Jackie had opened the email at work without really thinking. She was shocked as she read the first line of the message.
“If you would like to experience being completely submissive read on.”
It hit her hard. How did anyone know that she had recently realized that she was desperate to find someone who would dominate her? She quickly scanned the office to see if anyone was watching. She was nervous as she Felt all the blood in her body had gone to her face. No one appeared interested. With nervousness and excitement she read on.
“If we have you wrong please accept our since apologies and read no further.
It has come to our attention that you are a submissive. We are a secret society who offer complete discretion while introducing submissives to people who enjoy dominating. If you have read on and do not want further contact please block further emails and delete it. If you wish to hear more take no action and we will contact you again in seven days time.”
Jackie found herself shaking. She wasn’t sure exactly why. Was it annoyance, anger or excitement? It was probably a mixture of a number of things. She could not deny the excitement, as the state of her knickers was undeniable. She was frustrated that there was nothing she could do positively; there was nothing she wanted to do negatively. She knew it was an unbelievably exciting possibility, she knew that she had not had a boyfriend or an orgasm for six months, she knew she could not put a stop to this.
Jackie had never experienced a week like it. She she spent her day at work horny and she spent her evenings worrying and anticipating about what might happen. She had never been comfortable masturbating but twice in the week she had tried to do so, without success.
The seventh day at work was unbearable for Jackie. She looked at her emails every two minutes. The months of frustration seemed to be all focused on receiving an email from an unknown sender. Even at lunchtime she stayed at her desk not even wanting to visit the toilet. By middle of the afternoon she was afraid she would burst if she didn’t have a pee. When she got there she wasn’t sure whether she had peed or she was even more excited than she had realized. She considered not putting her wet knickers back on but decided that a bare pussy would be worse.
It was there when she got back from the toilet. Was someone watching her? She did not take time to consider it as she fumbled to open the email.
“So pleased you would like to experience domination. You need to read the following instructions carefully as this email will delete itself along with the previous one in five minutes time. At seven o’clock this evening you will be kneeing with your back to your front door. You will be naked, blindfolded with you head down and bottom high in the air. If your front door is locked you will not hear from us again. Good luck, enjoy your submissiveness.”
The rest of theday at work was even worse than the day so far. She almost ran from the train to her front door. She knew she had a blindfold somewhere and found it in her bedside cabinet.
She had 45 minutes to prepare herself. She showed, held her pussy, washed and dried her hair and made herself up as if she was going out. 6.52 and the clock was not moving. She stripped off and put the front door on the latch. As she put the blindfold on her vulnerability hit her. Why was she doing this? Her heart started to thumb and her mouth went dry. It was then that she realized that her pussy was far from dry. It was the fear, the vulnerability that was making her feel alive, aroused and excited. She took up the basic position as comfortable as possible.
While kneeing there she played out every scenario she could think of. Being caned, being spanked, being whipped, and being fucked by a monster cock, being humiliated, and being stood up. It was only the last one that she really hated the ideaof. After what seemed like hours, but in fact was about quarter of one, the door was opened. Jackie quickly put her head to the ground, lifted her bottom and spread her legs as wide as possible.
She listened intently to try and glean any information about who had come in. It was clearly more than one person. Someone moved to be in front of her. It was a great surprise when a woman’s voice from behind her said
“I do so like to see a submissive so obviously excited by showing themselves off. I hope all this wetness and your erect clip is due to us being here. It would greatly disappoint me if it because you have been playing with yourself. Have you played with yourself tonight Jackie?”
Jackie could hardly believe it but with a feeling of great pride she replied.
“No I have not been playing with myself. I am both scared and excited by you being here.”
“Good. Now you will address me as Mistress A and only talk when I tell you to. I am here to do a type of integerrview to see whether you could be considered to join our little society. My friends are here purely to assist me in this duty. I will require you to complete certain tasks. You will need to very quickly learn how to be obedient and submissive. Do you understand?”
“Yes Mistress A.”
“Being submissive is the easiest to explain but very hard to put into practice. Put simply the submissive must want to do everything and anything that pleases the person who is dominating them. The submissive’s needs and pleasures are only relevant in so far as to please their partner. I will test this in you this evening.”
It was with the lightest touch that a finger was teased from Jackie’s bellybutton, across her clip, through her pussy and passed her anus. This was done over a dozen times, during which time she surprised quietly while trying to push herself against the teasing digit.
“You really are an easily excited young lady. As well as testing your ability to be submissive I willtry and help you understand it. It must be obvious to you already that your orgasms are now under my control. They will be granted only when I wish and you will deliver them on my command. This evening I will test your wish to be submissive both mentally and physically. You will fail if you challenge anything that my friends and I choose for you.”
“I will not fail Mistress A.”
“So that you do not get the wrong idea about what is going to happen tonight we are going to start with my friend caning you. You will receive a dozen with a medium cane. These will hurt but will give me some feel for your pain threshold. You will make no noise while the first six are delivered but may make as much as you wish during the second six. They will start when you request it to.”
“Please ask your friend to cane my bottom Mistress A.”
