Author’s note: The Molly series of stories are true. They happened in another lifetime, and the names have been changed to protect the guilty! But, everything you read in the Molly series actually happened!
Molly had gone out on a date with Phil. They had gone dancing at this little country bar in San Diego county. They were having fun but Phil kept going and asking Other girls to dance, leaving Molly sitting alone. Charlie had seen her dancing so he knew she could dance. He felt that there was little risk of rejection, so he walked over and asked her to dance. She said yes.
Charlie and Molly danced quite a few times that evening, but then it was time for her to go home, as she had to work the next day. She told her date, Phil, that he needed to take her home. They walked out of the bar, but were back in just a few minutes. Charlie walked up to them and asked if there was a problem. Phil answered that his car wouldn’t start. Charlie saw his chance and spokee up firmly. “Molly, I will drive you home and then come back and see if Phil has gotten his car started. If not, I’ll see if I can fix it for him.” Molly looked surprised, and looked questioningly at Phil who said, “You need to get home so go ahead. I’ll see if I can get my car started.”
Charlie and Molly walked out to the parking lot and Charlie opened the passenger door for her. He went around and got in. His car started just fine. It was a strange English car. There weren’t many of them around, but Molly called it by name, surprising Charlie. Turns out a friend of hers had one some years before.
Molly gave Charlie directions to her house. They sat in the car, in front of her house, for a few minutes, getting a little more acquainted. They talked, and kissed, and cuddled, and touched. Charlie had asked her for her phone number, and he never forgot important numbers. Just as she was getting ready to get out he asked her to go to dinner and dancing with him the next Wednesdaysday. She happily agreed. Then he surprised her again. “Molly”, he said, “I like my woman dressed in a very short skirt and a sheer blossom. And, I don’t like bras!” I’ll pick you up at 6:30 on Wednesday evening. Be properly dressed!” He got out, walked around the car and opened her door. He walked her to her front door and kissed her deeply.
He again told her in a firm voice, “Be properly dressed!” He then turned around and went back to his car and got in. As he drove away, Molly was still standing at her front door, wondering what she was getting herself into.
Molly had trouble sleeping that night. She couldn’t get Charlie out of her mind. He seemed so nice and he was a gentleman, opening doors and such. But what about him seeming so sure of himself, and telling her how he wanted her to dress? Molly wasn’t sure that she could do that. For starters, she didn’t own any really short skirts, nor any sheer blossoms. And wanting her to go out with no Bra? She had never done that!
The very next evening, her phone rang. It was Charlie. He told her that he had really enjoyed dancing with her, and that he was looking forward to their date in 4 days. She was surprised that he had remembered her number, and that he had called her. She had trouble making coherent answers. Just before he hung up, Charlie said, “Remember, short skirt, sheer blouse, and NO bra! See you on Wednesday.” He hung up before she could think of an answer.
Molly stewed about what to do that night. The next day she called her best girlfriend, Martha, and told her everything that had happened. Martha laughed and said, “What’s the problem?” Molly told her she was worried about what might happen. Martha said, “You sew. Buy some thin material and make a simple top. Take an old skirt and cut it off. When you think it is short enough, cut off 3 more inches and hem it. We know what this Charlie wants.” Molly said, “Okay, but I’m still not sure.”
Molly bought some material, it was prettythin, but not really sheer. It was as thin as she thought she could possibly wear. Especially with no bra! When she finished the top, she dug out an old skirt, put it on and thought to herself, “I couldn’t dare wear it any shorter than this”, as she stuck a pin thru it to mark where she was going to cut it off. She took it off, and marked it all the way around, where she had pinned it.
She cut it off. Just then her phone rang. It was Martha. Molly told Martha that she had finished the top and was working on the skirt. Martha instantly reminded her, “Now cut off 3 more inches, then hem it!” Molly thought that would be way too short but Martha insisted.
When they finished talking, Molly picked up the skirt, hesitated, and cut a 3 inch strip off the bottom. She pressed the new hem in and sewed it up.
When she tried it on, she thought it was too short, but it was done now. She measured it, 17 inches. She would just have to wear it.
On Tuesday evening her phone rangagain. She figured it was Martha, going to ask her if she had followed her instructions about cutting off another 3 inches of the skirt. Seemed like everyone wanted to tell her what to do. But it was Charlie. After saying hello, he said, “Just checking to be sure you are ready for tomorrow night.”
