Submissive Squared Ch. 07

Apologies to those who find typos or improper use of words. I do try to correct everything and it is not my intention to make this hard to understand. For those if you who are enjoying this adventure that Donna is experiencing there is more to happen. For those of you who see only a cheating spouse in Donna, why are you here?


Master helped me from my bed and led me into my bathroom. Turning on the shower and setting the temperature He said to me.

“Kitten! Strip me!”

I told the prospect of taking His clothes off. When He’s said He would shower and dress me, I did not expect He would actually shower with me. My pussy throbbed in excitement and even my asshole twitched in acknowledgement of the situation. I unbuttoned His shirt and slipped it off, marveling at His chiseled body. I admit I stopped and stared and probably drooled a bit, before managing to remove His slacks. I’d seen His lower body before but now seeing Him completely naked and only inches from me was thrilling. I stood back not knowing what to do next when Master took me in His arms and placed His lips on mine and kissed me. This wasn’t a hello how are you kiss this was a full on smack full of lust and need kiss and I responded by wrapping my arms around Him and giving back my own show of lust. I can’t recall feeling this feeling of complete and utter lust when I kissed Brian, I mean his kisses were nice and yes we usually ended up having sex, but Master’s kiss was like sex itself, not just a promise of what was to come.

Still kissing He led me into the shower and when He began to wash my body, I lost His lips but now His strong hands were all over me. So many sensings, all new and all so god damn fucking good! My pussy was throbbing and threatening to explore long before His washcloth covered hand left my aroused and excited tits. His gentleness in washing me was only making it worse for me and I was panting, chest heaving and pussy clenching out of control.

“Master! Kitten is way out of control Sir. I so want to make love to Your cock later Sir, please forgive me Sir!”

His hands never stopped but He did smile and say.

“Kitten there are some days where its OK to just be a man and a woman, just allow yourself to enjoy this. I promise that you will taste Me tonight. I want to enjoy your body as I wash you and seeing you cum will only make Master happy.”

I let myself go to a degree, but still fight an easy surrender remembering the intensity of my orgasm when I’d learned to masturbate. So while I knew I could cum, that I had His permission, I still wanted that orgasm to please Him. I would not settle for a flutter, a slight moan and tremble, I wanted to dance with that orgasm, exploit and ride it for Him. I made it till He washed my feet and as soon as His hands washed my right foot I lost it and grew in delight, my chest heaved as I exhausted and my ass twitched and my pussy spat cum. I was so overtaken that I sat back against the shower wall to steady myself. All the while I never let my eyes lose sight of Master. He was beautiful, His legs tapered nicely into His tight butt, His flaccid cock was swinging as He moved, His chest was expanding and contracting in steady rhythm and His smile as He watched my body convulse was mesmerizing.

I sat, useless and washed both physically and mentally while Master quickly managed to do what I had hoped to do, cover His magnificent body with my soapy hands washing Him. Finished He pulled me up and kissed me again and I swoooned (yes I swoooned). Leading me out of the shower He took the towels and dried us both, then took the hair dryer and dried my hair and brushed it out. Once I He was finished He led me to my bed and told me to wait while He got dressed.

He returned in slacks, a sport shirt and blazer walking on loafers. He took my hand and walked me to my closet and selected one of my prettier dresses. Matching heels and soon we were offto dinner, His hand in mine, and my mind in a cloud somewhere above us. The past hour since we began the shower was pure bliss for me. My nipples were hard as rocks and aching to be touched, having to be satisfied pushing my dress out and announcing themselves to the public. Just as we entered the restaurant I felt a trickle between my ass cheeks. I gasped and Master said.

“Kitten is everything OK?”

Hell Everything was better then OK, I just had a shower with Master whose strong hands caresed every inch of my body, I explored in a massive orgasm with His permission and now just as we enter the restaurant cum oozing from my ass. Smiling I said.

“Master, there is a little less of you in my ass then there was, Sir.”

He smiled and then we were led to our table. I did not look at the menu as Master had so far Always ordered for me and tonight was no different. Once again our conversation was open so I asked Him.

“Master! Did you find my ass satisfaction Sir?”