The first strike literally took her breath away but she just managed to stop herself letting the breath out in a sight. She now know that her bottomwould be in great pain by the end of the caning. She was scared but the excitement was cursing through her whole body. Did she want the pain, could she survive the pain? All she knew was she was desperate to try her best.
It seemed an age before the cane landed the second time. Jackie was much more prepared and managed to make no noise in response. As she waited for the third she could feel the singing bruise of each of the first two. The third felt as if it was not quite as hard but stung deeply none the less. The fourth strike shocked Jackie as she had stopped concentrated. She could not prevent a small shrink escaping before she managed to stifle it. Jackie was worried that she had disobeyed.
Mistress A told Jackie to lift her head and straighten her arms. The fifth and six were delivered hard and with less time between them. The position of her body had softened her bottom, which made the cane sink into the flesh far more.
Her bottom exploded with the next landing of the cane. She managed to suppress the scream before she remembered she had permission to make a noise now. The next two began to test her resolve as they inevitably landed on top of previous stripes. She wanted to plead for the caning to stop but know that the excitement would end immediately.
“How are you feeling Jackie? Oh yes your bottom is looking delightful. What is this I thought your pussy would have dried up but it is still leaking like a tap? I think we will move you to a new position for the last three. Roll over onto your back and put your legs straight up in the air.”
Jackie did as she was told to feel her ankles gripped before her legs were pulled apart and back towards her head. She realized that it was the Mistress that had held of her ankles when she heard.
“With you in this position I can see everything and the target area will be super taut and should make the contact extremely painful. I would love to play with your pussy as the last threeare applied but unfortunately I cannot reach. It does seem to be a shame to leave your weeping pussy with no comforting. I only have a butt plug available but my friend will no doubt find that it will slip easily into a wet pussy. I have found they are quite good at locating the g spot in a wet pussy.”
What seemed like a very big butt plug was eased into her pussy and lodged deep up against her g spot. Just as she got comfortable with its size she was gently fucked with it. She thought this was it and she would orgasm but was stopped well short of it. Her head was like cream cheese; she did not know what she wanted. More punishment, more butt plug fucking, an orgasm she just had no idea.
The last three were delivered on her taut bottom but frighteningly close to her pussy and the butt plug. The pain was intense but Jackie knew now that she could see them through. Each strike caused her to tense up and the butt plug to rub hard on her g spot.
“You have taken the cane rEasonably well. I have no idea whether you have begun to understand what submissiveness is about. I am going to ask you a question now. Please think carefully about your answer. It could save you a lot of pain and also open doors to pleasures you can only dream about. The question is do you want me to lick you to orgasm, do you want your bottom filled by my subs small prick or do You want my other friend’s big penis in your pussy.”
Thinking carefully now. Jackie know which she wanted but thought carefully about the answer.
“I want to do whatever pleases you Mistress A.”
“You have such a future as a submissive. I have never had anyone understand the role of submissive so quickly. For just this time I want you to cum like you have never done before. Take your blindfold off and knee so that I can lay under you and find your clip with my mouth. I think we will keep the butt plug where it is while you are fucked by Jason’s small but very willing prick. This may be one ofthe few times I ever tell you, you may cum whenever you want. The price in your bottom will keep fucking you until I say it can stop. It will not orgasm as he has not got permission and has not had permission for over four months.”
Jackie felt an elation that stunned her. She was free. Free to enjoy herself and cum when she wanted. Her bottom was throbbing, her pussy was throbbing and her clip was throbbing. When the lubricated prick pushed persistently at her anus it took little for it to be buried fully into her bottom. Her clip was being sucked from behind its hood. Already throbbing it was soon swollen and erect enjoying every lick and suck.
She wanted it to last forever, but knew she was far too excited to last more than a couple of minutes. It was only 30 seconds before her body started a decent into an uncontrollable orgasm. She was being attacked from every angle. Her g spot by the wide butt plug, her clip by the tongue and her anus by a slim but good length penis.The result was her brain was the organ to loose the battle.
She sobbed as she lost all control. She pushed down against the experienced tongue and up to maximize the penetration. Months of frustration caught up with at once.
“Oh fuck me, fuck me that is so, so good.”
As her body convulsed the mistress gripped Jackie’s hips with one hand fucked her with the butt plug with the other and tongued her clip. The grip seemed to keep the deep convulsions raking her body for over a minute. Throughout this she sobbed and wailed. The orgasm was unlike anything she had experienced.
“Thank you Mistress A that was the most special experience in my life.”
“You did well for your first session but please do not think that all sessions will end that way. I have one sub who has been with us for over a year and has not been allowed an orgasm yet. If you choose to stay with us we will teach you to control when you orgasm and just as important when you don’t. Let me illustrateWhat I mean. You have one minute to cum deep in her bottom.”
Jackie expected to be fucked aggressively but was surprised to feel no change in tempo. She did feel a slight change as the price in her bottom grow and immediately started spraying time and time again. His orgasm was over in half of the minute he had been given.
“I will contact you in a month. You will have no sex with anyone else During that time. Twice a day once at lunchtime and once in the evening you will masturbate. You will masturbate until you are close to orgasm. You will not orgasm. Do you understand Jackie?”
“Yes Mistress A.”
She looked forward to her future as a submissive. Her further adventures will be recorded in chapter 2.
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