I pulled back the curtain slightly, I was breathless, my heart racing. I stood to the side of the glass in the shadows. I had my dick in my hand, lube and tissues at the ready on the dresser.
I stared down Cindy sunbathing in the garden, she had, predictably, the smallest bikini possible. Even though she had ample tits, she only ever wore the most exposing or push up bras. My mind was wondering, I mean, who sunbathes in the middle of your garden, on an average day in the British summer anyway. Specially in the middle of a council estate. She was almost asking for people like me to wank over her, well I guess that’s what I liked about her. Such a slut I thought to myself as I generally poured lube of my cock.
Laying their sunglasses over her eyes, perfectly manicured feet, stunningly bronze skin. I began strugging my cock. I mean how the hell she stayed in such good shape only god knew. She only ever ate McDonalds or takeaways, even now she had a beer next to the sun lounger. My gazed fixed on her chest, what a slag I thought. Always had her goods in the shop window my mum would say. Push up bras and lots of jewellery or necklaces that drew your eyes to her cleavage. I couldn’t help thinking her tits were probably the only natural thing on her. Her hair, make up, eye lashes and everything else were always seen to by various other council scummy friends with nothing better to do than drop their kids at school and play with each other’s hair all day.
My breathing was getting heavy as my stroked increased, my heart rate heightened thinking about the fact I was wanking over my neighbor. I eyed her head to toe, bright red lipstick, peroxide blonde hair, perfectly flat stomach, she looked good and she knew it.
Suddenly I felt uneasy, guilty, as much as I wanted to cum, it was wrong. I was getting messed in the head, I needed a girlfriend badly. My cock dropped as I sulked to the bathroom to wash off the lube. What the fuck was wrong with me? Is this what I’d become? Three years ago I split up with Jenna. I’d lost the car the house everything, now I’m some weirdo hidden up behind the curtains jacking off over my sunbathing neighbor.
I need to get a grip.
I poured myself a drink downstairs and put a microwave meal on. It had pretty much became my life, go to work as a handy man, come home eat shit, drink and repeat. I Rarely went out, I had no real friends anymore. Even though Jenna cheated on me, somehow she’d retained most of my friends too. Probably spreading rumours about what a weirdo I am. Ok, so I liked a few out of the ordinary things in my sex life, but everyone has their kinks, right? When I had the money, probably once a fortnight I’d bang a hooker. It wasn’t great, but at least they Did what I wanted no questions asked. Hell, some of them were nearly friends now, know who I was by the sound of my voice. Problem is, they weren’t real were they? Not really, just working girls, just as sad and lonely asme, there was no real password or lust, not really.
I pulled out my phone and thought of Cindy again. She was a nice enough woman, similar age to me in her thirty’s. She was poorly typical council scum though I thought. Two kids from two Dad’s, didn’t work, on benefits and she still had a better car than me! Fortunately, she was also the same sort of woman who didn’t hide much on social media. I flicked through the multiple pictures of her on nights out. Pic after pic of posing and pouting, showing too much leg and too much cleavage. I stopped at one I liked, I’d lost count of how many times I used it. A pic of Cindy on a night out with friends, Cindy was pushing her boobs up in her top, cupping each breast, multiple pieces of jewellery hung into her bust and off the edge of her top down her flat tummy, her friends either side prepared to lick her nipples. It was the look on her face I liked and the way the chains hung off her tits, her expression seemed to be saying. Do it,cum over me. I reached down and started struggling, I still felt guilty but it wasn’t the same as doing it over her in the garden. I came pretty quickly and went to bed.
Another mundane week or two passed, the normal shit, put up a few shelves, fix a wobbly washing machine. Most of my clients were old dears from the local area. I’d had half a day off from an easy job, I locked the van and walked up the path to my terrace of houses. I fiddled with the keys to my door dropping my lunch bag.
“oh, oh Andy babe” I turned round, nobody. “Andy babe, up here” I heard her unmistakable voice again. Cindy was leaning out of her upstairs window in a white dressing gown the kind you get on spa days. Typical Cindy, bright pink lipstick this time and big hoop earnings. “You fix stuff right? Like house stuff?” I chuckled, “Yeah I’m a handy man, so yeah I fix stuff”.
“Great, have you got two secs? Only I’ve got this thing in the bedroom, the draw keeps getting stuck. Oh for fucks sake,hang on hang on I’ll let you in”. Charming I thought.
