Virginia Finds Out

Virginia was a mess. Her eyes were red and puffy after crying for what felt like an eternity. She still felt like crying, but she had no tears left in her. Her fancy makeup was now slowly running all over her cheeses. She was also covered in her own drool because of the gag. In normal circumstances she would not mind, she would find it hot even. It simply reinforced her feeling of losing control. But now that she had actually lost control this was just another humiliating reminder of the severity of her situation. And she was still terribly aroused.

But this was a different kind of arousal. When she was tearing herself earlier, she could channel it into anticipation and derive pleasure from it. Now it was just another source of frustration and discomfort. And she had no idea how long she would have to endure it. What did Claire intended to do with her? That outburst earlier had made her realize that she did not know her roommate as well as she thought. What else was the seeminglyplacid Claire willing to do? Would she keep her bound overnight? Would she ever release her? Would she leaves her to die and claim it was an accident?

Virginia was spiraling. She could feel herself starting to hyperventilate, with the gag blocking her mouth this could be very dangerous. She forced herself to take a few deep breaths. She had to get a hold of herself. Panicking would only make the situation worse. Virginia needed to think of a plan, something to give her at least some semblance of control. Claire had said they would continue the conversation later which means it was only a matter of time before she came back and hopefully released her.

Virginia would have to convince her she learned her lesson and was going to be a good girl from now on. She rolled her eyes just thinking about it. This felt like yet Another humiliation, but after all she had just endured, she was more than willing to set her pride aside for the sake of regaining her freedom. Besides, she could always settle the score later. Porn was still playing on TV. It was certainly not helping with her lustfulness, but it proved a useful distraction, focusing on what was happening on the screen prevented her from having another panic attack. At some point Virginia heard a click, she looked up and saw that the ice lock had finally opened. Just a few minutes too late…

Eventually Claire emerged from her room. She seemed to have calmed down, better there was no riding crop in sight. Virginia looked at her expectedly. Claire got on her knees so she would be on the same level as Virginia and placed a hand on her shoulder, making the bound girl jolt in surprise.

“I’m sorry I got so angry earlier.” This unexpected apology caught Virginia off guard. “I have been building up a lot of frustration lately Because of our conflicts. I should not have let it go to this point. In my defense I tried to bring up these issues, but you never gave me an opportunity to.” Poor Claire thought Virginia, clearly, she was the real victim here. Sarcasm would not set her free, but it still felt good.

“You remind me of a stubborn mare we had at the barn, lots of potential but she was impossible to work with. But after a lot of patience and plenty of training, she is now one of the sweetest horses I’ve ever ridden. I am sure we can achieve similar results with you.”

Virginia Shook her head violently. She wanted to scream. She wanted to tell Claire she was insane. That she would not let herself be trained like an animal. How there was something wrong with her. Sadly, her gag only allowed her to make a muffled sound. She made eye contact with Claire, she wanted to communicate her defiance any way she could. But what she saw in Claire’s gaze terrified her. There was no trace of sadism or even anger, no, instead she looked almost compassionate. This deranged woman generally thought she would be helping her.

“It’s okay, I know your first instinct is to fight it. You’reAfraid of the unknown and this is your defense mechanism. It’s perfectly normal at the beginning of your training.” Claire was trying to use a soothing tone, in Virginia’s opinion it only made things worse. She had to escape. Find an opportunity before Claire could put her plan in motion. She was not keen to find out what Claire had in mind when she talked about training.

“Be honest Ginny, deep down you wanted something like this. Why would you go through all the troubles of setting up that contraction otherwise?”. Claire had no idea what she was talking about, yet she had absolute faith in her conclusions. Virginia could envision Claire justifying doing pretty much anything to her with that kind of reasoning. This thought filled her with dread.

“One last thing.” Claire had used a more Serious tone. This alarmed Virginia. A hand reached between her legs. “I want to make sure you learn your lesson about not using my vibrator without my permission. I guess you can consider that the first part of your training.” Virginia suddenly felt a powerful pulsation in her crotch. The magic wand was viciously assaulting her extra sensitive vulva at full power. She tried to rock her hips as hard as her bonds permitted, hoping that she could somehow dislodge the vibrator. All her efforts were in vain, the harness held firm, she had done an excellent job tightening all the buckles earlier. The sensing was overwhelming. It feel like she was simply going number yet constantly on the verge of climaxing. Her whole body was tensed up. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest. Every second more tension was accumulating with no way for her to release it. She arced herself, her body was not obeying her mind anymore, instead every muscle group was fighting to move her limbs in impossible positions. She was breathing heavily; the gag was preventing her from getting all the oxygen she needed to sustain the physical effort. One consciousness thought managed to rise againt the cacophony happening in her head. Was she going to pass out from a lack of oxygen or have a heart attack first?