I’m looking forward to… seeing you.” Molly shivered. How much did he expect to see? Waiting one More day was misery. But she couldn’t cancel now. And besides, she didn’t have his number.
Wednesday evening finally came. Molly fixed her hair and brushed her teeth. She never wore any make-up. She put on the blouse that she had made. She put her plain cotton panties on. She put the skirt on and looked at herself in the full length mirror. You could almost tell that she wasn’t wearing a bra and the skirt was showing quite a bit if leg. It came to just above her knee. She slipped on a pair of sandals. She got her purse and sat down by the door to wait. “Maybe he won’t show up”, she thought. Then she heard his car pull up in front of her place. She stood up and went to the door. Charlie was parked at the curb. He got out and came up the walk to the door. Charlie could see her thru the screen door. “Looks like you are ready. Shall we go?” Molly almost had to force herself to open the door and go out, closing it behind her. She still wondered, “What am I getting myself into?”
Charlie took her to a really nice restaurant, down by the beach. They parked, and he again came around to open her door. When they got to the front door, he opened it and allowed her to enter first. Charlie was a gentleman. They were seated at a window table, looking out over the water. The sun was just going down. What a romantic setting. Dinner was great, along with iced tea to drink. The air conditioning made the tea glasses sweat with condensation. Molly picked her glass up to take a drink, and a big drop of water dripped off the bottom of her glass. Yes, it landed right on her nipple.It was cold and her nipple instantly poked out. She hoped that it had gone un-noticed. She looked up and Charlie was grinning. “Nice shot”, he said.
Molly blushed.
They finished their meal, and Charlie paid the bill. They walked out side, and Charlie said, “Let’s take a walk along the beach?” Molly answered, “That sounds good. I need to walk a bit after the meal we Just had.” They walked down the beach in the moonlight. Charlie asked, “Know what is up the beach about 10 miles?”
Molly had no clue, so she just shrugged her shoulders. Charlie continued, “Black’s Beach. It’s clothing optional. I’ll take you there one of these weeks-ends.”
It surprised Molly. He hadn’t asked her if she wanted to go. He just said he would Take her there. Like she had no say in the matter. He stopped when they were almost back to the parking lot. “Molly”, he said, “I’m happy to see that you tried to comply with my instructions.
The skirt is nice, but should be shorter, and even though the top is thin, it should be more sheer. Thank you for leaving the bra at home. In the future, when we are together, you will NEVER wear a bra!”
He walked her over to the car and opened her door. She got in, but couldn’t stop thinking about where this might all lead.
Charlie drove her home. They talked, or should I say, Charlie talked and Molly listened. When they got to Molly’s Charlie told her, “I’m going to take you out on Friday night. I will bring you a skirt and a blouse to wear. Be ready by 6:30.” He got out, went around and opened her door. Molly got out and he walked her to her door. She started to say something, but Charlie stopped her. “I will be buying you lots of new clothes. You will wear them! I like my woman to be very sexy! See you on Friday.” Then kissed her good-night.
Friday night came, and Molly was waiting for Charlie to arrive. She had on just a pair of jeans and an old shirt. She was worried about what Charlie might be bringing for her to wear. 6:30 on the dot, and Charlie drove up. He walked up to the door carrying a bag. She let him in and kissed him hello. Charlie said, “This is what you are wearing tonight. Go got changed and put on your sandals.” Molly took the bag and went into her bedroom to change. She came back out in a white skirt that was only a little shorter than the one she had shortened for their first date. It was probably 15 or 16 inches long.
The blouse was light blue with some white embroidery on it.
It was a little thinner than the one she had made. It was thin enough you could almost make out her areolas! She wasn’t sure she could wear it out in public. When she came out of the bedroom Charlie said, “That’s a start. You will learn to wear shorter skirts and very sheer blouses.”
“Do you have panties on?” He asked. She answered, “Of course I do.” Charlie asked her in a stern voice, “Did I give you panties in that bag? She meekly answered, “No.”
“Take them off!” I want to be able to play with you anytime I want.”
Molly was shocked, but couldn’t seem to say no. She went back in her bedroom, took her panties off, and came back out.
