Tennis Club Pt. 01

– James, I explained everything to you yesterday, including what clothes to wear, you said you understand. So, tell me, why you come like this today? – the boy, standing opposite, was clearly dressed inappropriately, considering where they were going: white legs with a high belt perfectly fit his legs and showed off surprisingly beautiful, rounded buttocks, on which the tanga panties, turquoise color On his body, at the same time, there was a short crisis-red top, which was also tight-fitting to the body. The picture was completed by sandals on the platform in the color of the top. In such a form, it was easy to doubt that we were looking at a boy, especially because of the soft facial features and shoulder-length hair.

– Look, Felix, it’s not my fucking fault, okay? Yesterday, I spent the whole day on a shopping trip, I walked around the entire mall, but I could not find anything suitable. So I had to wear what I had. You yourself must know how hard it is to get low-profile clothes with such a physique.

– I know, but I somehow succeeded – indeed, Felix, who was a couple of centimeters taller and a couple of years older than his partner, was not dressed so noticeably, but it depends on which side you look at: Gray capri pants, although they were less noticeable in general, but the pink floral pattern on the leg, made with rhinestones or something similar, glittered in the sun so that it was clearly visible from afar. It was the same with a T-shirt of the same gray color and a pattern in the form of pink angel wings on the back, and this set was completed by black, patent leather pumps with a cute, small, pink bow on the toe. The fact that with all this the panties had a less noticeable yellow color, due to which they were almost invisible, did not help much. Plus, his blonde, long hair didn’t add any secret either.

– Well, it might be because you had more time, huh?! – the answer sounded defiant, one might even say provocative, which slightly frightened the boy. Since he was extremely non-conflict in life and tried to avoid any potential fight. In addition to which the report of his current partner required to maintain at least neutral relations with him, and the fact that Felix was older was not at all reassuring.

– Like… yea… but we have big case ahead of us, so I was hoping you would do your best. Maybe, you will take things from friends or somewhere else…

– Really?! Since you’re so smart, then maybe you can lend me your things? – not expecting such an offer, Felix began to stammer, trying at the same time to come up with a suitable answer.

– Uh. Ahh. N-no… I-I can’t. Anyway, even if I have the right clothes, we don’t have time for that. The girls’ training has already begun and we have about half an hour to get to the place and get inside, so let’s go faster, and please don’t forget – we shouldn’t be noticed – with these words Felix turned around and went forward without looking back. James followed him.

Their path lay through the park, in which, despite the early morning, they now and then noticed people playing sports, while remaining unnoticed. At least they hoped for it by climbing the bushes. When they reached a mesh fence in the middle of a dense bush, they carefully crawled through a hole that had obviously been made long ago by someone here and which was used by numerous people, judging by the trampled grass and broken branches. After walking another couple of meters, they finally got out to the light, and at the same time to a large school – their destination. Ahead of them awaited a large open space.

– Something looks bad, are you sure they won’t notice us on the way? I would not want to run into a crowd of angry women inside – James said in a full voice.

– Please, while we are on the territory of the school, speak quietly. And yes, I’m sure. I personally saw how high school students climbed inside this way and each brought a pair of women’s panties.

– I don’t know, it looks like some kind of snare. In my opinion, I think it’s easier to come in the evening when no one is sure to be there and not both.

– Damn it, James, I already explained to you that after training the girls will take their clothes home and then all that will remain for us is empty lockers. Remind me, Why are we going there? Exactly. To make a huge bunch of money. So move your bum before it’s too late – leaving James no time for further conversations, the boy ran as fast as he could to the building opposite, so that his little partner had no choice but to follow him. The distance turned out to be surprisedly long, it took James more than ten seconds to get to the building and hide in the bushes, so when he got there he saw Felix already climbing up a large, branchy tree. Climbing to a height of about two meters, he climbed up a thick branch straight to the open little window, but halfway he stopped and turned to his partner:

– Climb faster, we have little time left – he said in a rather loud whisper.

James, in turn, did not dare to act, now and then turning his gaze to the fence from which they came. Not that he was afraid – he just doubted. Biting his lip, he wondered what he should do, but the thought of the money that he could earn today made him make a choice, and he hurried up after Felix.