The window shut and I heard footsteps inside the house. Cindy opened the door. I gave her the once over. The gown stopped at the knee, her perfect calves ran down in to luscious ankle’s and feet, her robe slightly too loose revealing a little of her cleavage. I gulped. “Sorry” she said, “I was just getting in the shower and heard ya, I’ve been meaning to ask ya for weeks. You don’t mind do you?”
“Nah, no, not at all” I smiled promptly. “Great, follow me up”.
I’d never been in her house before, I was surprised it was tidy and neat but a bit ghastly decorated. Very girly, flowery and pink everywhere, tacky silver statistics and things like that. I watched her legs closely as we walked upstairs, may as well get some memories for later I thought.
“It’s in here” she said becoming me in to the bedroom. “That draw over there” She pointed, “It’s fucked, I dunno what’s wrong with it, keeps getting stuck. You wanna cuppa?”
“Err, yeah, yeah great” I said. I walked to the drawers and began pulling and pushing the mechanism, I heard Cindy skip downstairs. I looked around her room, this room backed on to mine. SO this is where the action happened I thought. Cindy was single, both fathers of her children were a waste of space and didn’t see the kids. She had a friend though, a huge black guy who came over Once in a while. I’d never spoke to him. Whoever he was, they were quite intimate coz I could hear them fucking for hours when he came. Banging the bloody headboard in to my wall. As much as I hated to admit it I’d lay awake a few times masturbating to the noise of her groans and moans, she was a real screamer.
I pushed the drawer in and out a few times, there was a little resistance so I pulled pretty hard, the drawer sprang out. I tired at again and it rolled freely on its runners. Bloody idiot I thought, was just a bit of clothing caught on the runner. I sat on the bed, my eyes wandering theroom. I settled on the laundry basket in the corner. I could see clothes piled high and a leopard print bra hanging over the side. Typical I smiled. Then out of nowhere a thought occurred, a dark thought.
Suppose she had some dirty underwear in there. My pace quickly, I was losing the plot. Was I a complete weirdo? I started weighing it up, how would she know though? If there was a discreet pair in there she’d probably just assume it got lost in the washing machine or the kids have thrown them. I stood up, then immediately sat again. Dammit man, I cursed myself. I didn’t have long; this was the woman I masturbated over. I wanked over her being fucked by another man for god’s sake.
I walked quickly to the basket. Being careful not to move anything noticeable, I started rummaging through the pile. There were a few knickers and thongs but all too outlandish. Then I found a nice black thong, surely she would have loads of black thongs? I was breathing heavily, my heart thumbed in my chest, hands shaking. I still hadn’t heard footsteps coming back up. I piled all the other items back in to the laundry basket and picked up the thong turning it so I could see the inside. I couldn’t see anything, it looked pretty clean. Disappointment crept through me, I held it to my face and inhaled through my nose. At last, the sweet smell of her cunt filled my nostrils, it sent a shiver through my spine.
“What the fuck you think you’re doing?” I stumbled backwards from the basket pants in hand. My legs almost buckled as fear swept through me. Cindy stood in the doorway, tea in hand glaring at me. “You filter little rat, are you sniffing my pants?” I turned bright read, I felt physically sick. I opened my mouth but no words came out. “Fucking answer me then! I said are you sniffing my pants?”
I stepped back, my mind was racing, desperately trying to come up with a feasible excuse. I failed. “I’m, I’m sorry” I stammered. Cindy put the teas on the side unit. “Sorry? Your sorry?” She folded her arms and frowned at me. “You’ll be fucking sorry when the police turn up you prick”
I was almost welling up, a lump in my throat. “No no please don’t, there’s no reason for the police. I’ll err, I’ll pay you. What do you want? Please not the police. I’ll do anything”
I was desperate, images flooded my head. People egging my door, vandalising my van, what would everyone think? Andy the pervert.
“You’ll fucking pay me?” she was almost screaming at me. “You’ll pay me? What do you think I am a fucking hooker?”
I shook my head looking down at my feet. “well answer me you maggot, you think I’m a hooker?”
“No, no of course not” I stammered, I just wanted the room the swallow me up and Disappear. Why the fuck would I try and get her thong? What’s wrong with me?
“Seems we have a little problem don’t we Andy?”
“I know, I’m sorry, I’m a mess, I should never…”
“Quiet!” Cindy cut me short. Her tone had changed, she’dcalmed a little but was still frowning at me, looking me up and down.