“Kitten you did well today. I maybe should have waited a bit longer but your asshole was so nicely pumped when I removed the plug, it was like an invitation. I was pleased to see you seemed to handle it.”

“Master, Kitten loved every damn minute and can’t wait for Master to feel comfortable in her ass Sir. Kitten just wants to know that Master was satisfied with her asshole Sir.”

“You were delightful Kitten, though in the future, as you became more accustomed to having me there perhaps you might stay awake at the end.”

He grinned and I blushed. I’d not had such an overwhelming or exhausting orgasm in my life. I was and was not prepared to have my anal canal fucked and I certainly expected more pain then pleasure. I did not expect that my pussy would be so involved.

“Master I am sure that with enough practice Kitten will handle her release better. Kitten wanted to kiss your cock Sir she was so pleased with what it did to her, but I guess I passed out. Kitten promises to express her gratitude to your cock after dinner Sir.”

“Kitten I thought that we might take a walk this evening by the river. I promise you that you may thank my cock, but it might be a little later then after dinner.”

“Thank you Master. Kitten is happy do be with Master and to obey Him at all times Sir. I know that I sort of tried to explain to you my desire to be a submissive and even more so how much I want to be Your submissive Sir. Kitten would like to know how you came to know your desire to be a Dominant, and why You chose Kitten?”

I could see He was thinking about His answer, at least I hoped He was. He did say that our meals were to get to know each other better and while my desire to be a submissive was unfortunately part of my job interview I had hoped to learn how Master, became a Master. I also worried that perhaps I was asking a forbidden question.

“Master Kitten…”

“Kitten no it’s OK. I am trying to formulate my answer, the second question of why you is easy. You are beautiful and talented. You are a woman who I can communicate with, a woman whose beauty matches her intelligence. You are a woman that meets the male desires in me very well.”

I watched His eyes as He seemed to be formulating His response to the first part of the question. While He was absorbed in that I was melting further into my need and desire for Him, His open admission for Both my body and mind and His acknowledgment of my desirability to others was stunningly shocking to me. Brian had done a number on my self worth and each time Master countered that wall Brian had erected in my mind, I fell deeper and deeper in love with Him. Then I heard Master start talking again

“As to the whole Master/submissive question, I guess like you I did not expect to actually experience my late desire to be Dominant. I think when you interviewed with me and mentioned your relationship with Brian it sparked something in me that I had long thought of but was afraid to act on. I had not dated a whole lot, as I told you my business was and is important to me.”

So I was responsible for unleashing His desire to Dominate.

“I did not want to use a genre specific web site to search for a submissive and revealing my desires to a casual date would be risky. When you so easily speak of your submissive relationship and I recalled who your husband was I guess I knew that he would never have the fiber to be what you seemed to want.”

I recalled how indignant I’d been when He’d referred to Brian as a ‘demi-dominant’ how determined I was to prove Him wrong.

“As I got to know you my own fires began to burn and while it was not my intention to cause a rift in your marriage, you began to tell me how your marriage seemed to be falling apart. In some ways it was convenient for me, to have you so close and to know you had some submissive tendencies.”

He thought I had some submissive tendencies? I recall those days trying to immortal Brian, trying to teach him what I’d learned and how I actually pushed Brian to do things to me that I had wanted. Is that submissive or was I more dominant and demanding, using my supposed submissiveness to control?

“Then I sensed you were offering yourself to me but I was still not sure. That’s why I left the note and necklace for you. I did not want to ask you face to face I Did not want you to feel your job would be on the line. I felt that after reading the note you would either put on the necklace or not and then we would both know.”

“Master, Kitten was offering herself to you! She was so afraid you would not want her. Kitten was still trying to accept her own failure at pleasure her husband. She was desperate Sir. I hardly slept that night and the joy that came over me that morning when I read your note and saw the necklace (I was fingering the charm as I spoke) I admit I hesitated a minute. I knew I was still married, but I also knew I was no longer someone my husband held an attention for. At the time I felt very unworthy of any male. I made a decision that morning and I knew the instant the clap clicked around my neck that I would never take that necklace off and that I would work as hard as I could to be allowed to wear it. Sir, Kitten is dedicated to you. I started wanting to please and serve you Sir but now I need to serve you.”

