Lori sat parallel on the couch with her back pushed up against the armrest and throw-pillow in her lap. She sprayed her legs over Paul’s lap. She was naked, he still had his clothes on; grey slacks, white dress shirt, and wearing the gray tie with the white and black stripes on it. He still hadn’t even taken off his black wingtips and his feet were planted on the floor. His right hand held a bottled water and rested on the side of the sofa. He looked and acted like a grownup. Lori looked and acted like a vulnerable child. She sank back a little further into the couch.
The visit started wonderfully. She knocked on the door as they agreed. He opened it and ushered her in and without using any words, he pushed her up against the wall, lifted her chin up and started kissing her. Oh man, Lori was in heaven. His kisses were the perfect pools in a tropical lagoon on a warm sunny day. They were decisive and open, both soft and somehow hard. His kisses were at first exploration and then he started holding her neck and kissing more passwordately. He made his way to her lovely large breasts and started pinching and pulling one of her nipples. One of Lori’s hands tried to make its way to Paul’s cock but he pushed it away. Instead he held it up against the wall. She had always dreamed of meeting him like this. All the months of wanting and waiting and yearning finally condensed down into this one moment.
It was the same for Paul. Months of sheltering at home in place with his wife and little girl were showing their strains. He had an urgent need as well. Without missing a beat. He had her dress off of her and was using his hands to paw his way over every inch and deep into her pussy. She played her legs wide for him and he could feel her juiciness. That was all he needed. He grabbed her hair and pushed her up against the bed and bent her over the edge. He unzipped his pants and lowered his trousers and then he pushed his way in and made himself at home in her pussy and it was so nice.
That was amazing. Just like Lori had imagined it. They both needed to catch their breath for a minute. Instead of getting into bed for some cozy time, they chose to sit on the couch in front of that window with the amazing view. At first they are just sitting there and then Paul picked up his water. And Lori, still worried about their conversation from the day before, needed to talk.
“You know,” she said, “I was thinking the other day about some of the erotic literature, or word porn as I like to call it, that I read when I was a kid and two instances instantly come to mind – first, let me say, I don’t remember the name of the book, it wasn’t my book, I think my dad was reading it. I don’t know why or how I got my hands on it. I don’t know if I read it cover to cover or just bits and pieces. If I just read bits and pieces, how did I come to the juicy parts? I’m not sure. I think the two stories came from the same book. The book was set in the south during the pre-civil war error. Think plants, slaves, male dominance, etc. One scene involved a woman and her female slave. One of them used a hairbrush to penetrate the other’s pussy. I don’t remember who did the giving and who got the receiving and I don’t think it mattered. It was hot. The other scene involved a slave woman being kept in a stall in a barn and being made available to the men of the house. One man, slightly more caring than the others but not the world’s best gentleman either, took the woman like an animal in the stall. She’s on all fours and he’s fucking her from behind. That was super hot too. Is this the seed of my kink? Maybe. But I like the idea of sexually belonging to someone, finding thrill and pleasure in it, having it occur my mind for days and maybe even watching some crueles fade over time. These are usually on my breasts. I like the idea of being taken and slightly abused but made to feel amazing with my orgasm and all the warm fuzzy and sexy feelingsthat come from it.”
Paul is thoughtfully listening, trying to understand why she was talking about this. He looked over at her. He saw her looking out the window, hugging the pillow tightly. He rubbed his hand up along one of her legs and his left hand started to play with her pussy a little bit. Lori loved this attention. She relaxed a little bit. It felt good to her.
She started to tell him What he needed to know and what she needed him to understand. There was an intensity about it that Lori didn’t fully understand but she tried to fester it out. She thought he assumed too much when she talked about how good she was feeling. How getting to know him was just what she needed. He assumed too much when she said how beneficial their emails and encounters were making her feel. She knew he assumed too much When he started to talk her down from her happy place by explaining how their time together always came with an expiration date.
She needed him to know that even thoughh she was submissive and exuding great enthusiasm for their sexual activity, that he was not responsible for her feelings. In the back of her mind, mad little Lori was screaming up at him saying, “How dare you take my feelings away from me and water them down before giving them back. I am a grown up. I am responsible for my own feelings and if I want to feel love and joy from being with you then don’t even try to take that from me. I’m talking this moment in time and how I feel. I am not planning for the future. I know you are married. I know there is no future. So let me enjoy today for fuck’s sake.”
But sweet Lori, lying curled up on the couch, feeling him play with her pussy, say, “I know I like to pretend sometimes and I know I can get a little caught up in things and I know my mind wanders and I can be needed. Sometimes the virus and new environment get me down. Sometimes I assume everything in the world is gloom and doom and I am the butt of every joke uttered. Other timesI think this new world is fucking fantastic because I found this person that actually is willing to play with me and I love it. I think his word porn might be better than mine.” She looked over at him and smiled. “At work, I’m getting paid to practice meditation, to be mindful, to zoom knit with a group, I’m remembering how to cook and most importantly I am remembering that I am a person and that I matter and that I really need to take care of myself, like finding someone to fuck, and learn Spanish.”
At this point, Paul thought about the deep south and imagined a woman being penetrated by the end of a hairbrush and he thought a dildo might work or maybe even just his fingers. So he played a little more aggressively with Lori’s pussy and he started to fuck her with his fingers.
Lori moved Her body in ways that responded fully to his ministries and soon enough her legs once again were played wide open, like they like to do, and Paul had another hand on a boob playing witha nipple but Lori desperately needed to finish her thought and her thought was this. “I know this isn’t fully real, even when it happens in real life.” She drew a deep breath of air in and tried concentrated on getting the rest of her sentence out. “I know we will get tired of writing ‘boob’, ‘cock’, ‘pussy’, ‘me’, ‘you’, ‘Paul’, ‘Daddy’, ‘cum slut’ and the rest. But I’m willing and Wanting to be in, real life right now, 100%. I want to be your fuck toy, at least for awhile, but you need to let me be responsible for my own emotions. Okay?”
And then they finally fully understand each other and Paul’s cock was super hard and Lori was incredibly wet. He told Lori to get up and to knee on the sofa with her knees on the seat, hands leaning on the back of the couch and then Paul came up from behind her and positioned her ass so it was just the right height for Paul to penetrate her butthole from behind. He was so sick of the girly stuff and just wanted to get right down to fucking and so did Lori. Paul grabbed Lori’s hips and dove his cock into her so hard and so fast that she lost her breath and he pumped into her from behind and man it was so sexy and felt so good that Lori reached that state of being, the one she’s been longing for, where she can feel her pleasure without shame, guilt, fear or ridicule. It feel good, so good.
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