeth knew.

“I know it’s still painful, but…” Elizabethstarted then stopped.

“But behind every dark cloud, there is a silver lining,” Elizabeth smiled as Gavin and Nora made their way towards them. “You have a family now…a great man, a beautiful daughter and a happy life.”

“True,” Alex agreed.

She watched the anger flash through Gavin’s eyes as he saw Elizabeth standing with Alex. Alex took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. There would be repercussions when he found out Elizabeth was here at Alex’s invitation.

“I take it by the anger in his eyes and your sudden uncomfortableness that he didn’t know I was going to be here,” Elizabeth said softly.

“No,” Alex told her. “I sent the invitation.”

“Girl,” Elizabeth chatisised with a shake of her head. “I’m the last person you should be risking everything for!”

“For my friends, ‘risk’ is not in my vocabulary,” Alex told her firmly taking hold of her hand so she wouldn’t leave.

“Oh my precious Alexandria,” Elizabeth said with a disappointed shake of her head. “That’s going to cost you.”

“Hello Beth,” Gavin greeted casting a quick scowl at Alex.

“Gavin,” Elizabeth smiled. “You must be Nora.” Nora nodded and stuck her hand out and Elizabeth Shoook it with a smile. “You look like Alex!”

“I get that a lot!” Nora smiled. “Grandpa says I’m too much like her!”

Elizabeth nodded with a soft laugh.

“Can I go see Queen Madelyn now?” Nora asked looking up at Gavin.

“Yes,” Gavin agreed quickly. “Why don’t you do that, drive her crazy with your never ending questions!” Gavin teased the little girl. Nora let out a small growl and left them there, weaving in and out of the large group of people until she found Charles who immediately bowed to her.

“What are you doing here,” Gavin asked her coldly. Elizabeth tightened her jaw at the sudden temperature drop in the room.

“Party crashing,” Elizabeth told him softly.

“She is not,” Alex immediately corrected. “I invited her.” Gavin shifted his eyes from Elizabeth to Alex.

“You didn’t have to send her away, Gavin,” Elizabeth teased, drawing Gavin’s eyes from scolding Alex back to her. “I wouldn’t have eaten her or anything…I’ve had my monthly quota of devouring innocent children…being the witch that I am!”

“Don’t flatter yourself,” Gavin chuckled. “I put you in a room with that one…she would eat you alive!” Gavin told her with a nod of his head towards Nora.

“Seems like a perfect little princess to me,” Elizabeth said looking at her.

“Yeah,” Gavin grunted. “Ask Lance just how much of a princess that one is!” This caused Alex to laugh with him.

“Who’s Lance? Her boyfriend?” Elizabeth asked.

“No,” Alex shook her head. “He was the bully whose nose got broken by Nora.”

“Holy shit!” Elizabeth gasped.

“Yeah,” Gavin nodded.

“Well,” Elizabeth shrugged. “You won’t have to worry about her come dating time!”

“She isn’t going to date,” Gavinsaid dryly. The girls looked to one another with a grin. Gavin turned when his name was called and he shook his head. Kissing Alex on the cheek in way of apology for being pulled away he made his leave.

“Damn,” Elisabeth frowned. “I’m wet and he didn’t even kiss me!”

“That’s my Sir you are talking about lady,” Alex mocked in anger.

“Damn rule abide people!” Elizabeth laughed with her, referencing Gavin’s rules.

“How is Royce treating you?” Alex asked.

“Royce,” Elizabeth huffed out a laugh. Alex looked to her. “Royce is suffering from middle aged man syndrome, if you catch my drift!” Elizabeth held out a finger straight only to let it pretend to deflate and hang down.

“Oh my God!” Alex gasped. She shook her head at Elizabeth. “They make a pill for that!”

“Yeah, so I said,” Elizabeth shrugged and then shook her head.

“What happened?”

“A fury I do not wish to see again,” Elizabeth grimaced. “It doesn’t matter…the only thing that matters is where he is taking me. I play the good wifey wife, he plays the upstanding citizen. At the end of the summer, Royce will take over his father’s senate seat, then next cycle, we make a move to the big dance.”

“Then what?” Alex asked her.

“Then? Who knows? Maybe Hillary breaks the ice and I follow in her footsteps, get my own senate seat then…” Elizabeth shrugged.

“You want to be like Hillary?” Alex asked her.

“God no!” Elizabeth laughed. “But, she is blazing a trail…one that I can follow if I play the game.”

“It’s a sad statement about our society where you call getting into our government a game,” Alex pointed out. “I wonder if the Revolutionary leaders ever thought of what they fought and died for, if They knew it would end up in the cesspool we have now, if they would have even come in from the outhouse to fight.”