Master reached out across our table and took my hand in His.

“Kitten you have exceeded my expectations in everything so far but there is a long road ahead to make you totally submissive to me. Yes your control and your admitted self desires need strengthening. Your determination and willingness and yes your desire to be completely submissive tells me that you may be capable.”

So far, I thought. May be capable? I’d read a lot and wondered what He’d mean by that. I realized at that moment that His idea of ​​my submissiveness and mine might be different. There were so many examples in my reading, some very dark and scary! Could I handle whatever He submitted me to? Is my commitment to Him one I might regret? I know that I have come to crave my ass being spanked but what else?

“Kitten does enjoy having her ass spanked Sir, but Kitten does not like to see Your seed washed down the drain Sir. I feel like crying when You came on my body and made me shower. Even now as Your cum oozes from my ass I feel it is being wasted Sir.”

“I assure you Kitten that I will reserve that punishment for times when you really need a wake up call. However, as good as your ass is, you will be missing some of that ejaculate.”

“Master as long as you plant that cum somewhere on or in me Kitten will be happy. Kitten enjoyed feeling as that hot white cream splattered her tits and belly and if she had been allowed to use her fingers to collect it Sir, Kitten would have been pleased.”

All too soon dinner was over and from the looks the waiter and Hostess gave me I gathered thata good deal of our conversation had been overheard. I had my Master’s hand in mine and I did not care. I floated beside Him as we took a nice evening stroll along the river. I admit I was eager to return to the apartment so I could properly thank His cock for pleasure my ass and I did need some more protein. Yes His comment about ‘so far’ had me tension and concern. Was I to be submissive to anything He wanted? Would He wants to share me with another Master or Mistress? Could I handle that?

“Master Kitten is a little concerned about something Master said Sir.”

Master had let go of my hand and was skipping small stones across the flat surface of the water and He looked at me and said.

“How have I confused you Kitten?”

How do I say I am afraid of what He might want with me after I had pledged to do everything. My nerves were all jumbled and I felt there was no way I could ask Him but I had to.

“Master! All Kitten knows of the Master/Submissive life is whatshe has read Sir. You said at dinner the words ‘so far’ and Kitten is ashamed to say that she is wondering what you mean. Kitten has read of some situations that she was not aroused by and well…”

“Kitten, as I said in the beginning there are no safe words and I expect that as my submissive that you have trust that I will not take you any place you would not enjoy and love. We are still working on basics such as orgasm control. I don’t know yet what I will want of you because I need to see what you can handle and what you want.”

“Sir, I mean Master? What I want? I assumed as Your submissive I had no wants!”

“In some ways, at least on the surface you don’t. In reality knowing that you can end this arrangement at any time, it is in my interest to push you and find your limits. By trusting in me you allow me to show you places you might not think you want to go to, but like anal sex which you’d never considered, some of those places you will find stimulating. I will need to recognize when you find that stimulation and when you don’t.”

His words calmed me and I nodded and said.

“Thank you Master.”

I allowed Master to set the pace as we began to walk again and wondered what my limits were, at least what I was certain I felt were limits. I thought about how I enjoyed Brenda eating me to orgasm at the spa and while I was not looking to make love to a woman, I had to admit that having her eat me and having Master there to see it, I still orgasmed.

I decided to let those thoughts go and instead I recalled how He had kissed me then washed my body. As I saw our building coming closer I felt my body stirring in anticipation of what the evening held. I no longer felt any fear for the future, though I suspected that on those occasions when I Found a limit I could not cross I would trust Master to understand. I can only do what I can, I can be dedicated to Him and serve Him and there are some things I would do for Him that I might not dootherwise. I had to trust not only Master but to trust myself.

I need to ask Master for my dildos so that I might continue to train my pussy. Master was pleased with my mouth cunt and my ass cunt, now I needed to give Him reason to want my pussy cunt. If He could make me orgasm like that by fucking my ass I could not imagine how hard I might cum when He fed my pussy with that cock!

