It was my first time to one of these play-parties. My Owner had brought lots of equipment, and it was all locked into a rolling case. At first W/we made the social rounds…Master D. and his subs were there, and so was Mr. R., and a few others W/we knew. My Owner took me off in private, and with that evil grin of His, told me to get ready for some fun! When He gets a twinkle in His eye, and a Certainly really wicked grin, I know I’ve got some challenges ahead, and apparently, this was to be one of those occasions. He gave me a safe-word to use if I needed it, and I vowed to myself that I would NOT use it! It is a special challenge to myself that I not give in and use my safe-word. After all, I know my Owner will stretch my limits, but will always keep my safety in mind.
Stripped naked and feeling quite vulnerable, but still in a semi private area, Mr. R. happened by. As He and my Owner chatted about me like I was not even present, I must admit that my confidence levels dropped aNotch or two. My owner was telling Mr. R. that he planned to fasten me to the St. Andrews Cross in the main play area. Mr. R. offered to help! So, together, they led me to the Cross, and bound me with rope, from my ankles to my knees, and from my wrists to my elbows. No wiggle room there!
While I was being “fasted”, a couple I did not know came over to chat with my Owner, and they were given His permission to stay and enjoy the coming session. I was then blindfolded, and a horrid leather hood was placed over my head. There were breathing holes where my nose and mouth were, but the smell of the leather was still very powerful. There was a metal loop at the top of this hood, and that hoop was fastened to something above me, leaving me with no way to move my head. Now I was completely bound, deprived of my sight, and at His mercy.
To start with, my Owner gave me some light caning, mostly on my inner tights and on my breasts. Then He switched to a leather strap. Five or sixlashes to my inner thighs, then two lashes to each breast. Then back to my thighs. Then my outer tighs were given some attention. Then He stopped the painful torque for a few minutes, to pull on my exposed clip, and to gage the wetness in my pussy. Satisfied, He began to insert the metal speculum he keeps for special sessions. All the way in, and all the way open. I heard gasps and whispers coming from beside me and in Front of me. Now I had no idea how many spectators there were. I could hear my Owner digging through His medical kit. I knew it was the medical kit because I could hear all the stainless steel instruments rattling against each other, until He selected the instrument of my torture.
A lightning bolt shot up my inner thing, and before I could react, the same bolt shot over my left pussy lip, already stretched beyond comfort by the speculum. It was the metal pinwheel. I have always loved the pinwheel. The instant pain it delivers. The pain that never lasts, and is never beyond my endurance. As He teased my outer pussy lips with the pinwheel, I feel the rest of the room fading from my senses. Oh, that maddening design was making me hornier and wetter by the second. Then He stopped. And the thoughts of my surroundings returned to me. He was explaining to the spectators about the use of His favorite toy, the violence wand! Good God! He wasn’t going to electrocute me, bound to this cross, speculum opened to the hilt, with an audience!
W/we had played with the violence wand many times, but I had always shivered away from any type of insertion play with it. I was too afraid that it would be far beyond my pain limits. But there had always been that unspoken agreement between U/us that one day it would happen.
My Owner can insert the handle of the pinwheel into the handle of the violence wand, Making the current come off the pinwheel. He explained to His audience that this is what He was now doing. I heard some ooh’s and ahh’s as He demonstrated the visible current coming off the pinwheel onto my breast. As the current was increased, I began writing within my confines. Shocks lasting between half a second to as long as 10 seconds were moving through the tender tissue of my nipples and breasts. Try as I did, I was bound too securely to get away from the electricity, even for a brief reprieve. He then knelt and started tormenting my bare and helpless feet! First one and Then the other, and then back to the first. Oh, how I tried stamping my feet, tried to wriggle free from that hated touch. And the humiliation of his derisive laughter, and the laughter of those around me, enjoying the show. He enjoyed my minute antistics so much, He started calling me “stampy”, much to the enjoyment of the others, and to my increased humiliation.
Then, using the electrified pinwheel to move up my leg, to my inner tigh, and back down again to torque my feet some more. I don’t know how long this particular torque lasted. Maybe 5 minutes. Maybe 45minutes. I was lost inside that dark leather hood. Lost inside my humiliation and my torque. Needing. Wanting. What? I didn’t’t’ know, but I knew that He would know.
He stood and whispered to me. He asked me if I remembered my safe-word. I told Him I did. He said that was good, because now he was going to use the electrified pinwheel on my pussy. And believe me, He is a Man of His word!
Beginning with my outer pussy lips, the current was low, and almost enjoyable, though my nerves were stretched tighter than my pussy at that point. With the current at its lowest, He began giving minute shocks to my clip. They prickled. He was testing me. He increased the current, never staying in the same place for long, moving that current first across my pussy lips, then to my clip, increasing it’s strength, then back to my lips and back to my clip. He even shocked my ass hole. Totally lost to Him and to the pain He was giving me, I began to cum. What I though was a total body orgasm…bound and helpless in front of an audience, I screamed as I came. As my orgasms began to settle I was thankful for the secure ropes that bound me. I’m sure my knees would have given out otherwise. But He was not finished. He touched the tip of the electric wand to the metal speculum buried deep within my pussy, and OH MY GOD it took away any residual control I may once have had over my body. I began to cum and cum and scream and groan in a purely animalistic voice that I did not even recognize as my own. Still He continued to electrocute my pussy from within. The spasms in my vagina were so violent that I actually pushed the speculum out, and it fell to the floor beneath me. And now His hands were on my body, caressing me and coating me and still I continued to cum.
Later, after the crowd had Dispersed, and He held me bundled in a huge comforter, and He told me how proud He was of me, the spasms finally petered out. And I lay against his loving chest, closed my eyes, and thanked the heavens for giving me an Owner who truly knew me and loved me.
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