“Tell you what we’re gonna do, you don’t want the police so you’ll do anything for me?”
I thought for a second before Cindy interrupted.
“Correct? it’s not a fucking hard question, yes or no?”
She looked over me.
“Yes, yes I nodded what do you want? I’m sorry”
She walked towards me and sat down on the foot of the bed. She studied me, me over and over. I looked mostly at my feet, catching her eye now and again. “Drop your pants.”
What? what was I hearing? I didn’t know what to think, here I am sniffing her pants now she wants me to drop mine? “Well drop you’re fucking pants then!” Cindy screamed. I was started, I panicked frantically undoing my trousers and dropped everything to the floor.
To my horror Cindy laughed at me. A triumphant smile spread across her face. “No wonder you live alone sniffing people’s panties, is that it?”
Her gazed was fixed on my groin.I looked down, I was almost trembling, what the fuck was going on? The fear and desperation in my body seemed to have made my dick shrink. He looked like a little finger poking from my pubes. I wasn’t a big lad maybe 5 inches max but right now I looked pathetic. Cindy laughed again but her smile abruptly faded. “wank it” she said.
I gasped, “what?” Cindy yelled “don’t fucking answer me back, I said wank it”
I was stunned by the tone in her voice, a chill to it. I reached down and started rubbing my cock. It felt so small, two fingers and a thumb did the job. Cindy watched, an almost eerie smile on her face. As I stroked away I began to relax a little and take in the site in front of me.
Cindy, the girl I masturbated over almost every night sat before me. Her hands were back on the bed behind her, pushing forwards her bust. I could see the roundness of her pert tits in the gown. Her long legs were crossed raising the garment up, I could see all the way from the slenderclaves down to her ankles and feet. My cock was finally coming to life beginning to swell and warm in my hands.
Cindy cocked her head like a dog. “Use my pants.” the tone of her voice was firm not like an order I couldn’t explain it, I couldn’t argue with it either.
The pants were clanced tight in my hand, I unravelled them and wrapped the soft material around my shake, I stuck my helmet in to the material which would’ve nestled against her pussy. The softness of its touched heightened my arousal. With each stroke the material pulled taught tantalisingly over my glasses, it was so sensitive. I fully hard now, the smallestweek of pre cum was soaking through Cindy’s pants pulled taught on my helmet.
Cindy looked me up and down again. She stared dead level in to my eyes, she was cool and calm. “You’ll never forget this day you snivelling little prick, you’re mine now.”
“After what you did today, I fucking own you!”
I almost winced at her words, my mind raced trying to make sense out of this situation, all the while I gently stroked my dick, edging myself closer and closer to an orgasm. What the fuck happens then I thought?
Cindy, just sat patiently watching. “Listen to me very carefully Andrew.”
Andrew? I thought, that’s what mum called me when I’d done wrong. Cindy looked completely relaxed, she was almost glowing now. Fuck me she was enjoying this; she was getting off on it.
“I’m going to countdown from 10 to 1, when I reach one you’re going to cum in my panties.” “Is that understand?”
I gulped and shifted my feet. Cindy spoke again a little louder, firmer. “Is that understand Andrew? Don’t disappoint me now”
I nodded and whispered my reply. Whatever happens, this was it now. If I didn’t do it, I was fucked, so I just had to do what she wanted.
10. I uploaded the pace of my struggling slightly.
9. Her voice so calm like she was reading instructions from a book.
8. I began pumping harder.
7. Warming and tingling building deep in my balls.
6. She gazed at my hand, eyes alive and sparkling.
5. I watched the corner of her pink slip turn in to a sly smile.
4. The sensing inside me was building, completely at one with her voice.
3. The fabric rubbed over my glasses so quickly now the feeling driving my senses insane.
2. Cindy gasped and bit her lip, eyes transfixed on my cock.
1. I pumped so fast my senses went in to meltdown as the first wave of cream splattered from dick in to Cindy’s thong. I quivered and shook as flood after flood of cum left my cock. Building and bulging in the material of her pants. The same pants that hours ago would’ve been rubbing against her pussy. My cum oozed and seen through her thong. My butt chefs clenched with each contraction, I let out a moan as my orgasm subsided.
My body relaxed as I held my member in her pants now sopping wet from cum. My eyes met her again.
“Now eat it!”
What didI just heard? I looked at her blankly, her smile still full. I was trying to understand in my head.