The last thing they had to do was climb inside and hide, but here the main problem arose. The window was small and high above the ground, so it was hard to get inside without hurting yourself in any way. Nevertheless, this in no way stopped the boys, as evidenced by the behavior of Felix, who, having reached the wall, immediately started climbing inside. Leaning his feet on the ledges in the brickwork, he pulled himself up sharply, thrusting his head inward and resting his chest on the window frame. With difficulty push his hands forward, he squeezed his body upto the level of the wait. Then it was more difficult. In order not to hit his face on the floor, he had to lean on the lockers that were inside the room and slowly drag his body inside. With difficulty he managed to do this and completely hanging on the locker, while almost dropping it, he was able to crawl inside and stand on his feet. James followed immediately. Though, he did it with great difficulty, and in addition, Felix had to help him so that he did not hit his head on the floor, but in the end they both ended up inside.

Deciding to take a quick look around, Felix opened one of the unlocked lockers and, snooped through things, discovered: cute, pink with white polka dots, cotton panties. Delighted, he brought them to his face and took a deep breath. Frustrated, the boy casually threw them into the locker and slammed the door. He dismissively responded to James’ puzzled look:

– Clean…

– And what’s the problem? It’s still girl’s panties – James asked confused.

– The problem is that no one needs new, clean panties. Why would people take from us what they themselves can order in the online store. Worn panties are another matter. Trying to get them yourself means risking being caught, which many are not ready to do, since the punishment for this will be truly harsh. But taking and buying them from a trusted person is a completely different matter.

– Well if so, but remember, in any case, I’m not going to lose my money. So you’d better sell them.

– James, you may not know, but it so happened that many boys in our world have similar oddities and it is sometimes impossible to satisfy them in a simple way, for example, to take lingerie from relatives. So these guys are happy to buy this product, even for an impressive amount of money. So you don’t have to worry, these panties will fly apart like hot cakes, you just have to get them.

– Eeew, what a filter. How can anyone like this – it’s just disgusting…

– Disgusting or not, It’s none of our business, it’s important that are willing to pay for it. So let’s hide before the girls show up here.

Having found open, and as far as possible from the entrance lockers, they hid inside.

Less than five minutes later, a large group of girls entered the locker room. They actively communicated with each other, creating an unintelligible hubbub. The lockers began to open and the sounds of clothes being removed could be heard. After the first girl left, the sound of water was heard. The girls left one by one and after about two minutes the locker room was empty.

After making sure that no one was left outside, Felix quietly climbed out of the locker and, looking around again, called James out.

– We act quickly, we have less than ten minutes for everything, so let’s start – immediately they began to open the lockers one by one. Doing this as quietly as possible, they took out panties from them, sniffed and suitable put aside. Having thus colledged a dozen hurt panties, of various sizes and shapes, they stopped. Felix pulled out a couple of vacuum plastic bags from his pockets, which they immediately began to fill with lingerie.

*WHAAM!* – at that moment there was a loud sound that scared the boys so much, that they literally jumped on the spot, but as soon as they turned towards its source they were immediately paralyzed, like a deer in the headlights.

– Well, well, well, and who do we have here, really little thieves – a tall girl in a tennis uniform was standing near to the now closed window – and I still doubted our cleaning lady. I’ll be necessary to tell the director about her wonderful deed, but in the meantime… GI-IRLS! – shouted a sexy tennis player and a few seconds later one of the girls looked out:

– Liza, what are you yelling, what hap… – finally seeing the cause of the yell, the naked girl disappeared back behind the door.

Realizing that this was the last chance for salvation, James jumped up and ran towards the shower, turning at the last moment towards the front door. That same Liza was in no worry to stop him, calmly taking a couple of steps to a parallel passage from where the front door was perfectly visible, which the boy unfortunately tried to open. However, no matter how much he tried to pull or push, nothing helped, out of anger he even tried to knock her out, but only hurt his Shoulder.