“Alright I think you have had enough” Claire yanked the power cord out of the socket, finally putting Virginia out of her misery. She collapsed, drained from the ordeal.

“Time to get to get you ready for bed Ginny” When she heard those words, Virginia raised her head. Ready for bed? Was Claire about to let her go? Virginia was too delicious to realize this did not make any sense. Her tired mind was just clinging to any semblance of hope.

“Let’s get you out of your prediction first.” This was the first piece of good news Virginia had heard during the entire evening. Claire untied her handcuffs from the chain tied to the ceiling. Virginia made a fee attempt to reach for the key around her neck, but Claire slapped her hand away and admonished her “Bad! If you keep resisting, I will just leave you like that for the night. Understood?” Virginia emitted aseries of faith screams, shook her head yes and moved her bound hands down. Claire took the opportunity to remove the necklace and the coveted key from around her neck.

“That’s better! Now let’s see what else you have in that bag. I need to find a way to get you safely into bed.” Claire went rummaging through the toy bag. She would sometimes take a toy out, examine it and either put it back in the bag or add it to a growing pile of restraints. Claire seemed curious and she was clearly enjoying herself. Eventually she found the nipple clamps.

“What are these?” Virginia replied with a horrified look. “Never mind”, to her relieve Claire put them back in the bag.

Claire settled on a simple pair of handscuffs. Then, she unhooked the chain from the ceiling, reattached it to the handscuffs keeping Virginia’s hand bound together, hooked up that second pair she just got from the bag to the other end of the chain, and secured them around the girl’s ankles. Virginia was starting toreally regret owning such a collection of bondage toys. When she was satisfied that Virginia would not be able to make a run for it, Claire disconnected the thigh and ankle cuffs that forced her in a kneeing position. She also took the time to remove the harness keeping the magic wand pressed against Virginia’s crotch, she did not remove the posture collar though.

“Now get up girl!”

This proved difficult. Since her legs had gotten numb and her restraints allowed her a very limited range of motion Virginia had to rely on Claire’s help. When they reached the bedroom, Claire unexpectedly shoved her onto the bed. Unfortunately for Virgnia, she had completely forgotten about her failsafes, but Claire quickly noticed the phone and the extra key on the bedside table. She made sure to promptly grab them. This was yet another crushing blow for Virginia. She curled up, wanting to cry but unable to.

“There, there, it’s gonna be ok Ginny. I know you’re scared but you need totrust me.” Claire, who had noticed her distress, was trying to comfort her. And doing a horrible job at it in Virginia’s opinion. The kind words, the gentle pats did not make up for what essentially amounted to kidnapping.

“Let’s get you cleaned up. I am sure you will feel better after.” Virginia wondered how Claire could affect such a cheery tone in these circumstances. She was, however, recognized About the idea of ​​washing herself. Her skin was drenched in sweat, especially the parts enclosed in latex. Latex that was also starting to feel quite tight around her limbs. In addition, her face was covered in smudged make up. Spending the night like that would be another ordeal. Once again, Claire helped her get on her feet before escorting her to the bathroom. The short trip feel surreal to Virginia, she could not move Without Claire’s help, she was just like a rag doll, completely at the mercy of whoever was playing with her. Claire made her sit on top of the toilet then tried toundress her. Removing the posture collar and the corset was easy, but the latex gloves and stockings were slippery on the outside while sticky on the inside. The task was made even more difficult by the restraints. Alternatively rolling down the garments then pulling on them proved a successful strategy. Before Virginia could fully appreciate the relief, Claire made a comment.

“You smell like a barn animal Ginny; don’t worry I am used to it.” This made Claire giggle. Virginia wanted to challenge her, fight this dehumanization but she had no energy and was afraid. Instead, she meekly stepped into the shower. She emitted a muffled scream when a jet of cold water hit her.

“Oops, sorry about that Ginny”.

Thankfully, after a second the water was hot. Virginia was not able to appreciate the steamy shower though. She had felt the urge to pee for some time now and the whooshing sound of water was making it hard to hold it in. She would have to ask Claire for help. This was not a pleasant prospect, but she had no choice. Resigned, she made a series of frantic screams through the gag, shaking her head in the direction of the toilet.

“What do you want Ginny? Oh, do you need to pee?” Virginia Shook her head yes.

