Hi everyone.
This is my first work of fiction, so all comments and suggestions are gratefully received.
Initially I wasn’t sure whether to put this in either the Romance or BDSM sections, as I consider it romantic, but there is some light bondage and definitely a lot of denial. In the end, BDSM seemed a much more fun place to be.
The Problem
Sarah was 28 years old, petite at 5′ 5″, had a slim toned body that she was proud of, even if it took a few hours a week at the gym to maintain. She did worry that some people might consider her breasts too small, but personally she thought they were just right for her slim frame. She had a job that she both liked and was good at, she had her own apartment, and had been going out with James for two months now.
She let James stay over at her apartment during the weekends, but not during the week. Sarah was still a bit cautious forer one of her previous relationships ended badly and needed to get used to the idea of allowing somebody to share her life full time again. However, with a little more time she suspected that the fondness and lust she felt for James could very well turn into full blown love. Luckily James was accepting of her wishes, even if she suspected that he had already decided that she was the only one for him.
Life for Sarah was almost perfect… almost.
Sarah had a problem. Her problem was that James didn’t satisfy her sexually.
In every other respect James was the perfect boyfriend. He was kind, caring, attentive, supportive, he gave good advice, he listened, and seemed to be as smitten with her as she was with him. He just didn’t satisfy her in bed.
The problem was that Sarah had Always required a LOT of foreplay before she was anywhere close to cumming, especially when it came to penetrative sex. And it wasn’t that James didn’t try, his tongue was a marvel in its ownright, it was beastly, it was agile, and it knew all the right spots to hit. His fingers could play her like a fine musical instrument. His fingers seemed to know instinctively when to be soft and when to be mercilessly hard. It wasn’t even that James’ cock wasn’t up to the job. In Sarah’s opinion James’ cock was just the right size for her, large enough to stretch her so that she could feel every delicious movement of him when he was inside of her, but not large enough to make things uncomfortable.
Sex with James was very pleasant, it just wasn’t satisfied.
Typically, after a period of light kissing and caressing, which Sarah found more romantic than sensitive, the foreplay would become more serious. Her breasts that were previously lightly caressed, were now explored with increasing urgency and Strengthen. Her nipples which were previously barely brushed, were now tugged, sucked and nipped with gentle teeth. James was experienced enough that he didn’t make a b-line to fingering her pussy, instead he would slowly cares around her lips, he would lightly rub his fingers either side of her clip until it decided to make an appearance. By the time James started licking and fingering her pussy, Sarah could feel the beginning of the lust that would start the long road to her orgasm.
Just as her lust was beginning to build, and despite her hints not to stop, James would shift from foreplay to fucking her. As he pounded away inside of her, Sarah’s arousal would continue to slowly rise. She could feel the point approaching where mere pleasure would be overtaken by raw lust, the point where nothing else would matter except for the need to grab ahold of and ride the mind wiping sexual exploration she knew she was capable of, and which she needed and deserved…
But then, before she was ready, it would end.
She could feel James trying to hold off the inevitable, she could feel him trying to wait for her, but it never lasted long enough before he came. Even feeling him cumming inside of her felt good. The look of ecstasy and love/lust on his face as he came felt good.
But those good feelings didn’t make up for the lack of her own orgasm.
Occasionally during sex Sarah would use her own fingers or a small vibrator on her clip in order to race to an orgasm before James finished. However, when she tried to force an orgasm in this manner, It felt diminished and cheap. When she needed a banquet of bliss, these rushed orgasms felt more like a quick snack. Additionally, Sarah couldn’t shake the thought that these types of orgasm were as much through masturbation as they were through the efforts of another person.
If it wasn’t for the fact that James earnestly seemed to be trying to please her, Sarah would probably have started thinking about cooling their relationship, despite how great he was in every other respect. But he did seem to be trying.
Sarah had dropped hints about how more foreplay would enhance her enjoyment, and James did seem to try more after she dropped her hints, but it still wasn’t enough.
