Disclaimer: All characters are over 18, consenting, and not blood related. Daddy and Pumpkin are simply nicknames (in this case signing dominant/protector and submissive/innocent roles).
Daddy is home from his college classes, and I had been busy for the earlier part of the day as well. I take my classes online. Staying home is almost paradise for my quiet time and freedom to focus on Any task I choose. Today I had been mostly reading and working on my essay, with breaks to stretch my body, walk around outside, and play with the dogs. I had managed to check a few other boxes like laundry in between important trains of thought.
The dogs greet Daddy at the door, but I am too absorbed in finishing my work to try the same. As always, their wagging tails trade for scratches and affectionate touches that squish their faces. Other people would use a baby voice and try to excite the dogs, but Daddy has a quiet demeanor. His actions leave no doubt as to his love. Heflops onto the couch, showing how much he appreciates the rest. Quickly I shut down my laptop so I can address him. My eyes drag across the screen at the last few lines of text as I close the lid and stand to tidy up. I must reach over him to slide the device into my backpack and take the opportunity to kiss his beared face a few times before I empty my hand and attend to the zippers. My knee depressions the cushion at his side with my body bent around him. He drops his arm onto my lower back so his hand finds my waist and squeezes my side. He still looks exhausted and less than alert as I heaven my backpack out of the way to stand against the wall.
I land myself half atop and half next to Daddy. I am surprised at my own level of tiredness after my productive day. Squirming to adjust my position earns me a groan. The tone tells me to calm down and that I have pressed him in an uncomfortable way.
“Sorry Daddy. The couch is so squishy I can’t move.”
“Don’t get too comfy yet.” He holds his hand out toward the television remote. If I settled on top of him and got sleepy he would have to disturb me to get up. I use a little extra bounce to escape the quicksand couch and gather the remote, rearrangeing the coffee table at the right distance for his legs and moving a few cluttered items on my trip around the room. Serving him is my pleasure. To prove this, I bend at the wait to offer the remote, to which he laughs.
“I would have gotten it, Pumpkin.” He looks down and softly shakes his head as I keep talking.
“But I was on top of you and I wanted to. You are more tired anyway.”
“Oh! That reminds me I was going to ask if you wanted anything from the kitchen too.” I thought snacks might be a good idea. Sometimes Daddy does not eat in the morning and it worry me. Maybe I could eat a snack. I was planning to settle in heavy.
“Ha! No,” and he half stands to wrap both hands around my waist and tumble me back down onto the couch and him.My loud laugh echoes right near his ear. He just digs his fingers into my abdomen where they still hold and does something between a ticket and a pinch, which makes me squeal and try to roll away towards the floor. Daddy holds me fast but stops teasing so I slump down to leave my head on the top of his stomach looking up through my smelled hair. He tries to clear it for me, but it has bunched under my head and Refuses to go anywhere else. I tilt my neck so that I can move the hip-length strands to one side with my hand. It takes a few swipes to free my face.
I beam up at Daddy and then remember he wanted to watch a show. Not wanting to sacrifice my newly settled place across his body, I pat behind my head to find the remote. I had dropped it against his thigh when he grabbed and ticckled me. Once I find it, I blindly press buttons in hopes to get things started. I keep missing power so Daddy wrongs it from my hand. I whine at him and pout. It is his choice what to watch, but I thought I could at least get to the menu first. The screen slowly powers up. I feel his stomach bounce underneath my head as he silently laughs at my display of blind button-pressing.
“What do you want to watch?” I tuck my arms to my chest and roll my weight to get a better view.
“How about something scary?”
“Ooh, I could show you that ghost hunting show we talked about.”
“Yes please! I do not think I will be very scared though…” I tease.
“I guess not. At best it can be creepy or spooky, but it doesn’t have ‘real’ scares.” Daddy has started searching for episodes we can watch through his internet-linked television. My body is heavily lying in such a comfortable position with his body heat to relax me further. Daddy radiates a lot of heat, while I tend to run cold. My eyeselids have also become heavy and try to close as Daddy scrolls and tells me what the episodes contain.
“Most of these look interesting to me. I’ve never seen one,” I inform his choosing.
“There is a specific episode I cannot find on here. I think I have to sync my laptop and use a different app,” he explains.
I sit up halfway and make a face at him. I do not appreciate being moved again. He pets my hair in apology and stands to go set things up. A laptop, a cord, a new monitor setting, and we can get going. He warns that we will not have the ability to pause at will if we miss something. That is for me as I usually have a lot of questions and like to pause to discuss. When the episode starts, he returns to find me resettled at the other end of the couch. I receive a pointed glance.
“Come here, Pumpkin.” The order seeks to correct my distance. Where I was before would have left me stealing his spot or using all the cushions if I played out, but now I am too far.
My closed posture resulted mostly from being chilly. My arms wrapped around one knee allowed me to watch what was going on (Daddy’s butt as he bent over to plug cords) and to rest my head without accidentally checking out and falling asleep. I unfold my legs my underneath myself and crawl over to him. I try a few different ways of putting my head in his lap but cannot get comfortable. I return to hands and knees next to him with a slightly concerned expression.
“Here, I have an idea. Would you like to suckle?”
My expression brightens. I nod silently and eagerly. This option I had not considered. Daddy presses his hips forward to undo his button and fly. His penis pops out of his boxer briefs into his hand as he sits into a position leaning farther back. I carefully slide my body horizontal and rest my head in his lap. My should fits around his thigh which means I strain my neck to align my mouth with his semi-hard member. Daddy feeds me from his hand and moans as I stretch my lips around to hold him. The feel in my mouth is exhaust. I cannot help but suck gently and tease with my tongue along the shake. I try to swirl my tongue entirely around withoutt letting it pop from my mouth.