We entered out apartment and I let Master remove my dress then kicked my heels off and knelt before him. The night had brought up a lot of issues that I had not anticipated. However those would be dealt with later, tonight I wanted nothing more then His magnificent cock filling my mouth and later my belly with His cum. I was surprised when He command me to follow and we went to the room.

I crawled into the room and waited for the lights and then waited for instructions. As Master seemed to be deciding my fate I asked Him.

“Master, may Kitten have some of the dildos Sir. She wants to work her pussy so she may some day please You and Your cock Sir.”

He did not answer me but instead walked over to the set of chains hanging from the ceiling. I crawled with trepidation behind Him, fear of the unknown. He stood me up and took each of my hands and secured them into leather cuffs on my wrists. The cuffs were attached to the ceiling chains. Then He placed similar cuffs on my ankles. He had me spread my legs wide and He pulled the chains tight secure my legs, then pulled the chains on my wrists so that I was all but suspended only the slightest touch of my feet remained secured to the floor.

I began to breathe heavily just knowing I was completely immobile and available. I was far enough from the wall that Master could circle me. The longer He took the closer I came to hyperventilating and only finding my mantra and repeating ‘the journey the journey’ and seeing my Kitten charm and my nipple ring allowed me to stay rooted mentally. Master soon returned carryingthe small flexible rod that looked like a miniature fly swatter.

“Kitten time to see what you’re made of. I thought we’d start small.”

He branded His tool before my eyes swatting it back and forth. I could hear the soft swoosh sound it made in the air. I fought to control my breathing though my chest was heaving so that even my little B cup tits were flopping as much as B cups can. I found myself pulling at my arms and legs testing the strength of the bindings. My eyes which had been focusing on the object in His hand, now sought out His eyes and I fixed my gaze on Him.

“Such a small little whip Kitten. Does it scare you?”

Was I to answer Him honestly? I needed to trust Him and to allow Him to see my limits but I needed to let myself go as well so we could find those limits. I said.

“Master Kitten has no fear with her Master.”

Well not completely true but. I needed to see. I could tell this little thing would not seem so little when He used it. Icame when He spanked my ass and I felt sure that this little thing would be a bit more intense, that its small bite when used would sting more in a smaller area then His hand but still I wanted to experience it.

Without further discussion Master brought that small fly swatter onto my right nipple and the pain was immediate and sharp and I yelped and flung my head to the side. The next bite came to my left, Recently pierced nipple and the pain was more intense and I tried to stifle the scream that came pouring from my throat. As the pain streaked through me I realized I needed to assure Master and said

“Thank you Master.”

Then my thighs were peppered with a couple of strokes on the inner soft skin of my legs. I screamed again then Thanked Him. He worked His way to my backside and my ass took a few swats on each chef and while my scream was still there it wasn’t as loud and the pain while intensity was also arousing, just as the spanking had been and I began to fear losing my opportunity to have His cock in my mouth. I no longer feared the sing of the small whip but I feared not controlling the orgasm that was building and the last time I lost control I lost His cum too.

The backs of my thighs were now being swatted and the pain intensified my need to cum. Master was now back in front of me and whispered in my ear.

“Kitten only a few more but the last will be the most difficult and if you need to cum you have my permission.”

“Thank you Master”

I grunted as I fought that orgasm just as I fought the one in the shower. I truly believed I would hold it back, that I would be stronger then I was when He had spanked me. Oh how wrong the next two strikes made me. They were not powerful or hard but they landed square on my clip and my orgasm ripped out of me as I screamed into the room. The pain was so fucking intensity and so fucking arousing that I lost control of everything and hung by my arms as my legs gave out. I could feel copious amounts of my pussy juice flowing as my clip throbbed from the sting of the small whip. Tears were flowing from my eyes, drool was cascading from my open mouth and I felt my body being lowered. Master was guiding my limp and satisfied body to the mat underneath me, undoing my leg and wrist cuffs and letting my body curl into itself as my orgasm subsided. I did remain conscious and when I saw Master’s erect and ready cock I fight to my knees and took His beautiful cock into my hands and said.


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