It wasn’t uncommon that after fucking her once, James would look to start caressing her again, almost it seemed to make up for the fact he had rushed the first time around. The second time around Sarah would feel her arousal building faster. Inevitably however, before Sarah was ready, James would be hard and looking to fuck again.
After another bout of pleasure, but ultimately not fully satisfied sex, Sarah decided that she had to discuss the issue more bluntly. Being so blunt might be risky, but she felt enough for James that she had to try something before her feelings for him began to change.
They were in bed together, James lying on his back, Sarah cuddled into him with her head on his chest. James was absentmindedly caresing her back with his free hand.
“James, we need to talk.”
Immediately she could feel James tense.
“You know I love you,” she said, knowing the word “but” hung heavy in the air, “but I’m not getting what I need out of sex with you”. Before he could reply she quickly pressed on.
“The sex is good, but I just need more. I can tell that you are trying to hold off your own orgasm, but I just need more warm-up before we fuck. If you could just take more time before fucking me, things would be a lot better.”
She tilted her head up to look at James’ face, not knowing what to expect after speaking to him so bluntly.
James had a worried look on his face.
“I’m sorry.” He said, “But I find it hard to last very long with you.”
Sarah tried to explain that if he focused more on the foreplay and getting her fully aroused, the length of time he lasted inside of her wouldn’t matter so much.
“Yes” said James, “I know”. “I just find the sight, touch and taste of your body too much of a turn on. You have the most fantastic body Ihave ever seen. Your skin is so soft, the way your nipples harden as I touch and suck them. Your breasts are absolutely amazing. The little noises you make as you begin to become aroused. And as for your pussy, the smell and taste of it is intoxicating. After a couple minutes of licking your pussy I’m driven mad, I’m so turned on that all I can think about is being inside of you. I know you want More, and I want to give you the pleasure you deserve, but I keep losing control.”
Sarah was taken aback, and not just because it was the first time somebody had spoken so matter-of-factly about the smell of her pussy, (at least it was a positive comment).
Sarah found what James had said to be a little farfetched, although there was a part of her that was flattered by the thought that the mere touch of her body could turn somebody on so much they lost control. However, she couldn’t deny that as James had been describing her body, his cock had begun to awaken, twitching and growing until it was now doing its best impression of the Leaning Tower of Piza. Without thinking too much about it, Sarah reached down and absently began lightly struggling the twitching member.
Playing for time, Sarah asked the first thing that came to mind.
“So, you don’t think my breasts are too small then?”
“Too small? They are perfect. If I could, I would spend every minute of every day caressing, kissing and worshiping them. Yes, worshiping them. In fact, your breasts are so perfect they could start their own religion. People would come from far and wide to worship your breasts.”
James was being absurd, but it broke the tension that had been building. They both were chuckling over the thought of churches being built in honor of Sarah’s boobs. What would the sermons be like?
As she continued to absentmindedly care James’ cock, an idea began to form in Sarah’s mind. As the idea grew, so did Sarah’s excitement, and without being awareof it, so too did the pressure with which she was struggling his cock.
If the idea was to work, Sarah would have to show James more of her “adventurous” side. It was a bit of a risk, as it was Sarah’s experience that not every man was comfortable with a woman being so adventurous in the bedroom. However, whilst James tended to be quite conservative when it came to sex, Sarah suspected that there was more than a little of the “adventurer” within him, and she looked forward to the chance of bringing it out of him.
Besides, it wasn’t as though Sarah was going to have to admit her entire toy collection to him. James knew that Sarah had a few toys, including the couple vibrators she had used in front of him. What liberated young woman didn’t have the odd toy to while away the lonely hours? However, even she was a little embarrassed about how large her entire toy collection actually was.
Excitedly Sarah asked if James wanted her to help him overcome his over eagerness issues?
It took a while for James to register what Sarah had asked, because whilst Sarah in her excitement might not have realized how strongly she was struggling his cock, he certainly hadn’t missed it. However, once Sarah’s words sunk in, James became serious. If the alternative was to risk losing Sarah, how could he not wholeheartedly take her up on her offer? And so he told her how much he would appreciate her help.
