Subclasses Ch. 12

Chapter Twelve

We’re a tangle of six arms, six legs, three tongues, and twelve lips. The thin width of the twin-XL mattress provided by the dormitory is a problem, and we keep whacking our heads and other body parts against the wall.

We are in my bedroom,” Beatrix Speaks, and around us is Bea’s queen size, four-poster bed in her pink Bear Creek room.

More cuddles, more kisses, more moans, more tongue-in-cunt exposures. I feel Gabi’s hands pull my hips toward her face, and have a sudden realization. “OOC,” I say. Beatrix immediately stops, but it takes Gabi a second to notice something is up. Right, she doesn’t know our safewords.

“I’m realizing I’m asking this question a little late, but, well, have either of you had recent STI tests?” I wince as I raised the decidedly unsexy topic in the throes of our lusts.

Beatrix says, “Well, you’re the only person I’ve slept with before, Sarah.”

“And I had an STI test a year-and-a-half ago, which came back negative, and haven’t slept with anyone except you, Bea, since then.”

We both turn to Gabi whom we know has had considered more sex than either of us. “As a matter of fact, I have,” she says. “My last partner told me two weeks ago that he had contracted HPV but didn’t know when. I got tested two days later, and it came back negative, thank God.” We take a collective sight of relief.

The three of us cannot contract STIs from each other.” Beatrix says, abruptly.

“Just each other?” I ask, curiously.

“Yes, for now at least. Each time we sleep with each other, if this effect comes into play, it will drain a bit of my battery. I don’t know how much it will drain with each hypothetical STI-carrying… thrust. I don’t want to find out what happens if my battery is empty and an active effect tries to pull from it, at least outside of laboratory conditions. If one of you is sleeping with someone else who has anSTI while my battery is low, that’s a considerable risk. Plus, I’d rather not know when either of the two of you are having sex without me. As long as this effect is only the three of us, I’ll be able to monitor my battery.

“For the time being, I would like each of us to promise to use protection when outside the three of us.”

Babs and I nod our understanding and agreement. “For what it’s worth,” Gabi says, “I’ve always used protection with the guys I’ve slept with, and I’m normally a bit of a pillow princess, so I haven’t given much head.” I wince at what I consider to be more information than I wanted. But, well, it is relevant info, I think.

“So,” I ask slowly, “does this means we’re in an open relationship?”

The question hangs for a long second before Bea answers. “That’s a conversation for later, I think. I just didn’t want to assume anything yet.”

Another pair of nods and another long, silent second.

“What’s OOC?” Gabi asks.

“It’s one of our safewords,” Bea explains. “It stands for ‘out of character’, and we use it when there’s something quick to discuss that hopefully won’t break the mood too much.”

I grimace, “Sorry,” I say ruefully, “I’m not sure there’s a way to bring up STIs without breaking the mood, but I had hoped we’d find a way.”

“Don’t apologize,” Gabi says. “It was a good catch. Thanks for bringing it up.”

“Yes, thank you, Sarah,” Beatrix says.

Beatrix winces then opens one eye to peek as I stand up. “You are most welcome, Mistress,” I say with a formal bow, an immediate, deep blush, and an unexpected dribble down my thigh result in an even fiercer blush.

“What – was – that?” Gabi says, with an astonished grin. An odd mixture of emotions well up in me: the natural embarrassment of performing this trigger with Gabi in the room as well as bashfulness and pleasure at pleasure my mistress by bowing to her—two emotions that seem simulatedaneously overpoweringly natural andSurely unnatural to me.

Making a snap decision, Beatrix’s expression changes from apologetic to villainous. “You call that a bow, Pet?” Mistress reprimands me.

“I–” I start to say, but am interrupted as I prostrate myself, forehead to the ground. “I am so sorry, Mistress! Please forgive me for not showing you due respect!”

“I forgive you, Pet, but I must also Discipline you so that you know to bow deeper in the future.”

“Yes, Mistress,” I say. WhYes, atMistress, I think, iYes, Mistress. Yes, Mistress.

“Keep bowing, but stick your ass in the air,” Mistress commands.

“Yes, Mistress,” I say, my body doing so automatically. I find I have no choice but to obey her. I can’t even look up at her from my prone position.

“Gabi, would you like to spank my naughty pet, or shall I?” Gulp.

“Ooh!” Gabi says, excitedly. “Such a question. How about you show me how it’s done on her left cheek, and I’ll try it out on her right?”

“What a charming idea,” Mistress says, slightly exaggerating her accent.

GreYes, Mistress, I think. The girls stand up to either side of me and face my bare ass. Slap! I feel the sting on my left ass cheek. It quickly fades to heat.

“Like this?” Gabi giggles. Slap! on my right, not quite as hard or as loud as Mistress’s, but somehow more painful.

“Close, but try to get more of the fat rather than the pelvis bone, and you’ll get a more satisfying sound. Watch.” Slap! My left again, in the same spot.

“Ooh!” she squeals. Slap!

I know that much more of this will leave a mark, and my thoughts turn to consider what I think of that: Yes, Mistress. Yes, Mistress. Yes, Mistress.

Good talk, Sarah Prime says.

“Good, Gabs! Just a couple more times each should be enough, I think. What do you think, Pet?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Good girl.”

My ass is on fireby the time they finally stop. “I think that’s enough, Pet.” With those words, I can move again. I slowly sit up and sit on my heels, then yelp. Both girls give me self-satisfied grinins at the sound.

“I’m not sure I can take having two mistresses,” I say, focused.

“Oh, don’t worry, Pet,” Beatrix says, one part warm, two parts cold. “I don’t It’s just that you bowed so poorly to me, that I felt Gabs needed to understand the level of obedience I expect of you.”

