Nikki grumbled unhappily as she stepped out of the yellow cab and into the airport terminal. She’d hated flying even when she was a little kid. There was just something about being that far off the ground in a giant steel cigar that had never quite settled with the twenty three year old. It wasn’t so much that they frightened her, she just didn’t like them very much and that was without the entire airport situation that always came with flying. She didn’t like lines or crowds or being touched by people she didn’t know and all three of those things were constant factors in an airport.
All the things she didn’t like about airports when she was a little girl had only gotten worse over the last decade of her life. Nine eleven had made it clear that there was more to fear than just mechanical failure in flights and a five year sentence in prison had heightened her hatred of crowds and strange people touching her.
“That motherfucker better never doubt that I love him.” Nikki rumbled to herself. She had packed light, only a single pink wheeled suitcase that she was trailing behind her. She was dressed comfortable for the flight in a faded pink shirt that stretched across her bust and a pair of khaki Capri pants that clung to her shaped hips. She had a pair of heels in her carry on, she intended to slip them on before Chris came to pick her up but for the trip she was stuck in a pair of black Converse. “Getting on a fuckin’ plane.” She continued her internal monologue and approached the metal detector.
Nikki stood in the line for about ten minutes waiting for her turn and actively fidgeting. First she started by just shifting her weight back and forth between her feet. After a few moments of that she started occasionally reaching up to adjust her curly brown hair keeping it from blocking her caramel hued face. It was just taking so long and it was so annoying to wait in these lines with these people all bumping against her as if touching her would makethe guards do their job faster. Nikki was about to snap and scream when the guard motioned her forward through the gate.
She stepped through the plastic doorframe and watched the light go from green to red. “Miss. I’m going to have to ask that you empty your pockets and step back through the detector.” Nikki felt a hot flush cross her cheeks and she obeyed stepping back through the gate and digging Through her pockets pulling out a receipt, a dollar and a long piece of string and stepped back through the gate again setting it off again. “Miss do you have any idea why this would be going off? Do you have and replacements, piercings or the like.”
“Piercing can set it off?” Nikki said. “I’ve got three. Tongue and both nipples.” To illustrate her point she opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out.
“I’m gonna need you to come to the back with me so we can confirm your claim.” The officer said motioning her to a side room.
Nikki started to protest but a quick glanceat the clock revealed that she really didn’t have the time to be belligerent so she suppressed the urge to swivel her head and embaress the Officer and instead followed him into the small room.
“Assume the position.” He barked at her as soon as the door shut. Nikki felt her heart leap up into her throat at the command. He reminded her so much of the prison guards and even though she knew this man didn’t have the same authority, the same power he still had the presence and she obeyed placing her palms against the wall and spreading her legs. “Legs further back and wider.” He said. Nikki quickly compiled spreading her legs actually wide. For a moment she feared that her pants might split at the seam. At the same time she had her feet far enough from the wall that she wasn’t really standing any more, if she lost her grip on the wall she was going to fall. “Good. Now hold stay just like that.”
The Officer let his eyes linger for a moment on the lithe beauty straining to holdthe position he’d put her in. In that position her calves were strained and taught as where her tights and the muscles of her already tight ass. He could see them twitching slightly to keep her body suspended like that. “Don’t move.” He reminded her. Then he left the room.
Nikki didn’t dare break the position she’d been put in other than to turn her head around to try to get a look at her surroundings. There wasn’t much of anything in the room. It was about six by eight, just slightly smaller than the room she’d spent several years of her life in and one of the walls was dominated by a huge mirror, that was the room that the Officer had gone in. Suddenly she was glad she’d stayed just how he put her, he was probably watching her through the two way mirror.
There wasn’t much time to give the idea thought before he came back out holding a metal detector wand. “Now it’s important that you hold perfectly still. If you move I have to start over. You understand?” Nikki nodded. The Officer started at the tips of her toes and slowly traced it up the outside of her body obviously taking his time. Nikki wasn’t a stranger to men’s eyes on her body and it wasn’t a shock that this man was doing it. It wasn’t nearly as frustrating as the burning in her calves. She wasn’t was only starting to move down the right side of her body when she stumbled. “Well lets try again.” The second time he got all the way around her outside, her inner tighs and her back before her knees buckled. “If you don’t think you can handle this we can go for a strip and climate search.”
Nikki bit down on her lip and turned away from him. She knew what he was doing was illegal. He couldn’t do those searches himself he had to bring in a female officer. She wanted to scream but prison has a way of breaking some people and the last thing that Nikki wanted to do was anger a man in a uniform. “Okay.”
The Officer’s nodded and took a step back setting the wand down on a desk. “Start with your shoes and work your way up. Each article of clothing needs to be laid down on the desk so I can examine them visually and with the wand.
Tears of humiliation welled up in Nikki’s eyes but she did as she was told stepping out of her shoes first and bringing them over to the Officer who quickly ran the wand over them, then turned them around shaking them to see if anything came loose. The process was repeated with her socks. She couldn’t keep the tears back when she unfasted the Capri pants. There were a bit tight so she had to wriggle her way free of them and she knew he was enjoying watching her body move as the pants turned inside out and peeled away from her flesh. He didn’t even glance at her pants when she delivered them. He kept his gaze on her body and more specifically on the black lacey panties. They were nearly transparent Anyway but that didn’t mean he wasn’t pleased when she pulled them down and away revealing a narrow slip of public hair over and otherwise clean shaven slit.
“Wait.” He said holding his hand out. “Now he grabbed her pants and ran his hands over them shaking them and patting down the pockets. Once he was satisfied there was no contrast there he turned to her panties lifting them up to his nose and inhaling. “You can smell if a person is on drugs.” He lied through his grin. “You’re clean continue.”