Whilst waiting for his response, Sarah had finally realized how enthusiastically she had been staking James. Once James had accepted her offer of help, Sarah’s excitement grew at the thought of what she had in mind for him. Also, the cute look of earnestness on his face when he accepted was so endearing, she couldn’t help but reward him with a blowjob.
Within a couple minutes James was moaning and twitching as he tried to put off the inevitable. Meanwhile, Sarah was smiling even as her lips encompassed his cock, because now that she had her tongue, lips and fingers working on him, she knew there was absolutely no way he was going to be able to resist her.
Besides, with what she had planned, tomorrow was going to be a GOOD day.
The Lesson
The following day, being a Friday, both Sarah and James had work, and so Sarah had told James to come around at about 7:00pm for his “lesson”.
When James arrived, Sarah could immediately see that he was excited for what might come. Therefore, Sarah decided to stretch things about a bit. Leading James to the apartment’s main room, she mixed them both drinks. For the next half an hour they chatted about work, friends, movies and things they had seen on social media. In fact, they talked about everything except what was to come.
Once Sarah judged that James was more relaxed, she casually asked if he was ready for his first lesson. When he confirmed that he was ready, Sarah stood up and led him by the hand to her bedroom.
James was veryfamiliar with Sarah’s bedroom, including her bed which was the center piece of the room. James had always thought Sarah’s choice of bed was odd for such a young person. The old fashioned looking bed was a metal frame construction, with the headboard consisting of vertical metal bars in a chunky metal frame. At the foot of the bed was a smaller version of the headboard, including a metal frame and vertical bars arrangement.
James had once asked Sarah about the bed, but all she would say was “it suited her needs”, which was a slightly cryptic thing to say.
The only new addition to the room James could see was a pile of silk strips next to the bed. The strips seemed to be about 2″ wide and he guessed about 5′ in length. Each edge of the strips appeared to have been folded over and stitched to avoid frayed ends.
Whilst he was puzzling over the silk strips, James heard Sarah gives a command from behind him.
“Strip and get on the bed.”
The toneof the command surprised James, because although it was obviously Sarah’s voice, instead of Sarah’s normal happy-go-lucky tone, this command came from someone who was used to having her instructions obeyed instantly.
Turning his head to look at Sarah, James saw that she was pointing at the bed, and whilst she still had a smile on her face, James had the unsettling impression the smile was more related to what she was going to do to him, rather than what he could do for her.
Curious, James decided the best course of action was to go along with whatever was going to happen. Stripping, he placed his folded clothes on the bedroom chair and went and lay on the bed. It was only when he was lying outstretched on the bed that James noticed that Sarah hadn’t moved and was in fact still fully dressed.
Once James was on the bed, Sarah picked up one of the silk strips and moved to the head of the bed. Taking one of James’ wrists Sarah tied the wrist to the headboard frame, firstlooping the silk strip around the upright of the frame, then wrapping around the wrist a couple times with an over and under pattern, another loop around the bed frame, before a couple more times around his wrist. Sarah finished the restraint by tying the remainder of the strip off with a simple bow. Over the next couple of minutes Sarah tied his remaining wrist and both his ankles in a similar fashion until James’ arms were spread apart above his head and His legs were tied out straight to the foot of the bed.
Next Sarah took the last of the silk strips, which was longer than the rest, and dragged it over the bed and James’ wait so each end hung over the side of the bed, she then tightly sinching and tied each end to the corresponding side of the bedframe. At this point James found that rather worriedly, not only couldn’t he move his arms and legs, but he could no longer Raise his hips off the bed. The silk strips were deceptively strong. Whilst on first glance each strip lookd fairly flimsy, the way Sarah had woven them back and forth between the bedframe and his limbs meant there was no slack at all, and his wrists and ankles felt like they were trapped in the softest of vice like grips.
Sarah next went to a chest of drawers, and from the top drawer removed a vibrator, a cock-ring and a bottle of lube, which she placed on top of the chest.
