Stunned by the fact that it was barely 10 am (the spanking and sex took up way more real estate in both their minds than the forty-five minutes or so that it took in reality) they rose from their nap, dressed and began having a more or less normal Sunday, but the words and tenor had changed completely. They had finally become comfortable with their roles: ‘Yes, Miss,’ and ‘little one’ coming more naturally than ever.
Lunch on the patio, swimming in the pool, lounging on the couch watching TV, getting changed into different clothes every hour or so…it was great and made better because every activity was accompanied by champione (Faith’s in a proper flute while Robyn’s was in a ridiculous yellow duckling sippy cup).
Robyn started watching Kill la Kill for the hundreds time while Faith curled up by herself on one side of the couch, snoring occasionally. After a few episodes, Faith woke up and announced that they would now be watching Vanderpump Rules.Robyn thought that was the perfect opportunity to rest her head on her lover’s lap, and within moments, she was snoozing through the overblown ‘reality’ drama like a champion.
Every time Faith looked down at Robyn’s sleeping face, she could hardly believe her luck. She also couldn’t believe how horny it was making her. It was almost 4 pm when she couldn’t it anymore.
“Hey, ducky? Sweetheart? Wakey-wakey.”
“I think it’s time for you to go up to your playroom.”
Robyn’s eyes snapped open. “Sparkle Time?”
“Sparkle Time.”
Robyn bounced off the couch and up the stairs, squealing the whole way.
“Hey ducky?” Faith hollered up the stairs. Robyn hoped back into view, overcome by wiggles. “I’ll be up in a while to check on you, okay? Promise.”
“Okay. Yes Miss,” she said over her shoulder as she scampered away.
Alone time was good for them. It was an unspoken agreement that for every couple of hours they spent together on the weekends, if they weren’t going out or entertaining guests at Faith’s house, they would get an hour or so apart. Usually, Robyn would start a stream, or study, or get on her PS5, but the in last few weeks Robyn had begun to retreat to her Sparkle Space. Every time she emerged from her playroom, Robyn rather bluntly asked why Faith hadn’t come in to visit her.
She went so far as insisting that Faith visit her playroom during their last planning session before the big weekend.
“It feels like it would be interfering with your special time.”
“Sparkle Time,” Robyn corrected with glitter in her voice. “And, I want you to interfere.”
“Interfere?” Faith repeated.
“You know…interfere. Intrude. Visit.” It sounded like Robyn was trying her hardest to mindfuck the words, impregnate them with innuendo.
“You mean, like, mo…”
“No, no…it’s not like that at all,” Robyn said impatiently. “It’s wanted attention. I’m exploring this unique sexual spaceand I want you to come and visit. I want it. Not…not the other thing.”
“You want it,” Faith acknowledged, but found herself stuck on the same thing every time the subject came up, “but you’ll pretend to not want it?”
“Yes, if it’s okay with you.”
“It’s weird.”
“So is you asking me to pretend to breastfeed,” Robyn replied before winning. Faith thought that it probably because it was totally out of character for Robyn to kink shame, but it did accurately reflect how Faith felt about her own request at the time.
“Yeah, it is, but it was also so fucking hot.”
“Now you know where I’m coming from.”
“Hmm.” Even after building her current business entirely through virtual conferences, it was still hard for Faith to get a full reading over Facetime. Better to be honest. “No, not really.”
“Look, it’s like infantilizing and I don’t think of you that way. Initiating sex while you are pretending to be little…It’s almost like you wantme to ra…”
“No, it’s not that at all,” Robyn cut her off again. “Come on, Faith, you know that, right?”
“I guess so.”
“I had a great childhood. I was safe and happy,” Robyn began with a sight. Faith knew that it was far from the first time she had to explain her kinks and harder fansies. “I was never abused, I mean, there were bullies and creeps and Weirdos…no girl gets through childhood without dudes crossing the line, right? I had a great childhood.”
“Not everyone did.”
“I know,” Robyn replied. Faith had shared so little of her childhood beyond the basic outline that it was starting to make her anxious. It was tough being in a relationship with someone that was so open about everything when she was remiss to share anything with anyone. “Are you really that against it? Interfering?” Faith wished that Robyn would find a better word, but somehow it had stuck.
“No, I guess not.” Faith wondered why she was getting in the way of a good time. Guilt,she thought. Good, old-fashioned, brimstone and hellfire, American Heartland, Evangelical guilt.
“It’s what I want.”