“That’s better”, said Charlie, “Let’s go have fun.” They went out for a wonderful dinner and some sight seeing of the lights along the coast. All the time that they were out driving around, Charlie kept reaching over, teasing her under her short skirt or playing with her nipples.
When they got back to Molly’s, she invited him in.
Did he have her horny enough that she wanted to go to the bedroom? Absolutely! They went into her bedroom and made password love. Molly came a couple of times before Charlie did. She was amazed at his self control and staying power.
Charlie got up and dressed. “I can see you are tired. I’ll just let myself out. Sweet dreams, or should I say naughty dreams.”
He walked out of the bedroom, across the living room, and out the door, locking it behind him.
The next morning Molly called her friend Martha. She explained to Martha about how Charlie just seemed to be in charge. Like she had no say about things.
Martha asked, “Do you like him?” Molly said, “Yes.”
“Are you enjoying being taken out to nice places?”
“Are the clothes he is buying you nice?” Yes, But they are so skimpy!”
“The word is sexy, not skimpy!” Martha reprimanded her.
“Are you having fun?” asked Martha.
“More fun than I’ve had in a long time.” answered Molly.
“Has he hurt you or been mean?” Martha asked.
“No, he’s very nice to me, but it’s so naughty, the way he wants me to dress.” complained Molly, “But I am enjoying myself when we go out.”
Martha said in a friendly manner, “Try it for a while and see what happens.”
Over the next few weeks they spent a lot of time together. They were both enjoying being together. One Saturday Charlie called and said, “We’re going to the beach today. Pack a picnic lunch and a couple of towels. You won’t be needing your bathing suit!” Molly was terrified! He was going to make her go to Black’s Beach, just like he had said he would. She packed a lunch and grabbed a couple of the largest towels she could find.
Charlie came to pick her up. He had an ice chest full of cold drinks. They drove down to Black’s Beach. Charlie parked the car, got out, went around to let her out. He could tell that she was scared. He said, “You are with me, you will do fine. I’ll take care of you.”
They grabbed the picnic basket, the ice chest and the towels, and headed down the cliff trail to the beach.
Molly was amazed, everyone on the beach WAS naked! Some were sunning, some were playing in the surf, and a group was playing
frisbee. As she looked around she saw Another group doing body painting!
They spread out their towels and Charlie just stripped, like it was no big deal. He looked at Molly. “Well”, he asked? She had to muster all of her courage, but she undressed, and started to lay down on her towel. “Oh No”, said Charlie, “lets go get wet!” He took her by the hand and led her down to the water. They played in the water for a while, and she realized, “This is fun, and no one seems to care!” She thought, “I feel so free, with no clothes on.”
“I can’t tell if the other people are rich or poor, professional or blue collar, married or just friends. This is great!” She was hooked!
On enjoying life, on nudity, and on Charlie!
Charlie could see a pattern developing here. He bought the clothes he wanted her to wear, and she always wore them. He always decided where they were going… and she always went. He decided to up the ante.
It was Thursday. He called Molly at work, “Hi Sexy, how about a week-end away? Where no one knows us.” Molly thought it sounded like fun, but what was this about “where no one knows us?” What did that mean? Martha had told her to just go with things and see what happened, so she answered,”Okay, where are we going?”
Charlie answered, “Just tell your boss you need Friday off. When you get home from work tonight, there will be a note for you, stuck in the door. Read it and follow the instructions!” He didn’t wait for a response. He just hung up.
Molly was nervous all afternoon. She hurried home from work. Sure enough, there was an envelope stuck in her screen door. She grabbed it, and hurriedly unlocked her door. When she got inside, she sat down on the couch and opened the envelope. It was hand written in Charlie’s writing. She was almost afraid to read it. But she knew she had to.
It read:
To my Submissive Molly,
You have been learning to be submissive. You have been learning to obey. You have been learning to be naughty. This will be a week-end away, where no one knows us. For the entire week-end, I will be very nasty with you, and make you be a very naughty little girl for me. There will be NO rules, NO restrictions, NO limits!
Your day wear will be very short skirts, skimpy revealing tops and sandals. Your evening wear will be extremely short skirts, thigh-high stockings, high heels, and sexy blooms that are extremely sheer!
