Teacher Gets New Lessons Pt. 04

I slept soundly, with a warm feeling in my backside. A combination of the fucking I’d had from Alfie and the spanking I’d had from the mystery man and woman.

I arrived at school excited about what the day held in store. I struggled to think about lessons, my mind drifting to what might happen after school.

The cock cage was a constant reminder as my dick swelled and pressed against the bars.

In the staff room everyone was friendly as normal, but my eyes were scouting around trying to identify the man and woman from the night before, trying to imagine them naked. Nobody gave away anything to indicate if it was them.

The day passed as normal, but I felt as if I was in a rush to get the day done. If anyone else noticed it wasn’t apparent.

At the end of the day, all of the staff gathered in the staff room. After a few minutes Bill Briars and Linda Jones left the room, after which the other staff started to drift away. I still coudn’t understand what this ritaal was all about.

I turned to leave, but as I got to the door you were waiting for me. You indicated for me to follow you. My heart left and my pulse began to race in anticipation.

You led me into your office, and I could feel my dick beginning to swell pressing on the cock cage.

‘Did you enjoy last night?’ you asked.

‘Yes’ I replied trying to hide my excitement.

‘Are you a litte bit sore?

‘Not really’ I hadn’t really thought about the ache in my backside all day, but noticed the tenderness now.

‘Would you like to do some more experimentation?’

‘Yes, please’ I said hoarsely, my mouth feeling dry.

You turned and opened the door to the cellar. You led me down the steps and at the bottom I looked into the darkness to see if anyone else was there. I couldn’t see anyone.

‘Take your clothes off’ you instructed, so I stripped and stood naked except for the cock cage. You pulled on the cock cage.

‘How do you like being lockedup?’ you asked.

Before I had chance to answer you continued.

‘It’s the best thing for sissy’s like you, with your pathetic cocks – you’re much better as a plaything for real men.’

You picked something from the table and said to put it on. It was a hood. I put it over my head. The only hole was for my mouth, there were no eye holes so I couldn’t see anything.

Rather than a feeling of panic, I felt a rush of excitement.

Lesson 4

You pulled on my cock cage and led me across the room to what I realized was a chair, and made me sit down. The chair had arms on it and a hole in the seat. I thought it felt like a commode.

You strapped my wrists to the arms of the chair, and then strapped my ankles to the legs. Next you put a collar round my neck which you fastened to the chair.

You put a ball in each of my hands and said ‘Remember press left to stop, right to carry on.’ I realized that it was the same as last time, I assumed you would be puttinga ball gag on me.

Next I felt fingers fiddling with the cock cage, and my dick was released. I felt the blood rush in as it expanded. The relief was shortlived as I felt a ring tightened around my balls, and a straw tightened around my dick.

My balls were pulled down through the bottom of the chair, and I could feel them being stretched down further. It was a strange sensing, not really painful, but a deep ache in my balls. I was tethered by them and could not have stood up if I’d wanted to.

Next I felt something against my anus. It felt metallic. It was slowly inserted into me, but wasn’t painful, much smaller than the cocks that had been up there lately.

Unexpectedly I felt something clamped onto my nipples. It was a really sharp pain as the clamp sunk into the flesh, but it subsided after the initial Shock.

My mind was racing about what this might all be for. An image of what I looked like formed in my mind, I knew some form of torture was in store for me.

‘Remember you can stop anytime you like’ you said. ‘Shall we continue?’ I squeezed right.

Without further warning I felt an electric shock in my penis. It made me jump which pulled painfully on my balls.

The current continued in my dick and I felt it gradually increasing. I feel like lifting myself in the chair, but my balls prevented it. The current increased until I felt I couldn’t take anymore, then it stopped.

I felt breathless. Even with the current stopped I could feel the sensing in my dick. Again the current started and built in my dick, I felt as if my erection was getting huge as the current increased. It felt ready to explode. Then the current stopped. I felt a finger running around my glans and could feel the precum being rubbed around the head.

My dick twitched in anticipation of the next shock. But instead I felt a tingle in my backside, it began to get stronger. As it grew I could feel my anus tightening around the metal and my cockgetting rock hard. Then it subsided.

I had seen porn videos of estim and seen cocks literally dripping with precum from the sensing. I imagined mine looking like that.