“Well go ahead then.” Virginia was consternated by Claire’s answer. Did she just tell her to piss in the shower? While she was watching? Claire looked unfazed, worse, she shut off the water. There was no chance of doing it discreetly now. Reluctantly, Virginia started to urinate, letting Claire strip her of more of what little dignity she had left. Once she was done Claire started spraying her with hot water again. A fleeting thought went through Virginia’s head: was it a good idea to shower when wearing handcuffs? What if the water jammed the mechanism shut? She got started when she felt something rough brush against her back. Turning around, she saw that Claire was literally holding a round brush with bristles covered in soap. Her arility to continuously find new ways to degrade Virginia was almost impressive. All the bound girl could do was just silently resent her treatment while passively letting her roommate scrub her body. But when Claire tried to brush her chest, she instinctively took a step back and emitted a groan in protest.

“Is the brush to rough for you Ginny?” To her dismay, Claire started latering her breast with her bare hand instead. “Does this feel better?” This was not what Virginia had been complaining about. And Claire knew it, she was sure of it. She made her displeasure known with two successful grunts. Claire simply shrugged. She resumed the brushing, but it was harsher this time, much to her disappoint. Which turned to outright pain when Claire insisted on cleaning her crotch. Perhaps she should have let her use her hand instead. After a quick rinse Virginia was out of the shower and on her way back to her bedroom. Claire had not deemed it necessary to dry her.

As she laid on her bed, still shackled, Virginia watched Claire leave the room. This was the opportunity she was looking for! She had to find a way to escape. She looked around the room. There was nothing she could use as a weapon. Trying to overpower Claire was therefore not an option. This would have been very risky anyway; Claire was more athletic. The window seemed to be her only realistic option. She could probably open it Without too much difficulty, even with her restraints. Going through would be a bit more challenging but she was on the first floor and the window was facing the front yard so the grass would cushion her fall. Then what? She would still be heavily bound, and naked. It was dark outside. She had no idea what time it was. Would she be able to get to safety? She could barely walk; the gag would prevent her from screaming for help. The nearest house felt terribly far away in these circumstances. Her scheming was interrupted when the door opened, and Claire walked into the room. She wasdragging the toy box behind her. This was not a good sign. Without a word she grabbed Virginia’s left ankle and strapped a leather cuff around it. The cuff was then secured to the corner of the bed with a chain. She repeated the process for each of her limbs, being very careful to only free one limb at a time. Now that she was bound spread eagle on her bed, Virginia felt more exposed than ever. Claire had demonstrated before that she was not above having wandering hands. Virginia was anxiously waiting to see what she had in mind. Claire, on the other hand, was being curious. She seemed to have noticed the open closet and the zipped down garment bag the first time she had walked into the room. She had not been able to investigate any further at the time. But now, with Virginia safely in bed, she had the perfect opportunity to. The garment bag contained an association of sexy outfits. This was not particularly incriminating compared to what Claire had seen up to that point. Virginia got more agitated when she saw Claire makes a beeline for the closet.

“Oh… Interesting…” she heard her mutter. The sound of books being handled, confirmed her fears. This was bad. Claire had found her Black Library. It was Virginia’s personal collection of erotic books. There was a bit of everything, a bunch of sexually charged fictions, but also more practical books, like a manual on rope bondage or a Guide to being a Mistress. When Claire sat on the bed next to her, Virginia felt a rush of adrenaline.

“Will you promise to be a good girl if I remove your gag Ginny?” Claire was holding the small silver key. Virginia eagerly shook her head yes. After wearing the gag for so long her jaw was starting to hurt. Also, she was getting really bothered by the drooling.

“Ok, I will remove it, I want You to get a good night of sleep. But I don’t want to hear a word, not a peep. Understood?”. Virginia nodded yes again. Claire removed the padlocks and undid the buckles. Virginia gasped as the purple silicane ball exited her mouth. She stretched her jaw for a few moments.

“Claire, I…” She was unable to finish as Claire swiftly pressed a finger against her mouth and made a sshing sound.

“Not a word Ginny, we can talk tomorrow, don’t make me punishment you again.” Virginia replied with a resigned sight.

“That’s better, good night, Ginny.” Claire dropped a gentle kiss on her forehead, pulled up the blanket over her naked body and walked away. As she was about to close the door she turned around, walked to the closet and picked up a few books from the Black Library.

“I guess I will be staying up tonight, I have some studying to do.” She said with a mischievous smile, before leaving the room.

Virginia dared not say anything. Instead, she Just glared at her. When the door closed, she was left alone with her thoughts. So much had happened that evening. Too much for her to process. She was exhausted, all she had to do was let go, and she fellstay. The nightmare was finally over, at least for a little while.


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