Teaching You How to Behave

The lobster is delicious, freshly caught from the bay. My villa is cooler this time of year but I’m not one to complain after the torturous months of intense heat. My Patek strikes 9pm as the wind sifts through the trees overhead and the sound of our forks hitting the plates rings out across the patio. Cyndi Mason, a girl with dreams bigger than her station is sitting at the opposite end of my long table, anger wrong across her face.

She had been sniffing around the accounts far too much for the big boss’s liking. It was one thing to have some press curiosity, but this girl was tenacious and of course that was not good for business, it wasn’t good for him, it wasn’t good for me, it wasn’t good for the whole operation. So I intervened.

Of course, nothing would have been so complicated if I hadn’t developed some Feelings for her. Intelligent, brave and a whole bundle of energy designed for a hundred women wrapped into one. She was a tall girl, dark olive skin, heavy black curls set against her gentle features, a firey and full bodyed American Latina. Wearing one of the Saint Laurent cocktail dresses I had spare in my wardrobe.

She looks up at me through hooded eyes, a menace to her expression. A smouldering look that would with lesser men.

‘You should eat more. Get your energy up.’ I speak gently, going back to my own plate to spoon up another mouthful.

‘Fuck you. I’m not your property. You don’t get to talk to me.’ She motions like she is spitting on the plate and offers a little smile to me. She wants me riled up. My bodyguards raise their eyesbrows, Silvio shuffling his weight forward towards her to reprimand her, but I put my hand up. Brats were going to be brats.

‘Fine, that’s an expensive meal you’re wasting. Not sure it is wise to do that.’

No response this time.

I scream and wipe my lips with the napkin, undoing the top button on my white dress shirt. Here we were having a nice meal under the moonlight and she seemed completely incapable of appreciating it. She had been feisty from the moment my men picked her up snooping around outside the lawyer’s office. There was something about the feisty ones that struck a nervous with me. I had to be alone with her to straighten things out properly.

‘Silvio, Pietro, you can leave us.’ I clap my hands and motion them down the steps by the far end of the garden. Silvio looks at me for a split second before nodding and the two walk quickly to the steps to go to the front gate of the complex. She watches them all the way before looking back to me with scolding eyes.

‘Glad you could find the balls to talk to a woman all alone without your goons staring over everything I do.’

I snicker. ‘You know…most other capos, they wouldn’t be so…understanding of all this petulance.’

‘A girl can be so lucky.’ She throws her head back exposing some of her upper chest for me. If she thinks she can control this conversation with the little displays of snark she is mistaken.

‘You’re lucky you’re alive Miss Mason.’

‘Call me Cyndi and cut the pleasuresants. You’re the last person I need them from.’ She spits food out again onto the table. My mouth twitches, my lips curling upward into a snarl as I start to get angle with her, truly for the first time. She had no appreciation of what I had rescued her from. The mouse trap she had walked into with the big boss.

‘Cyndi. You’re no prisoner here you can leave any time you want, but you really ought to be a touch more grateful. I’ll cut the pleasantsantries, of course you know the danger you face.’ I wave my fork at her, a piece of calamari stick to the end, trying to acccent my point. But there was no reasoning with her.

‘I’m done with you.’ Murmuring quietly she turns away from me, one leg folded over the other and looking out at the stars on the far horizon.

I get up from the chair and slowly sip from the wine glass. The ‘Occhio di Pernice’ from Avignonesi,one of my favourites from Southern Tuscany. My eyes are glued on hers as she sulks and watches me warily in her chair. Putting the glass down, I move slowly over to her, my hand skimming over the long table top, admiring the fine clothes and the handiwork put into it, passed down from generation to generation of my family.

‘You’re only alive because I intervened. There’s some very bad people who want you dead for what you were doing on the Saggiatore accounts.’

‘I can take care of myself Gino.’ Her voice waves, shuffling in the chair with her hands moving to her legs. Submissive now, far from the hard-headed journalist I had picked up on the beach after the yacht crash. Already less compatible than a few minutes ago.

‘Oh really. What evidence have you given me so far to believe that? Getting shot at, getting tracked across half of Lombardy and nearly being found on the yacht. You really know how to keep a low profile.’

She pouts and keeps silent.