“I can respect that.” Intellectually, it wasn’t that much different than the bondage fansies of a partner she used to play with a few years back. It was the same kind of power play just with different terminology.
“Sure, but can you enjoy it?” Robyn asked, turning on her girly-girl voice. “Pu-weez? Pwetty pweez?”
“Oh, all right,” Faith agreed, pretending to be more aggravated than she felt. “Sorry, I’ll be serious. Yes, I’ll do my best to help your fantasy come true.” It seemed like a lot of hoops to jump through to get into Robyn’s pants, but after half a year of the girl’s sexual shenanigans, Faith had been conditioned to be pretty much game for anything. Besides, it was hard to say no to her little ducky.
While Robyn lay on the floor of her playroom drawing cute chibi girls doing obscene things, she could hear Faith moving around the house, no doubt getting ready for the workweek. Robyn had left the door open a crack so that Faith could see in, and every time she passed by, her heart skipped more beats than could possibly be healthy.
Robyn had changed back into her denim ducky jumper from the day before and put on fresh thigh-high yellow socks and a yellow tank top. She had debated with herself for a while about underwear. The soft yellow cotton panties went on, but the training bra stayed in the drawer.
She got up to go to the bathroom a couple of times (champagne ran straight through her) and the first time she walked past the master bedroom, Robyn was disappointed by the fact that the second bin, the one she had set on the floor next to Faith’s bed for Sexy Funtime, remained there, untouched.
By the second trip it was gone, but she couldn’t see or hear Faith.
Robyn was starting to get impatient again, wondering if her lover had lost her nervous again when she heard the master bathroom toilet flush. She hurried back into her playroom, lay on her belly, and got to work finishing her latest smutty masterpiece. It was a naked blonde chibi, on her hands and knees, sucking the dick of someone that looked suspiciously like her stepdad Ethan, while taking a huge strap-on dildo from behind from someone who looked equally suspiciously like Faith. Robyn giggled at the results but thought she should probably burn it as soon as possible.
“What you doing, little ducky?” Faith said from behind her.
Robyn jumped and her heart started pounding hard in her chest. It was a wonder that the whole house didn’t start shaking. She didn’t look back though. The only external expression of tension was her feet kicking nervously in the air. “Drawing.”
“Drawing what?”
“Um, I guess I drew some stuff, yeah.”
“Can I see?” Faith asked as she took a few tenative steps into the playroom.
“Promise you won’t be mad?”
“Ohmy gosh, little one. What have you gotten up to?”
“Oh, no. Now I don’t think I should show it to you.”
“I…” it sounded like Faith was going to ask again and continue to be nice about it, so Robyn looked askance over her shoulder and cut her off with the brattiest “NO” she could muster.
“Robyn Esther Talbot, you will hand over what you are hiding from me,” Faith said sternly. “Now.”
Robyn was struck by the command on one side by a truck carrying fear and the other carrying excitement, and the resulting mess on the highway that ran between her legs made her wet all over again. The offending drawing clutched tight to her chest, she turned around and started to sit with her legs crossed but switched instead to kneeling upright. Her bottom still remembered the pain of that morning even if her brain did not.
“Give it here,” Faith said, her tone softening. She held out her hand and repeated, “Now.”
Robyn handed it over, pretending to look away in shame. Her cheats were throbbing with real embarrassment, but she couldn’t stop herself from grinning.
“Hmm. Oh, my…what is this? Do you have any idea what you’ve drawn here? Little girls like you shouldn’t even know about se…the stuff you’ve drawn here.”
“I’m sorry,” Robyn giggled, unable to hide her giddiness. “Sex. You were going to say the word ‘sex’.”
“You’re laughing.” Robyn looked up at Faith, blinking away a sudden tear. She was so proud that her lover had finally found her dominate voice. “But I am serious. You are a very, very naughty girl for drawing this…this…smut.”
“Oh no, but, but, but you said I was a good girl,” Robyn pouted.
Faith flipped the drawing around and pointed to the blonde chibi getting spit-roasted.
“Is this supposed to be you?”
Robyn shrugged but couldn’t help giggling again.
“You are a good girl, but sweetie, good girls don’t draw themselves getting, uh…” Faith trailed off. Violated? Defiled? Robyn steeledherself for the ‘R’ word, or worse, the dreaded ‘M’ word. Saying either of those words aloud might ruin what had so far been perfect setup to an amazing scene and some next level sex.
