The beginning of the day for a boy who just wanted to earn extra money turned out to be extremely unfortunate. In addition to the fact that it was not possible to get money in the near future, in addition, he was seized by a crowd of girls dissatisfied with this situation, and placed in extremely uncomfortable circumstances.
Felix, who was sitting on a thick towel in the locker for changing clothes, was in constant pain in his knees, all because he lacked the stretch. In addition, due to his hands tied behind his back, in a box tie position, he couldn’t move in any way, so after half an hour his ass felt like a stone, and that’s not all. The approaching summer made itself felt, every hour heating up the dressing room more and more, so that after a couple of hours Felix began to sweat actively, and it became much more difficult to breathe. In general, the boy was extremely unhappy with the situation and tried to come up with a plan of salvation, at the same time cursing everythinging he could: himself for carelessness, the girls who put him in such a position, and in particular one idiot whose groans interrupted his thoughts all the time, preventing him from concentratedrating.
The groans belonged to the second failed thief, whose fate was even more unenviable. What Felix knew perfectly well when he cursed his partner, believing that he did not receive enough, but if he were in his place, he probably would have thought differently. If, of course, could think about anything at all, because, for example, all of James’s thoughts were occupied with incessant suffering.
Like Felix, he experienced pain in his knees, which, unfortunately, faded away against the background of his ass, which suffered from terrible itching and pain from dozens and hundreds of hard villa piercing the sensitive skin; amplified many times due to the whipping that took place before the conclusion. As a consequence, it was no longer surprising to see tears. Arising, oddly enough, for adifferent reason, or rather, from the fact that the boy choked once again. After all, the tennis ball that served him as a gag and occurred the entire mouth all the time rested against the throat because of the tongue pressed to the bottom, thereby causing choked. At the same time, the heat also did not disappear anywhere, affecting the boy to the same extent, only it was even more difficult for him to breathe because of the filled mouth. Unsurprisingly, all of this caused the moans to come out of his mouth, which so much prevented Felix from thinking. The only wonder is where he had the strength for them.
Somehow they were able to hold out in such conditions for many hours, which seemed like an eternity to them. Already had time to go through lunch, the ring to which they heard an hour or two ago, if not more. Felix even began to worry, will anyone whether come back for them. The answer was not long in coming. The door slammed against the wall with a loud bang, and the noise ofMany girls’ voices immediately drowned out all thought. The boys’ lockers opened at the same time, and the smell of sweet instantly filled the room.
– Eeew, what a stench, it’s impossible to breathe! Quickly take them to the shower and clean them of the dirt while I go on business. I have no desire to talk to the pigs – Liza ordered and the crowd of girls immediately pulled the guys out and carried them to the next room. Because of the heat, the guys were in a slightly inadequate state, so they did not quite understand what was happening, but they quickly came to their senses when cold water poured on them under great pressure, washing away sweat and all the unpleasant smell along with it, but this was far from all. Taking the water aside, the girls took hard brushes and quickly soaping them began to wipe the dirt off the guys. At the same time, they did not particularly stand on ceremony, forcing those to suffer again. When they finished, they poured water over them again and began to discuss their next steps:
– Well, it seems we have finished, now we are just waiting for Lisa?
– Maybe we’ll take a shower too? It was so stuffy in the classroom, I thought I was going die – the other girls agreed with this proposal and began to undress when one of the youngerest asked a question loudly.
– Does anyone remember, Lisa said to wash them only from the outside? – the girls looked at each other thoughtfully and shrugged their shoulders.
– Then let’s wash the inside too, just in case – the majority, obviously, did not want to waste time on this, but they also had no desire to upset Liza.
Starting to act, the athletes took Felix and, putting him on his knees, lowered him with his face in the floor, so that his ass was above his head. He saw nothing and could only imagine what they were going to do with him. For that, James saw everything just fine, frightened more and more every second, realizing that this awaits him too. In the meantime, the dispenser was already inserted into Felix’s anus, and when pressed, the soap began to flow out of the bottle at a fast pace. After squeezing out about a third, they removed the bottle and immediately replaced it with a prepared shower hose.