Getting engrossed in these actions make Daddy’s penis get bigger. It is beginning to be too much for me to handle in my small mouth at that angle, and I realize I have got carried away. I lift my head to give a strong suck from root to tip, then lie my head back down with a self-reminder to calm down. Daddy did not ask for a blowjob and teasing him will make him want other things from me. Of course, I would be happy to comply with whatever his wishes, but now is not the time. The hard penis pressing against my cheek tilts my head so I have to look sideways to see our show. Daddy cares my forehead and bangs, then runs his hand over my distended cheek and rubs himself through my skin. He moans softly in reaction to the foreign sensing. The pressure pulls my lips apart so drool threatens to escape.
Daddy rests his hand on my upturned shoulder. I tighten my mouth around him in an attempt not to make a mess, but that would be much easierIf his length was not stretching my cheek with the outline of his head showing through. I slurp and swallow once as I feel the drip start across the corner of my bottom lip. My eyes dart towards Daddy’s face, but he is too far back for me to see. I am still hoping to let him soften and relax. Obviously, the current happenings are not putting us towards that goal.
I keep my lips wrapped tight around the yummy occupation in my mouth but try to stay still. As much as I would enjoy running my tongue along the length, this is not a managed size. It would not be fair to tease Daddy that way either… at least not unless I am ready to take the treatment it earns me. The warmth is pleasant and eventually I cannot feel Daddy’s urgent pulse against my lips anymore. He shrinks slowly. I do not go back to suckling until I know he is calmed enough not to swell at my motions. Then it becomes a game of gently exploring and backing off when Daddy’s penis starts to grow. Getting to have my mouthfull is such a treatment.
It calms me to have objects in my mouth. When I feel especially little I cuddle with my plushy and suck on a pacifier, but on an everyday basis I enjoy popsicles or lollipops and playing with the sticks once they are gone. Daddy often lets me have his fingers too, which taste uniquely of him. If they do not taste of him, I might be given sexual fluids, or I may try to lick His food flavor when he is not paying attention during mealtime. Daddy’s penis is different than the rest for several reasons. It has different tastes, it is more responsive, and I get to please my Daddy in an utterly submissive way. He has told me that it makes him feel protected and powerful to have me in his lap with my mouth full, and that is how I like him to feel towards me.
I wrap my tongue around Daddy’s soft shake and roll it around, trying to mimic the tugging motion of a hand job. The host of the television show tells us the legends of an old hotel being haunted, includinging stories of an execution on the grounds and rumored occur rituals tied to a neary landmark. Daddy runs his thumb back and forth absolutely across my bicep. This is how we stay while we enjoy more of the program.
Once in a while I switch to a new motion, sucking, licking, and playing gently. Daddy’s grip tightens slightly around my arm and I can feel his penis harden in my mouth, though I have not done anything especially teasing to him. I continue my slow pace and do not take notice of his large hand speeding on the nape of my neck. I find myself forced down over his erection. The head of his penis catches in the back of my cheek before filling my throat and blocking my air.
Reflexively my right arm comes up to brace against Daddy’s thigh, ready to push me off. The steady pressure on the base of my skull holds me in place. I resist the urge to scream wordlessly or mumble around the intruder. The sound would be muffled with my throat full anyway. I relax and decide to focus on breathing to suppress my gag reflex, and realize I cannot breathe at all, so I count in my head, “One, two. One, two,” to the pace I would be breathing. The count is quick to match my racing heart, yet time passes so slowly.
I try to get accustomed to my surprise loss of air. Unfortunately, the panic is still present. I began to lightly gag and cought onto the hard penis shoved down my throat. I will myself to relax between the grip on my neck and my face squished into Daddy’s hip. He moans in response to the stimulation of my gagging, and obviously the sudden sensing of my mouth and throat to his hilt was pleasant by his stiff posture and purposeful breathing. My gagging becomes increasingly intense, but I quickly calm my body and gain control of the frequency. At this point he wronges his hand from my neck, whether for my safety or his decided satisfaction I could only guess.
I hear Daddy gasp when I do not follow his hand with a splutter. I hold my position.My hands are folded under my chest and I let myself continue to gag without pulling up at all. My face remained squished with my view obstructed. The veins in my face start to feel tight with lack of oxygen. With each gag I press downward to keep my throat filled until I finally relent with a huge gasp. I keep my face inches from Daddy’s slobbery engaged penis while my chest heavens.
I leave my tongue out and shyly look up. Daddy has the look of someone who has been bested. He leans back with a flushed face and eyes some glazed. He buries his fingers roughly in my hair. “Good girl.”
The praise makes me glow. I laugh breathlessly and drag my tongue across his length. I want to lick him more but cannot help smiling. I invite him back into my mouth and this time take the lead. Daddy allows me to give him a real blowjob. While his hand remains in my hair, it serves only as a reminder of his control. I lick his shake and take him in my mouth. I even get to play with his balls. He alters my speed and actions at times but when he finishes in my mouth I choose to take it all without his motivation.
After cleaning Daddy the best I can with my tongue, I look up to notice how much of the television program we have missed. Well, he did warn me we would not be able to pause it. I snuggle my head back into Daddy’s lap to watch what is left.
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