“No, you know what? I’m going to keep…confiscate this. I’ll be back in five minutes. In the meantime, take off your jumper, lay down on your tummy, and don’t move.”
“Am…am I in trouble?”
“We’ll see.”
Sunday was work week prep day. It always had been, and until she retired, it probably always would be. There wasn’t much to do, though, she had a light week ahead and only one consulting call on Monday and that wouldn’t be until after Robyn had gone back to school. She had run out of busy work and found herself staring at the Sexy Funtime bin left over from breakfast in bed.
Faith opened the bin, and her hand went to her mouth just in time to stop the gasp that the gift had elicited.
Strap-ons were not explicitly forbidden in their relationship, but early onFaith had told Robyn that she wasn’t interested, and the subject hadn’t come up again. Faith knew that some lesbians swore by them, but she never got the urge to be the top or bottom with one in play. She was always happy to pleasure a partner with a dildo when asked, but for her it was always fingers and oral, preferably both, that ‘sealed the deal’.
I’ll have to ask Robyn whether ‘seal the deal’ means Just getting to the act of fucking or if it means achieving orgasm when she says that, Faith thought.
The thing that sat by itself on the bottom of the small bin, that neon pink Frankenstein’s monster of a double-headed, strapless dildo, was something to behold.
Faith got the general idea. The shorter, thicker end would go inside her while she penetrated Robyn with the other end. She tried to remember If she ever had penis jealousy or envy or whatever it was called and came up with nothing. Hovering over the bin made her feel like the dummies who kept foolishly looking into the giant, pulsating eggs in the Alien movies.
Leave it to Robyn to yet her right out of her comfort zone. Yeet was a word that the youngsters still used, right? Robyn asked herself.
She took the bin with its two-headed serpent into the bathroom to figure out how to use the thing. Nothing worse than fumbling around when you are trying to be sexy.
Faith snorted at the Sudden realization that none of the toys she ever got from Robyn came in their original packaging; there was no doubt in her mind that Robyn had used the thing on herself. Both sides.
Faith dropped her mom jeans and granny panties and rummaged around the drawers and medicine cabinet in search of lube. She found a naughty gift bag that she had forgotten in the back of the sink cabinet. It was a small ‘thank you’ from an online adult toy store she had worked with a few years back and there were three types of lube, one that was flavored, one that was a double bottle with ‘Him’ on one side and’Her’ on the other, and the last one that was clearly for anal sex. She chose the cherry flavored lube and put her foot up on the toilet to slather some on.
“Oof,” Faith muttered as she worked the strapless dildo inside. “How do I even?”
Once it was in, she stood in front of the mirror, alternative between looking down and checking out her reflection.
Looking down at the device that was making her pussy feel like it had eaten too much dinner and made her want to yank it out, toss the thing in the trash. Looking at her reflection was a different story, though. She saw someone who was confident, in charge, and ready to fuck. She couldn’t wait to show this version of herself off to Robyn.
“But, how do I even?” Faith asked herself again. Faith knew the mechanics of hetero intercourse (even her fear of eternal damnation at the time, she watched a lot of straight porn in the months before her wedding) but found herself in orbit miles above her comfort zone. “What would Robyn do?”
Before she could second guess herself, Faith slathered the business end of the dong with more lube and grasped it in both hands. A few experimental strokes made her flash on the memory of when her fiancé had talked her into giving him a post-date handjob and then chickened out after less than a minute.
“That’s not it, come on Faith, you’ve got to fuck it. Fuck with it? Fuck it.” And fuck it she did, slowly thrusting her hips, driving the faux-cock through her grip.
The feedback from the other end was what started her. Instead of being an uncomfortable hunk of firm silican shoved up her pussy it had transformed into a warm ball of slippery goodness that shocked her with pleasure every time she got to the end of a thrust and started to pull back out.
“Oh, yeah. Fuck yeah…fuck,” she moaned as quietly to herself as she dared. “This is, yeah, this is going to happen.”
Faith stopped abruptly and pulled it out, washed it off in the sink, and patted it dry with some tissue. Her panties and jeans went back on, and she tried straightening her frizzed-out, post swim hair but gave up.
Robyn isn’t going to care what her Mo…, Faith thought, but stopped herself before thinking the ‘M’ word that she herself had put on the firm boundary list. She doesn’t care what her Miss Faith looks like, only that she finally felt confident enough to intrude on her Sparkle Time. Faith nodded to her charmingly self-assured reflection and flushed the tissue down the toilet.