‘This is going to work if you work with me. I don’t want to have to save your life for a third time this week.’ I urgent the third by stalling my fork sharply into the table and standing over her. Her hands are glued to the arms of the chair watching me like a hawk. ‘Remember you’re safe here. Have I harmed you once since you arrived?’

Her expression noticeably relaxes as she turns her gaze back to me. Soft and tanned features look up at me, the fullness of her lips and the delicacy of her cheeks becoming apparent to me for the first time in our little adventure of a meal. Chest slowly heaving in place, she tries to curtail her emotions and get the control back to her voice.

‘Maybe…Maybe I was being rude. I appreciate you finding the yacht. I just don’t appreciate being locked up like this. I’ve never been unable to go anywhere in my life.’

‘You’re no prisoner, you can go when you want, but you know like I do that Milan is not safe for you right now.’

Falling into thechair she lets out a loud sight and folds her arms.

‘What am I going to do?’ She’s deflated and exasperated.

I offer her a comfortable touch on her shoulder with my hand. She doesn’t remove it but stars into the distance.

‘Come, I want to show you something.’ I beckon her with my hand.

‘What is it?’

‘Some history.’

She moves her plate to the side, half finished and dabs her lips with a napkin. As she stands up to follow me she reveals more of her smooth legs, impecccably delicate, almost seeming to never end. I swivel on my heels and lead her through to the blinde of the villa. Sliding the glass door out of the way we step into the air conditioned room and I switch a few lights on.

‘Woah. I hadn’t seen this room yet.’ Her jaw grows slacker as she looks across all the artwork and finite details of the floors and walls. The books stacked up on the shelf in the corner along the finest rug I had had custom made by a Napolese designer.

‘Waittill you see the next one.’

I lead her through the expanding corridor, the minimalist sculptures and art pieces lining our path to the bedroom. Grabbing for the huge knob of the door, I swing it open to reveal the master bedroom, overlooking the hills, completely tranquil, a serene oasis where I could come to relax when the world was feeling heavier. Of course the first thing she notices is the landscape painting on the wall near the long wardrobe. I see her notice and guide her towards it.

‘It is the small village not far from Milan where my family grow up for several generations. It reminds me of a few things every day.’

‘Who painted it?’ She admits the details as I settle close to her.

‘My great grandmother painted it in World War One. When everything seemed like it was falling apart, she persevered to create something beautiful.’ I run my hands down the frame removing a few specks of dust and take in the full glory of the painting for the millionth time.

‘This painting is beautiful Gino. It’s a real treasure.’

‘My great-grandmother was an incredible woman. You remind me of her a bit. Smart, determined, willing to do whatever it takes. I like that about you Cyndi.’ I point to her and wave my finger back and forth to emphasise the point. I think I see her blush for the first time, rosey dimpls coming to her cheeses.

‘Thanks Gino. Genuinely, thanks.’ She smiles coyly. I like this side of Cyndi Mason. A more exposed side, not so guarded against every question and intrusion. ‘For such a hard-headed man, you sure have good interior design taste. I’ll give you that.’ She jeers.

‘I’m so blessed to have the acknowledgement of the great Cyndi Mason.’

‘I like the bed as well. Classier than I imagined.’ I see the hints of a win forming as she wanders around the edge of the duvet, running her fingernails across the silk sheets and admiring the patterns on the pillow. One of the straps of her dress is beginning to falloff her shoulders as she strokes the sheets, the heady fragment from before attacking my senses, the sensitivity of her disarming me one move at a time.

She turns to face me again, the black dress laying precariously on both shoulders now, nearly slipping off. She was still sweaty and feeling the heat from outside, a small bead lazily falling down her collarbone to the tip of her breasts.

‘Do you have a change of dress or something else I can slip into? I’m really warm in this.’ She hooks her fingers under the shoulders and fans herself rapidly, her gaze sticks into mine, seeking something, an erotic dazzle in the sombre lighting of the bedroom.

‘I’m sure we can find something.’ I go to the closet, tapping the button on the side to open up all of the competitions and try to find something similar. There’s a Burberry piece I like for her but a Dior floral dress that’s not as heavy on the skin catches my eye more. Taking the hanger I click the button to automatically shut the glass doors of the wardrobe and a beeping rings out as it rapidly clicks into place.