“Yes, Mistress,” I mumble sarcastically.

“What was that?” Bea asks sharply.

“Yes, Mistress,” I say emphymally.

“Good girl!” She beams at me.

Gabi’s face looks utterly unreadable to me as she silently watches our exchange. Finally, she says, “That was… wow. I don’t know quite what to make of that, Babes,” she says addressing me. “I suspected you were subby but that is some next level obedience.”

Bea snorts. “Oh, she did not have a choice in the matter. When I say ‘Thank Y O U’ to her”—she spells out the word to prevent triggering the command—”no matter what she is doing, she will stand up, bow to me, and say, ‘You are most welcome, Mistress.’ She is compelled by my ability. It’s rather fun, honestly.”

“Aww, that is fun. What about after that? Why did she just take the spanking?”

“I had no choice there, either,” I say. “If Mistress,” I say indignantly, with a violent jerk of my head towards Bea, “deems my compulsory bow insufficient—a bow, I should add, I have no control over—then, apparently—and this is news to me—I must prostrate myself before her and apologize profusely, then gratefully accept whatever punishment she believes I deserve.”

“Wow,” Gabi says, awed.

“Not only that, but the only words I can speak are, ‘Yes, Mistress.’ They’re also,” I say with an eye roll, “the only words I can think. All other thoughts get interrupted and replaced with those threesylables.” I shift my gaze to glare at Beatrix. “It’s a disconcerting sensing, in point of fact.”

“Aww, is poor Pet upset that I control her thoughts?” Beatrix asks mockingly.

“No, Mistress,” I admit sheepishly. Both girls grin at me.

“Isn’t it better if I think for you, Pet?” she asks innocently and encouragingly.

“Yes, Mistress,” I say obediently, more automatic than I would have liked. “Did you play with my emotions on that one, too?”

Beatrix blushes as Gabi excitedly turn to face her. “Umm. Yes. You can’t remember this because I escaped your memory,”—a soft gasp from Gabi—”but this was actually your fantasy: the ‘You are most welcome, Mistress,’ part and that saying it would make you feel embarrassed and shy. I added that you needed to bow to me as well as the potential follow-up. The look of shock, horror, and lust you gave me as I created this trigger.. I don’t think I’ll ever forget it.” She smiles fondly at the memory, almost blissfully.

Gabi looks impressed at our collective creative depravity. “That’s… wow,” she says again. “BDSM isn’t really my thing, but even I have to admit that’s pretty hot, or at least it tugs at something in my chest. Or in my head? It’s kind of an odd feeling; I don’t know what to make of it.”

“Uh oh,” I say.

Bea nods to me solemnly. “Aye. Looks like we may have infected her.” She spreads her arms out before her dramatically. “Here lies Normie Gabi,” she intones. “They say that only the good die young, and Normie Gabi was as chaste and virusesome as a vanilla girl can be.” Gabi snorts indelicately. “Our only solace is the fact that she is survived by Kinky Gabi. May she live in spicy sex forever.”

“Amen,” I say, matching her solemnity.

Gabi punches me in the arm as if this was all my fault. “She’s the one that made me bow!” I protest, pointing.

“Good point,” she says, and then punches me again.

“What was that for?” I whine, rubbing my arm.

“Well, I’m hardly going to punch your mistress, now am I, ‘Pet’?”

I look back and forth between the two girls. “This does not bode well for me.”

“Oh,” Beatrix says mischievously, “I think it bodes quite well for you.” She turns to Gabi. “Gabi, do I have your consent to play with your head a little? I think I can un-interrupt our earlier fun by rearrangement our memories a bit.”

“I don’t know exactly what you mean, but sure, give it a shot.”

Bea thinks for a second then Speaks, “In our memories, our previous conversation, starting from when Sarah said ‘OOC’ up until now, occurred before we started making out.

I feel Gabi’s tongue tugging open my slit, her hands pulling me in by the hips. She moans into me as Beatrix runs her fingertips down Gabi’s spine. My lips find Beatrix’s ear and I give it a soft nibble. She lets out an “mmmm”. My bite is interrupted by Gabi twisting my nipple while teasing my clip with her tongue.

Sync our sensings,” Beatrix Speaks breathily, a phrase I assume must be a function she set up earlier.

I am three bodies. I feel the touches of the other two on my own. There’s a rush of pleasure as Bea and I sync up with Gabi’s level of arousal—somehow I intuit that it was Gabi who had been the closest to climax. From then on, we emit sounds at the same times. Gabi moans, I say, “Oh God,” and Beatrix shouts, “Fuck!”—different noises pour from our lips, but they occur at the exact same pleasure thresholds.

I feel one of us sucking on our big toe, another licks our clients—the otherworldly tang of… Me?… heavy on our tongues—another fondles our nipples, and paradoxically, another sucks on one of those same nipples. All at once, the three of us arch Our backs, curl our toes, forget our names, and let loose phenomenon, primary screams of ecstasy. Wave after wave washes over us as we feel each other’s climaxes reverberate through our bodies.

Spent, we fall back onto Bea’s bed, our heads the points of a triangle, with our tangled legs at its center. The synchronization has ended. I reach out my hands to either girl and we complete the triangle’s edges with laced fingers. I giggle at the absurd euphoria at it all, and I hear my giggle echoed by one of the other two. Then all three of us are giggling, and a good, giddy minute passes between us.

I disentangle my legs and flip over to place my body between them. They each, in turn, draw close to me. We fall to sleep that way, above the covers, only our bodies to keep each other warm. Beatrix spooning me spooning Gabi. It’s the best nap I’ve ever had.


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