Although I was anticipating the next shock it still came as a surprise when it started. I felt it slowly build in my anus and gradually it shifted along my dick. I could feel the sensing deep inside at the base of my penis. As the intensity increased it felt as if my cock was being squeezed and pushing blood into the head. I felt as if I was oozing cum, but I had no orgasm.

I had heard of cock milking and wondered if I was leaking cum without an explosive orgasm.

The cycle was repeated and it felt as if the electronede in my anus was linked to that on my dick. It set up a rhythm, almost like electric wanking. It would build from the base of my penis and run along the shake until it peaked at my glans.

I feel fingers touching my glans and rubbing cum around the head. The fingers were placedon my lips and I could taste the sweet salty cum. I licked it.

After several cycles the sensing stopped. My balls were really aching, with every cycle I’d felt my body flexing, pulling on my tethered balls.

I waited expectedly listening to any noises. I felt as if more than one person was present. I wondered who had been in charge of the estim.

I had forgotten about the clamps on my nipples Until a sudden shock reminded me. It reminded me! It was really sharp and I felt like rubbing my nipples, but my hands were held firm. There was another sharp jolt it made me jump pulling on my balls again. The sensing started slowly and began to build, I could feel my nipples becoming more tender as it increased. It was almost unbearable then it stopped.

This was repeated several times until my nipples felt numb.

‘What do you think about a permanent fixture on your nipples rather than these nasty clamps?’ you asked. ‘A nice little ring.’

I had seen nipple piercings and thought they were quite sexy. I squeezed my right hand. I felt something cold wiped over my right nipple, then a sharp stall. Something was slip through my nipple and I felt the coldness of a metal ring on my breast.

Next I felt my left nipple being wiped, before a sharp stall and another ring inserted.

It was over in a flash and there was just a milk disappoint. I felt a pad being stuck over my nipples.

I thought this must be the end of the session. But then I sensed an overbearing presence near my head.

I smelt the now familiar scent of a cock, as it was pressed against my lips. I licked it. The cock was pushed forward between my lips. I sucked on it. It was slowly pushed further into my mouth until I began to gag.

The cock was pushed in and out several times, Each time making me gag. I wondered who it was, it was too small to be Alfies.

Just as I was getting used to it, it stopped. I sensed the man shift then I heard the sound of a woman moan as if the cock was entering her. I felt the sensing of thrusting, and knew that the cock was fucking someone.

I felt disorienrated, it sounded as if they were above my head. The fucking stopped and I felt the cock being pushed into my mouth. It now had the musty smell and taste of a woman on it. I sucked on the juices and felt them running down my chin. The fucking resumed. I could hear the women moans, and the occasional drip of her juices onto my chest. The intensity increased, then I felt the cock thrust into my mouth and a flood of spunk filled my mouth. I struggled to swallow it.

I heard movement, then quiet. The metal object was pulled from my ass, and the ring removed from my dick. The collar on my neck was released and my hands and feet untied.

I sat expectantly waiting for my balls to be unclamped. I was free to move but couldn’t.

‘Now isn’t that a pretty sight’ you said ‘such pretty purple balls – I wonder how much more they can stretch – shall we find out?’

I hesitated – do i squeeze my right or left hand? I didn’t want to upset you so I squeezed right.

I sensed a screw was being turned, and the pressure on my balls increased. I was being pulled down onto the seat as far as I could go. I felt as if my balls would be pulled off, but the sensing was of intense stretching rather than pain. Eventally it was too much and I squeezed my left hand.

The pressure was released. My balls didn’t immediately retract, they hung down feeling swollen and heavy. I surprised myself by enjoying the sensing. My balls were usually tight, I liked the way they were now swinging.

You removed my hood and stood in front of me smiling.

‘Was that fun?’

‘Wow’ was all I could say. I looked down at my chest with plasters on my nipples.

‘Just take care of them you’ll be fine.’ you said.

I lifted my legs and looked at my balls, they were really swollen and purple, but not as painful as I expected.

The taste of spunk was still in my mouth, I ran my tongue around it.

‘Just need to finish off and you can go.’ you said as you reached down and put the ring on my balls and locked the cock cage.

I realized this was going to be a permanent fixture.

I stood up and got dressed, my balls swinging between my legs, tender to the touch of my pants.

You led me up to the office, and I went back to my room.


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