My name is Hayley, and this is my first time ever writing erotica, so please be gentle with me! But please, please, PLEASE leave comments/constructive criticism!! This is the first chapter in a series, and I promise that I’ll try to update regularly. I really hope that you like it!! Thanks for reading!! <3
The Fantasies
The fansies came at night, while he slept soundly beside her. She hadn’t been sleeping well for some time now, ever since their fighting had started. But once he drifted off to sleep, she was able to relax, and just imagine. Imagine that everything was perfect, and then some. With his arms wrapped tightly around her, and his strong hands pressing into her belly, she shivered and grinned to herself. If only he knew what she was thinking.
Would he be disgusted? She’d long given up on being disgusted with herself. She’d had fansies about being at someone else’s mercy since she was about sixteen, and first discovereddirty books. At first she was ashamed, and saw herself as a freak. But at twenty-five, she’d long since accepted herself. But she had yet to tell anyone about her secret desires. Her desires to be tied down so she couldn’t move. Her desires to be whipped until she was screaming, both in pain in pleasure, unable to tell the difference between the two. Her desire to be told exactly how to pleasure another person. To be a sex object. To give up her entire being, and let herself be taken over entirely by another. But no, she had never told anyone. Not even her husband.
They’d been fighting a lot lately. They had got married almost a year ago (their anniversary was fast approaching, coming in just four days). At first, things had been great. They moved into their grogeous apartment that had been a wedding gift from his fabulously wealthy parents, and had lived in that blissful ‘honeymoon’ state for about two months. You know, the constant sex, only referring to each other as ‘baby’and ‘sweetheart’, and all that other romantic crap. But that quickly faded. See, real life set in when he got the big break that he’d been hoping for at her father’s law firm. He was made a partner — the youngest that the company had ever had. Of course it was because he was the son in law of the big boss man, but still. That means he was working twenty hour days, and coming home completely burned out. The little time that they did have together was spent fighting over all the time that they spent apart.
She had to do something. She couldn’t continue on like this, only getting little bits of pleasure from her hot pink vibrator a few times a week. That wasn’t a marriage. She hadn’t had to resort to this much masturbation since she was in high school, and not actually getting sex. She’d met Bradley when she was just a freshman in College, and the two had been inseparable since. This seemed to be more than a rough patch. And if it didn’t change soon, separation would surely be the next step.
The Idea
After finally drifting off to sleep, it seemed like she only got an hour or so before the alarm woman her up again. And as usual, her bed was empty. She groaned loudly into the large room, and throw her head back in frustration. Their one year anniversary was in just three days from now. They should be celebrating. They should be having morning sex! Or something! But no, like the past ten and a half months, she was alone.
That’s when it hit her. She had to do something to change this. Anniversaries required presents, right? And one year was supposed to be paper. So maybe her ‘paper’ could just be a card confessing her secret fans to him. Maybe a night of completely wild and crazy sex was just what they needed. Because the usual wasn’t going to cut it. The idea alone sent a shiver down her spine, and liquid fire through her veins. She let out a shaky breath… this was the first time she’d ever considered sharing her fansies with anyou. The only time she’d come close was once, in college, when they were talking about their ‘ultimate fantasy’. But she’d held back, worried that he would find her to be a freak. But no. This time, they were married. There was a ring on his finger that bound him to her. And things couldn’t possibly get any worse. So even if he found her secret to be the most disgusting thing in the world, then they could Just add that to the list of problems that they were already having. She had nothing to lose.
Just thinking about it had her wet. She let out a shaky breath and lay back on the bed, and slipped out of her pajama bottoms and panties, allowing her hand to travel downward. Touching herself lightly, she wasn’t surprised to find that she was soaked. She closed her eyes, letting out a soft moan, as she moved her fingers towards her clip. In a few days, she would get what she wanted. Hopefully. She moved her fingers faster, in small circles, and brought her other hand down as well. Keeping her fingers on her clip with one hand, she used the other to insert two fingers into her soaked pussy. She cried out, and began pumping her fingers in and out. Her juices were running down her ass, and onto the bed, and her head was thrown back in absolute carnal pleasure. She moved her fingers faster, increasing the speed on both her clip, and the fingers pumping in and out of her vagina. With a final few pushes, she reached climax, and arched off the bed, crying out in ecstasy as she did so. She collapsed, her skin glistening with sweat, her breathing broken and labored. She pulled her fingers from her pussy and brought them to her mouth, slowly licking them clean. She moaned again, having another small orgasm from the taste of herself alone. She opened her eyes, and stared at the ceiling, and grinned. Today was going to be a good day.
The Shopping Trip
Later, after some serious Google searching, she found herself in her new Range Rover (yet another weddingpresent — yes, they had wealthy families), driving downtown. Her hands were trembling so much that she could barely grip the steering wheel, and she was grinning so wide that her jaw was beginning to hurt. God, she was so excited. She couldn’t remember a time when she’d been this excited about something. Probably on her wedding day. Hell, this could end up being as important as her wedding day. If it worked, she’d have a renewed marriage. And if not… well, she didn’t want to think about that. She turned up the radio, and continued her drive, holding onto the steering wheel for dear life.
She laughed as she pulled up to the store. Deepest Desires, the sign read. Oh man. What had she gotten herself into? The location, the store, everything about this place was sketchy, and that was exactly why she’d picked it. What would people say, if they found out that Mrs. Bradley Davis was shopping for hardcore S&M sex toys?! That would be a mess. She shivered just at the thought. She paused, looking around before she opened her car door, as if making sure she wouldn’t run into one of her best friends or something in the parking lot. She laughed to herself, and shook her head. She was being ridiculous.
She walked into the store, and was immediately taken aback. She gasped to herself, her eyes widened, and a flood of heat rushed through her body, dampening her panties and making her face go bright red. “First time?” the clerk asked, with a grin? She could only nod. “Let me know if you need help.” The woman actually looked nice enough. But she wasn’t about to ask for help. That was a bit too much, even for her. She’d done her research. She could do this on her own.
She moved towards the back of the store, and practically orgasmed right in the aisle. Oh wow, this was going to be fun.
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