Tales of War Pt. 01

Major Carl Crouse sat naked in an open dressing gown, fingering his deflated cock whilst sipping a glass of excellent port. He smiled as he reminisced over his life and his new good fortune…

He had always been despised as a child as he was unattractive, awkward and hopeless at sport. His pudginess had always been held to ridicule by boys and girls alike. This was made even worse in his teens when spots and bamboos were added to his troubles. An overly sexy boy who popped an erection at even the merest sight of a girls knickers, he was doomed to be rejected by all the girls, even the ugly ones, who of course he was not interested in. He was always trying to look up female teacher’s skirts or peep down their cleavage. On one occasion his was able for trying to secretly lift a girls skirt with his ruler. He had failed to notice the teacher standing behind him.

He had done passably well at school and had gone on afterwards to work in a bank. This was a deadly boring job,made worse by being surrounded by some young girls, who all decided any invitations when he attempted to socialize with them. He had heard them talk among themselves saying he gave them the way he was always looking at their breasts. Still searching for a mate, he had dated a plain girl who lived in his street, but she had slapped his face when in the cinema he had tried to touch her tits.

His only sexual fun was masturbating to pictures in his mother’s shopping catalogs of women in bras and stockings, as there were no girl books allowed by law, and he had no friends who knew of any even if he had plucked up the courage to ask.

A long dreamy life stretched out ahead of him with no prospect of finding a suitable girl, when in his early thirties, his country declared war on its neighbor and he found himself called up. An older uncle who was with the war ministry had somehow bought him a commission, and he found himself a major. However his flat feet, put himout of the active service and into stores and supplies. Old school boys who he bumped into once in a while sneered at him having such a soft job and he envied their exciting life. They always seemed to be walking with good looking girls on their arms fondling and kissing them, whereas he could only dream about them and masturbate. Something he was always doing as he had an insatiable sexual appetite, needing to come several times a day.

At least now he had money and access to whores who he would visit when he could get save up enough. Even they despised him, but he found he enjoyed that, especially when they sucked his cock whilst kneeing in front of him. His power over them somehow made it more exciting. Although he longed to make them grovel at his feet and beg for mercy of course they would not let him do this and he was even thrown out of one brother for slapping one of the girls.

Strange how fate works as one day, he was called into the commanding officers office. Hetried to recall if he had done anything wrong but nothing came to mind.

He felt a bit like a naughty schoolboy as he stood in front of the seated commander.

“You’re here Major, for me to give you a posting. None of the other officers have any desire to hold it, but as you are unable to fight I thought it would suit you.”

Carl blushed at the implications behind the comment, that he was useless and therefore could be spared.

“You will be placed in charge of the women’s detention camp at Bruck. The last four officers have died of heart attacks and so we decided to let you fill the vacancy.

Carl fight the feeling of resentment that rose in him, in charge of a prison, and a women’s prison at that. Who did they think he was? However the general’s word was law and where he was sent he would have to go.

Within a week he was on a train filled with fighting men on his way to look after a bunch of women. He was ashamed to tell the men in his carriage what he was doing and so made up some story about a secret mission.

On arrival at Bruck station he was met by a young batman who had been assigned to him. They drove through the town arrival finally at a gate with guards. After showing his credentials he was allowed through. They drove up a long drive and stopped before a large country house. He was told this was where he was staying. It was an older style building attached to a large school that had been requested. There were extensive playing fields and a sealed playground in front of the main building. There were several buildings surrounding the playground on three sides used for administration, and dormitories.

As they walked to his office he got his first view of the women inmates; they were all dressed in a plain blue uniform. To his surprise they all looked clean, fit and well, not what he was expecting at all. His interest was stirred for the first time since the appointment.

He was met by a female lieutenant, the senior officer, who introduced herself as Frau Lynn; she was stocky with a certain butch quality about her. She exchanged pleasuresants and led him to the administration building, where he met his staff. Once in his office they got down to business.