“Don’t make me repeat myself Andrew”
I gulped and unravelled the thong, my cock slide out and now barely hung between my legs. I bought the thong up to my face and inspected my mess. I’d cum well, despite wanking so often the fear and desperation of the situation seemed to have produced an abnormal load. I looked at Cindy again, she didn’t have to say anything her look said it all.
I was repulsed, I’d never tasted cum or had any intention of doing so, hell, I never even kissed Jenna after she blew me. As I lifted the to to my face I could smell my thick gloopy mess. I grimaced as I took my first lick, I tried to keep my sperm in my mouth for as little time as possible and gulped it straight down. The taste was sharp, not terrible, but far from enjoyable. The way it slide down my throat reminded me of phlegm. I gagged and cought my eyes shot to Cindy. She merely noddedat me to continue.
I licked the rest of my load from her thong and swallowed. I stood, completely demoralised in front of Cindy.
“Who’s the slut now?” She purred. I shuddered at the question.
“Wait here, do not move! We’re not done yet.” She disappeared downstairs. I stood alone in the bedroom thinking about the whole messed up situation.
Cindy returned and sat on the bed smiling, she clutched something in her hands but I couldn’t see what.
“Now then my cum eating slut.” I winced again at the words. “As of today, after your little miss hasps, you owe me.”
“For not involving the police, you owe me big time. This isn’t a punishment Andy; this is for your own good.”
Cindy stood slowly and kneeed at my feet, I shifted Uncomfortably, I felt uneasy. She gently leaned down and spat on my shrivelled cock, she rubbed her spit around. I moaned slightly at her touch. Anger flushed through Cindy’s face as she slapped my balls, I gasped in pain.
“Howdare you, come up here, sniff my pants and then moan in delight as I touch you!”
“This isn’t about you now.” “This is about me!”
My face scrunched in pain I dared not move or make a sound. Cindy squashed my balls in turn through some sort of rubber loop and then set about cramming my cock in to case. She was ruthless, pushing, twisting and pulling. Her eyes burned in to mine, she seductively bit her lip.
My fist and toes were clenched, I finally relaxed as she sat back on her haunches. I peered down at my cock. My balls were pushed up and forwards slightly by a tight ring at the base of my meat. Although small, it was stuffed tight in to a tiny plastic case, vaguely the shape of a penis.
Cindy pulled out a tiny padlock and snapped it shut on part of the device.
She looked in to my eyes and ran her hand down her neck in to her cleavage, in among her collection of jewellery was a new necklace with a tiny key. What the fuck had I gotten myself in to?
Cindy stood and smiled pulling her gown together shutting off my view of the key. She smiled, the same smile, almost menuing as she took a picture of me with her phone. “Tomorrow you don’t go to work. Tomorrow you arrive here at half past nine prompt and you begin to pay off your debt.”
“I suggest you do some research in to your situation, now fuck off!”
I couldn’t wait to get out, I’d not really processed the events as I sat at home on the sofa. My balls and cock felt pretty uncomfortable. I looked up all manner of things it could be on my dick. The general conclusion was I was in a pretty dire situation.
I tired with a throbbing ache in my cock. I throw back the covers and stared. My normal morning glory was cramped tight in its little sheath. My cock was angry red and bits were bulging Through little air holes in the cage.
I checked the clock a hundred times before eventually ringing Cindy’s doorbell at half nine. The door flow open. “Your late!” snapped Cindy. “In the front room” she pointed.
I stood hands behind back like a school boy in assembly.
Cindy was wearing a pretty typical matching beige tracksuit, the top hugged her flat stomach, unzipped almost halfway. I could make out the top of her pink bra crackling tits, jewellery and the key. Her dress code was typical Cindy, I half smiled to myself.
“Well” she started “After yesterday’s events it turns out I live next door to a pervy little cum eating slut. My problem with you is you don’t look like a slut so this needs to be addressed.”
Cindy disappeared to the kitchen and returned with some clothes.
We spent the next few hours getting me dressed and made up. The few times I had tried to talk I’d be brutally cut off and reminded of the key and the pictures on her phone, which I noticed, she was topping up as she went along.
By the time Cindy finished I was in no doubt who the slut was. I stood in heels, stockings up to my mid-thight, pulled tight up mylegs with suspenders. My balls sensitively nestle in some satin silk pants, I wore a leather mini skirt and a frilly satin shirt. A thick tight belt pulled in my wait. To top it all off Cindy had given me a wig and spent a great deal of effort doing my nails and make up.
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