– It’s closed, you fool, you don’t need to waste your energy, you’re going to need it – the girl said with a smile on her face. Walking slowly, she grabbed his hand and led him to the scene of the crime. Although James tried to resist, his attempts went unnoticed. As if for her he was not superior in strength to the baby.

Just at that moment, many gorgeous beauty began to emerge from the shower one by one. They wrapped themselves in towels for the most part, hiding their bodies, yet even so, their beautiful, athletic physics was visible. The boys silently watched as a crowd of girls surrounded them, afraid to move.

– Well, and who do we have here? – asked one of the girls.

– As you can see – Lisa gestured to the plastic bags – the thieves of our lingerie.

In response to which there was a general:

– Haaa?!… – which made the boys shiver in fear.

– This is not true! – James shouted in panic, his voice surprisingly high.

– Oo? I didn’t think you were a girl, although given your appearance… well, that changes a lot. I’m apologi… – not having time to finish, Liza was interrupted:

– I’m not a girl. I’m a boy. My name is – James – this time his voice was lower, but still not manly enough.

– He-he-he – the girls who stood to the side grinned.

– Oh, sorry-sorry, Ja-mes – Liza answered drawn-out – it looks like I’ve already made a mistake twice, but in that case, why don’t you be called… mmmm, well, for example – Jessica. Yes, for sure, it suits you very much, and so no one else will be mistaken.

– No – James shouted angrily – don’t you dare to call me that, otherwise you’ll be…

– Yea? – a crowd of girls hanging over them – “you’ll be”, what?

– You’ll be… be… in tro… – and at that moment a savory smack upside the head flew to James from the side.

– Sorry, girls, this jerk doesn’t know what he’s talking about, don’t listen to him – Felix intervened in the conversation, feeling that if he doesn’t do something, it will end badly for them.

– Wow, we’ve got a lawyer here – the girls laughed – and what is the name of this lawyer?

– Fel… Jim. My name is – Jim – the boy said confidently. Then Lisa grabbed his ear and pulled him hard.

– Answer honestly when you talk to older – Lisa said with a threat in her voice.

– Ouch-ouch-ouch, Felix, my name is Felix, please let go of – the boy already had tears in his eyes.

– That’s better – the girl answered and did as he asked, he immediately grabbed his ear and beganto rub it in an attempt to reduce the pain.

– And now, Feli… cia, be so kind, explain to us why you need our lingerie? Your bestie says you weren’t going to steal it, but your actions suggest otherwise.

Felix frozen, his eyes darted from side to side, and his brain was working at full capacity trying to find the most successful answer, when suddenly an idea came to his mind.

– We are your fans.

– Huh? Indeed? – the girls looked at each other in bewilderment.

– Yes, that’s right, we are your crazy fans, so we wanted to get something valuable, something that no one else but us will have.

Lisa looked the boy in the eyes with a slight smile, as if to say “are you serious?”

– And when was our last game? – Felix frozen when he heard a simple question at first glance. Before he could give an answer, he heard from the side:

– In the past month? – after this answer, James saw panic in the eyes of his partner. So the further behavior of the girls,one might say, was expected.

– It is unforgivable, to lie so blatantly after what you did, and even pretending to be our fans. Girls, hold them, I’ll come right now – they grabbed the boys and didn’t just wait for Lisa’s return, starting to pinch and spank them, which is extremely unpleasant and rather painful, especially when the girls grabbed them by the earlobes or nipples. After a couple of minutes, Lisa returned carrying a large roll of duct tape in her hand.

– I don’t know who taught these little assholes this, but since it fell to our lot we must teach them the correct behavior in society. Girls, what do you say, do you agree?” – all answered in unison:

– YES!!!

– Great, then let’s start with something simple, like a spanking. Put them on the bench – following Lisa’s words, the boys were turned around and laid along the benchmark with their bellies down.

– Let me go, you have no right – James shouted, and the girls didn’t pay attention to it as they took off his leggings – aaa, you fucked-up perverts, stop immediately or I’ll complain!

*SLAP!* – the sound of a powerful slap echoed throughout the room. It was powerful enough to take the boy’s breath away.