“If the Founding Fathers could see what we have now,” Elizabeth frowned. “They would turn over in their grave and ask for King George to forgive them!” Elizabeth witnessed. “We are not the country we once were, and until we have another revolution, it will be this cesspool you so affectedly called it!”

“Wow,” Alex smiled. “Listen to us! A couple of ripe old cynics!”

“Well I’m not sure I like the word ‘old’ in there, but cynic is true enough!” Elizabeth teased.

“Syurpriz krasivaya!” Came a loud voice that accompanied an accosting from behind as Alex was lifted off the floor in a hug from behind.

Alex let out a short shout of surprise and spun to see Pavy.

“Oh my God!” Alex screamed out as she jumped in his arms and hugged him. “Ya rad videot’ vas!”

“Damn are you working on your Russian?” Pavy asked her as he put her down. “You are beginning to speak it better than me!”

“I’m trying,” Alex teased.

“Yesli vy ne byli s neudchnikom, ID vas v posteli,” Pavy said with a flick of his eyes.

“What did you just say?” Alex asked him with a smile, knowing by thelook on his face it wasn’t good.

“I merely said,” Pavy laughed, then shook his head. “No, I had better not!”

“He said, ‘If you weren’t with such a loser, I’d bed you myself’,” came Gavin’s voice.

“You could have told me the asshole was right behind me,” Pavy grumbled to Alex with a wink.

“No, it’s better this way!” Alex laughed.

Pavy turned and took Gavin in a big hug and then dipped him in a dance before planning a kiss on his lips.

“You crazy Russian!” Gavin gasped as he blushed.

“Oh my God,” Alex teased. “Are you blushing?”

“I just got kissed by a pig!” Gavin defended. “I’m trying not to vote!”

“C’mon,” Pavy said confidently. “You wanted it…and it is the best kiss you have had in years!”

“Hey!” Alex complained. This got both men laughing. “You two, disappear to somewhere where you are not distracting my potential customers! Please?” The men walked away jabbering at a hundred miles an hour.

“Must be dog and pony show time,” Alex frowned. She knew Pavy wouldn’t stay long, but she wanted him to stay a while. She loved the way Pavy could make Gavin a completely different person. One free of his formality. Free of his responsibility.

“Get the bail money ready,” Elizabeth frowned.

“He’s not that bad,” Alex defended as she watched the two men double over in laughter as Pavy explained something in story with large arm gismures.

“Well,” Elizabeth frowned. “It looks like I am being summoned.” Alex shifted her eyes to Royce who was waving at Elizabeth to come on.

“I wish you didn’t have to go,” Alex told her as Elizabeth hugged her.

“We need to get together sometimes and talk. Soon,” Elizabeth said from the embrace.

“Anytime,” Alex said releasing her.

She watched Elizabeth move away and ease by Royce who continued to star at Alex. The star alone made her uncomfortable so she turned away. It made her feel like she needed a shower, his undressing of her with his eyes. It was obvious what he was doing. Picturing what she looked like undressed. Perhaps even doing things with her in his mind. If he had the balls he may have made a move. But he knew Gavin would be there in an instant, and with Pavy there now, Gavin wouldn’t be alone. This made Alex look to the two men, they were deep in laughter with one another.

She didn’t like the man, even after all this time, the only thing she could think of was Kelly and what the animal had done to her.


“So how are the King and Queen of the BDSM world?” Royce asked as the driver closed the door.

“They’re fine,” Elizabeth frowned.

Royce had been calling them that for a while now. resentment spewed as he talked about them. It seemed anytime they went to a lifestyle party the talk in the room seemed to drift, at some point, to Alexandria and Gavin. Wedding plans and invitation, how Alexandria looked. The way Gavin doted on her. All made Royce bristle with jealousy.

“They make me want to puke,” Royce said pulling his tie loose.

“I notice it didn’t stop you from attending,” Elizabeth pointed out.

“Any chance I get to rub elbows with the elite, it greases the money wheel,” Royce admitted. “Something my father has taught me.”

“He actually taught you something?” Elizabeth scoffed as she looked out the window.

Royce turning had her looking to him, the slap was suddenly and harsh, but not powerful due to the fact of their positioning in the limo didn’t allow for it. Elizabeth let her eyes fire up.

“That’s my father you’re talking about,” Royce grew as the driver electronically raised the partition. He had seen enough of the couple to know what was coming, and he knew he shouldn’t witness it.

“I mean it as a compliment,” Elizabeth told him. “You are a self-made man, that’s all I mean.” Elizabeth turned to look out the window again. Royce hook her jaw and turned her to look at him.