And while some girls held the boy in place, and the hose inside, others turned the tap and cold, soapy water quickly began to fill Felix’s insides, stretching his stomach and Giving than a rounded shape. At the same time, giving him unpleasant feelings in the form of stretching, a slight burning sensing due to soap and, of course, cramps, thanks to cold water. When they finished, his belly looked like a soccer ball had been stuff in it.
– I advise you, Felicia, to keep all this water inside, unless of course you have a desire to be in the role of a floor cloth – what you heard made his anus tighten more than ever before.
– Well, Jessica, are you ready? – the girl sat down opposite and took the boy by the head.
– Fm mmmm fmff fmmmm – the boy could not answer distinctly because of the tennis ball that occurred his entire mouth, so he tried to shake his head. Gripping him, seemingly weak, female hands did not allow him to do this, on the contrary, forcing him to nod.
– That’s great. Let us help you to take the desired position – they put him on the side of Felix, so that both could see each other’s stomachs. The dispenser was also inserted into the ass and activated. Having squeezed out about a third of the bottle in the same way, the girl was about to pull it out when the other stopped her with the words: “What is left there, squeeze everything out”. Thus, the one liter soap bottle was completely emptied.
The sequel was the same, with one slight difference. Although the fact that James’s belly had already taken on the size of Felix’s belly, the water was not turned off. She continued to pour until the boy began to shake violently, either from the cold, or from the strongest distension of his stomach in his life, which by that moment had become one and a half times larger than that of Felix. They were left in this form for a few minutes “for the sake of better cleaning.”
It is difficult to say exactly how much time has passed, for the guys it was an eternity, while the girls did not even notice him during their conversations and over a can of coffee bought from the vending machine. When they returned, they saw the guys wriggling and trembling on the floor, who jiggle their legs amusingly.
Realizing that both would soon fail, they did the only thing that was available. Having dragged both boys into the toilet, which was located next door, they were put together on the toilet, with their backs to each other.
– What are you doing? Give us go one by one, we’ll get it all dirty here – Felix pleased, James nodded his head in the same way.
– That’s why I need help. Ashley! – a large girl entered the toilet.
– Help me place them – Anna said.
Grabbing guys by the legs, they lifted them, placing them in a painfully familiar position. Having fallen into the depths of the toilet bowl, the boys experienced the strongest pressure on their stomachs and, unable to withstand this, they involuntarily throw out all the contents out. It was truly awful, disgusting and insanely ashamed. All the girls present emitted a sound of disgust and, holding their noses, left, closing the door behind them. It was the most intense humiliation in their life. So it’s not surprising that even Felix, let alone James, was thinking about revenge at that moment. Meanwhile, in spite of the thick door, the stench spread through the locker room, and in order to somehow knock it down Anna entered the room with a five-liter bucket of water in her hands and… poured it over the heads of the guys, after which flushing the toilet. Finally, the guys were pulled out and they could breathe calmly. However, their peace did not last long, the guys were again taken to the showers. As soon as they were put in a familiar position, Felix immediately begged for mercy:
– Wait, please stop, we are already clean, you don’t need to spend more time on this, all the same, except for clean water, nothing else will come of us.
– Are you so sure about that, Felicia? Maybe then you are ready to drink this water? – Felix shook his head, not wanting even a drop of it to get into his mouth.
– Well, if so then, shut up and stay still.
Having again filled the stomachs of the guys with a painfully large amount of water, the girls also left them for a dozen minutes alone. Then they were allowed to use the toilet in the same terrible way, after which all the dirt that could remain on them was washed off from their bodies under the powerful pressure of water and they left to dry while waiting for Lisa’s arrival.
Surprisingly, it did not take long to wait. Literally fifteen minutes later, Liza returned carrying two large packages in her hands. Leaving them at the lockers, she went into the shows and pulled the guys out and sat them on a benchmark next to each other.