– Do you remember, girls? With such force it is necessary to float the disobedient violences – the group nodded – and with those who behave diligently, like this – *slap* Felix gave a cry out, the group nodded again.

At that moment, drawing attention to the underwear of our thieves, Lisa was slightly surprised, but did not comment on this in any way, turning to her teammates.

– Well, you can start, and do not hesitate to use the means at hand, just do not forget – good behavior should be rewarded – having received the go-ahead, the girls immediately set to work, and after a minute the boys’ asses acquired a bright red hue. For the next fifteen minutes, the sound of slapses and loud moans echoed around the area, which did not stop for a second. Even when the sound of the slapsed, the faint moans could still be heard for a while.

When it was all over, the boys lay on the benches, panting and unable to move. Therefore, they did not resist when Lisa approached them and began to tie them hand and foot with the help of the duct tape they had brought. Hands folded behind the back so that the palms touched the elbows, they were wrapped from wrist to wrist. Then the legs were tied, around the ankles and above the knees.

– Perhaps it should have been done before the spanking, well it doesn’t matter anymore – having commented on her mistake, Lisa ran her hand over the red ripe tomato-colored ass of James. It was evident from his face that this gave him obvious disappoint, although he kept his voice.

– Girls, I didn’t expect anything less from you. It looks just fine – Everyone in the group was delighted to hear the well-deserved prayer – but unfortunately we don’t have time to enjoy such a beautiful view. Lessons will begin soon,and as you remember, study comes first. Therefore, for now, we will have to leave the thieves here, and after lessons finish with their well-deserved punishment, I hope no one will mind? – the words heard sparked hope in the guys. They had already begun to imagine how they were breaking their restraints and getting out of this terrible place, when suddenly one of the girls in the group raised her hand.

– Yes, Alice, did you want to say something?

– I’m afraid that if we leave them like this, they will run away.

– Indeed, well noticed, my dear, such little assholes will rarely try to escape – Liza thoughtfully looked at the guys, examined the surroundings, and a thought occurred to her. Approaching one of the lockers, she looked inside, there was very little space, but having estimated the size, the girl made a decision. Taking Felix, as the one who was more, by the hand, she lifted him and sat him in the locker. With difficulty, he managed to squeeze inside, butthe boy had no room for movement from the word at all, so the girl decided to slightly ease his fate. Going to her locker, she returned with a towel in her hands.

– Fe… fe… sorry forgot your name…

– Feli… – before the boy had time to finish, he was interrupted by one of the girls – CIA – quiet chuckles began to come from the crowd, while his face was red with shame.

– Oh, right, Thanks. Felicia, you have behaved perfectly up to this point, of course, except for your attempted theft and that lie, but otherwise the behavior was exemplary. Therefore, I want to reward you for this, stand up – having done as it was said, Felix received an award whose value he did not yet realize, namely a thick, terry towel that lay on the floor of the locker.

Having sat the boy back, the girl was going to close the locker, but it was impossible to simply raise her legs to her chest, there was not enough space. So she straightened them and lifted parallel to body – which caused an immediate reaction.

– Ouch-ouch-ouch, it hurts, it huuurts – the plaintive moans and the look, although they were natural, but it was not so easy to stop the girl.

– I know, but have to be patient. Do not worry, it will become easier over time – with these words, Lisa carefully closed the locker and only quiet moans of pain began to come from inside.

– And now it’s time to take care of the naughty children… and I even know how – having quickly gone for the right thing, Lisa came back, opened the locker opposite Felix and put the brought thing on the bottom.

Seeing what it was and imagining what awaits him, James immediately jumped to his feet and without thinking about anything ran, or rather jumped, towards the door. Seeing this awkward escape, the girls laughed. Without becoming to block his way, they, on the contrary, helped him, accelerating with the help of slapses on the ass, from which he screamed every time. Having jumped to the door, he tried toopen it and only at that moment realized that it was still locked with a key. The girls only laughed louder as they watched his senseless attempts to open the door. When the boy was exhausted, Lisa came up and, throwing him over her shoulder, carried him back to the locker.


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