Stepping back to admire her work, Sarah looked at James to see how he was taking this new turn of events. She was pleased to see that he seemed excited about whatever was about to happen, rather than being put off by it. James had probably been excited most of the day wondering what was going to happen tonight. Judging by his erect and twitching cock, he was certainly excited at the moment. He was probably hoping for a quick hand-job or blowjob to release the pressure. He was going to be disappointed.
“The main thing you are going to learn tonight is how to build a woman’s pleasure slowly. The otherr thing you are going to learn is how to hold off your own pleasure for as long as possible, whether you want to or not.”
“There are only two rules for tonight… you will not speak unless you are spoken to, and you will not be allowed to come before I do.”
There was a brief look of nervousness on James’ face at that last statement.
“Do you understand me?” asked Sarah.
There was a quiet “yes” and nod of agreement from James. It was clear that James was still coming to terms with the change that had come over the sweet innocent Sarah he was used to.
It was true that Sarah wasn’t normally inclined to be authoritative and domineering in the bedroom. However, now that it was happening, she realized that she was enjoying the role. This was going to be fun.
Taking the time to place a pillow beneath James’ head so that he could better look at her, Sarah moved back to the foot of the bed, and after a quick look at James she slowly began to undress.
Sarah had chosen not to wear anything special for tonight. As a result, Sara was currently wearing a loose cotton blouse and an old pair of jeans.
Keeping her eyes locked on James, Sarah began unbuttoning her blouse. As each new piece of her skin was exposed, she took the time to ever so lightly trace her fingers over it.
The feeling of relaxation her light touches brought was just what she needed. Although knowing what she had planned for tonight, she had been a little nervous about how James might react. Now that she knew James was OK with it, she could concentrate on easy her own remaining tension.
Even when the last button on her bloom had been undone, Sarah still did not take it off. She knew that partially naked was often far more sexy than fully naked. Instead, she undid the button and zipper on her jeans. Slowly she put her hand down the front of her jeans. She didn’t really have room to do much, so instead she simply revealed in the warmh she found there and made do with a couple light squeezes of her mound.
Removing her hand from inside her jeans, Sarah turned her back on James and hooking a thumb into either side of her jeans waistband, she slowly lowered them to first thigh level, and then bending at the waist she lowered her jeans all the way to the floor until she was nearly bent double. Sarah knew that her tight ass was one of her best features, so saw no reason in depriving James of the view. Having held the bent over pose a little longer than necessary, Sarah stood up and still with her back to James finally let her bloom fall to the floor.
Next Sarah unclipped her bra and with no preamble she let it fall to the floor as well. Sarah began massaging her breasts. Sarah’s touch was stronger than her previous light cares, but still it wasn’t Sensual yet. Instead, Sarah was relishing the sense of freedom her breasts were experiencing from being constrained in her bra all day.
Still massaging her breasts, Sarah slowly turned to face James, locking eyes with him once more. Whilst her left hand continued to slowly mass her breasts, her right hand began to slowly cares its way down her abdomen to the front of her panties. Slowly with just her middle finger Sarah began tracing her vulva beneath the thin material, first up one side, then down the other, then up the middle. Over and over again her finger circled her vulva until she felt the beginning eggs of her arousal flicker to life.
Taking her newly revived arousal as a sign, Sarah quickly bent and stripped off her panties, revealing her (in her humble opinion) pretty vulva and the patch of close cropped public hair she left above it as an accent to her pink lips.
Standing once more she placed her hands on her hips, and locked eyes with James again.
“So, do you like what you see?”
All James could manage was a breathless “yes”.
Sarah had never seen such a look of desire and hunger on another person’s face. In fact, the look of hunger on James’ face was doing more to turn her on than all the cares she had given herself up to this point, but she wasn’t going to admit that to him.
Crossing to the side of the bed, Sarah picked up the cock-ring and lube. She had purposely chosen one of the smaller cock-rings, as she wanted James’ cock standing to attention for the entire encounter, and hopefully the tighter ring would help stave off any unplanned ejaculations. With the help of the lube Sarah soon had the ring in place. Finishing up she gave James’ cock a few playful strokes. James moaned his appreciation, not knowing that this was the last time his cock would be directly stimulated for some time.
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