Nikki felt her stomach clnch slightly as the first hints of arousal settled on her features. She crossed her arms across her torso and pulled her shirt up and over her head delivering it to him obediently. As he bought himself pretending to look for hidden competitions on the fabric she went on to remove her bra placing the final article of her clothes in his lap. Subconciously Nikki pulled her shoulders back displaying the barbells through her cleavage. “Turn around slowly.” Nikki did as she was told feeling her hips sway as she did a complete turn. What started as a tiny knot was now a snarl in her gut. The Officer usedthe wand again passing it over her body and the nipple rings set it off. “So you weren’t lying. We still need to do a full cavity search. I’m going to have to ask you to assume the position again.” Nikki lowered her head submissively and returned to the wall her feet as far back widely spread as she could manage.
Nikki was fully aware of how exposed she was in the position. She could feel the cool air conditioned air caresing her nude form. She was practically under one of the vents so she felt it start at her shoulders, wrap around her body to coax her chocolate hued nipples then slip lower. As the air traveled down the small of her back it seemed to get even colder before it passed between her parted cheeses glossing over her asshole and spread open pussy. It continued its games down her thighs and calves all the way to the souls of her feet.
The Officer again left the room and let her remain in the position for an uncomfortable amount of time before returning this timeWearing latex gloves and with a tray of metal instruments that Nikki could hear but couldn’t see from her vantage point. “Okay I need you to sit down facing the wall.” Nikki started to say something in protest but a memory of before struck her and she did what she was told. The Officer leaned over her brushing the hardness in his crotch against her forehead and grabbed her ankles yanking them upward. When he was don’t her head and shoulders were the only parts of her body still touching the floor. Her back was against the wall and her legs still spread were over her head with her toes grazing the ground.
“Don’t move.” The Officer commanded and his fingers went to work clinically probing Nikki’s pussy. He started with one, then moved onto a pair stretching and searching her intimate areas. With one hand he reached back and pulled out the first of the tools he intended to use on her. Nikki had forgotten the name of the device along with hundreds of other things while she was behindbars. Now she just knew that it was a spreader. The Officer shoved the cone shaped tip into her pussy then started slowly screwing it spreading the cone, and her cunt along with it wide open. Once she was wide enough that she could feel the air flowing down into her body he stopped. “Good girl and I can see you’re not concealing anything in there. Time to try the next hole.”
He produced another of the spreaders and Only this one had a much longer cone. Nikki watched as he spread a clear gel on it and then pushed the tip against her ass. Nikki grit her teeth as the device pushed against her sphincter slowly forcing the ring of muscle to part stretch and accept it into her bowels. As soon as he’d gotten the tip in the rest slide into her without to much trouble. Nikki whimpered in a combination of shame and lust when he started prying open yet another hole for his lewd observations.
“Almost done here Miss. All we need to do is inspect your mouth and throat and then you’ll beon your way. Nikki nodded. The Officer reached down and jammed his fingers into her mouth running them along her gums and beneath her tongue. Then he reached down and unzipped his pants. Nikki didn’t have time to protest before he pushed his cock into her mouth and then from there straight into her throat. He didn’t stop until his balls were resting against her nose and spitt erupted out around his cock soaking her face. Far from horrifying Nikki was used to being treated like this, and worse. The snarl that had rested in her belly spread over her body giving her a slightly flush while the Officer repeatedly probed into her throat with his cock. His hands moved to her breasts lightly slapping them back and forth no longer making a pretense of anything but using her. “That’s good, it seems your throat is completely clear.”
The Officer pulled his spit soaked cock from between her lips and let it settle against her cheek as he grinned. “You’re almost done here Miss. I just need to probe your other holes. Do you understand?” He somehow managed to still sound professional in the middle of all this. Nikki nodded. “Get on the table, on your side ass facing me.” Nikki scrambled quickly to obey. As soon as she was in position the Officer pulled the spreader from her pussy and quickly replaced it with his cock. He wasn’t the biggest she’d had, after five years of being passed around by Prison Guards who often times had nothing better to do than invent new torques for the inmates this was almost like sweet love as the Officer fucked her sideways.
“Over the back of the chair.” He commanded. Nikki did as she was told, the back of the chair was slightly higher than her wait so she had to raise up onto the tips of her toes to accomplish it. The hard square back dug into her lower belly. “Head down.” Lowering her head only added to the helplessness of the situation. She wasn’t anchored to the ground at all the majority of her weight was supported by her hips. A fact she became more aware of as the final spreader was pulled out of her ass and replaced with a cock. The position made her feel completely helpless and in his power. This wasn’t his first time, not by a long shot. He was taking his time with her ass, nice long deep strokes that pushed her down onto the chair and tricked her into pushing back against him to escape the chair digging into her gut even if it was just for a moment. After a few moments the Officer pushed into her letting his weight rest on her for a moment and he dumped his semen into Nikki’s bowels then pulled out of her wiping his cock clean on her upturned rump. “Don’t move.”
He left again leaving her in that awkward and helpless position. here eyes wandered over to the mirror where here bedraggled reflection stared back at her. Suddenly she wondered how many men were Actually standing behind that mirror watching her. The Officer returned a few moments later and little slapped her ass. “You can get dressed now. Youobviously don’t have anything.” Nikki slowly squirmed out of position and reached for her panties when she felt a slight pinch at her arm. She turned in time to see the Officer pull a need away and then catch her. “Come on out guys and call X, he’ll like this one. She’s already partially trained.” Nikki couldn’t protest, what ever he’d shot her with was already working through her system.
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