Yes, your blooms will be sheer to the point of being absolutely see-thru! You will be very exposed for my pleasure! As a reward, I will give you the wildest sex of your life every night. It is warm weather so you won’t be wearing a coat.
Tonight, you are to pack your personal items, three pairs of high heels, some thigh high stockings, and some jewelry. Do not pack any panties. You won’t be wearing any for the entire week-end. I will be bringing all of your naughty attire for the week-end. Take a nice bath… and SHAVE your pussy bare! I want it totally exposed for me to play with!
If this is too wild for you to do, call me. If I do not hear from you,
I will pick you up at 7:00 AM in the morning. Be prepared for a wild week-end. Love, Charlie
Molly was floord! What had she got herself into? She couldn’t do this. No way, Charlie! But after she calmed down a bit she kept thinking. Everything she had done with Charlie had been fun. He had always been very good to her and taken care of her. It would be out of town, she didn’t know where, but somewhere that no one would know them. He wouldn’t expect her to wear blouses that were actually see-thru? Would he? She was scared, but also very excited and turned on. Her panties were soaked! What was she thinking? Her mind was racing at all the possibilities. She reached for the phone and picked it up. But she couldn’t make herself dial Charlie’s number.
She dialed Martha instead. Molly read the note to her. There was a long pause. Finally Martha spoke, “Molly my dear, you are the lucky women I know. I wish some man wanted me the way Charlie wants you. If you don’t do this you will forever regret it. Go for it girl!”
Molly couldn’t believe her best friends response. She said, “A lotof help you are! I thought you might be on my side and tell me not to do this. But, no, you tell me to go for it! I’ll call you on Monday and tell you how my week-end turned out. Bye.” and hung up.
Charlie was true to his word. He was at her door at 7:00 sharp. She had unlocked the door so he just walked in. She was standing in the middle of the room… naked! Her pussy was smooth and bare! “Hello lover”, she said. “What am I wearing today?” He walked to her and kissed her passwordately. He held out a small bag. A very small bag.
She reached into it and pulled out a denim skirt. It couldn’t have been more than 13 inches long. It had simply been cut off and fringed along the bottom. She slipped it on. Damn it was short! If she bent over at all her ass would be exposed! She reached into the bag again. She came out with a little lace halter top.
She held it up and realized, Charlie had cut the lining out of it! He had said he was going to be nasty. She knew now that he meant it. She put the halter strap around her neck and tied the bottom ties behind her back. She looked down and could see one nipple, peeking out thru the lace! She slipped on her sandals and Charlie picked up her one suitcase. It wasn’t very heavy.
Charlie put Molly’s suitcase in the trunk of his Jag. They got in and headed for L.A. This was going to be some week-end.
It Only took a couple of hours to get there. Charlie pulled up in front of a fancy hotel. He got out and opened the trunk. The valet parking attendant opened Molly’s door. She thought, “If Charlie wants me to be naughty and exposed, that’s what he’s going to get!” She swung her legs out of the Jag, and it being so low to the ground her knees were higher than her ass. She spread her legs slightly as she got out, giving the parking attendant a quick look at her bare pussy. He was only about 20 and blushed bright red. He had a big bulge in his pants.
Molly walked to the rear of the car as the bellman was putting the last suitcase on his cart. Charlie told him, “Room 313.” Charlie took Molly by the hand and walked her thru the huge front doors into the lobby.
She had never been anywhere this fancy. Charlie stopped at the desk, gave his name, and the attendant handed him a key. Charlie signed the reservation form. They walked to the elevator. It was glass!
“Oh my God!” thought Molly. “If Anyone looks up at the elevator they will see right up my short skirt and see that I’m not wearing panties!”
They got in the elevator and Charlie pushed the 3 button. Molly couldn’t make herself look down to see if anyone was looking. But she imagined everyone in the lobby was staring at her. She felt her juices start running down one tight. “Damn you Charlie!” she thought. “You Certainly know how to turn me on!”
The room was magnificent. Large with really fine furniture. Situated against one wall was a king sized, four poster bed. There were sliding glass doors beside the bed thatled out on to a balcony. A door on the side led to a huge bath, with a jetted tub. Molly thought to herself, “It’s a good thing that Charlie is a very successful stock trader. Otherwise how could he afford to buy me all these clothes and stay at
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