“What are you up to?” Royce asked her.

“Nothing,” Elizabeth witnessed. “I was just trying to say, I don’t think he has taught you anything that you didn’t already know.” She pulled her face loose from his grip. “You know…a compliment?”

“Don’t think, for one second, I don’t know you are up to something,” he pointed out to her.

“Don’t think, for one second, that I’m naïve! Treat me as such and you will be in for a rude awakening,” Elizabeth countered.

“Is that a threat?” Royce laughed dismissively. “I can replace you in a heartbeat! Don’t you ever forget that!”

“Don’t you ever forget, we have a deal,” Elizabeth barked back. “Renege on that, and you will never see the White House!”

“Name me a President that hasn’t had some who come out and make claims such as yours!” Royce said sitting back.

“Name me a man who was running for President that got elected after such a salacious scandal?” Elizabeth said turning back to the window. “You aren’t President yet, my dear, you do whatyou agreed to do, I will do what I agreed to do…we both win.”


“So how long is Pavy here for?” Alex asked as they got ready for bed.

“A couple of days,” Gavin smiled as he kissed the back of her neck sending shivers of pleasure down her spine.

“I guess so,” he smiled. “Why?”

“He normally only stays a day, if that,” she pointed out. Gavin nodded.

“He has the big meeting here in Chicago,” Gavin whispered as he continued his manipulations.

“It makes it hard to breathe when you do that,” Alex whispered as she gasped softly.

“Don’t worry,” he smiled sinisterly in the mirror. “I’m about to make you breathe heavy.”

“Here or in the bedroom?” Alex asked, matching his smile.

“Yes,” was his one-word answer.

He spun her and lift her up and set her on the bathroom counter, her eyes sparkled as he ran his fingers down her skin, across her breaststo encircle her nipples. He took them in between this thumb and forefinger and watched her tighten her jaw as he began a long slow squeeze of her nipples. Pressing harder and harder watching the pressure cause her face to twitch in increments along with the pain he was causing.

Right before she was about cry out he stopped and released them causing a rush of blood to flow back in, triggering a tingling sensings that made her mouth get slightly. He used the palm of his hands to rub ever so gently on the now engorged and sensitive nipples. This caused her to shiver with goosebumps.

The little tweak of a smile on his lips told her everything she needed to know. He was pleased. He ran his fingers down her stomach pushing apart her legs and slide his hand behind her, never letting his touch leave her body, hooking his fingers around her hips and pulling her forward to the very edge of the counter.

Dropping to his knees he slowly lowered his lips to her sensitive sex andmade her jump at the first contact of his mouth to her outer lips. From there he pushed his tongue through, into her, causing her to arch her neck into the mirror forcing her chest out as he ravaged her from below.

She tilted her hips as best she could to pull him deeper within her, hoping to pull him so deep she would lose where she ended and he began. Her hips began rocking slowly against his face as she tried to anxious Along her orgasm. After a long night of pent up stress, this was the great release she was hoping for. Something that only her Sir could give her and she wanted it. No she shook her head as her stomach began tightening. She needed it!

Her hand slithered in amongst his dark hair and gripped it, pulling it gently into her folds.

“Take your fucking hand from my head,” he grew, sending violences through Her sex that nearly pushed her over the edge. He never stopped devouring her, instead his command was muffled slightly with his activity as he continued to tongue her closer and closer to climax. She whimpered and took firm hold of the marble counter top and held on. She couldn’t stop her hips from disobeying however, as they seemed to have a mind of their own, as they continued to rock against his face.

Her back began to arch, her head, stuck on the mirror as a pivot, craned her body outward as her orgasm bubbled to the surface. With the angle of her bottom half changed due to her muscle flex, Gavin let his hand slide up her body and took hold of a nipple, he squeezed and that seemed the magic button to cause her body to stop arching. Her angle returned to where he had complete access and he continued his late night snack.

With a sudden convulsion she came, her teeth digging into her lip to keep from calling out and waking both Pavy and Nora, who were upstairs, but she was sure she would not be able to control the volume of her cries if she let it go.

Gavin continued to lap, dip and swirl his tongue as she rode it through her orgasm. It seemed she had an eel loose within her body and it was hitting every perfect point of sexual excitement. Like some sci-fi creation created to slither into women to bring orgasm after orgasm.

Once her muscles released Gavin stood up and lifted her legs into the crooks of his arms and buried his cock in one thrust, his balls slapping her ass gently from below, the sudden intrusion of his hard cock had her gasping and yipping at the same time.


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