– Well, girls, how are you here, Anna and the others did not torment you much? – Without waiting for an answer, the girl turned to her friends – and you, ladies, did everything as I asked?
– Of course Liz, we washed them thoroughly, both inside and out. I had to spend a new bottle of soap on it, but they were cleaner than they were now, unless at birth.
– Great, so we are ready… – the girl turned back to our thieves, taking out a dictaphone from her pocket, turning it on and putting it on the benchmark – well, Jessica, Fellicia, I have one proposal for you, on the answer to which your future fate depends, so listen carefully.
I suggest you play tennis with us, but wait refund. To begin with, I want to say that no matter what you think, we believe that the game should be played on an equal conditions, for which we have already prepared everything necessary. For example, we will use children’s rackets, and we will give you adults, so the length of our arms will be approximately the same. In addition, your shoes will have a small platform to make you taller. And of course this is not all such changes.
I also want to please you and add that if you win, you will be released without any further consequences – the guys did not believe their ears, wide-eyed in surprise, and not only they, the team of girls seemed not to be surprised less – yes, you heard right. If you win, you can safely leave the school without any obstacles, I will take care of that.
– And in case of defeat? – Felix asked suspected something wrong.
– It’s simple, you have to go to the director, who will decide your future fate – it was Both pleasure and frightening at the same time. An adult who is not directly related to the conflict is likely to act more rationally, which means that there will be no madness experienced by boys. However, this alsoMeans that the police are likely to be called. And anticipating the next question, Lisa continued.
– Of course you can refuse, but in this case, being the injured party, we ourselves will decide how to punish you. Although I have no doubt that people like you will gladly choose to receive punishment from us, but so that everyone can be convinced of this, we will give you the right to choose. So you also get the opportunity to discuss this decision, which is why I’m going to get the ball out of Jessica’s mouth. Which I hope has learned a lesson during this time and will not say any more stupid things – by cutting the duct tape and pulling the slimy tennis ball out of James’s mouth, Lisa, along with the rest of the team, left the guys alone.
– Fucking, crazy whores, I swear you’ll pay for This. Every bitch that bullied me will suffer – James said in an almost whisper as the girls walked out the door.
– For this we have to get out of here – answered Felix.
– We play. I will beat these hoes on their own field – this will be the beginning of my revenge – an evil grin appeared on the boy’s face.
– Hold your gab, don’t you understand? Due to the fact that you cannot hold back, we are in such a situation. If you were just silent, we could already be free, dispensing with those terrible moments in the toilet, and now we are in a complete ass from which it is not so easy to get out.
– Wait what, It’s all my fault, yea? Not your stupid plan, not that you, retarded brake, did not help me to knock down the door, crawling at the feet of this whore, and I, trying to do at least something? Should I break your nose, you fucking prick, a?!
– T-this is already d-doesn’t matter… – taking a deep breath, he continued – we need to think about whether to accept their offer or not, and not find out who is to blow that we found ourselves in a similar situation, in the end it no longer plays any role – it was such a clear attempt to get away from the topic that it is surprising how James did not pay attention to it, again giving his previous answer.
– I said – We. Fucking. Play, there is nothing to decide here – Felix exhausted heavily.
– Sorry, but let me explain it again — that’s what they want. Obviously, we will not outplay the tennis team, especially since these, as you put it, “whores” train every day, not even mentioning that they are stupidly older and bigger than us.
– So, you think, I should suffer for nothing, when there’s a chance to just get out of here, are you really so stupid?
– Maybe, but think about it yourself. We both know how cunning girls can be and do you really think that this time they did not plan anything? Surely they have some kind of plan. So I’m sure – they clearly do not intend to let us go just like that – these words made James think.
– Well, have you already decided? – Liza, who entered at that moment, asked a question.
– Not yet – snapped James, the girl stared at the boy with an angry look.
– I’ll let this intonation pass me by, for the first and last time. So, since it’s so hard for you to decide, we thought and came to the conclusion that it is worth motivating you a little. You came here to steal our dirty laundry, didn’t you?
