Chapter 2
She rose gracefully to her feet. I grabbed the ring on the front of her collar and pulled her near the middle of the room under a hook mounted in the ceiling. A previous tenant had apparently hung a swag lamp from that hook, but it was perfect for our purposes as well.
I removed the chain from between her wrists, then clipped the screw eyes at each end of the shorter bar to her wrist cuffs. I attached the chain to the ceiling hook and clipped it to another eye in the middle of the bar. She stood with her hands held above her head, eighteen inches apart.
I briefly freed her ankles and attached the longer spreader bar to the ankle cuffs. Her feet were forced far apart by the bar. She stood flat footed and could flex her knees just slightly. I could reach every bit of her with the whip, except the soles of her feet.
I folded the strip of spandex in half lengthwise, wrapped it around her head, covering her eyes, and tied it behindher head.
“Ready, slut?” I brushed my hand gently along the curve of her breast and down her side to her hip. Her skin feel like silk beneath my fingertips. “Unh hunh,” she nodded. She would have no clue to the whip’s blows except for the sound of my voice and my footsteps and maybe, just maybe, the whistle of the whip as it swung towards her.
“Ten quick ones to start.” I stood behind her. She braced herself for blows to her back. Her hands searched for something to hold onto, but, cruelly, even the spreader bar was unreachable the way it was clipped to her cuffs.
I swung at her back ten times, hard and fast. She recoiled from each blow, arching forward, away from me. She grunted softly with each stroke. A fine tracery of faith red lines crossed her back from hips to shoulder blades.
“Hummnh.” She nodded rapidly.
I alternated the next eight strokes across the backs of her legs, left, right, left, right. She hoped from foot to foot, as if trying to avoid the blows after they had struck. I aimed the next stroke straight up between her spread ass cheats. The knotted cords wrapped underneath and certainly struck her bare lower lips. She popped up onto her toes, straining against the wrist cuffs, then sank slowly back down.
I walked around in front of her. She had started to sweat and a thin trail of drool appeared at one corner of her mouth.
“You like this, don’t you?”
She rocked her head from side to side, as if to say “I don’t, but I do.”
“If you’re that noncommittal, we could just forget it right now. I’m sure you’ll still be here in the morning.”
“HHNNNNH! HHHNNNNH!” she shook her head violently.
“More, then?”
“Nnnhunnh, nnnhunnh!” she nodded with enthusiasm.
I aimed five strokes at each flank; first her left hip and tigh, then her right. She turned her face up to the ceiling and pulled hard on the wrist cuffs. That quiet grunt with each stroke was the only sound she made.
I dropped the whip and knelt down between her spread legs. I ran a finger through the slit of her sex. It came away very wet.
“You ARE enjoying this.”
“Nnhnnnh.” She nodded again.
I spread the lips of her vulva with my fingers and gently licked her clip. She rocked forward to meet my mouth and pressed hard against my face. She moaned softly through the gag. I licked and sucked and stroked and nibbled her cunt and tights until she tensed slightly and flexed up onto her toes. She was about to cum.
I stopped.
I picked up the whip and swung for the spot my lips had just left: inside her right thigh.
“HHNNNNHH.” By the fifth blow, she had pulled herself completely off the floor. She was smoking heavily now and more than a little red in the face. Her breath hissed explosively in and out of her nose, her mouth totally sealed by the massive ball.
I aimed five more strokes at each thigh, then five straight up at her clip, rosy and glistening withsweat and sexual juices as it peeked out between her bare spread lips.
“HHNNNNHH, HHNNNNHH, HHNNNNHH, HHNNNNHH.” Her neck and arms tensed as each stroke landed. She lifted herself closer and closer to the ceiling. She threw her head back, held the deepest breath she could draw and hung motionless, swinging from the ceiling, her face drawn up almost between her hands.
Angain I stopped. She slowly lowered herself back to stand flat footed on the floor.
“Good thing that hook is anchored in concrete.” I said. “You came?” It wasn’t really a question.
“Unh hunh,” she nodded. “Nnnnnhhh.” That sounded like a moan of pleasure.
“Ready to go again?” I picked up my champione glass, took a sip.