Time to go find out what Robyn had been getting up to in her Sparkle Space and maybe interfere a little bit.
Robyn followed her Miss’s instructions, took off her jumper and laid back down to draw and squirm with impatience. The only subject that came to mind was a thick, erect, and extremely veiny cock so she drew that in bold lines and vivid color while she waited.
It wasn’t long before Faith returned, but it wasn’t a moment too soon.
“Okay, little ducky,” Faith said, extreme arousal making her voice husky. “Don’t turn around yet. Close your eyes until I say.”
“Yes, Miss Faith.” Oh, this was already even better than she imagined.
“How is your bottom?”
“It’s okay.”
“No, I’m fine. My bottom is fine,” Robyn lied.
“I don’t Know if I believe you. Let me see.”
Robyn hesitated for a second, then slide the sides of her panties into her butt crack, giving herself a wedgie. She knew that this would get a rise out of Faith but couldn’t resist. The woman liked nothing more than to yank down her undies and behold the glory that was her bare ass.
“Oh my, that is the bottom of a very brave, very strong little girl. You sure it doesn’t hurt?”
“Oh, thank you Miss.” Robyn giggled to hide just how much those words meant to her. “No, it doesn’t hurt so much since you put the cum cream on it. Thank you. Can I open my eyes now?”
“No. I want to talk first about what youdrew.”
“I didn’t mean anything by it, it was just something I saw once, on the computer.”
“Now, now, Robyn, we talked about this. You know you are too little to go on there without my permission.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know it was bad, it just looked like naked people making each other happy. I’m sorry for being bad.”
“You aren’t bad, ducky, you’re just curious, and I get it.”
“You do? Aren’t you going to punish me?”
“No, the opposite. I’m going to reward that curiosity.”
“Keep your eyes closed while I tell you what I want you to do. I’ll tell you when you can open them.”
“Okay. Yes, Miss Faith.”
“Turn around and sit on your knees, hands folded in your lap.”
“Oh, gosh, I’m kinda scared now.”
“It’s okay to be scared. Sometimes I’m going to want to do things with you that are scary at first. Do you remember what being brave means?”
“It means being scared but doing it anyway.”
Faith didn’t answer. Thesilence was Robyn’s cue to comply. As she settled into place, she found that feeling that she’d been chasing for a couple of years now, a feeling that went far beyond her Sparkle Space and opened a portal to another universe entirely. She had become Faith’s plaything and no matter what happened from here until they were done would give her fulfillment beyond measure.
“Who is the man that you drew on the picture?”
Robyn’s cheats flushed and her heart shuddered for a long moment before returning to its raucous taiko drumming set. “Nobody.”
“Nobody? Really?”
Faith was smart enough to know, even though they had never met, that the man was a stylized version of her stepdad Ethan. “Really. Really, really, for real.” The pang of humiliation only served to arouse her more.
“It’s okay, ducky, you don’t have to tell me.”
“Thank you, Miss Faith.”
“When I count to three, you can open your eyes, okay?”
Robyn nodded. This was the moment when vision metreality and it couldn’t be more perfect. Faith got to three and Robyn opened her eyes.
“Um, what is that, Miss Faith?” Robyn said, faking astonishment.
“Your gift, from this morning. It fits,” Faith added, as if it was a pair of high-waisted jeans or a new weekend flannel shirt. “Isn’t it wonderful?”
Faith stood completely naked in the doorway, all soft curves and general portions. The bright pink dildo quivered erect between them. Faith helped turned to the side so that Robyn could get a better look.
“Oh my! Is that…is that a penis?”
“Come on, ducky. You know what you were giving me. Now I get to give it back to you.”
“Uh, um, how?”
“First, you are going to take it in Your mouth. Then you are going to get on your hands and knees and I’m going to put it in your kitty.”
“Like the drawing?”
“Yes, like the drawing.”
“What if I don’t want to? What if I just want to cuddle while we touch each other’s kitties like normal instead?”
Faith’s eyebrow shot up along with half a smile. “Really, ducky? Are you really going to say ‘no’ to me now?”
“Uh, I…I…I guess not. Jeez, I can’t even say the word without getting into trouble, can I?”
“Nope. Only I get to say ‘no’.”
“Okay, yes. Yes, Miss Faith.”
Faith stepped out of the doorway towardss Robyn. As strong and willful as she had seemed standing there, it was clear from the slight tremble and the goosepimples that had risen all over her body that Faith was having a moment.
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