Lydia stepped back. Stuart’s slave, Sasha, had just given her a rocking orgasm and she felt entirely unsteady in her spike-heeled boots as a result.
“Would you like a drink?” Stuart enquired, ever the concerned host, ensuring he catered to his guest’s every need.
“Thank you, yes,” Lydia whispered. “Thank you for the use of your slave,” she continued. “I’m quite impressed by the level to which you have trained her. Her tonguing technique is beyond compare.”
“It’s my pleasure to see you satisfied,” Stuart said, handing Lydia a glass of championne.
He stood next to his slave and stroked her hair lovingly then reached out to the cuffs still caught around her wrists at the back of her neck and unclasped the snap that connected them. Immediately Sasha wrapped her arms around his right leg and clung to him in a desperate display of submission, burying her head in his crotch. Stuart wiped the sweat from Sasha’s forehead then withdraw his hand, signing that her display of devotion had been noted. She released his leg, sat back on her haunches and rested her cuffed hands in her lap.
“That’s enough for you for now, my pet,” Stuart said to Sasha. He bent over and collected her off the floor then turned and carried her over to a chrome cage in the corner of the room. Stuart levered the door open with his elbow and placed the sagging girl inside on a luscious red velvet cushion. Stuart picked up the collar that lay on the floor and fastened it about her neck, then connected it to a silver chain attached to the bars on the side. Stuart bent into the cage, kissed his slave on the cheekbone, then withdraw and swung the door shut. “Rest, pet. You shall service me later.” Stuart clicked the padlock on the door into place then turned his back on the girl in her cage and walked away. He would have no further thought for her until much later.
“Well Stuart,” Lydia said. “You’ve been such a general host. And I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the night thus far. I wondered if you would accept the pleasure my slave as a token of my appreciation?”
Stuart’s head turned and his eyes landed on Lydia’s husband-slave, impaled on a leather-covered wooden phallus against the far wall. His body was completely extended, his arms anchored above his head in cuffs attached to chains. Stuart noted the slave’s cock was fully erect.
“Your slave seems to have become quite excited by the proceedings thus far,” Stuart quipped. Lydia glanced at her slave.
“I’ve trained him to always be ready,” Lydia replied. “But his cock is not needed right now,” she continued. “I’ve placed him on the phallus for a reason. I find the best way to drive him into submission is through a good hard fisting. But his arse is hardly open, Stuart. The phallus has done some good, I’m sure, but I wonder whether you can help more?”
Stuart nodded his head. He knew what Lydia had in mind.
“Come,” he said, mounting the platform against the wall where Lydia’s slave was strung up. He loosened the slack on the chains and lowered the bar to which both cuffs and chains were attached. Thomas looked more than a little relieved – he’d been in that position for far too long – surely his muscles were screaming with pain? Lydia approached and signed for Thomas to lift first his right foot, then his left, then pushed the block of wood under his feet. He was instantly elevated about ten inches – enough for Lydia to assist him in stepping off the phallus.
Stuart removed the spreader bar from between Thomas’s wrist cuffs, then reconnected them together with a double ended silver snap.
“Follow,” Lydia said, fasting the leaning to Thomas’s collar again, but allowing him to walk upright. She led him over to an ottoman by the sofa and indicated that he should knee before it. Thomas bent to his knees, the muscles in his thighs and buttocks screaming from their recent torture. He tried not to wince in pain, but he knew Lydia caught the grimace that fluttered across his face. He saw her press her lips together in disapproval and knew he would pay for the mistake if not now, then at some later stage.
Lydia snatched at Thomas’s cuffed wrists and wrenched them forward over the ottoman to the floor. She placed the arch of her boot over the connector so that Thomas could not lift his hands without causing her to lose her balance.
“Stuart,” Lydia said placing her hands on her corseted hips. “My slave is ready for your use.”
Stuart smiled. He grabbed the tube of lube from the coffee table where he’d deposited it earlier and unscrewed the lid. He squeezed an ample amount onto the tips of his fingers, then massaged it around Thomas’s already gaping arsehole. Stuart unzipped his leather pants and dropped them far enough to allow his turgid penis to escape its prison. It had have blazing in his pants all night, and he was pleased that Lydia had turned her slave over to him like this. Not only did he fancy a good hard fuck, he knew his cock, which was not an average size by any stretch of the imagination, would invade her husband’s arse stretching to new proportions, making it that much easier for her to fist him whenever she pleased.