“Nnnhh, Nnnhh.” She shook her head slowly. Her head dropped to her chest.
“After a rest?”
“Unh hunh,” she nodded, with some enthusiasm.
“Fine.” I went to the bathroom and wet a hand towel. I brought the damp towel and a bath towel back to the living room.I gently rubbed her down with the damp towel to cool her off. I wiped off the drool that streamed down her chin and throat, then I dried her.
“Nnhh, nnyhh.”
“Nnhh, nnyhh.”
“Thank you?”
“Nnhh, nnyhh.” She nodded vigorously. Except for the whip marks, she was no longer red. Her normal tanned color had returned to her nude body. She remained gagged and blindfolded, forced to stand, arms and legs separated by the wooden spreader bars.
“Would you like some champion?”
“Unh hunh, unh hunh,” she nodded.
I reached into her mouth, grabbing the red ball with finger and thumb and slowly pulled it across her teeth and out. I wiped off the saliva soaked ball and set it aside.
“Thank you, Master. Thank you you so much. My jaws are sore. My mouth is so dry.”
“Would you like some championne?”
“If it pleases you, Master.”
I tipped the glass to her lips. She drank greedily, emptying the glass in a few seconds.
“Thank you,Master. I feel much better now.”
“You came from the whipping?”
“Yes . . and your mouth, Master.”
“What was that like?”
“Devastating, Master.”
“You enjoyed it, then?”
“Well, no, not enjoyed. It…it..I can’t explain…” She paused and turned her face down, as if her blindfolded eyes were looking at a spot on the floor. After a few seconds, her head turned up at me. She smiled. “Yes. I enjoyed it immensely. There aren’t any other words I can think of.”
“Ready to go again?”
“Yes, I guess I am.” Her smile twisted up to one side. “You know, you’re EVIL”
“How’s that, slave?” I almost laughed. I swung the whip near her legs.
“Doing these awful things to me . . . and making me like it.”
“I bet you say that to all the boys.”
“Noooo.” She would have stamped her feet if she could.
I kissed her mouth hard and deep. One hand slide down to envel her vulva, the other around and down the slit of her ass. I slowly pushedTwo fingers into her vagina and one into her asshole. She pushed against my fingers as much as she could. ¨ ¸
“You’re just gonna love the plans I’ve got for those two holes,” I teased, breaking the kiss.
“What are you going to do?”
“That’s for tomorrow. I’ll let you know soon enough
“You watch your mouth.”
“What’re you gonna do? Whip me?”
“As a matter of fact . . ” I swung hard, forehand and backhand across her breasts.
“Ooww, yeeoow. Ooooooo. I guess you are.” Her face relaxed from a grimace of pain, her smile slowly returning.
“Ready for round two?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be.”
I picked up the big rubber ball off the stereo stand and tossed it from hand to hand.
“Do you have to put that back in?”
“Can’t have you disturbing the neighbors.”
“I’ll be quiet, I promise.”
“You know better than that.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
“Now, ask nicely for the ball.”
She crinkled her nose with distaste.
“Master, will you put the ball in my mouth,” she mumbled rapidly.
“What, slut?”
She paused for a moment, took in a deep breath and said, “Master, please put the ball back in my mouth. I know I’ll be a bad slave and make a lot of noise without it. Please put the ball back in my mouth, Master.”
She opened her mouth wide to receive the ball. I put one hand behind her head and the other in front of the ball and pushed it back into her waiting mouth. I ran my tongue around the “O” of her parted lips, nibbled gently on her chin.
Again, I started from behind her. Five strokes quickly behind her left knee. With each lash, her left foot lifted higher and higher off the floor, twisting the link on her ankle cuff around the eyelet on the end of the wooden spreader bar.
“Hold your foot there. Point the toe.”
“Nnnhh nnnhh.” She shook her head and quickly lowered her foot to the floor. She guessed what was coming.
“Raise your foot and point the toes.”
Still, she barely grunted as each blow fall.
“Raise your foot and point the toes.” This time she compiled. Her left foot swung up at the end of the spreader bar.
“Just five on each sole. You count.” The whip swept down, landed, the knotted ends wrapping around her instep. Her foot swung back to the floor.
