Submitting to Tony

My first husband and I had a lot of hot sex during the first month we were dating: Nothing new or particularly exciting, just sex and lots of it. But then I got pregnant and since then, our sex life had deteriorated to the point of non-existence. I was unfulfilled emotionally as well. He was caught up in work and I was left taking care of the home, our daughter, and my job. Not a happy time, but I began to daydream of my lifelong fantasy of submission. I really wanted to fully submit to another’s will over mine: To be controlled by another and to please them. And I wanted to be punished: Perhaps that, more than anything else.

I began reading erotic BDSM stories. For a while this seemed to be enough. It allowed me to escape my life, if only for short periods of time. Erotic BDSM stories were challenging to find in my small town and soon found myself searching sites on the internet. This opened up a whole new world: Before I knew it, I was placing ads on personals sites, tryingto make my dream a reality. Initially the responses were just crude. Even the ones I decided to contact, seemed a little beyond what I was looking for: Cruel men, perhaps dangerous too. Finally I received a response from Tony.

Fulfilling your sub desires

“I am a 43 y/o married male. I am married, professional, and don’t care to change any of that. On the other hand, I like to escape a little, think, share, explore, discover, and laugh. I am also into fitness activities, biking, swimming, running and kind of a gym rat: As long as I get to exercise once each day. I enjoy reading, a watching a good movie and fine dining. Mostly though, I enjoy erotic escapes. Weather on-line, or for real, my interests are varied. You should be married and enjoy at least some of the same interests. Hopefully you are open and willing to explore.

I consider myself to be very “normal”; however I do have a fantasy of control. It is not wholly sexual really, though that is part of it. There is no desire to physically hurt (much), or to be involved in any illegal type activity. Really, the need for a woman to surrender her independent control to me: To submit to my will over hers. Maybe to do things she would not ordinarily do. I would envision a private and secret relationship, known only to the two of us. A world we escape to on occasion, that has no effect on our traditional life, beyond the satisfaction of a powerful fantasy within. I also realize the necessity of feeling “safe” and therefore the need to build some level of trust by getting to know someone. So if this interests at all, let’s got started.”

I was intrigued from the start. We swapped a few emails and I was drawn to him right from the beginning. He asked for my picture and I sent him one. I wasn’t beautiful, I knew that, but I was not hideous either. He said this wasn’t sexual, but I wanted to be attractive to him anyway. At 32, I still felt young, but I had let myself go a bit. I had reached 148 pounds and it did not sit well on a 5’4″ frame. The picture was not bad, even with shorts and a sleepless top, but I wanted to be honest. The long dark hair with those silly childrenlike bangs caused me to grimace a bit. ‘Short hair would have made me look thinner,’ I thought.

Tony was of Italian background and he looked great in his picture. Very muscular, short black hair, combined straight back, no smile, but inviting eyes- brown like mine. He had said he was short, but I couldn’t tell from the picture. I decided he looked like a nice person I had a good feeling about this one. I trusted him enough to give him my work number and he called me shortly thereafter. I was even more convinced.

We shared many erotic conversations. He had me describe my most intimate moments: how I would masturbate, my sexual experiences, my fans, my fears, things like that.

Finally I agreed to meet him.

The first meeting was to be at Applebee’s: Just a drink or two in a public place. No expectations, just a chat to feel each other out. As I walked up to the front door, I spotted him waiting for me. He seemed OK, but I couldn’t approach. I hid for a while and watched. My legs wouldn’t go forward- I chickened out.

He was understood disappointed when I contacted him by e-mail. He decided I wasn’t ready. I pleaded for another chance.

“I’ll call you,” was all he would say.

Days later he did call. He decided I was not ready, I would have to wait. Several more e-mails, a few phone calls, but still no meeting. Finally he said he would no longer call or write. Instead he would send me a contract. Then, I would have to make a decision, before he agreed to meet. If I agreed with the contract I was to sign it and send it to him. If not, I would not hear from him again.

A long time passed before I would hear from him again. Finally that day arrived. I sat in my office staring at the screen. I had only meantto check for the new message and didn’t want to open it here. I minimized the hotmail window and reached for my coffee.

‘Damn! I’m never going to do this’, I thought. ‘Maybe just a quick look.’