She has removed the black dress revealing a purple bra and panties and a breathtaking body, flowing curves and soft skin I want to dive into. I hand her the Dior dress and she looks at it curiously but almost impossible before placing it down on the bed and rubbing her arms with her hands. Her hair draws down past one eye and onto the top of her breasts, the dim lights shimmering off the black surface.

‘I can get you another one, I know Dior is too low for your exacting standards.’

She stays quiet but her expression betrays exactly what she is thinking. Although the air con, the temperature in the room is sizzling. The first throes of true sexual tension begin to filter into the sticky atmosphere between us, our eyes locked on each other’s, her dark brown piercing into me, her breaths more and more chased. The intake through her nose gets quicker and quicker.

‘Take yourbra off for me.’

There’s a second pause as the electricity in the air pounds the oxygen. It’s pure bliss watching her like this. She smiles, a naughty smile with one side of her mouth as she unclips her bra and pulls her arms loose before placing it down on the bed. She’s not so shy as she grabs her hair and lets her breasts hang loose for me.

‘Good girl. And your panties.’ She’s more nervous but still ready to comply.

My forefinger and thumb go to my mouth. I’m inquisitive and watching everything as she slowly drags her panties down to her ankles, giving me the full visual in one long tease. Stepping out of them, she stands quietly and lets her hair flop to one side again. Her big breasts stand firm, her nipples nicely erect as I close the distance between us. My shirt touching her chest and the pounding of her heart beating through to mine.

I unbutton my shirt one at a time, letting her get a full visual of my stomach and arms as I unfurl myself away from thesleeps and let it fall to the floor. Unzipping my pants I unhook the holds and step out of them just leaving my boxer shorts on. I held the tension for a few seconds longer and then start to unravel the boxes down my thick quads, rolling them way down over my calves and towards my ankles. She stars downwards for a long time and take a gulp before wetting her lips to speak again.

‘I didn’t know you were hiding such…assets. Mister Minotta.’ She lifts her eyes and tries to rip her focus away but she can’t. I want her completely mesmerised, hypnotised by my body and what she knows I can do to her with it. I love the power I can have over her, the attention my body yields. This woman was made for me.

‘You don’t know a lot of things about me Miss Mason.’ I stand just before her, Letting her eyes wander across me again, the flickers of wanton need dancing in her pupils. I admire her too, my hand drawing across her neck and running to her cheek and mouth brushing my fingers again her moist lips before dropping to her breasts and stomach.

‘Hmm, like what?’

I stroke her curls back from her eyes, keeping her gaze on mine for as long as possible as our lips come to mere centimetres from each other. Her cinnamon fragment buries me in a storm of lust as I trail my finger from her shoulder to her neckline and all the way down her body, letting my index finger drag againisingly slowly against her opening as the first murmur of pleasure leaves her, her head lolling backwards and her neck jerking up to my mouth.

‘Let me show you.’

I lift her up without warning. A shriek leaves her but quickly turn to a ravenous look as her legs instinctively wrap around my waist. She clutches on tightly as we dance in the middle of the room, our bodies swinging with the password as my hand goes to her throat and my lips steel her breath sharply. Reciprocating, her lips grip onto mine furiously, burying her desire into me as I try to keep my balance.

‘Gino. What if Luigi finds out about all of this. You, me? He would kill you.’

‘Forget Luigi for tonight. I’ll handle him. Tonight it is Gino and Cyndi.’

She clings to me tighter as I walk with her to the bed and throw her down admiring her naked frame. She’s spectacularly curvy, just like I imagined and it is driving me crazy looking at her all naked for me like This. I want her thrashing around against my headboard and clinging onto the bed post until her grip fails her. Her body is my playground tonight.

She understands on the silk sheets as I lean over her and support my weight on my forearms, my mouth is busy latching onto her neck and collarbone and my hands are wandering down her grogeous body. I’m consumed with wanting her. I’m consumed with her being mine.

Caressing her neck and shoulders and applying soft kisses I eventually move down on her, my hands exploring her upper quads and inner thighs. Parting her supple legs and moving all the way to her delicate flower. I can’t resist. I want to feel her on my fingers again. Locking our lips and working my tongue against hers, I slide my finger inside her and allow the gasp to leave her lungs and fall into my mouth as I curl my finger upwards and manoeuvre my thumb to her sensitive bud, beginning to rub her there in a circular motion.