“Nnuunnh” She swung her foot back up.
“Okay, one.”
Swish. “Nnnuooo”
Swish. “Nnnehh”
Swish. “Nnnnhhh”
Swish. “Nnnniiuuhhh, nnniiuuhh.”
“Five. Good, slut. Now the other one.”
“Nnnhh nnnhh.” She shook her head vigorously.
“We’ve been through this before.”
“Nnnhh nnnhh.” Shaking her head again. With her, it was often hard to tell if she were really objective to a punishment, or simply playing a game with pain. We had established “safewords,” or in this case a safe sound pattern, but she never once used any of them.
I planted five quick strokes behind her right knee. Her right foot slowly swung up behind her, the toes pointed straight out.
Recent her foot swung down to the floor and quickly back up into place after each stroke. Her muffled counting was the only sound she made.
“Nnnniiuuhh, nnniiuuhh,” she again counted five. Her body was drenched with sweat and her face was red.
She rocked back and forth from her heels to the balls of her feet, as if trying to wring every bit of sensing from her sing soles.
“Are you okay?”
“Nnnhh, nnnhh.” She nodded slowly.
I started at her ankles and methodically worked my way up each side of her body with the whip, alternative sides every ten strokes or so. Her grunting with each blow gradually changed to a continuous low moan.
I stopped counting the strokes somewhere above her knees. The total was already well over a hundred.
When I reached her rib cage, I slowed and carefully placed each stroke, making sure that most wrapped around to sting her nipples. I paid special attention to her sensitive underarms.
“NnnnhhNNNNnnnnnhhNNNNnnnnnhhNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.” Her moaning now rose and fell with as each stroke landed. I placed several hard swipes to wrap around her breasts and again dropped the whip.
Pressing my body against her back, I wrapped both hands around her and plunged my fingers into her hot, streaming cunt. She pressed hard back against me, clamped between my arms and body. I massed gently, hard, gently, hard, until I feel the muscles of her vagina begin to clamp down. Her body tensed. She rocked forward onto her toes. Another orgasm was about to begin. Her low moaning never stopped.
I pulled my hands away, backed completely away from her. Picking up the whip, I swung up into her crotch from behind. Her moan rose to its highest level, peaked and held. I swung again and again, until her arms clenched tight and she once more lifted herself, not completely off the floor, but to her tiptoes.One more stroke, her body jerked, and she lowered herself slowly down.
I quickly pulled the ball from her mouth, set it on the stereo cabinet next to the turntable.
“That’s two,” she gasped. “How much more?”
“How much can you handle?”
“More, Master. Much more.”
It was a hot night and the apartment wasn’t air conditioned. I had sweated through my Shirt. She glistened from head to toe.
I stripped to cool off. Again I brought a soaked towel from the bathroom and wiped her down. There was no need to dry her this time. Her body heat took care of that.
“More? You’re sure?”
“Yes, Master. If it pleases you, Master.”
“You don’t know how much it pleases me. ” I revealed in the power she had given me. My excitement grow with hers as I drove he again and again into that space where pain and pleasure meld into ecstasy. Her blindfolded head turned to follow the sound of my voice as I crossed the room to the displayed toys. I quickly found the itemm I needed.
“How’re your jaws, slut?”
“Sore, Master.”
“But you’re not complaining.”
“No, Master. I answered honestly, Master.”‹
“Good, good. You should be happy about this, then.” I held what we called the “breather” gag, a two inch plastic ball on a leather strap. There was a half inch round hole all the way through the ball.
“Yes, Master?”
“Open wide.” She obediently opened her mouth. I pushed the much smaller ball between her lips and buckled the strap behind her head.
“Unnh, hhnnnhh.” She nodded.
I slowly ran my hand down her neck and across her shoulders and breasts. I massed her nipples with my palms.
“Do these still hurt?”
She silently Shook her head.
“Are they sore?”
She paused, thinking, then nodded slowly.
I took one nipple into my mouth, licked gently, sucked gently, then did the same to the other. Her nipples were hard and fleshy cylinders in my mouth, warm and salty.