I clicked the Hotmail bar at the bottom of the screen and watched as the window expanded from the bottom. I slowly placed the arrow over the title: ‘Linda’s Rules’. Two quick clicks and the message popped up. No salutation. I read the text of the message:

“Knowing that Tony will do everything to protect my personal, family, and profession life,

And knowing that Tony will never ask me to do anything illegal, nor anything harmonious to me, my family or my friends,

And given my longing to submit myself to Tony’s will and desires,

I hereby accept the following rules:

My safe word is Rose. This is my protection mechanism. It will be used to safeguard me from physical harm. However, it can never be used to protect me from discomfiture, shame, or embarrassment. These I must endure as my Dom sees fit.

I will obey my Dom. My Dom respects me and values ​​me greatly. That is why these rules have been put in place for me. In turn I will show my respect to Tony, by obeying his wishes. This is my desire. Humiliation and shame are of no concern to me. I will be totally and completely submissive to his will.

I will be open and honest at all times. Nothing can be held back from Tony. I will voluntarily report violations of any of these rules to Tony, without his asking me. Further, I will answer all of Tony’s questions as truly and completely as possible. Initially I may have to work harder to overcome my uneasiness; however, I will not hesitate in answering. The answer to any question will flow naturally as soon as he asks. It will come as easily as though he can read my mind.

I will control my sexual being. I may fulfill my wifely obligations if my husband requires it; however I will not initiate sex wiI will not conduct self-gratification, unless I ask Tony first, or unless Tony asks me masturbate. If my human frailty fails me in this, I will report back to Tony in detail within 12 hours. Finally, any other sexual activity will be at Tony’s discretion, there are no Exceptions to this.

I will expand my sexuality. I am deficient in the ways to please a man. My Dom will correct this shortcoming, by being my teacher. I fully submit to him for this purpose.

I will complete all assignments. From time to time, my Dom may give me a task to complete. I will never fail to complete his assignments.

I will display respect for my Dom. I will always be respectful of my Dom, especially when we are out together in public. I am not ashamed of my submissiveness, I am proud of it. He will teach me the proper way to address him and the appropriatee way to carry myself and I will obey.

I accept punishment for failure to abide by Tony’s rules. My Dom has made these rules for my benefit. If I fail Tony on any of these rules, I will be punished as he sees fit. I will acknowledge my failure, even before my Dom discovers it and I will ask for the appropriate punishment for my failure.

I was excited. This was what I was hoping for. If I got a second chance, I knew I would follow through. I sent him the sign agreement, and then I waited.

We chatted a few more times online. Finally we again agreed to meet. This time it would be a Sunday morning. I was to jog my normal route. He would be parked at the Library, only a half mile from my home. He described his car. I was simply to open the passenger door and sit inside.

Clearly the stakes were higher. This would not be a public place. The library would be closed, and I would be entering a stranger’s car. In retrospect it was foolish. Thinking back on it now, IRealize I had been very lucky- he could have been some nut case.

It was summer and pretty warm despite the early hour. I was tense as I left the house, but determined I could do this. It was exciting.

Approaching the library, I could see the car parked in the distance. I could barely make out a shadow in the front seat. I had a sinking feeling, but still the determination to see it through. As I came closer I could make out the figure in the front seat. It looked like Tony, but he didn’t look up. He appeared to be reading a paper.

I reached the car, and without looking, or thinking, I opened the passenger door, and got in. I just sat there, looking straight out the windshield.

“Good morning Master.”

He put down the paper and I could sense him slowly turning his face to look at me.

“Good morning Linda.” “Are you ready?” he asked.

“Yes Master”

He handed me a bottle of water and motioned for me to drink it. It was cold and wet and I just then realized how thirsty I was.

“Drink it all,” He said.

I compiled. He handed me a fresh bottle and started the engine and suddenly I hand a pang of regret.

“Let’s follow your running route”

“Yes Master” I pointed the way and we slowly pulled out of the Library parking lot. He chatted quietly in order to put me at ease. It worked a little, but not much. Just a mile down the road, he pulled off to a dirt path in the woods. Pulling just far far enough away from the road to hide the car, he stopped. I think I was trembling.

“Are you frightened Linda?” Tony asked

“Yes Master. Just a little”

We chatted for a few minutes, and I began to relax.