Stuart dropped to his knees behind Thomas and plunged his cock deep within his arse. Thomas grunted once and jerked his hands under Lydia’s boot, but luckyly it was not enough to tip her off balance. Stuart slowly withdraw the full length of his cock until only the head remained clasped within the tight ring of Thomas’s anus, then he thrust forward again, slamming his hips up against Thomas’s buttocks. Stuart grasped Thomas by the hips and began pounding away in earnest. He gripped Thomas’s butt-cheeks with his thumbs, dragging them further apart, looking down as he did to watch his cock as he slammed it up Thomas’s arse, marvelling at the extent to which Thomas was accommodating him.
Stuart closed his eyes and tilted his head back, surrendering to the delicious tingling sensing around his cock. He thrust his hips back and forth, driving his cock deeper and deeper, enjoying the squelching sounds of the soft climate within, filled with lube. He worked with a steady rhythm, stroking for his personal pleasure only, not caring if Thomas was comfortable or not – after all, he was Lydia’s slave, and Lydia had given him over to serve another, and his only purpose at that point was to be subservient above all else.
The steel stud at the top of Stuart’s leather pants rattled as he worked his hips back and forth, the loose waistband slapping against Thomas’s buttock with each thrust. Stuart felt a sweat break out in the centre of his back, and he knew that he could push himself to orgasm now if he so chose. He opened his eyes and glanced up at Lydia. She was staring at him intently, her red lips parted, her eyes hooded, her breath heavy. He raised his eyesbrows as if to enquire whether he might fill her slave’s arse with his cum. Lydia nodded once and Stuart broke eye contact, glancing down again at his cock, now slipping easily in and out of Thomas’s arse.
Stuart quicklyed his pace, slamming his cock deeper, not caring whether he ripped Thomas’s arsehole or not. He was confident this would not happen – there was enough lube to ensure no such tear could take place. Again and again he jammed his hips against Thomas’s buttons, forcing the entire length of his cock into the cavity, then extracting it again, relishing the warm sensing that was over taking his body. Stuart’s balls tightened and lifted. He raised one knee to steady himself as he banged against Thomas’s arse once, twice, three more times, then finally thrust his hips forward and frozen as he pushed himself over the edge and filled Lydia’s slave with his red hot cum.
“Argghhh!” Stuart cried out, overcome by the effort, thrilled at the simple pleasure his guest had awarded him. He paused as his orgasm subsided and the twitching in his cock began to slowThen finally stop. He withdraw his spent cock, watching as it slipped from Thomas’s juice-filled hole.
“Ah,” Stuart said to Lydia. “A fine slave you have here. I don’t think you’ll have any more trouble fisting him into submission.”
Stuart rose from where he’d been kneeing, gasping for breath as he did. He left his cock dangling out of his pants while he turned and walked over to the dresser where a pile of white towels lay folded on the top. He took one from the pile and wiped his cock clean, tossing the towel into a basket by the dresser when he was done. Stuart picked up another towel, walked over to Lydia and offered it to her. She removed her boot from over Thomas’s cuffs, and took the towel from Stuart. She walked around behind Thomas and bent down to inspect Stuart’s handiwork.
“Nice,” she said gazing at Thomas’s reddened arsehole. “You’ve made things so much easy for me.” She dabbed at the lube and cum oozing out of his overextended anus and stopped it frommaking its way down the back of his thighs. If there was one thing Lydia couldn’t stand, it was a messy slave. She wiped up the drops with the towel, then lobbed it into the basket over in the corner.
“Stuart,” Lydia said. “We’ve had some special times breaking in slaves and training them together.”
“Indeed we have,” Stuart replied, wondering where this was leading.
“I admire your skill immensely,” Lydia continued. “And when you feel quite recovered, I wonder if you would do me the honour of playing my Dom tonight?”
“Lydia,” Stuart said, utterly surprised. “I’m honoured. Of course I would be delighted.”
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