I took one nipple into my mouth, licked gently, sucked gently, then did the same to the other. Her nipples were hard and fleshy cylinders in my mouth, warm and salty.
“Feel good?”
“Unnh, hhnnnhh.” She nodded slowly. Her body relaxed and her head rocked back.
“Should I whip them?”
“Unnh, hhnnnhh.” She nodded again, more vigorously, then her head rocked back again.
“Don’t get too relaxed.” I barely nipped her left nipple with my teeth. She jerked slightly, then relaxed again. I stepped away from her and picked up the whip.
Round three was to finish the evening.
Her head slowly came upright and she faced me as if looking at me through the blindfold. She tensed slightly, anticipating the first stroke.
I swung for her belly, not her breasts, as I’m sure she expected. She recoiled slightly with that stroke and the next and each of the next twenty. Her moaning began again, steady and louder now that her mouth was less effectively plugged.
I had promised her a full body whipping and she would have expected no less. I crisiscrossed her tights with lashes and her shins down to her ankles.
Only then did I move up to her breasts. I carefully aimed each blow to cross her already abused nipples. I swung easy, then hard. I swung from above and below and from both sides, working all around each tit.
“NnnnhhNNNNNnnnnhhNNNNNnnnnnhhNNNNN.” Her moans again were punctuated at each stroke. Then, after five hard swings straight at each nipple, the moan broke up into sobs. She inhaled and exhausted explosively, gasping through the hole in the gag.
Leaving her breasts, I swung a final five blows straight up at her clip and dropped the whip.
She stood gasping and quaking in her bonds, bouncing on her heals and rocking forward and back. She trembled from head to toe.
I unfasted the buckle behind her head and pulled the gag from her mouth, dropped it on the floor.
Her sobbing grow barely louder, though her mouth was now free.
“Okay?” I asked.
“Yes, Master, I’m fine,” she forced out between sobs.
“You’re sure?”
“Yes, Master, I feel wonderful,” she still sobbed.
I put my arms around her and pressed my naked body to hers in a full body hug. She pushed towards me in her bonds. I rubbed her ass gently in my hands and kissed her neck and cheese. Her trembling gradually subsided.
“You like this too,” she said, rubbing her belly against my erect penis.
I knelt and unfasted the bar holding her ankles apart. I reconnected the chain between them. As I rose, I ran my tongue up the slit between her legs.
“Oooohh.” She shuddered slightly.
I licked again.
Another shudder, stronger.
I rose to my feet.
“Aaahhh, no. More, please, Master.”
“Save something for me,” I teased.
“Everything for you, Master.”
I released her wrist cuffs from the overhead bar. Her knees buckled and she slumped slowly to the floor.
“I thought you said you were okay.”
“Okay? Yes,” she said dreamy. “Weak . . saturated.” Her lips and tongue found my ankles, then slide up the inside of my leg. She wrAppended her arms around my legs to steady herself as she rose. She took one testicle, then the other into her mouth, sucking gently, then ran her tongue up the underside of my penis to the tip, before plunging it into her mouth.
I pulled her hands loose from their clinched grasp on the backs of my thighs and held them together over her head. I reconnected the twelve inch chain between them.
Her mouth moved slowly, roughly up and down on my penis. She pulled off the end, ran her tongue up one side, across the tip and down the other. I released her hands and she slumped slightly to one side, barely able to keep her balance, even kneeing as she was. Reaching under her arms, I pulled her to her feet and held her out from me. I pulled her to me and led her, leaning against my side, gradually into the bedroom.
It was Almost eleven. Her whipping had lasted almost two and a half hours.
She lay down on her right side and pulled her knees up, wrapping her chained hands around them.
I slid into bed behind her. I guided my penis into her from the rear. Reaching around her, I grasped one title in each hand and gently rolled the nipples between thumb and finger.
She gasped slightly when I first fondled her nipples, then relaxed, slowly rocking her hips forward and back as I thrust into her. The climax I had posted all evening came quickly. I pulled her hard to me as I came. She arched her back and grew, ground her hips against me. We came together, then collapsed.
“Three,” she whispered.
I was still inside her as we drifted off to sleep. Her wrists and ankles were cuffed and chained. The blindfold still covered her eyes
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