After signing off the letters of appointment, she showed him where all the papers were kept. Carl scanned through them briefly, it all seemed in order. Maybe This position was going to be acceptable after all, and it was certainly better than being shot at on the front. There was a knock on the door and a private entered bearing a tray on which was two cups of coffee and several sweet cakes. As they talked, the major expressed his surprise at condition of the female inmates. He said he was astonishment at how fit and young they looked, not anything like the images he expected of gaunt dirty prisoners barely surviving.

“We feed them reasonably well, as then they can work in the gardens and in the factories. The local industriespay us for their labor. We also have certain arrangements with the towns around regarding entertainment, for which we get well paid. Wartime does deprive men of certain pleasures which we fill, and for this they need to look presentable.” She smiled, “We have eliminated the older and in-firmed inmates. Once they have reached thirty they are moved on to Gedana. Our last major was very independent on this, saying he like to keep his stock young, fit and able, as you will see.”

The major wasn’t entirely sure what she means.

“Maybe you would like to look around Major; your predecessors were always interested in seeing how the women were doing. They all had a very hands-on approach to their position.” She chuckled adding, “Taking a special interest in the shower blocks and medical facilities.”

His mind was starting to tick over a bit faster, shower rooms, surely that means naked women, he could feel his cock starting to stir for the first time in days.

“Thank you Lieutenant, I believe I’d like that.” He answered smiling; it was no wonder his predecessors showed an interest in them!

They left the office and started down the wooden steps. At that moment a truck drive up and stopped close to where they were walking. Women started to emerge from the back and Carl pointed them out to Frau Lynn, she explained they were a new batch of inmates just arrived for processing. Carl expressed an interest in seeing them. The lieutenant led the way and ordered the guard in command to hold them whilst the major looked them over. Carl was amazed to see these women, all young, who if washed and dressed properly could look very attractive. A pleasant image was rapidly forming in his mind.

“How are they processed Lieutenant?”

“They have already been screened during their journey to make sure they are fit and young. We now prepare them for their new life in camp.”

“Are they all checked before arrival?”

“Some arrive already health cleared;it depends where they are from. Otherwise we always have them cleaned, deloused and medically inspected when they arrive.” Frau Lynn explained.

Carl licked his lips, “I would like to follow along after them Lieutenant, just to see how it is done.”

“Of course Major,” The lieutenant smiled, “The last commandant also took a keen interest in these procedures.”

The women were walked over to the shower block next to the playing fields, where they were stopped outside.

“Carry on Lieutenant, imagine I am not here.”

Frau Lynn spoke briefly to the sergeant in charge of the women and then returned to the major’s side. The guard spoke.

“I am Sergeant Black, this is Lieutenant Lynn and this is your new commander, Major Crouse,” She indicated the lieutenant and the major. “You are prisoners at Camp 5 in Bruck, there are two simple rules,” she held up two fingers. “Firstly; do as you are told and secondly; don’t speak unless spoken to. There are several punishmentsto those who break those rules from flogging to shooting. Be warned we have no hesitation in using either. “

“You will be fed well providing you work and obey. Take your cases and put them in there and then return and line up.” She pointed to a small wagon with the back open at the side of the shower block.

“When will we get them back mam?”

“Who spoke?”

There was a moment silence, before one of the women stepped forward.

“No talking! Didn’t you listen?! Take her away and give her six lashes.”

Sergeant Black directed two of the guards to take the woman, who struggled futilely in their grip, away.

“I am sorry Major, this lot maybe a little slow on learning the basic rules. Though it is surprising how fast they learn!”

“No problem Sergeant, please continue.”

The girls now anxious to do as commanded return to stand once more in front of the block.

“Now you will undress, take everything off, the guards will take your filterhy clothes, these will be burnt. And anxious.”

Carl licked his lips, this was more like it. His eyes lit up as the women, frightened by the display of discipline obeyed instantly, and stripped off their clothes, to finally stand naked in front of him. His eyes feasted on the women, especially those with larger breasts, of whom there were quite a few. Many of the women tried in vain to hold on to any decency they had by clapping their breasts and covering their genitals. Carl had to adjust his trousers as his cock now struggled to stand to attention as he watched them desperately trying to cover their nakedness. Their shame and coyness stimulated him further.