– And what if so – replied James, from which Felix specifically went nuts squeezing out a set of incomprehensible sounds. Liza’s malicious smile frightened the boy even more.
– In that case, our proposal will please you. For every goal you score, we will give away one pair of our dirty laundry. With which you can do whatever you want.
– And what, we’ll get it even if we lose? – James asked incredulously.
– Well, of course. No matter what the result of the match, you’ll get our precious lingerie. Otherwise, what’s the point – she added with a chuckle.
– But if so, then you must be getting something too, mustn’t you? – Felix asked a legitimate question.
– Not that we expectyou to agree to it, but since you insist… – James glared at his partner, making him shiver in fear – the girls had an idea to give you more enemy. They told me that this time you could not appreciate it at its true worth and they wanted to fill you up again, so to speak, “let you acquired taste” We discussed the size of which it should be and came to the conclusion that 250 ml for each, for the ball we scored, would be enough. Although, as for me, it could have been more, given the total number of rounds. Okay, if you have no more questions… – no one answered – then I’ll go. You have a couple of minutes to think about it.
– That’s it, now we’re fucking playing for sure – having jumped up from the place, James began to walk impatiently from side to side.
– Are you really that excited about making money?
– Fuck, naturally. I’ll not just take revenge, but I’ll also make money on it, and who else is “cunning” here after that – satisfied laughing the boy already imaginened how he was spending the money he earned, while Felix wondered how he had managed to get in touch with such a person…
– Do you really think you can win? – the boy looked at Felix with displeasure.
– Listen here, jerk. I played tennis for a whole year as a child and was the fucking best in my section! So I’m going to beat this whores with my eyes closed. While you’ll be standing in the back peeing your pants because you can’t hide under your mommy’s skirt.
– Well, if so, then I wish you good luck, because I’m not going to participate.
– I don’t get it, are you trying to fuck me over, motherfucker?! – At that moment Felix realized that he was really angry, but it was too late.
*Bam* – Felix recoiled from a sharp blow to his head and, unable to Maintain his balance, fell to the floor hitting the lockers, which made a lot of noise.
– You will play. Do you understand, or i should hit you again?! – Resisting the urge to cry, the boy nodded.
As if on cue, the door opened and a group of girls in full force entered the room.
– Well, girls, you have made a decision… why is she lying on the floor, something happened? – The question surprised Felix, who did not expect to be worried about him.
– No, nothing, just fell – James answered with a sneer, sitting down on the benchmark.
– Aaa, that’s how it is… means fall… – that the girls behind Liza’s back at that moment began to actively whisper.
– Honey, are you okay? – such questions were surprising after the past experience. One would have thought they were addressing someone else, if it were not for one small “but”; namely, the comforting pat on the head that accompanied the address. Oddly enough, it was even more embarrassing than being naked in front of a crowd of girls. So hoping for an immediate end to the process, he shook his head, receiving more cares instead.
– That’s good, but be careful. The next time, everything may not end so well – *uh-huh* – all that our hero could squeeze out of himself at the same time.
– You know, you’re so nice to pet, you that could even compete with my bunny… but we can put it off until later, if you don’t mind; in the meantime, if it’s all right, can we play? – Lisa stepped aside, letting Felix finally relax, and at the same time to see the faces of both boys.
– Ha, yea, let’s go, i will beat you all – these words and voice expressed such frank self-confidence that they did not even irritate, but rather surprised.
– And what do you say, baby? – Felix didn’t answer right away, although the answer was obviously. Simply, the good attitude from the seemingly “enemy” contrasted so strongly with the evil eyes of the “ally” that it involuntarily forced one to think about the current situation. His partner interrupted his thoughts with a kick in the leg, at the same time frightening him with his evil expression on his face.
– I d-don’t mind – The response given in a tremblingvoice obviously made James happy, so the boy breathed a sight of relief.
– Fine, then you need to be prepared. Ladies, free our future history – this was a turning point. There was nowhere to retreat and all that remained was to try to win. Felix only hoped that all this bragging from his partner would not turn out to be an empty phrase.
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