“Finish your water”

I wasn’t really thirsty any longer, but it provided a break in the tension. I finished the second bottle/

“Pull your shorts off, and toss them in the back seat”

I didn’t hesitate. Slowly, but confidently I pulled my shorts down over my knees. One leg at a time I pulled them off and over my shoes. I tossed them in the back.

“Now, the same with your panties”

I took a deep breath. Never had I done anything this foolish. I was both scared and excited.

“Now Linda’” he said softly.

I trusted him. A little quicker this time I removed my panties and again tossed them in the back seat.

We chatted some more as I sat bare asssed on the seat of his car. My shirt just reached my belly button and I felt exposed. My legs were not bad, but my hips, my butt and my belly were all too big. I knew that. He didn’t look down there though, but rather looked me directly in the eyes.

“Linda, I want you to get out of the car, walk over to the front hood and place both hands on the hood.”

“Yes Master,” I responded automatically. I did not hesitate, maybe deep inside I wanted out of the car. I pulled the handle and opened the door, looked around a bit, and got out. The woods seemed deserted and I was thankful for that. I could feel the gentle breeze on my exposed bottom and that felt good too. Facing downward now, I walked to the front of the car. Briefly I looked up, through the windshield, to see him watching me. I let him have a look at my newly shaken pussy, then reached out, bent over and placed my hands on the hood of his car. From the brief glance, I couldn’t tell if he was pleased or disappointed.

I stood in this position for several minutes. My palms were sweaty and I had flexed my stomach to keep from sliding up the warm hood of the car. It reminded me to hold my stomach in. It seems silly now to be self consciousness about that: Except for my running shoes and socks I was standing naked from the wait down.

It took several minutes, but finally he got out and walked around behind me. He had what looked kind of like a ping pong paddle in his hand. I knew what was coming. I tried to glance around to make sure we were still alone, but instinctively knew I was not to move my head.

“Spread your feet apart”, He commanded. “Now you will be punished for you failure to meet me the other day”

“Thank-you master,” I replied without thinking, not sure if that was the appropriate. I waited for that first strike, remembering the proper response he had earlier instructed.

I didn’t have to wait long as the first singing blow soon struck my right ass cheek.

“One, Master, thank-you” I managed. It hurt a lot, but was exhilarating at the same time. A strange mix of pain and pleasure

Several more in succession and I responded in kind. My ass cheek was burning, but I was excited. I didn’t realize I was crying until the first teardrop hit the front hood. A few more and I realized I couldn’t take much more. My responses were whimpers and I thought I couldn’t take anymore. Finally it stopped.

My ass was throbbing and I wanted to sooth it with my hand. I didn’t dare take my hands off the hood. I was crying and teardrops were falling on the warm hood of the car. I felt thebreeze cares my bottom and it stung just a bit.

“Stand up and turn around”

I compiled.

“Put your hands up behind the back of your head.”

Again I compiled.

“Recite your rules”

One by one I recalled my rules as best as I could remember them. I was not looking at him, but he seemed to walk around me as I reeled them off one by one. I had a new pain Now as I realized I had to pee, but somehow I got through all the rules.

“Very good Linda, I think I am done with you for the day”

He started to walk towards the car, and for a moment I fear he was going to leave me out here, half naked, a couple miles from home.

“Master, I have to pee, I responded softly.”

“Turn around,” he said.

I turned around and once again, faced the front of the car. I wonder if he heard me, and thought maybe I could hold it until I got home. He walked over to the driver’s door and opened it.

“Squat down and pee.”

I was thankful for the privacy as he could not view me from his position. I squatted down and again felt the burning of my ass as it stretched. I released my water and slowly stood up. He throw me my shorts and told me to get dressed. I assumed he was keeping the panties- a trophy I suppose. I slowly pulled my shorts over my still throbbing bottom.

“Get in the car Linda,”

I did as I was commanded. He spoke no more but drop further on the route. After another mile or so, he stopped.

“You did very well Linda, you may leave,”

“Thank-you Master,” was all I could reply.

I got out of the car and watched as my Master drove away. I began jogging again, my raw ass rubbing on my shorts. It was a glorious feeling. I was a very bad girl, and I loved it.


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