“Stand upright, hands by your sides!” The sergeant barked.

The women reluctantly did as commanded revealing their full nudity to the male and female guards who were present.

“There are Showers ready for you through there, anxious we do not have all day.” she pointed at an open doorway.

The women walked one by one into the building and were followed by the sergeant, Frau Lynn and the major. A dozen shows lined one wall; there were no cubicles just nozzles. The girls were directed to use these. Carl’s cock was now fully erect; as he watched the women use the soap and shampoos provided to clean themselves, rubbing their hands over their naked bodies. For fully ten minutes he enjoyed the spectacle, as one set of naked women were replaced by another under the shower heads, until they all finished and stood once more in front of the now cleaned.

Frau Lynn smiled at the major, “Maybe the Major would like to inspect these more intimately later, after they have been cleared medically?”

Carl nodded still enjoying the spectacle of the naked women exposed fully to his gaze.

“I think the Major is going to like this posting.” Frau Lynn smiled at the major as she looked down at his bulging trousers.

“I believe you might be right Lieutenant.” Carl looked down and then smiled back.

She led him out of the shower room leaving him a little disappointed. Frau Lynn seemed to note this and continued, “Your predecessors had a punishment room set up for reccalcitrant inmates; maybe you would like to be shown it after your tour. I’m sure you will find it interesting, revealing and possibly relieving!” Frau Lynn smiled.

“A good idea Lieutenant, I’m always interested in Discipline.”

The lieutenant beckoned over the sergeant in charge of the women and spoke quietly to her. She indicated the prisoners, to which the two women smiled conspiratorially, before returning to the major’s side.

Carl was escorted around the rest of the camp. He was shown into rooms where the inmates made clothes and surprisingly lingerie. There were also extensive vegetable gardens, where women were at work. There was also a small farm with cows, pigs, goats and a donkey. Close by was a small playing field to one side of the camp.

After the brief tour inspecting the camp, the lieutenant returned Carl towards the office.

“If you will excuse me Major I will leave you for now, I am sure the sergeant will have set up the punishment room for your inspection by now. You will find the block next to the kitchens. It is known as D block. I’m sure you will find some amusement there, the sergeant will be outside to meet you and to help if you need any assistance.”

“Thank you Lieutenant, you have made me curious to inspect this D block.” With which the Frau Lynn left.

This post was certainly looking up he mused as he felt once more a stirring in his loins. He quickly crossed the yard which was now almost deserted, the inmates either in the factory or out of camp. As he approached D block, the sergeant stand to attention and saluted.

“If you will follow me Major, I will show you the ropes, if you’ll excuse the pun. We have a girl waiting for punishment.”

The sergeant pushed open the door and led the major inside. Carl looked around as heentered. It was a medium size room with tables at one end on which rested ropes and bits and pieces. In front of the tables were various frames and bars from which hung chains and hooks. Facing the frames were several rows of chairs where the major assumed people sat to watch the spectacle. As Carl approached, two male guards with a woman, obviously the prisoner, between them stood to attention. The men saluted.

“Reporting with the prisoner, sir,” One of them said.

“Stand at ease men. What is the prisoner’s crime?”

“Insolence sir, talking back to her superiors.”

“And what is the normal punishment for this Lieutenant?”

“Well normally sir, it would be a short time in the stocks, but this is her second offense so she needs extra reprimanding for her crimes. Your predecessor used to bring second offenders here or to the entertainment block, where they were punished. Also if the prisoner was to the major’s liking she would be used to relieve his tedium, if youunderstand me sir. Would you like me to show you sir, as it is probably new to you?”

“Stocks, sergeant?”

“Yes sir, outside the compound in the men’s camp, she’d be bent over with her head and hands held, naked of course. I think you can appreciate what would happen sir,” the sergeant smiled.

Carl chuckled, “I think I get the drift sergeant. Anyway please continue with the punishment.”

During the exchange the woman stood subdued between the two men. Her head bowed and her hands claped before her. She was about twenty, pretty with short red hair.