She shudders as my thumb rolls against her and my finger curls inside her at a slow and steady pace. Her back arches and her hips jolt forward to meet my movement, her moans becoming more and more audible.

‘Gino. Oh wow. That’s heavenly.’

There’s no relenting today. I continue my attack on her down there, inserting my middle finger and curling upwards with both, feeling the pressure grow inside her against my fingertips. Her moist opening drenches my fingers as she struggles to hold back her excitement with each pushing push of my hands driving into her.

She tugs on the pillow and grasps it between her teeth. But it’s no use. She can’t stop the eruption about to hit her. Mercilessly I move my fingers up and down inside her and rub her in perfect unison with my thumb, accelerating her to the edge.

‘Gino. Oh gosh. Oh wow. Oh, fuck!’ Her eyes creamed and her teeth sink into her bottom lip as a powerful groan forces its way out of her, her body emrithing and turning under me, little involuntary flicks of her nails into the first layer of silk on the bed as she clings to me. Her anxious breaths calm down as I return to kissing her, appreciating every moment our bodies colleague. Her hands rushing to my firm stomach and burrowing into me as far as she can.

I retract my fingers and balance on my knees above her, her hands running through her hair and resting on her forehead to recover quickly from her first high. My shake is pulsing and deliciously stiff, her opening already soaked with the attack from my fingers. Grabbing her hips, I pull her towards me with my biceps and gradually insert every inch inside her, the sEnsation is mesmerising as she drops all over my length and moans with a deep rumble from her chest. Panting takes hold of her as she tries to regain her breath. I grip her just above her hip bones and fill her up all the way with each stroke as her hands reach for the headboard behind her steadying the blows.

The mattress moves back and forth below us, her head sinking into the pillow as she tries to look past her flowing mess of hair covering her eyes. Her fingernails trace down my stomach before going back to the oak board. Keeping her hips raised in the air and my own back straight I fire my glutes and strike against her in a rocking motion. Back and forth, back and forth letting the craving take hold of me. I want to grip every inch of her, pull her hair hard and make her scream my name.

‘That feels amazing.’ She bleats at me. Her cinnamon scent wafting all through the air as her body moves like a snake against me, wriggling all the way up to the hilt, her warm slit gripping my shake more firmly than anything I’ve ever felt before. As the pressure begins to build again I switch the position, throwing her legs on my shoulders and get prepared on my knees again, angling even deeper inside of her. She winces and clutches onto me, tearing into every muscle. Her eyes roll in her head as her breaths become more and more staggered.

‘Look at me. Good girl. No turning away now.’ I grab her chin and pull her attention onto me. ‘You’re going to keep learning to do things my way.’

I pump her into submission, not allowing her a break as my body slapses against hers for a continuous minute, no breaks as her pleasures for me to go faster grow to a deafening peak and her abs start to tense, her stomach contracting involuntarily with each blow from my groin into her quivering slit. Her legs start shaking on my shoulders, her hand going to her own mouth to try and stymie her cries of pleasure and her exercise begins to spill all over my length slowly dampeningthe silk below us. My hands steady her hips as I hold myself deep inside her, pinning her legs behind her head and grinding against her slippery bud.

‘Oh my god. Gino. I can’t believe you just made me do that.’ I put her arms above her head and lap her mouth, our tongues colliding wickedly in a heat of pure sexual need as I stay inside her and gently roll my hips, letting her come down from her first high. Her hands go to my glutes and rip my flesh, dragging down in continuous strokes and guiding me to the perfect spot.

Animated, she pushes me down onto the bed and climbs on top, facing the other direction towards the mirror.

‘We look so good like this Gino. I wish someone could take a picture of us right now.’

She squats down with one hand on my shaft and eases herself onto me. Taking huge breaths again to settle down. She looks spectacular from here, her backside melding into her large hourglass figure and her toned upper back muscles beginning to clnch. A fewwhimpers leave her as she tries to adjust to my size again. Her fingers scrunching together to bear the initial fullness.

‘That’s it, good girl. You take me so well don’t you?’

She nods quietly and moves up and down slowly, almost all the way to my tip and my base, letting her hips and backside do all the work.


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