“Stand up straight hands by your side!’

As she straightened up Carl could see she was slim with a full figure, her breasts pushing out the thin material.

“Please don’t beat me sir!” The girl cried out. She was cuffed across the ear.

“Silence, or we will double the punishment.” Said one of the men as they led the girl over the center of the room.

“Strip!” one of the men shouted at her. Carl’s heart beat hard in his chest. Strip eh, looking at the girl helpless in front of the two men and knew he was in for a treatment.

Knowing she had no chance to escape or refuse the girl reluctantly pulled the top over her head. Wearing no bra she instantly revealed her large naked breasts. Without pausing she slide the skirt down to reveal her genitals as she wore no panties.

“Is it normal for the women to be wearing no underwear sergeant?” Carl inquired with a smile.

“Yes sir, all the prisoners are naked under their uniforms.”

Carl smiled, lovely the thought of all those women nakedness barely covered delighted him.

The men then lifted her arms up above her head attaching them by straps to a bar hanging from the ceiling. She was stretched upwards on her toes. Carl licked his lips at the sight of the pretty girl semi-suspended, naked and helpless in front of him. Her legs were long and straight, her toes just touching the floor, and her breasts lifted by her position.

Carl’s feasted on the naked girl, his eyes drawn to the red triangle at the bottom of her belly between the thighs and the slit of her cunt. He eyes moved up her body to her firm breasts tipped by fine pink nipples. Her body was extremely pale white with no excess fat anywhere. With her hands held above her head, she was also helpless to protect herself or cover her body. Carl’s cock stiffened at the sight of her sexuality, forcing him again to adjust his clothing. She was the type of girl who would have sneered at any advance Carl would have made in the past.

The men ran their hands roughly over the girl’s body squeezing her tits and rubbing her crotch. The girl squirmed as they took turns to slap her breasts making them wobble about on her chest before shaking them by their nipples.

They reached up and After lifting the girl released her arms before pulling her over to a another bar that was horizontal and at about groin height. The girl was forced to bendforward over the bar as her strapped wrists were stretched forward to be attached to a hook in front of her at waist height. Her tits hung down from her chest and swung slightly with every move. Her legs were then forced wide apart and chained to the uprights of the frame. Carl came around behind the girl and stared at the sight of her sex bared in front of him. He had never seen a redhead naked and was fascinated by the sight of her ginger genital hair through which her labial lips could be seen exposed to him under her dark pink anal ring.

“Don’t please, don’t!” She begged.

“Silence, the stretch gag I think,” said the sergeant.

One of the men went over to the side and returned with a leather strap. At one end was a gag and at the other a stainless steel hook with a fat round end. Carl was fascinated and was uncertain as to how it worked. The man passed the gag over the girls head and tied it tight around the girl’s mouth stifling her cries. He then loosened the strap and to Carl’s amazement pulled the hook backwards towards the girl’s buttocks. The man then reached down and graceting the closed end of the hook pushed the end of the hook into the girl anus making her squirm. Shortening the length of the straw, forced the girls head back and the hook further into the tight aperture of the girl’s arsehole. Her back was arched, forcing her tits out at the front. Her muted cries could just be heard, but she was utterly powerless.

“Sometimes we put it in their vagina sir, but this time we thought you might like access there when you’re ready.”

Carl stood back astounded before him the pretty young girl was stretched and trusted and at his mercy. He remembered the number of girls who looked just like this one. One’s who had refused his advances, laughing at him, at his fatness, his spots. His face grinned at the thought of what lay ahead.

The men continued to rub the girls tits and one of them wet his finger before inserting into the girls vagina, where he worked it in and out.

“Major, would you like us to leave you alone with this beauty, or would you like us to continue?”

“Carry on with the punishment.”

The man went over to the benchmark and selected a thin whippy cane.

He returned to the girl who seeing him approaching lost control of her bladder and started to urinate in fear. The men laughed as the urine spurted from her cunt, steaming slowly in the cool air. The stream falsetered and then slowed to a dribbled running down the girl’s leg.


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